Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-19-1960 The B-G News May 19, 1960 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 19, 1960" (1960). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1540. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1540 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. This Inui See Special Section 8 Pag.. ^IbGJftm U^ VoL 44 Bowling Gratn Slat. UniT.rmlty. Bowling Gre.n. Ohio. Thursday. May 19. 1960 ^J^ivuNa GRt*^ 50th Anniversary Features Convocation Today DiSalle, Hatcher, Band, Dinners, Highlight Day By Larry Coffman 1 i Today the University is Motto For University lv ,,£11 ••> « pausing to celebrate its Fif- Timeless, Tells Goals tieth Anniversary. This day is dedicated to the eventa that And Shows Purpose have transpired since Gov. "Education Our Challenge; Ex- Judson Harmon signed House cellence Our Goal," the motto of Rill No. 44 into law. The bill sub- the University's 50th Anniversary sequently was passed by the 78th celebration, which has appeared so General Assembly and allowed for ■ u frequently in University publica- establishment of the state normal tions, including the B-G News, this school that has since evolved into ■■■■■HBC. .^••*X year, had its origin in April, 1950, Bowling Green State University. CELEBRATION CAKES—Miriam Makovlc. Beverly Precht. Rebecca Everett, and I1WAN1S CHECK—Dr. Robort C. Markoy. prosldont of tho Bowling Groon in an expository writing class. Addresses by dignitaries, pre- Scott Frear. dining halt and food service manager for William* Hall, admire tho Kiwanl. Club (loll), presents a chock for $100 to Pr.ild.nl Ralph W. McDonald The need for such a slogan was sentation of special music compos- cakes that will bo served In tho University residence halls today. Tho campus to bo uood for a University scholarship. Tho award was mado In conluncllon wldo birthday party wil begin at 11:50 a.m.. whon claim ond lor tho day. with tho UnlTOrslty's Flftloth AnnlTOrsary. felt as the University approached ed especially for the Anniversary its fiftieth birthday. Dr. John R. celebration, announcement of the Davidson, general secretary of the winner of the University Alma Ma- Golden Anniversary Committee, ter contest, a large-scale campus- visited advanced writing classes wide birthday party, a special lun- and explained the need and basis cheon, and an academic proces- Honors Day Recognizes Outstanding Students for such a slogan. sional will serve aa highlights of the gala celebration. "Honors Day is the time to rec- "It has become customary for ognize thoRe students who have dis- all universities to have a motto At Ihe Convocation, at 2:30 pjn. tinguished themselves academical- Haverfield Painting President Eisenhower Sends Congratulations when observing such ■ celebra- In lbs ballroom, the Honorable ly and in University activities,*' tion," he said. Michael V. DiSalle. Governor of said Dr. Ralph G Harshman, vice Dr. Ralph W. McDonald. President Dennis Hlue, a junior in educa- Ohio, and Di. Harlan H. Hatcher. president of the University. Honors Sold To McDonald Bowling Green State University tion from Cuyahoga Heights, was President of the University of Michi- Day 1060 U scheduled for 10:30 Tom Haverfield added to his list Through Congressman Delbert L. Latta I hav. learned of the the composer of the winning slo- gan, will speak. Gov. DlSalle's topic a.m. Tuesday. May 24, in the ball- of painting sales when he sold his gan. Is "You and Your Stole." Pros. plan, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Bowling Groan Slat. Hatcher has chosen "New Respon- room of the Union. prize-winning watercolor, "Es- When asked why this motto was University at a Convocation this Thursday. sibilities of Ihe Slate University" Awards and prizes in the form cape," to President Ralph W. Mc- chosen over the others, Dr. David- Donald at the Student Art Show Before leaving for the Summit Conference in Paris I want to as his topic. of money, medals, trophies, certi- send my congratulations to your students, faculty and friends. son said, "The main idea in the May R. The price was $100. chosen motto is that it explains Following the first speech, Dr. ficates, and plaques will be pre- The American standards of character and intellect which are sented to members of all classes. Prize-winning watercolors are why the University is here .nd Ralph W. McDonald will confer an Dr. Harshman emphasized that nothing new to Haverfield, a junior the strength of your University are also the strength of our what goals it wishes to attain. A- honorary degree of Doctor of Laws Honors Day will give students an art major from Toledo. His paint- country's dealings with neighbors around the world. nother thing that makes it differ- upon Governor DiSalle. Dr. Hat- opportunity to become more aware ings have appeared in Detroit, I am delighted to add my best wishes for the continuing ent is that it is timcleBS and can cher's talk will be followed by a of the awards available to them. Toledo, and Youngstown art shows. growth of Bowling Green in honor and in service to the National be the permanent motto of the special music presentation written The President's Awards, pre- He received three first places in Community. University." especially for the Fiftieth Anniver- sented to the outstanding senior the Toledo Art Show in the past DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER sary celebration by Cardon V. Burnham, assistant professor of man and woman, are the highest two years and was voted top stu- music. It is entitled "Cantua Pros- honors to be awarded, said Dr. dent artist in the Toledo area. He Harshman. has accepted an invitation to dis- K Named pectus: A Song of Dedication." It play 40 paintings in a show in Poll Shows Marvin, Sanderson \f^ will be performed by a mixed chor- The Distinguished Service Ottawa Hills this summer. us, an antiphonal brass choir, and Awards will go to the senior stu- Haverfield said he turns out a symphonic wind ensemble. dents who have contributed signifi- As Probable SIC SIC Members All-Americans Other convocation highlights will cantly to the welfare of the Uni- nearly 15 paintings a year, for which he receives between $80 and A poll conducted by the News the aid of a University vehicle, For the fourth consecutive year, bo the announcement of the winner versity in various fields. members of Bowling Green's swim- $100 each. "My paintings really indicated that Ray Marvin and keys to all the buildings, and the of the five-year Alma Mater con- Omicron Delta Kappa and Cap help pay my way through school," Morric Sanderson arc the most University Police. Their trade- ming team have been named to the test and distribution of a special all-American swimming team. and Gown, men's and women's he commented. During the summer probable senior SIC SIC members. mai ks are large red anil white picture story magaslne. Prepared leadership honoraries, will tap he mixes work with pleasure by Of lfl.'S students polled, Marvin signs with such sayings as, "SIC Gary Lal'rise, by the Key staff, it Is appropriately their new initiates. painting murals in Toledo build- and Sanderson received 64 and 55 SIC sez, Snaphoul" the sophomore titled "30th Year." sensation from University awards including the ings. per cent, respectively, of the votes The top choices and the number Prior to the Convocation, and Detroit, earned Nancy Davis Award, the William- cast. of votes they received were: Ray beginning at 11:50 when classes the award for son Jordan Award, the Freshman Famous Teammate SIC SIC is the secret campus Marvin, 105; Morse Sanderson, end, a large-scale campus-wide Honorary Trophy, Alice Prout Track Coach Boh Whittaker was group whose purpose is to pro- 00; Larry Coffman, 10; Ron his :22.5 in the 50-yard free- birthday party is to take place. Memorial Award. 10 Sidney Froh- a teammate of Cleveland Browns mote school spirit. This is done in 0'I.cary, 17; Harvey BIMcoff, 11; At this same time the special lun- style. i<aPrise, man scholarships, and the Tro- Coach Paul Brown at Miami the wee hours of the morning with and Bob McLean, 7. cheon will be in progress In the fifth in the NC- paeum Honoris Feminis award will Union. Some 46 delegates from be presented. AA Champion- ships at South- universities, colleges, snd learned A total of ,14 departmental societies and associations through- awards will be presented, and the ern Methodist University, was out the state, the Governor's ca- senior members of Sic Sic will be la,,U binet and staff, University admin- revealed. Supporting Cast, Split Level Set rated fifth na- * tionally for his achievement, the istrative personnel, officers of the All st niors are expected to par- student body and alumni associa- ticipate in the ceremony in aca- highest rating received by a Fal- con in BG's 20-year swimming tions, and other special guests demic regalia. The seniors will as- have been invited. semble with all faculty members history. The 400-yard freestyle relay Concert band music from atop in the main audlt^'iim and form Contribute To Success Of inherit' team of senior Ray Martin, junior the Union and the academic pro- an acmi.'mic procession to the ball- By Bob Schloeel was tried for teaching Darwin's ed the case of the young school cessional to the Union for the room at 10:26 a.m.
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