3476 THE LOND.ON GAZETTE, 5 MAY, 1911. The Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908. INVESTMENT AND FINANCE Limited'.. PAUL SABEL AND CO. Limited. "jVTOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 188." ."TVTOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 188 -L>l of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, JL^t of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, that a Meeting of the creditors of the above named that a Meeting of the creditors of the above named Company will be held at -the offices of the Liquidator, Company will be held at the offices of Messrs. Pat- No. 407, Moorgate Station-chambers, London, E.G., tullo, Forde and Co., 65, London Wall, London, E.G., on Monday, the 15th May, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the 15th day of May, 1911, at 12 o'clock for the purposes provided for in the said section.— noon.—Dated this 3rd day of May, 1911. Dated this 2nd day of May, 1911. J. D. PATTULLO, Liquidator, 26, Upper 139 D. D. ROBERTSON, Liquidator. 090 Thames-street, London, E.G. In the Matter of the BYE PRODUCT FERTILIZER MARPAL Limited. COMPANY Limited. "jVTOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 188 (In Voluntary Liquidation.) J_>( of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, OTICE is hereby given, in pursuance of section-. that a Meeting of the creditors of the above named N 188 of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, Company "will be held at its registered office, 49, 1908, a Meeting of the creditors of the above named Leadenhall-street, London, E.G., on the llth day of Company will be held at Ocean Chambers, Lowgate,.. May, 1911, at 11.30 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Hull, on the 4th day of May, 1911, at 3 o'clock im purposes provided for in the said section.—Dated the afternoon, for the purposes provided for in the- this 1st dayoof May, 1911. said section.—Dated this 28th day of April, 1911. 135 R. STANLEY WILLIAMS, Liquidator. 136 THOS. GOLDIE, Liquidator. The Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908. In the Matter of the COLOSSEUM ROLLER SKATING RINK COMPANY (BURNLEY) The ALLUVIAL TIN SYNDICATE (NIGERIA) Limited.. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) Limited. OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 188- N pursuance of section 188 of the Companies (Con- of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908,. solidation) Act, 1908, a Meeting of the creditors Nthat a Meeting of the creditors of the Alluvial Tin. of the above Company will be held at the office of Syndicate (Nigeria) Limited will be held at 3, London. Messrs. Proctor and Proctor, Chartered Accountants, Wall-buildings, in the city of London, on Tuesday,, "5, Grimshaw-street, Burnley, on Monday, the 15th the 9th day of May, 1911, at 12 o'clock noon, for the- "ay of May, 1911, at three in the afternoon, for the purposes provided for in the said section.—Dated the- purposes provided for in the said section. 24th day of April, 1911. ED. WOOD, Liquidator. JOHN PARSONS, Liquidator, 3, London Wall- 134 May 1st, 1911. 19" buildings, E.G. In the Matter of WRIGHT AND DUTTON The Companies (Consolidation) Act. 1908. Limited. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) C. JENKINS AND COMPANY Limited. URSUANT to section 188 (1) of the Companies ~\T OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 188'- P (Consolidation) Act, 1908, notice is hereby JLM of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, given, that a Meeting of the creditors of the above that a Meeting of .the creditors of C. Jenkins and Company will be held at the offices of Messrs. F. 0. S. Company Limited will be held at the Cannon-street Leak and Pratt, Solicitors, 6, John Dalton-street, Hotel, Cannon-street, in the city of London, on Tues- Manchester, on Wednesday, the 17th day of May, day, the 16th day of May, 1911. at twelve o'clock 1911, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purposes noon, for the purposes provided for in the said sec- provided for in the said section. Any person claim- tion.—Dat*ed this 4th day of May, 1911. ing to- be a creditor, and desiring to be present, should at once inform the undersigned, Charles Wil- iss C. L. ROBERT, Liquidator. liam Provis, the Liquidator of the Company, at his address, 3, Mount-street, Manchester.—Dated this 2nd day of May, 1911. "3 C. W. PROVIS, Liquidator. The Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908. C. JENKINS AND COMPANY Limited. OTICE is hereby given, that the creditors of the- above named Company, which is being volun- In the Matter of the NATIONAL STEAM CAR tarilNy wound up, are required, on or before the sixth COMPANY Limited. day of June, 1911, to send their names and addresses,, npAKE notice that, in pursuance of section 188 and the particulars of their debts or claims, and the- JL of the- Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, a names and addresses of their Solicitors (if any), to Meeting of the creditors of the above named Com- Charles Lee Robert, of 36, Lombard-street, in the city pany will be held at the Devonshire House Hotel, of London, the Liquidator of the said Company, and, Bishopsgate-street, London, E.G., on Thursday, the if so required, by notice in writing from the said' 18th day of May, 1911, at 2.30 in the afternoon, for Liquidator, are, by their Solicitors, or personally, to the purposes provided for in the said section. come in and prove their said debts or claims at such ADOLPHUS G. MASKELL, Liquidator. time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or, in default thereof, they will be excluded from the «3« 12, London-road, Chelmsf ord, 3rd May, 1911. benefit of any distribution made before such debts are- proved.—Dated this 4th day of May, 1911. CECIL J. T. BIRTS, 5, Salters Hall-court, In the Matter of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, Cannon-street, E.G., Solicitor for the above- 1908. 187 named Liquidator. In the Matter of CHISWICK JOINERY COMPANY • Limited. (In Voluntary Liquidation.) In -the Matter of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 188 1908, and in the Matter of GOSS MOOR Limited. N of the Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908, that a Meeting of the creditors of the above named OTICE is hereby given, that the creditors of the Company will be held at my office, 237, High-road, N above named Conipa-ny, which is being volun- Chiswick, London, W., on Monday, the 15th day of tarily wound up, are required, on or before the 9th May, 1911, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the day of June, 1911, being the day for that purpose purpose provided for in the said section; any person fixed by the undersigned, to send their names and claiming to be .a creditor, and desiring to be present, addresses, and the particulars of their debts or claims, and the names and addresses of their Solicitors (df should at once notify me, and forward particulars of any), to the undersigned, Josiah Stevens, of 63, Queen- claim.—Dated this 3rd day of May, 1911. Victoria-street, London, E.G., the Liquidator of the »37 J. PALLES-CLARK, Liquidator. said Company, and, -if so required by notice, in.
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