15 11/299 PERTH AND KINROSS COUNCIL Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee – 8 June 2011 TENDERS ACCEPTED AND WORKS AWARDED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS Report by the Executive Director (Environment) This report details the tenders accepted and works awarded by the Executive Director (Environment) under delegated powers during the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. It also details tenders accepted and contracts awarded for Public, Education and Community Care Transport under similar powers for the same period. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee is asked to note the contents of this report and the contract awards as detailed in the attached Appendices 1 to 5, and in Appendices 6, 7, 8 and 9 available in the Councillors’ lounge. BACKGROUND Roads and Planning 1. Under the Scheme of Administration, the Executive Director (Environment) is authorised to accept tenders of any value where: a. the most economically advantageous tender is to be accepted and b. the amount of the tender to be accepted is within the authorised estimates of expenditure of the Council; 2. In the case of the Annual Tenders, these rates are accepted annually by the Executive Director (Environment). 3. This report lists all tenders accepted and works awarded, of value in excess of £5,000, by the Executive Director (Environment) in the period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. 4. The five appendices attached to this report are: 1. Individual Contracts won in Open Competitive Tender. 2. Works awarded to Tayside Contracts after Value for Money assessment, without competitive tender. 3. Works won competitively under Annual Tenders. 4. Works procured by Other Means. 5. Works awarded through Consultancy Term Commission. 97 Public Transport 5. Within the Scheme of Administration, the Executive Director (Environment) has delegated powers to accept competitive tenders for Public, Education and Community Care Transport contracts. All tenders are evaluated to determine awards that are the most economically advantageous from the Council’s perspective. When considering tenders, the Council takes into account factors such as price, quality, operational proposals and technical merit. 6. The ‘Contracts for the Transport of Passengers: Results of Contracts Awarded’ document (Appendices 6, 7, 8 and 9 – available in the Councillors’ Lounge) details contract decisions made by the Executive Director (Environment) in respect of Public, Education and Community Care Transport contracts from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011. 7. Under ‘de minimis’ and ‘emergency’ provisions the Council has the ability, in certain circumstances, to establish transport contracts without the need to obtain tenders. Any contracts established in this manner are reported in the contract awards detailed in Appendix 6 and 7. 8. The Council continued to operate a Community Transport Fund in Financial Year 2010/2011. The Executive Director (Environment) invited applications from voluntary sector organisations that provided or co-ordinated passenger transport related services in their communities or from organisations who were interested in doing so in the future. As a result, five projects were awarded funding in November 2010 (see Appendix 8). A second bidding round was then undertaken; with a further five grants awards in March 2011, which are detailed in Appendix 9. 9. On two occasions during Financial Year 2010/2011, the Executive Director (Environment) used the Public Contracts Scotland ‘Quick Quote’ online quotation facility to award transport related contacts: one involving the purchase of seven bus shelters, whilst the other resulted in the procurement of electronic ticket machine (ETM) data analysis and contract monitoring software. These ‘Quick Quote’ awards are detailed in Appendix 9. PROPOSALS 10. The Committee is asked to note the contents of this report. CONSULTATION 11. The Head of Legal Services, the Head of Democratic Services, the Executive Director (Education & Children's Services) and the Executive Director (Housing & Community Care) have been consulted in the preparation of this report. 98 RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS Revenue 12. The revenue implications of the Public, Education and Community Care transport contracts were accommodated within the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 budgets for The Environment Service, Education & Children’s Services and Housing & Community Care. COUNCIL CORPORATE PLAN OBJECTIVES 2009-2012 13. The Council’s Corporate Plan 2009-2012 lays out five Objectives which provide clear strategic direction, inform decisions at a corporate and service level and shape resources allocation. This report impacts on the following:- (i) A Safe, Secure and Welcoming Environment (ii) A Prosperous, Sustainable and Inclusive Economy (iii) Confident, Active and Inclusive Communities EQUALITIES IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EqIA) 14. An equality impact assessment needs to be carried out for functions, policies, procedures or strategies in relation to race, gender and disability and other relevant protected characteristics. This supports the Council’s legal requirement to comply with the duty to assess and consult on relevant new and existing policies. 15. The function, policy, procedure or strategy presented in this report was considered under the Corporate Equalities Impact Assessment process (EqIA) with the following outcome: (i) Assessed as not relevant for the purposes of EqIA. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 16. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a legal requirement under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 that applies to all qualifying plans, programmes and strategies, including policies (PPS). 17. The matters presented in this report were considered under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 and no further action is required as it does not qualify as a PPS as defined by the Act and is therefore exempt. 99 CONCLUSION 18. This report reflects best practice in terms of governance of the Council’s affairs. JIM IRONS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (ENVIRONMENT) NOTE No background papers as defined by Section 50D of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (other than any containing confidential or exempt information) were relied on to any material extent in preparing the above Report. Contact Officer: Ian Graham, Tel: 76560, e-mail [email protected] Address of Service: Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD Date of Report 20th April 2011 If you or someone you know would like a copy of this document in another language or format, (On occasion only, a summary of the document will be provided in translation), this can be arranged by contacting Alma Murray, Equalities Assistant on 01738 476558 or [email protected] Council Text Phone Number 01738 442573 100 APPENDIX 1 – The Environment Service – Individual Contracts Won in Open Competitive Tender Location Description Contractor Order Order Ward Date Value A94 Relief Rd, Coupar Angus New LED signal heads Siemens 09-Sep- £10,108 2 10 A94 near Larghan Park, Coupar Angus Provision of Puffin Crossing Siemens 08-Feb- £12,369 2 11 A94 near Larghan Park, Coupar Angus Provision of Puffin Crossing Siemens 08-Feb- £12,369 2 11 A94 Angus Road, Scone Provision of Puffin Crossing Siemens 08-Feb- £12,369 2 11 C445 Kirkinch Road Permanent patching Tayside Contracts 28-May- £16,408 2 10 A94 Coupar Angus to Angus Boundary Renew road markings Coupe Line Ltd 21-Jun- £37,727 2 10 A923 Perth North various locations Grey anti-skid surfacing Ringway Specialist Serv 29-Apr-10 £41,446 2 A826/Old A9/Mains of Murthly Patching Velocity Patching 16-Jul-10 £12,500 4 B846 Tummel Bridge Provision of Structural inspection Services In-specc Ltd 25-Mar- £20,000 4 10 A924 Kirkmichael to Ballintuim Pre surface dressing patching Goodfellow 12-May- £21,690 4 10 B846 Tummel Bridge Bridge painting MacLean & Speirs 14-Apr-10 £202,854 4 A912 Dunkeld Bridge Masonry and pointing refurbishment Tayside Contracts 01-Apr-10 £140,000 5 A822 Amulree Bridge New bridge construction RJ McLeod 05-May- £890,719 5 10 A911 Perth South Anti-skid surfacing Ringway Specialist Serv 29-Apr-10 £11,305 8 A912/B996 Fallen trees/branches overhanging c/way David Methven (Turnston) 20-Dec- £12,000 8 10 A977 at Drum Crossroads Puffin Crossing & F/way at Drum Crossroads Siemens 12-Oct-10 £12,384 8 Kinross Centre/M90 Renewal of Tourist Signing TRL Limited 22-Feb- £27,024 8 11 C495 Lethangie (A922 to end of Carriageway overlay Tayside Contracts 24-Jun- £55,231 8 Appendix 1 housing) 10 101 Location Description Contractor Order Order Ward Date Value A823 Glendevon Carriageway overlay work Ennstone Thistle 19-Jul-10 £197,167 8 A91 West of Carnbo Carriageway overlay Ennstone Thistle 29-Sep- £450,000 8 10 Muirfield, Perth Footway resurfacing Lightways Ltd 04-Mar- £16,008 10 11 Glenearn Road (Round Perth Cycle Crossing upgrade to toucan Siemens 22-Mar- £21,249 10 Route) 11 West Mains Ave, Perth Resurfacing Tayside Contracts 25-Jan- £14,330 11 11 Gates - Lower Friarton to Shore Rd Surface treatment to flood gates Edwards Engineering 05-Nov- £14,800 12 (Perth) Ltd 10 A977 Kinross-B'gone Vehicle activated sign Coeval Group 04-Feb- £27,625 12 11 Connect2 River Tay Crossing, Perth Ground Investigation Works (on behalf of Soil Engineering 26-Aug- £194,158 12 TACTRAN/SUSTRANS) 10 High Street, Perth Environmental Enhancement RJ McLeod 04-Nov- £217,000 12 10 Perth Various Locations Provision of Cycle Parking TRL 18-Feb- £6,649 Various 11 Various Schools Provision of Cycle Parking Facilities Lock It Safe 03-Feb- £7,139 Various 11 Riggs Rd/Feus Rd, Perth replace faulty cable Siemens 14-Jul-10 £7,509 Various UTC Control
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