Saitama Super Arena Basketball さいたまスーパーアリーナ バスケットボール / Basketball Super Arena de Saitama Men 男子 / Hommes MON 26 JUL 2021 Preliminary Round Group C Start Time: 13:40 予選ラウンドグループC / Tour préliminaire groupe C Play by Play REVISED プレーバイプレー / Actions de jeux 4 AUG 12:20 Game 6 ARG 100 vs 118 SLO (24-32, 18-30, 24-26, 34-30) Game Duration: 1:49 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Scoring by 5 min intervals: ARG 13 24 34 42 52 66 79 100 SLO 18 32 45 62 73 88 104 118 Quarter Starters: FIRST QUARTER ARG 4 SCOLA L 7 CAMPAZZO F 12 DELIA M 17 VILDOZA L 29 GARINO P SLO 10 TOBEY M 11 BLAZIC J 30 DRAGIC Z 31 CANCAR V 77 DONCIC L Game ARG - Argentina Score Diff. SLO - Slovenia Time 10:00 12 DELIA M Jump ball won 10 TOBEY M Jump ball lost 9:49 7 CAMPAZZO F Turnover, Bad pass (1) 9:42 12 DELIA M Defensive rebound (1) 31 CANCAR V 2PtsFG inside paint, Floating Jump Shot missed 4 SCOLA L 2PtsFG inside paint, Fadeaway Jump Shot made (2 9:31 2-0 2 Pts) 9:05 2-3 1 30 DRAGIC Z 3PtsFG made (3 Pts) 8:52 7 CAMPAZZO F 3PtsFG made (3 Pts), 12 DELIA M Assist (1) 5-3 2 8:37 5-6 1 77 DONCIC L 3PtsFG made (3 Pts) 8:30 31 CANCAR V Personal foul (P1,T1) 8:30 4 SCOLA L Foul drawn 8:27 4 SCOLA L 2PtsFG outside paint, Floating Jump Shot missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (1) 8:14 5-9 4 77 DONCIC L 3PtsFG made (6 Pts) 7:51 29 GARINO P 2PtsFG inside paint, Driving Layup missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (2) 7:40 5-12 7 77 DONCIC L 3PtsFG made (9 Pts) 7:21 4 SCOLA L 2PtsFG inside paint, Driving Layup made (4 Pts) 7-12 5 7:10 12 DELIA M Steal (1) 77 DONCIC L Turnover, Bad pass (1) 7:07 7 CAMPAZZO F 2PtsFG fast break, Layup made (5 Pts) 9-12 3 6:56 12 DELIA M Defensive rebound (2) 11 BLAZIC J 2PtsFG inside paint, Driving Layup missed 6:52 77 DONCIC L Personal foul (P1,T2) 6:52 7 CAMPAZZO F Foul drawn 6:49 17 VILDOZA L 3PtsFG missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (3) 6:39 10 TOBEY M 3PtsFG missed 6:36 Defensive Team rebound (1) 4 SCOLA L 2PtsFG inside paint, Hook Shot made (6 Pts), 17 6:26 11-12 1 VILDOZA L Assist (1) 6:15 7 CAMPAZZO F Defensive rebound (1) 31 CANCAR V 3PtsFG missed 5:59 4 SCOLA L 3PtsFG missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (4) 30 DRAGIC Z 2PtsFG inside paint, Driving Layup missed, 10 5:46 TOBEY M Offensive rebound (5) 5:44 11-14 3 10 TOBEY M 2PtsFG inside paint, Layup made (2 Pts) 5:44 12 DELIA M Personal foul, 1 free throw awarded (P1,T1) 5:44 10 TOBEY M Foul drawn 5:44 12 DELIA M Substitute out, 14 DECK G Substitute in 5:44 11-15 4 10 TOBEY M Free Throw made 1 of 1 (3 Pts) 5:37 4 SCOLA L 2PtsFG inside paint, Hook Shot missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (6) 5:26 29 GARINO P Personal foul, 3 free throws awarded (P1,T2) 5:26 77 DONCIC L Foul drawn 5:26 11-16 5 77 DONCIC L Free Throw made 1 of 3 (10 Pts) 5:26 11-17 6 77 DONCIC L Free Throw made 2 of 3 (11 Pts) 5:26 11-18 7 77 DONCIC L Free Throw made 3 of 3 (12 Pts) 7 CAMPAZZO F 2PtsFG inside paint, Driving Layup made (7 5:16 13-18 5 Pts) 5:04 4 SCOLA L Defensive rebound (1) 11 BLAZIC J 2PtsFG inside paint, Floating Jump Shot missed 4:55 7 CAMPAZZO F 3PtsFG missed 31 CANCAR V Defensive rebound (1) BKBMTEAM5-------------GPC-000100--_69 6 Report Created WED 4 AUG 2021 12:20 Page 1/10 Saitama Super Arena Basketball さいたまスーパーアリーナ バスケットボール / Basketball Super Arena de Saitama Men 男子 / Hommes MON 26 JUL 2021 Preliminary Round Group C Start Time: 13:40 予選ラウンドグループC / Tour préliminaire groupe C Play by Play REVISED プレーバイプレー / Actions de jeux 4 AUG 12:20 Game 6 ARG 100 vs 118 SLO (24-32, 18-30, 24-26, 34-30) Game Duration: 1:49 Game ARG - Argentina Score Diff. SLO - Slovenia Time 77 DONCIC L 2PtsFG inside paint, Driving Layup made (14 4:43 13-20 7 Pts) 4:43 7 CAMPAZZO F Personal foul, 1 free throw awarded (P1,T3) 4:43 77 DONCIC L Foul drawn 4:43 13-21 8 77 DONCIC L Free Throw made 1 of 1 (15 Pts) 17 VILDOZA L 2PtsFG inside paint, Floating Jump Shot made 4:32 15-21 6 (2 Pts) 4:22 14 DECK G Defensive rebound (1) 11 BLAZIC J 3PtsFG missed 4:16 11 BLAZIC J Personal foul (P1,T3) 4:16 14 DECK G Foul drawn 4:16 11 BLAZIC J Substitute out, 7 PREPELIC K Substitute in 4:08 4 SCOLA L 3PtsFG missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (7) 3:52 17 VILDOZA L Defensive rebound (1) 77 DONCIC L 3PtsFG missed 3:41 17 VILDOZA L 3PtsFG missed 77 DONCIC L Defensive rebound (1) 3:33 15-23 8 31 CANCAR V 2PtsFG fast break, Layup made (2 Pts) 3:16 14 DECK G Offensive foul (P1,T4), Turnover (1) 3:16 31 CANCAR V Foul drawn 4 SCOLA L, 17 VILDOZA L Substitute out, 8 LAPROVITTOLA N, 3:16 12 DELIA M Substitute in 77 DONCIC L 2PtsFG inside paint, Fadeaway Jump Shot 2:57 14 DECK G Defensive rebound (2) missed 2:51 14 DECK G 2PtsFG fast break, Dunk made (2 Pts) 17-23 6 2:42 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Steal (1) 7 PREPELIC K Turnover, Ball handling (1) 2:35 14 DECK G 3PtsFG missed 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (8) 77 DONCIC L 2PtsFG inside paint, Floating Jump Shot made 2:23 17-25 8 (17 Pts) 2:07 29 GARINO P Turnover, Ball handling (1) 31 CANCAR V Steal (1) 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Personal foul, 2 free throws awarded 2:02 (P1,T5) 2:02 30 DRAGIC Z Foul drawn 2:02 29 GARINO P Substitute out, 9 BRUSSINO N Substitute in 10 TOBEY M, 31 CANCAR V Substitute out, 27 DIMEC Z, 8 2:02 MURIC E Substitute in 2:02 30 DRAGIC Z Free Throw fast break missed 1 of 2 30 DRAGIC Z Free Throw fast break made 2 of 2 (4 Pts), 31 2:02 17-26 9 CANCAR V Assist (1) 1:53 7 PREPELIC K Personal foul (P1,T4) 1:53 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Foul drawn 1:49 14 DECK G 2PtsFG inside paint, Hook Shot missed 77 DONCIC L Defensive rebound (2) 27 DIMEC Z 2PtsFG inside paint, Hook Shot missed, 30 1:40 DRAGIC Z Offensive rebound (1) 30 DRAGIC Z 2PtsFG inside paint, Layup missed, 27 DIMEC Z 1:36 Offensive rebound (1) 1:27 14 DECK G Defensive rebound (3) 77 DONCIC L 3PtsFG missed 1:23 30 DRAGIC Z Substitute out, 6 NIKOLIC A Substitute in 12 DELIA M 2PtsFG inside paint, Layup made (2 Pts), 9 1:10 19-26 7 BRUSSINO N Assist (1) 1:10 8 MURIC E Personal foul, 1 free throw awarded (P1,T5) 1:10 12 DELIA M Foul drawn 1:10 7 CAMPAZZO F Substitute out, 10 BOLMARO L Substitute in 1:10 12 DELIA M Free Throw made 1 of 1 (3 Pts) 20-26 6 0:57 20-29 9 8 MURIC E 3PtsFG made (3 Pts), 6 NIKOLIC A Assist (1) 0:45 9 BRUSSINO N 3PtsFG missed 77 DONCIC L Defensive rebound (3) 0:36 8 MURIC E 3PtsFG missed 0:34 Defensive Team rebound (2) 0:34 27 DIMEC Z Personal foul, 2 free throws awarded (P1,T6) BKBMTEAM5-------------GPC-000100--_69 6 Report Created WED 4 AUG 2021 12:20 Page 2/10 Saitama Super Arena Basketball さいたまスーパーアリーナ バスケットボール / Basketball Super Arena de Saitama Men 男子 / Hommes MON 26 JUL 2021 Preliminary Round Group C Start Time: 13:40 予選ラウンドグループC / Tour préliminaire groupe C Play by Play REVISED プレーバイプレー / Actions de jeux 4 AUG 12:20 Game 6 ARG 100 vs 118 SLO (24-32, 18-30, 24-26, 34-30) Game Duration: 1:49 Game ARG - Argentina Score Diff. SLO - Slovenia Time 0:34 12 DELIA M Foul drawn 0:34 77 DONCIC L Substitute out, 11 BLAZIC J Substitute in 0:34 12 DELIA M Free Throw made 1 of 2 (4 Pts) 21-29 8 0:34 12 DELIA M Free Throw made 2 of 2 (5 Pts) 22-29 7 0:13 22-32 10 11 BLAZIC J 3PtsFG made (3 Pts), 7 PREPELIC K Assist (1) 14 DECK G 2PtsFG inside paint, Jump Shot made (4 Pts), 8 0:01 24-32 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Assist (1) Quarter Starters: SECOND QUARTER ARG 8 LAPROVITTOLA N 9 BRUSSINO N 10 BOLMARO L 12 DELIA M 14 DECK G SLO 6 NIKOLIC A 7 PREPELIC K 8 MURIC E 10 TOBEY M 11 BLAZIC J Game ARG - Argentina Score Diff. SLO - Slovenia Time 10:00 Alternating Possession Gained 9:59 12 DELIA M Steal (2) 8 MURIC E Turnover, Bad pass (1) 9:51 8 LAPROVITTOLA N 3PtsFG missed 11 BLAZIC J Defensive rebound (1) 9:30 24-35 11 7 PREPELIC K 3PtsFG made (3 Pts) 9:14 6 NIKOLIC A Personal foul (P1,T1) 9:14 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Foul drawn 9:08 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Offensive foul (P2,T1), Turnover (1) 9:08 6 NIKOLIC A Foul drawn 9:04 10 BOLMARO L Personal foul (P1,T2) 9:04 6 NIKOLIC A Foul drawn 8:57 14 DECK G Steal (1) 7 PREPELIC K Turnover, Bad pass (2) 8:55 8 MURIC E Personal foul (P2,T2) 8:55 14 DECK G Foul drawn 8:49 6 NIKOLIC A Personal foul (P2,T3) 8:49 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Foul drawn 8:38 6 NIKOLIC A Substitute out, 5 RUPNIK L Substitute in 8:33 8 LAPROVITTOLA N 3PtsFG missed 5 RUPNIK L Defensive rebound (1) 8:15 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Defensive rebound (1) 11 BLAZIC J 3PtsFG missed 14 DECK G 2PtsFG fast break, Floating Jump Shot made (6 8:08 26-35 9 Pts), 8 LAPROVITTOLA N Assist (2) 7:50 5 RUPNIK L Turnover, Ball handling (1) 8 LAPROVITTOLA N, 12 DELIA M Substitute out, 4 SCOLA L, 7 7:50 CAMPAZZO F Substitute in 7:30 7 CAMPAZZO F 3PtsFG made (10 Pts) 29-35 6 7:29 SEKULIC A Timeout 7:29 5 RUPNIK L Substitute out, 77 DONCIC L Substitute in 77 DONCIC L 2PtsFG inside paint, Floating Jump Shot made 7:08 29-37 8 (19 Pts) 6:51 7 PREPELIC K Personal foul (P2,T4) 6:51 7 CAMPAZZO F Foul drawn 10 BOLMARO L 3PtsFG missed, 7 CAMPAZZO F Offensive 6:49 rebound (2) 6:47 8 MURIC E Personal foul, 2 free throws awarded (P3,T5) 6:47 7 CAMPAZZO F Foul drawn 6:47 9 BRUSSINO N Substitute out, 29 GARINO P Substitute in 6:47 7 CAMPAZZO F Free Throw made 1 of 2 (11 Pts) 30-37 7 6:47 7 CAMPAZZO F Free Throw missed 2 of 2 10 TOBEY M Defensive rebound (9) 6:40 10 BOLMARO L Personal foul (P2,T3) 6:40 77 DONCIC L Foul drawn 6:40 8 MURIC E Substitute out, 31 CANCAR V Substitute in BKBMTEAM5-------------GPC-000100--_69 6 Report Created WED 4 AUG 2021 12:20 Page 3/10 Saitama Super Arena Basketball さいたまスーパーアリーナ バスケットボール / Basketball Super Arena de Saitama Men 男子 / Hommes MON 26 JUL 2021 Preliminary Round Group C Start Time: 13:40 予選ラウンドグループC / Tour préliminaire groupe C Play by Play REVISED プレーバイプレー / Actions de jeux 4 AUG 12:20 Game 6 ARG 100 vs 118 SLO (24-32, 18-30, 24-26, 34-30) Game Duration: 1:49 Game ARG - Argentina Score Diff.

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