• • • •M THE OHIO 0 5ENTINEL THE OHIO § VOU 7, Ne, 44 SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 19S6 ENTINEL 5 '" *!t)c TT ] People"; j i Champion) EDITION >* WJ_^-*5B3S^ First Interracial Class At Paxey's ___*___. The Pack Rat Of Mr. Lynch r VOL. 7, No. 45 SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 198B ffig,? fif,tftTrV-fc- Iftws. *" °"**" COLUMBUS. OHIO Prepares For Annual Health Program Cl f O N ORDER THAT my reader, can fully appreciate the unique , r, •• •.•••••••—•••/•.-•_- •„:...-_ t.-> •_'> I characteristics and versatility of Mr, Lynch's pack rat, 1 will r* • 4*4. have to briefly explain the surroundings in which the rat decided <_ t;~ U to make his home. w «.„ H Mr. Lynch is one of the better known advertising executives in - _» the city, with offices on the first floor of a very prominent news­ « • paper. ( \ State Supreme Court _ . In such an office one is likely to find only those materials per­ tinent to the advertising field. There are, for instance, an array of desks, drawing boards, a multitude of pencils, all sizes of paper, and a paste brush and pot. Like most agents in the advertising field, along one side of Mr, Upholds Park Jim Crow Lynch's office wall there is kept a scries of shelves to house the r* many products of the accounts that he handles. • e * a —Story On Page 2 HE HAS, FOR EXAMPLE, SEVERAL bottles of soft drinks, *M a package of noodles, a large size box of corn flakes, not to men­ T tion the more popular brands of spirited beverages. ", Spotted among these articles are such commodities as an empty carton of cigarets, a jar of hair conditioner, and several different kinds of detergents. * > - If the incident 1 am about to relate involved any one of ihe edibles on his shelf, there would be nothing unusual about it, but the pack rat either could not reach the shelf or his taste in savory dishes had a propensity for the unusual. About a month ago when Mr. Lynch wa&. in the midst of pre­ paring some copy for an advertisement he noticed that his paste brush was missing from its usual place. He conducted a thorough search of his office and when he waa unable to find the brush he began asking around the other offices with the assumption that one of the employees had borrowed It without his permission. -.* . f* * , • * Al.THOt OH HE MADE A METHODICAL tour he failed to find it, and so be gave up reluctantly and purchased rusaeif a new One. Weeks passed without event and the disappearance' of tha brush waa forgotten. • PAXEY'S PLAY SCHOOL'S FIRST INTERRACIAL class will be instrumental in presenting In about a fortnight the new brush was also missing. This wea the annual health program Saturday. April 14. at Beatty Center. Columbus. From left, front row: too much! Mr. Lynch's indignities and accusations spread from Gregory Davenport. Paul Stewart-, Michelle Davis, Mary Ann Webb, Amy Johnson. Yvonne Matti- office to office and he left the impression that he felt that one nl aon, Roddey Young and John Huggard. Second row: Wayne Lauderdale. Mrs. Charlene Sudderth, tbe other members of the staff was guilty of absconding his be­ sponsor; David Lynch. Sharon Sanders. Darrell Walker. William Stewart and Wesley Johnson. longings, either as a joke or for some malicious reason. See story. , . _ Either way, he intended to find out. He bought another brush MRS. PEARL THOMPSON OF BROOKLYN is shown h* Paxey's Play school has ita and this time he devised himself a booby trap. He connected a tears as she reads telegram informing her of her son Leroy'a firstjvhite pupil and others have heavy cord to an iron bracket on his desk, ran the cord along the death. He was one of six Marines drowned in swamp near Per­ enrolled for September, accord- flange and tied the other end to the brush in such a complicated ns Island, S. C. during unauthorized night hike. Drill instructor, series of knots that it would take some"domg to unfasten it. S/Sgt. Matthew C. McKeon ot Worcester, Mass., who ordered to Mrs. Helen Paxton. director • • • of the Columbus institution. the hike as a "disciplinary action," was immediately placed in AT LAST HE FELT SAFE. There would be no more shennanl- custody, pending the outcome of official investigation.—News- "We're -very happy to. have gans involving his paste brush. Thereafter, each morning when —Story On Page 2 press Photo. this pupil, not because she's he entered his office he found his brush perched in the paste pot white but because we've been Thus he went about his task of pasting his ads with a song of satis­ teaching democracy in our faction on his lips. school since the beginning al­ most ten years ago and we're Saturday morning I paid Mr. Lychn a visit and much to my happy to see this come to pass,** surprise everyone was in a state of confusion. Mrs. Paxton said. Asking what the matter was, J leartied that not only his paste "It means children of all rac­ brush was missing, but the pot as well The string that held the brush had been gnawed into as if by some sharp instrument, but es will have an opportunity to in the hands of a novice—for the division was ragged. work, play, pray and live to­ gether, sharing their joys and The pot, which was a small cardboard affair coated with par­ sorrows. This will naturally affin, light in weight when empty, but rather heavy when filled mean a better world of to­ with paste, was gone with not a trace of spillage that would ordt* morrow." narily accompany its disappearance if something other than hu­ man hands were responsible. ••, Children pictured above are • • « members of a special class to A SEARCH OF THE ENTIRE BUILDING was suggested and be graduated in June. They all employees took part After some time all met again in Mr. will enroll in first grade in Sep­ Lynch's office but none had found the lost articles. C tember. Mrs. Charlene Sudder­ th. a college graduate and spec­ Still baffled by the mystery and almost ready to give up, one ial student at Ohio State uni­ of the employees said. "Why not search the basement*" versity, is claas sponsor. The A Little dubious of finding anything, we made our way dorasu class' next project is a trip to Aa there are not many hiding places in the basement, it didn't take long to assure ourselves that we had wasted time. INTERNAT'L FURNACES of Intemat'l line, gas and oil the Ohio State museum and lunch at the union. '• aad air conditioners wU! be furnaces and air conditioning * We were just about ready to ascend the stairs when we ssm a featared in display of Bruce units for private home aad Along with other members of lump of coal a littia apart from the pile and speckled with white. Johnson Roofing and Heating the school, they present the On investigating, it was discovered that the white spots .were Industrial use. Scheduled to be paste. We flashed a light around the floor and there, to the sur­ Co. at 1938 Greater Columbus ion hand to welcome visitors ninth annual health program at Beatty Center Saturday, April prise of everyone, were several more traces of white spots. home shew, Monday, April 18 to their display are Keith t-\9 p.m. Sponsored by Build­ 14. 8 p m. A play. "Health Can Following these cioeely, we came to a hole in the wall close to White, salesman, left aad ers Exchange, the show will Be Fun," will be presented. the floor where undoubtedly a rat has set up housekeeping. No Bruce Johnson, owner and trace ot the brush or paste pot has been found but it is reasonable offer more than 308 different There will be folk dancing and to assume that their disappearance ia caused by a rat who pos­ displays in Merchants and general manager. Johnson dis­ singing by the school and Talent sesses an insatiable appetite for paste. FAMILIES WHO WON LONGBATLE AGAINST SCHOOL BIAS Maaafactarers building, Okie play wilt be opea Meaday club, an organization of former e • e a t a t e fairgrounds. Johasea only. Borne shew opens Sun­ pupil's at Paxey's. A GROUP OF HILLSBORO FAMILIES who won their two year fight against Hillsboro's segregated school system by federal court decree last week are shows Roofing aad Heating special- day and will continue through ALL OLD PENDENIS HAS TO SAT about the entire incident after they consulted with Att'ys James McGee and Russell Carter ot Dayton. The two attorneys, standing sixth and seventh from left in back row, are members ef The public is invited and there La, any rat that possesses a proclivity tor flour and water must be / fee* ia sales and ln.taliat.en Friday. April 88. NAACP's legal staff, who carried case to U. S. district courts more than two years ago Photo was snapped at Veterans Memorial hell in Columbus Saturday alter la no admission. on a high calorie diet _>" But group attended NAACP fund raising banquet Stories elsewhere in this edition.—Pierce Photo. ' ••*_r-1 fT'»*'M« ••• • » >«*H . * SAT-ROAY. APRIL -1,1-^ SATURDAY. APRIL 2A, ISSf m*Q*m wmim. Btttl PAfifLii I_r_0H!PJS__U-_ Columbus Man Is Shot To Death In Dayton Hotel HILLSBORO CHILDREN ADMITTED free under $500 bond, police re- Bailey.
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