9ROXPHÃ-DQÃ1XPEHU GTEG threatened once again, help needed Want to make a difference? ASHLEY MCINTYRE to focus on right now is getting Contact these legislators. Editor-in-Chief students to know how to contact & their representatives. CLAUDIA HAGAN Junior Ashley Guthrie is an Nathan Deal News Editor out-of-state student from North Governor, State of Georgia Carolina, who, like Owens, re- State Capitol Atlanta, GA 30334 In the Georgia General Assem- ceives a HOPE equivalent schol- EO\·VÀUVWVHVVLRQRISDUWRI arship from Berry College, and their legislative agenda includes said she is not happy about the Tommie Williams reevaluating funding for the proposed cuts. President Pro Tem HOPE grant and Georgia Tuition “I don’t appreciate it,” Guthrie State Senate of Georgia Equalization Grant (GTEG). said. “If they lower that, they’ll [email protected] Last year, the general assembly probably lower mine [grant] too. voted to reduce the Tuition Equal- I’m all for them cutting the bud- L]DWLRQ *UDQW IURP LQ get, but I feel like they’re cutting WR SHU \HDU IRU it in all the wrong places.” ,Q WKH DFDGHPLF Sophomore Julia Nylander \HDU%HUU\VWXGHQWVEHQHÀW- said she receives funds from HGIURP*7(*DQGVWXGHQWV GTEG, and that the reduction or Jim Butterworth EHQHÀWHGIURP+23(IXQGVIRUD elimination of HOPE and GTEG Chair, Senate Higher Ed. Committee FRPELQHG would make paying for college [email protected] SGA president Mallory Ow- HYHQPRUHGLIÀFXOWIRUKHU ens said that plans for a letter “It aggravates me. I don’t qual- writing campaign to Georgia leg- ify for HOPE, so if they take away islators are not solid, but she an- GTEG, I’m screwed,” she said. “It ticipates an announcement about helps me more than I think people a campaign to the student body would like to believe.” David Ralston Speaker, Ga. House of Representatives within the next two weeks. Ow- ´7KH\ QHHG WR ÀQG PRUH HIÀ- [email protected] ens is an out-of-state student from cient spending. If you’re reckless Tennesee who receives a HOPE with your spending, cutting your equivalent for her grades, and budget doesn’t help; you just can’t VDLG VKH UHDOL]HV WKH VLJQLÀFDQFH buy as much stuff,” junior Casey of the grants. Retterer said. “They need to tone “It’s really important for a lot down the spending. It’s dumb to of people, so I would like to push cut something that the future gen- for a letter-writing night some- eration needs, like education, to time soon,” she said. save money.” Dean of Students Debbie Heida Nylander and Retterer both said it is important for students to said they did not participate in Len Walker Chair, House Higher Ed. Committee tell their stories in their letters, letter-writing efforts last year [email protected] which worked last year. and probably would not this time “It was really important that around. the parents and students got their “I won’t participate again be- representatives and said ‘Don’t do cause it didn’t work,“ Nylander this’,” Heida said. “That’s what said. “It obviously didn’t do much it really takes. What we want good last year. What stops them from doing it again this time?” Terry England Chairman, House Appropriations Committee Racial diversity lacking on campus [email protected] CALLIE SPIVEY & MATTHEW STOKES Reporter Editor %HUU\&ROOHJHUDQNHGRXWRILQWHUPVRIWKHUDFLDOGLYHUVLW\LQ its student body, which was only nine percent minorities, when com- SDUHGWRLWVSHHUDQGDVSLUDQWFROOHJHVLQWKHDFDGHPLF\HDU $FFRUGLQJWRWKH%HUU\&ROOHJH2IÀFHRI,QVWLWXWLRQDO5H- VHDUFK&ROOHJH&RPSDULVRQ5HSRUW%HUU\·VPLQRULW\UDWHZDVSHU- FHQWOHVVWKDQ$JQHV6FRWW&ROOHJHZKLFKUDQNHGÀUVWZLWKDSHUFHQW PLQRULW\UDWH,Q%HUU\·VVWXGHQWERG\RXWRIVWX- Jack Hill Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee GHQWVLGHQWLÀHGWKHPVHOYHVDVZKLWHRXWRIEODFNRXWRI [email protected] +LVSDQLFRXWRI$VLDQRU3DFLÀF,VODQGHUDQGIRXURXWRI LGHQWLÀHGWKHPVHOYHVDV$PHULFDQ,QGLDQRU$ODVNDQ1DWLYH SEE “DIVERSITY” P. 3 vv Features | Page 6 - 7 Entertainment | Page 8 - 9 Sports | Page 10 - 11 Quote of the week: Winter movie “An adventure is only Berry an inconvenience reviews rightly considered. Tales of being An inconvenience is only an adventure homeless VS. wrongly considered. “ -G.K. Chesterton Shorter please recycle our paper. PAGE 2, CAMPUS CARRIER NEWS JANUARY 27, 2011 Graduation time now scheduled for morning KELLY DICKERSON The heat was also a major contributor Whatley said that faculty feedback has “It’s not terribly inconvenient,” Rogers Deputy News Editor to the reason for the time change. Whatley been overwhelmingly positive and only six said. “My main concern is that I really want said that while student robes are fairly light or seven students have voiced concerns. to graduate outside rather than in the Cage, The time of spring graduation this year material, many faculty robes are heavy and Senior Brandon Moore said that he is so if this makes it more likely to be outside has been changed from 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 dark-colored material. not a fan of the time change. then I’m happy.” a.m. “We want as much faculty representa- ´0\IDPLO\KDVWRÁ\LQIURP'&DQG Whatley said the decision to announce Provost Katherine Whatley said the rea- tion at graduation as possible,” Whatley its not fair that I’ve already told them the time change at the start of the spring son for the change is to make the ceremony said. 2:30 p.m. and now they’ll have to change semester was made to avoid confusion more enjoyable for students, their families The group that made the decision to their travel plans,” Moore said. “Its very with the fall graduation. The fall gradua- and faculty. change the time of the graduation cer- unfair.” tion started at 2:30 p.m. “The goal with this change is to make emony included Whatley, the President’s Whatley said she recognizes the fact that Whatley said the lunch that has pre- the experience as positive and comfortable Cabinet, Administrative Assistant Noreen some families will have to travel to Berry ceded the ceremony in past years will not as possible,” Whatley said. Salmon and Chief of Staff Whit Whittaker. on Friday and stay the night. take place afterwards. Whatley said the suggestion for the Whatley said that the time change is “You only graduate once, and in the “By having the lunch after graduation, time change came right after last year’s meant to be permanent. long run a hotel room probably won’t seem students and families have the opportunity ceremony. “We will of course readdress the deci- like a very big cost if it means the overall to hang out and relax, but students will still “We hope to avoid the heat and threat of sion if it does not work well or we receive a experience will be more comfortable and have plenty of time to move out of their thunderstorms that comes with holding the lot of negative feedback, but we think it is more enjoyable,” Whatley said. dorms by check out time,” Whatley said. ceremony in the afternoon,” Whatley said. something worth trying for at least a couple Senior Jessica Rogers said the time years,” Whatley said. change is not a big deal. Berry receives B+ on Sustainability report card KELLY DICKERSON LQYROYHGZLWKWKHZDWHUERWWOHÀOOVWDWLRQV Deputy News Editor “The issue is the cost of the stations,” Stobaeus said. “They’re not cheap but the bottles they save make them Sustainability Report Students aren’t the only ones getting good grades on well worth the cost.” campus. Senior Christine Clolinger said there has also been a The Environmental Compliance and Sustainability big improvement in cooperation between various depart- . Climate Change & Energy 2IÀFH (&R6 DQQRXQFHG DW WKH HQG RI WKH IDOO VHPHVWHU ments on campus and has also contributed to Berry’s sus- ........................................................ B 'HFWKDW%HUU\UHFHLYHGD%RQLWV6XVWDLQDELOLW\UHSRUW tainability grade. card. “ECoS, the Green Team and SAVE have all been work- %HUU\KDVLPSURYHGIURPD'LQWRD%IRU ing together and that has really helped us get a lot accom- 'LUHFWRURI(QYLURQPHQWDO&RPSOLDQFHDQG6XVWDLQDELOLW\ plished in a short time,” Clolinger said. “There has also . Food and Recycling Eddie Elsberry said a major contribution to the improve- been a much bigger administrative push.” ........................................................ A ment is increased student involvement. Clolinger said she has enjoyed watching the sustain- “There has been a lot more student activity in the form ability department grow over the last four years. of the Green Team, SAVE and student workers in the Sus- “I used to be the only student worker here,” Clolinger Green Building tainability department,” Elsberry said. “Student awareness said. “Now there are nine other students. It’s been very . and participation has a big effect on our school grade.” cool to watch the department grow so much.” ........................................................ B Elsberry said other improvements that earned Berry a Elsberry said Berry probably could have scored better better grade include tray-less dining, increased participa- WKDQD'LQ WLRQ LQ 5HF\FOHPDQLD /(('FHUWLÀHG UHVLGHQFH KDOOV WKH “The problem was that a lot of the data that we needed Student Involvement installation of energy meters on buildings and a reduction was scattered throughout several departments,” Elsberry . ........................................................ A of greenhouse gas emissions. said. “Now that everything is centralized, we can bet- One green initiative that began this semester is the ter monitor things like energy output and greenhouse LQVWDOODWLRQRIZDWHUERWWOHÀOOVWDWLRQVLQ.UDQQHUW6FLHQFH gas emissions
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