Four Page Colored i Price of This Paperis 3 cents everywhere-Pay no more Comic Section 14 Pages Today Edforials, Page 4 [B, No. 49 CARTERET PRESS CAHTKRKT, N. J., FRIDAY, AtHJIJST 20, 1926 PRICE THREE CENTS FIREMEN COMPLETING PLANS f ruck Sideswipes Elko Team Lose, In Game With Maurer Four Arrested Trunk Sewer Appropriation FOR BIG TRIPLE CELEBRATIOS Rahway-Carteret Bus Losing a hard .1 to i battle to the Maurer A. A., at Kriirfy's, Sunday af- In Midnight Fight -Old Home Week" To Begin Monday Night And Continue Sam George Report* Accident ternoon, was a touith break for Jess i/,. Is Increased to $250,000 Cn l Week With Many Visiting Fire Organizations As Guests to Police. Blames Truck Sullivan who fanned the unlucky | * '*«» of Aatault and Battery "13" batten and allow..! hut six hits »nd of Carrying Concealed Council Puts Through Measure To Raise Original Amount By On Opening Night. Rides And Other Attraction.. Driver For Damages In Several errors were ,-,lstly to the Alii Weapona Lodged After $28,000 To Cover Amount Named In Bid* of Contractor*. Crash At East Rahway Local team of Jor filko. ' Labor Day Program To Continue All Day And Round-up In Chrome In dropping this contest to the i Expect Contract May Be Awarded At Next Week's End Up With Big Display of FireWorks. Sam George, proprietor of the Rah- Maurer nine, Carte ret lost to one t»< Four arrests were made last night Meeting. Hermann Construction Company Gets "Mill Carteret" Contest Attracts way-Carteret bus line, reported to the snappiest teams in the state. The the police Tuesday that on that day about midnight following a disturb- Contracts For Walks And Curbs On Wide Attention A. A. exhibited a superior brand of ance in Union street. Three of the three Streets at 9.45 A. M. one of his busaes was baseball, with a string of marvelous damaged to the extent of about $100 prisoners are Mexicnns and are charg- Hlji-h of the preliminary work in ing of the bazaar Monday night, have catches and excellent all around Final uction by a truck belonging to James Gallo, ed with assault and battery by Tony I uction in jacking up the amounting to %2'M\ during July (...nncr'.ion with the big triple anni- already been listed to take part in fielding, The hard hitting lineup of Bewer in* a pedler, of Greater Elizabeth sec- Viata, of 78 Union street. Viata appropriation $2r>.()00 above posed in police court, v.T-iiry celebration to be held here the parade. Other companies, it is Maurer was checked by. the youth tion of Linden. The accident hap- In turn is'charged with assault and the amount granted by the voter* at To the finance committee was re* th<. local firemen and Exempts expected^ will also take part in ad- whom they knew only as the kid )v pened, Mr, George said, at the cross- battery by one of the Mexicans and the referendum vote, vi»» taken Mon- ferred the appeal of Miss Jane Pack- dition to the local companies and brother of "Curly". dav ni»ht it th. i , ,^, n Hone and the affair promises ing of the/ fast line trolley in East is also charged with carrying con- of ard who appeared before the council other local organizations. Jess pitched one of the finest thP Wnn I TV t(, !„• <ne of the.most noteworthy ever Rahway. Both the bus and truck cealed weapons by Patrolman Don- the ardi- requeuing financial aid for th* up. games of his box mre«r. C to h CM C Iran.. „» u. U:.IJ. ., „. .. r (,,,],! in the borough. The "Old Home The line of marestf-has not a* were bound toward Rahway. oghue, The four were held in jail.! ,„", * the- nttititionnl keep of the Kiddie Keep Well camp. yet been announced but the parade The climax of the game was 1 L * 1 "" \\V'V hfwaar begins on Monday and The truck overtook the bus and The Mexicans described themselves * ',000 was passed on final reading. To the same committee was referred will start from Brady's FieliJ and af- reached in the seventh when, with originas l appropriation authorized a request from the local firemen for ,„ :i:i.it'3 for a week. The contest cut in too short in front of it. The asBB:: Manuel Harrea, 22, of 27 WarWar-- PPpmt.on authorized a request from the local fir ter going over the main streets of the no out and thf score ?. to 0 in favor the voteri W(U1 f,,, :w most popular flrl, "Miss Car- truck broke the corner support post, ren dmt; Joseph M. Upas, 23, of Jf. , ' , W2B.0Q0. The financial aid and a band In connic- borough will return to the same field off ththe visitorsiit , FeliFlix MacM k siHgledh' d a of ,,,,,,:, i well under way and is at- broke glass and otherwise damaged 40 Hudson street, and Andrika Jarro,! ' * '««•«"» the "mount I2fi..| tion with their triple celebration to S where it will break up. Robert Jef- and went to second on Elko's hit to 000 was introduced several months • -,.,^ wide attention as the race the forward left corner of the bus. 21, of 28 Warren street, be held on Labor Day. v ferys will be the grand marshal). short. The second baseman muffed ago; then action was delayed, Ijiter No one was injured although the Viata ia 51 years old and has been Councilman Von»h- reported that l^.vfi'n the leaders becomes more the pill in an attempted force out bids for the job were received in re- Seven big bands have been engaged driver of the bus, John Samona, had a resident of the borough for many he will seek bids on the construction .,..,1 ,,-nre intense. The program for with Elko safe at first. sponse to advertisements and the low- to furnish music. a close call as the truck crashed into years In his version of the affair of a garage to house the police Urn-, th, main celebration which will take eat bid was about $237,000. .The or. The parade will take up most of to bus at the point where he was It was at this time that the fans last night he said that he, with an- ousine. The costly new Paige at !.;,„.,. ,,n Labor Day is nearly com- the forenoon. In the afternoon there sitting. rooted for a.rajjy. Joe Leshick hit other man was standing in front of dinance to increase the amount by present is kept on the street. will be several field events including a long sacrifice fly to right and ad-a clubhouse in Union street when $25,000 was then introduced. Mr. George asked that the local po- , Attention'was called to a condition T>,<. "Old Home Week" event will games of entertainment and exhibi- vanced Mack to third. "Butter" the Mexicans came along and start. At Monday night's meeting a note lice aid him in securing damages from at the approach to the ferry wher* I,, h.!d in Lieblg'i Pie)d, opposite tions of gym work. In this part of Karacewski, was expected to ed the trouble by ordering Viata and form during the owner of the truck. in anticipation of taxes. I-,,. House No. 2, and arrangements the progTam a wide variety of en- through but was thrown out after a the other man to move on. The Mex- \ rains. The ferry company will b* .,.., !,,nv being made for electrical- tertainment will be provided. flooky play. "Butter" attempted to icans, Viata said, proclaimed that Bids for constructing curbs and asked to remedy the condition •»» fret out of the tracks of a ball com- ., ~.. , P-..»»™ '-""''| sidewalks in three streets were re- | ,ni -it and the laying out of booths. The evening program will begin u grading. A defective and dangerous T „ affair will be open each night at 6 o'clock with a band concert. At ing at him, but as he did the ball they were drunk and look.ng for;ceiv<,d {rom the „ A H<,rmann condition at Roosevelt and Pershing Big Crowd Attends struck the end of the bat and bound- r, ,• week. Monday night, the open- 7 o'clock there will be speaking and aboutroublet .thei Hr ebusiness advised , theViatm tao gsaido on, j ConstrlJcti;)n Company and from W. avenues in the Chrome section was 1!u: night, will be Firemen's Night. at 8 o'clock there will be a big block ed back fair to the pitcher. He was when one of them struck him with a C. Smith. The bids of the Hermann referred to the street and road com- •Witinft flf« companies from sur- dance. The final feature of the even- Druids' Celebration thrown out and Skurat grounded out knife or other sharp object. He ex-Company were much lower than mittee for correction. r,,'tr.ilinfr towns will be the guests of ing's program will be a big display to second for the last out. hibited a wound near the left ear. those of Smith and the contracts It was proposed to make an ef- :•• KH'al firemen. Among the com-of fireworks, beginning at 10 o'clock. Local and Visiting Members of Karacewski died to right with two The Mexicans said Viata attacked were awarded to the Hermann Com- fort to secure the stone in the wings .,,,,,. that have notified the local The committee in charge of the Organization Join In Ob- on and two out in the last chance to them with some heavy weapon.
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