PATS, MEATS, b ••• 'owr red .ta .... Al Illnarla El Fair ,ooc! 11l,0.rb 0.1. 31; Fl Ibro.,b Kl ,... ,~_ ••,h N.v. 10; LI tllro.,b Ql ,... Ibrearll "... II; al Ib,oa,b VI,••• Ibr.",b laD. I.. IIVOU, b ••k fa., IOWA: CODUnUed fair .tamp S8 , ••• '.r flY. lOon'. liar ..." 0 ... SL laOl8, and mild today. b .... Ibr•• _1_,laao .Iam ... J, 2, • OD' • , ••• 1••• 11· DAILY IOWAN nltol,. THE Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~ :'IVE CENTS THI AS80CIATED paIRS IOWA CITY, IOWA nroRSDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1945 TIll AIBOClATU nzsl VOLUME xxn NUMBER 15 a • Ie• ounel• et p or ap ontro IHouse Group Urges Mrs. Whitehand Gets fear Uprising Husband's Decorations U. S.lntends Mrs. Robert E. Whltehand of Coal Strike Settlement De Iaye d u. s. Withhold Loans Iowa Cit y yesterday received the Legion of Merit and the Air . Of Japan~se To Russia and Britain Medal for her husband, Captain To Maintainl 50 PERSONS INJURED AS MOVIE WORKERS STRIKE Whitehand, who was killed in a Union, Industry Men flight over France last March 2.7. CommiHee Suggests The posthumous presentation Communists was made in Des Moines yester­ Dominant Role Unable to Agree Revision of Policies day by an army officer. Following Investigation Captain Whitehand earned his Tokyo Banzai Parade On Compromise Plan M.A. and M.F.A. degrees at the Status of MacArthur Brings About Warning WASHINGTON (AP)-A house University of Iowa. During the committee, after a tour of Europe, war he served both as a naviga­ As Supreme Head From Industrialists .,. Tal A.IOCIATaD paIlS tor and an historian for the recommended yesterday that the eighth ·airforce. To Remain Unchahged Soft coallndlllltry and labor rep- United States withhold loans to TOKYO (AP)-Foul' ,Japa. resentatlves decided in W8IIhington Mrs. Whitehand and her two Russia nad Britain until they re­ daughters, Terry and Linda, re­ WASHI GTON (AP)-Cre· nese indLlstrial islf{, provoked by last night to extend for another verse some of their policies. side at 1024 E. Burlington street. ation of an Allied commi. ion to a Da!11ui parade befOI'(J General day their talks seeking a compro­ Seven members of the Colmer advi .. e on Japanes control MacArthur's l1caclquartel's of mise plan for ending a six-state postwar economic policy commit­ policies was announced by Sec. tee, suggested in a statement that: retary of State Byrnes yester­ 600 Japane. e Communists cele. strike. Use of Alomic Power Their agreement to meet again RecoaunendaUons day but he emphasized the brating their new freedom of 1-The U. S. S. R. adopt an United tates intends to main· came after futile sessions through­ "open do 0 I'" attitude toward exprc sion, warned today" J ap· out the day and into the night, For Planes Proposed tain its dominant role. American technicians and the The tatus of Gen. DouglaR anele Communists are waiting alter which Secretary of Labor press. MacArthur as supreme Allied for t11e proper time to rise." 2..,.Britain unlock trade barriers Airplane Executive Sch wellen bach said the conferees commander in Japan is to reo The parade of ayowecl anti· were "about in the same position" "inimical" to American interests. 3-Germany be reconstructed, Tells of Possibilities main unchanged, Byrnes said, imperialists, organ ized by a as Tuesday night. without armaments of course, so Of Unlimited Range and any timo the victor nations Communist leader to celebrate The coal walkout, involving it can teed itsel! and in time, again fail to agree on policy nitcc! 188,000 minel'8 and nearly half of become a factor in United States WASHINGTON (AP) - Sena­ States policy will prevail. relehse of poli tical prisoners, was the country's soft coal production, trade. tors juggling the hottest scientific Russia has proposed setting up a staged yesterday whi le Amer·i. is the biggest of scores of labor 4-The United States expand potato in history-atomic energy control commission at Tokyo, ean financial .1euthR were pt'ob. MORE THAN 50 persons were Injured as massed pickets araln attempted to keep Pr04uetion hal.. at dilputes keeping 451,000 workers field forces handling disposal of Warner Brothers stUdio in Burbank, Cal. A furious battle In tront of tbe main lates of the h u , e of! the job. biUions in sur p Ius property -heard yesterday that the new Byrnes reported, and wh~le this is ing into Nippon's war' finance movie plant marked the bloody renewal of labor st rile there. Photo above ShOW5 non-strUlln, woden; • • • abroad. power will give the airplane of yet to be taken up with President Other developments of the secretR. determined' to enter the pla.nt, marchlnl' a.t rll'ht an lIes into mass picket line. Chairman Colmer (D., Miss.) the future a virtually unlimited Truman and the army and navy, The industrialists-representing day: told a news conference that the 1. Armed sherifl's deputies range. the secretory left no doubt that he coal, steel and small ship building members, visiting Marshal Stalin, Reas6n: it won't be burdened favors rejecting the proposal. broke up mass picketing in the "frankly talked business, and -said elficlency of Japan's heavy HOllywood motion picture studio Headquarters of the advisory asked how he propsed to repay the with the heavy fuel loads carried commission are to be in Washing­ Industry during the war was re­ Lewis Takes Stand House ~peeds ' strike and arrested ~everal hun­ six blllion dollar loan Russia is dred unresisting pickets without by present day aircraft. ton, with meetings in Tokyo when duced 50 percent through strict asking." The prediction came from J. necessary. Invitations for the first violence. British leaders, including Prime government control. 2. The New York longshore­ Carlton Ward Jr., president of session here Oct. 23 went out to Minister Attlee, also were asked nine other nations Tuesday. They told a press conference Suspension Case Moyelo(ul men's strike tied up more than Fairchild Engine and Airplane In what concessions they are willing Developments dis c us sed by they feared an "uprising" by J ap­ 350 shipS and the army said sol­ to make in easing trade barriers. corpora tion. Byrnes at a news conference anese Communists and at the same diers might be used as steve­ Fred H. Lewis took the stand D- a-It-o-n-, - -Le\-V-iS- j-S- C-h-a-rg-e-d-'-w- ith- 1946 Taxes dores to prepare the big liner Colmer asknowledged that in Another Problem were: time blamed government placing Queen Elizabeth for sailing. bot h instances the committee Just how scientific research in 1. He has appointed Maj. Gen. last night in his hearing before abusing her dog on numerous oc- didn't get an "enthusiastic" re­ Frank R. McCoy, retired army of­ 01 war plant personnel, including cassions. He is implicated in the WASHI N G TON (AP) _ The 3. Some 42,000 CIa textile general is to be aided and stlmu- ticer and president of the F'oreign prisoners of war, for the asserted the city civil service commission poPsoning of her dog on Sept. 12. workers resumed work at 284 sponse. reduction in productive efficiency. to explain his side' of the story of Couldn't Sleep house yesterday arranged an un- shops in three eastern states Critical Report lated in the atomic era was a Policy association, to be United 'Follow U. S.' the events leading up to his sus- Lewis told the commissioners usual 9 a. m. (CST) seBslon today after compromising On wage in­ A formal report on the findings problem tor another congresional States representative on the far Kentiro Matsumoto, president of pension from the Iowa City police last night that on the morning ot to speed passage or the first post- crease demands. will be ma(ie In about 10 day commlttee. eastern advisory commission. , the Japanese Coal association, as- force Sept. 21. • Sept. 8 be had come from work War tax-cutting bill. All drawn, the • • • Mllanwhile, Colmer s aid, the Budget Director H a r old D. 2. He has appointed Mark Eth- I serted-"Labor will have to foDow "I did at no time think of about 8 o'clock and had gone to measure would cut Individual and John L. Lewis, head of the membel's will seek an audience Smith, disagreeing with the views ridge, publisher of the Louisville III example set by American labor poisoning Mrs Dalton's dog al- bed. He could not sleep, he said, business taxes by $5,300,000,000 In United Mine wo~ker8 and soft coal wi lh President Truman "to pass of some scientists, urged that com- Courier-Journal and Times, to in­ 1946. on some helpful Information." In negotiate." He declined lo est!- though at one time I would have because the Dalton dog slarted The rules commlttee virtually operators confened for three hours plete authority ovel' a proposed vestigate political conditions in the mate how long It would take the shot it," Lewis declared. without results yesterday morning The preliminary report was notional science foundation be Russian-dominated Balkans as the Japanese to a d apt American Lewis told the commissioners barking about 8:30. The dog barked banned any changes in the bill on but agreed to renew talks with sharply critical of Russia, assert­ placed in the hand~ of a single next step in American considera­ methods. hearing his appeal from suspen- continuously until 8:55. the hOuse tloor by decreeing tbat Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach ing that the Soviets are "moving" administrator.
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