BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN & TRAILS COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA Monday, October 26, 2015 6:30 P.M. Pleasanton Senior Center Classroom 5353 Sunol Blvd. CALL TO ORDER • Pledge of Allegiance • Roll Call AGENDA AMENDMENTS MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of August 24, 2015 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions 3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes. MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE If necessary to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 4. Workshop with Fehr & Peers 5. Review and Provide Feedback on the Proposed Project to Install On-Street Bike Parking on Rose Avenue Adjacent to the Newly Constructed Starbucks COMMUNICATIONS 6. Conflict of Interest Memo provided by the City Attorney COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. Updates from the Parks and Recreation Commission 8. Updates from Project/Program/Agency Representatives 9. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Committee members. • Article Regarding a Proposal to Extend a Multi-Use Trail through Niles Canyon from Fremont to Sunol COMMITTEE COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS • Bike Lane on Valley Avenue/Bernal Avenue • Tri-Valley Conservancy FUTURE AGENDA ITEM • Parking/Bike Lane on Santa Rita Road Adjacent to Aquatic Park ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: November 23, 2015 Notice Under Government Code §54957.5, any writings/documents regarding an open session item on this agenda provided to a majority of the Commission after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection at the Community Services Department, 200 Old Bernal Avenue, Pleasanton. Accessible Public Meetings The City of Pleasanton will provide special assistance for citizens with disabilities to participate in public meetings upon advance notice. If you need an auxiliary hearing aid or sign language assistance at least two working days advanced notice is necessary. Please contact the Community Services Department, PO Box 520, Pleasanton, CA 94566 or (925) 931-5340. Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Agenda Page 2 of 2 October 26, 2015 Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Minutes City Council Chamber, 200 Old Bernal Avenue Pleasanton, CA August 24, 2015 – 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Streng called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was recited. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Justin Brown, Richard Duffy, Tom Hall, Steven McGinnis, and Chairperson Joe Streng. (Don Johnston arrived at 6:39 p.m.) Committee Members Absent: Nancy Allen, Ardin Lo, and Rick Romine. Staff Present: Matt Nelson, Associate Traffic Engineer, and Edith Caponigro, Recording Secretary. Agency Representatives: None AGENDA AMENDMENTS There were none. MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of June 22, 2015. Motion made by Mr. Duffy, seconded by Mr. McGinnis to approve the June 22, 2015 meeting minutes. The motion was approved unanimously. MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations There were none. 3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Minutes August 24, 2015 Page 1 There were none. MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE 4. Accepted Proposal from Fehr & Peers to Update the 2010 Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Mr. Nelson noted that the Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan needs to be updated every five years to revise the project priority list and allow the City to compete for State Bicycle Transportation Account funding and other available regional, state and federal funds. The Committee was informed that a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Update was issued in March 2015 but no proposals were received. After meeting with several prospective consultants, staff refined the Scope of Work in the RFP and reissued the request in June 2015. From this request one proposal was received from Fehr & Peers, the consultants that had prepared the original Master Plan in 2010. The Fehr & Peers proposed cost for updating the Master Plan is $146,237, which Mr. Nelson advised staff deems reasonable for the scope of the Master Plan Update. Chairperson Streng questioned whether staff anticipated the budget for this Plan Update would remain as quoted. Mr. Nelson indicated it would remain the same unless additional items are requested by the City. Mr. Nelson advised Mr. Brown that staff did not see the importance of any optional tasks, but would be meeting with the consultants to decide about possible add-ons. He provided information about a Strava Data application that provides information for cyclists and collects data on bicycle usage and speed. Chairperson Streng asked about Optional Task items in the proposal that he was interested in learning more about. Mr. McGinnis indicated he was interested in learning more about the pedestrian connectivity analysis. Committee members were informed by Mr. Nelson that the proposal from Fehrs & Peers would be considered for approval by City Council at their September 1, 2015 meeting. Chairperson Streng liked that this consulting company has updated the City of Dublin’s Bikeways Master Plan. Mr. Johnston questioned whether this Committee would have an opportunity to be more precise and provide useful input to the Proposal as the consultant proceeds. Mr. Nelson indicated this would be possible and suggested the Committee begin thinking about prioritizations and the direction that could be provided for when they meet with the consultant. He advised that there would be a kick-off meeting and brainstorming session with the consultant. Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Minutes August 24, 2015 Page 2 Mr. Brown felt it would be beneficial to review additional items with the consultant at an informal meeting and asked about proposed schedule dates so people could be encouraged to attend these meetings. Mr. Nelson felt the kick-off meeting would be informational and allow for flexibility. He confirmed that if approved by this Committee the Proposal would go to City Council for approval after which a contract will be signed with the consultant and the timeline would be amended as needed. Chairperson Streng commented on the initial lack of proposals for this project that has delayed the start date. A motion was made by Mr. McGinnis, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to accept the Proposal from Fehr & Peers to update the 2010 Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Brown, Duffy, Hall, Johnston, McGinnis, and Chairperson Streng. NOES: None ABSENT: Allen and Romine. ABSTAIN: None COMMUNICATIONS There were none. COMMITTEE REPORTS 5. Updates from the Parks and Recreation Commission – Chairperson Streng advised that at a previous Parks and Recreation Commission meeting the Commission had: 1) approved a proposed ban on smoking in City parks that has since been approved by City Council; and 2) discussed naming of a new park in Hacienda. 6. Updates from Project/Program/Agency Representatives – no reports. 7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Committee members None. COMMITTEE COMMENTS a) Mr. Johnston commented on his recent tips to London and Paris and the visible increase in the use of bicycles since his last visit to these cities. b) Ms. Duffy provided information about the Tri-Valley Conservancy’s participation at the Farmer’s Market and indicated he has asked them to attend a meeting of this Committee. c) Mr. Hall asked Mr. Nelson about the paving of Greenwood Road and the lack of striping being a problem for students starting school on August 25. d) Mr. McGinnis commented on: 1) new rules for cyclists adopted in Paris and their similarity to rules in Idaho. He wondered if any consideration was being given to adopting similar rules in Pleasanton; 2) the green painted bike lane on Sunol Boulevard Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Minutes August 24, 2015 Page 3 that stops too soon and is dangerous; and 3) possible extension of the light at Valley and Bernal Avenues to allow cyclists to cross safely. Mr. Nelson indicated he would look into these issues. e) Mr. Johnston commented on engineering and signage changes that are helping with the flow of traffic. f) Mr. Brown commented on public bike usage now being used in many cities and the possibility of this being used to connected from BART to downtown Pleasanton. Chairperson Streng discussed the possibility of partnering with the City of Livermore on something like this. Mr. Nelson agreed and thought this would be good for the kick-off meeting with the consultant. g) Chairperson Streng thanked Mr. McGinnis for representing this Committee and the City of Pleasanton in a recent Pleasanton Weekly article on cycling. h) Chairperson Streng asked staff to advise the Committee on what steps have been taken in response to comments made by Jim Van Dyke at the previous meeting regarding parking on Santa Rita Road near the Amador Park. STAFF COMMENTS None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Minutes August 24, 2015 Page 4 Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Committee Agenda Report October 26, 2015 Item 5 SUBJECT: REVIEW AND PROVIDE FEEDBACK ON THE PROPOSED PROJECT TO INSTALL ON-STREET BIKE PARKING ON ROSE AVENUE ADJACENT TO THE NEWLY CONSTRUCTED STARBUCKS SUMMARY The project was initiated with the intention of looking for additional on-street vehicle parking within the downtown area. The location on Rose Avenue, adjacent to Starbucks, was a prime location to provide additional on-street vehicle parking. However, due to the roadway constraints at this location an on-street vehicle parking lane was not feasible. With some minor roadway striping modifications, this location appears to be ideal for bike parking. In addition, this project would not result in the loss of any existing on-street vehicle parking.
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