May 8, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 6 7249 be donated for research. Embryonic scientific term for the ability to turn fantry battalion of Montana’s National stem cells are derived from these em- into any tissue. Scientists already are Guard for their continued contribution bryos—destroying the embryo in the trying to do this to some degree to our Nation. In peacetime, these sol- process. This process raises concerns through ‘‘adult stem cell’’ research, diers have performed admirably at for some, including my distinguished such as turning blood-making cells home in Montana, but in wartime the colleague Senator SANTORUM. into cells that produce liver or muscle members of the first of the l63rd infan- Although I disagree with the calculus tissues. try battalion truly deserve recognition. that embryos should be discarded rath- The legislation, which Senator For 18 months, they were deployed to er than used in research, I recognize SANTORUM and I have drafted, is meant Iraq where, on a daily basis, they and appreciate these deeply felt objec- to encourage these alternative methods risked their lives to defend our Na- tions. In fact, I took the lead on cre- for deriving stem cells without harm- tion’s core beliefs—freedom, justice, ating an embryo adoption awareness ing human embryos. The act amends and equality. In November of 2005, 700 campaign in fiscal year 2002, and con- the Public Health Service Act by in- troops returned home to Montana. tinue to include $2 million for that serting a section that: While serving abroad, these men and campaign in the HHS appropriation. If (1) Mandates that the Secretary of women spent the majority of their these embryos are likely to be donated Health and Human Services shall sup- time at 3 forward operating bases in to families that cannot conceive, I port meritorious peer-reviewed re- northern Iraq. They bravely under- want this to be the first choice. How- search to develop techniques for the mined insurgency in the largest and ever, with 400,000 frozen embryos in derivation of stem cells without cre- most dangerous area in the 116th Bri- IVF clinics around the country, the ating or destroying human embryos. gade’s area of operations. supply far exceeds the demand and em- (2) Requires the Secretary to issue These Montanans risked their lives bryos are being discarded. Nonetheless, guidelines within 90 days to implement daily during their field operations. In I want to pursue this and other options this research and to identify and total, the 1–163rd infantry battalion to address the objections of some of my prioritize the next research steps. performed 6,400 patrols where they en- colleagues. (3) Requires the Secretary to con- countered frequent attacks. During When the President’s Council on Bio- sider techniques outlined by the Presi- their deployment, the 1–163rd engaged ethics reported on several theoretical dent’s Council on Bioethics, such as al- in over 35 direct battles with members methods for deriving stem cells with- tered nuclear transfer and single cell of the Iraqi insurgency and received out destroying embryos, I immediately derivation. small arms fire over 130 times. The bat- scheduled a hearing to investigate (4) Requires the Secretary to report talion also defused almost 200 impro- these ideas. On July 12, 2005, the Labor- yearly on the activities carried out vised explosive devices, IEDs, and expe- HHS Subcommittee heard testimony under this authorization. rienced 359 IED detonations. from five witnesses describing several (5) Includes a ‘‘Rule of Construction’’ In addition to the routine patrols theoretical techniques for deriving stating: ‘‘Nothing in this section shall that the unit regularly performed, the stem cells without destroying embryos. be construed to affect any policy, battalion also conduced 35 task force All five witnesses supported moving guideline, or regulation regarding em- level operations, 10 joint task force air forward with the alternative methods bryonic stem cell research, human assault missions, and 120 deliberate without abandoning embryonic stem cloning by somatic cell nuclear trans- company-level operations. cell research. The alternative stem fer, or any other research not specifi- Despite the dangerous conditions, the cells would theoretically also have the cally authorized by this section.’’ 1–163rd infantry battalion still made key ability to become any type of cell. (6) Defines ‘‘human embryo’’ by ref- considerable advances in neutralizing Let me briefly mention several of the erence to the latest definition con- their area of operations. The battalion techniques discussed at the hearing. tained in the appropriations act for the Dr. Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Department of Health and Human was able to reduce the number of arms Technologies claims to have derived Services. and insurgents in the area. Hundreds of stem cells from a single cell extracted (7) Authorizes ‘‘such sums as may be Iraqi weapon systems were confiscated, from 2-day-old, eight-celled mouse em- necessary’’ for fiscal years 2007 through including AK–47s, rocket propelled gre- bryos. This single cell is called a 2009. nades and mortar tubes, and over 100 blastomere and its removal from Knowing that scientists never know insurgents were detained. These efforts human embryos does not destroy the exactly which research will lead to the were critical in minimizing the likeli- original embryo. Scientists know a sin- next great cure, I have always sup- hood of future attacks in the area. gle cell can be taken from a 2-day-old ported opening as many avenues of re- Not only did the 1–l63rd improve the embryo without destroying it, because search as possible. Based on that line overall safety of northern Iraq, but this it is routinely done in pre-implantation of reasoning, I have always supported infantry battalion also participated in genetic diagnosis. human embryonic, adult, and cord the extensive reconstruction effort. In Dr. William Hurlbut, a Stanford Uni- blood stem cell research. My goal is to total, 68 projects worth $7.5 million versity bioethicist, supports a tech- see cures for the various afflictions were successfully implemented by the nique where a cloned embryo would be that lower the quality of life—or end battalion. Countless improvements to created whose DNA is mutated such the lives—of Americans. municipalities in northern Iraq are di- that it cannot develop into a baby. The Santorum/Specter bill focuses rectly attributable to the 1–163rd. This altered embryo would be de- attention on one of those avenues of re- Today I wish to especially commend stroyed for its stem cells. Since the search. I must emphasize that this bill two members of the 1–163rd who did not embryo never had the potential to is not a substitute for support of return home but instead gave their produce a baby, some of the objections human embryonic stem cell research or lives in service to this great Nation. normally raised with embryonic stem support for H.R. 810. The two bills are SGT Travis Arndt, 23, from Great cell research would be circumvented. complementary in their scope and to- Falls, MT, was killed in action near Several scientists have suggested de- gether will advance our understanding Kirkuk, Iraq, on September 21, 2005. riving stem cells from technically dead of biomedical science and bring us an- MSG Robbie McNary, 42, died in com- embryos. When embryos frozen during other step closer to the cures and bat in Hawijah, Iraq, on March 31, 2005, in-vitro fertilization are thawed, some treatment that we all desire. leaving behind his wife and three chil- never resume dividing and thus are dis- f dren in Lewistown, MT. Let us remem- carded. ber them for their honorable service Many scientists are attempting to MONTANA’S NATIONAL GUARD and ultimate sacrifice. turn back the clock on older cells so Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I rise As a Montanan, an American, and a they again become ‘‘pluripotent,’’ the today to pay tribute to the 1–163rd in- Senator, I would like to truly thank VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:46 Mar 20, 2017 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR08MY06.DAT BR08MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 7250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 152, Pt. 6 May 8, 2006 and commend the first of the 163rd in- sacrificed on behalf of this country service. John is also the president of fantry battalion of the Montana’s Na- both at home and abroad. the Blinded American Veterans Foun- tional Guard for their excellent per- The strength and bravery of the U.S. dation which advocates for sensory dis- formance during this last deployment Navy played an integral role in the cre- abled veterans and provides outreach and their impressive dedication and ation and development of the United efforts to ensure sensory disabled vet- loyalty to this nation. States during its struggle for freedom erans are able to lead productive lives. In November, when the 1–163rd re- and American sovereignty. Many brave John Fales’s service and patriotism turned to Montana from their 18-month Illinois citizens have served and con- are beyond question. He is a deserving deployment, they were applauded for tinue to serve honorably in the U.S. recipient of the American Legion Na- their success, but I would like to keep Navy. tional Commander’s Public Relations that recognition alive. Long after this There are more than 350,000 active Award for 2006. Once again, I congratu- war on terror is over, we will remember duty and more than 135,000 Ready Re- late John for his commendation.∑ their contribution to our most valuable serve Navy personnel in the U.S.
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