TRANS* ACTIVIST MISS MAJOR MARKS JANE ADDAMS’ DAY WINDY CITY THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, PAGE 9 BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 SEPT. 10, 2014 VOL 29, NO. 50 TIMESwww.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Agencies push state to release HIV/AIDS funds BY Matt SIMONETTE African-American HIV/AIDS Response Act would not D-Chicago, who chairs the House Appropriations–Hu- be allocated to them. Those agencies were awarded man Services Committee, said that although IDPH re- A number of HIV/AIDS agencies, all serving persons of the money through a request for proposal process, quested an initial appropriation of about $1.5 million, color, are preparing to lobby the Illinois government to and most made budgeting decisions based on those it did not specify a revenue source from which to draw release funds that had been awarded to them for fiscal awards, so the sudden reversal could have potentially the funds. year (FY) 2015, but were never allocated. devastating effects. The agencies were informed of the situation in a July SINEAD In July, the Illinois Department of Public Health Why the money was not turned over remains un- 17 conference call that most participants expected was clear. IDPH officials say the General Assembly needs O’CONNOR (IDPH) informed 20 service providers that money awarded to those agencies for FY 2015 through the to replenish funds. But Illinois state Rep. Greg Harris, Turn to page 7 TALKS NEW CD, CHICAGO BLUES Some of the groups PAGE 22 fighting for funding include Black Men’s Xchange (left), and Affinity Community Services (right), and many others. HE’S GOT THE LUKE FUND HOUSE HEALTH CARE ADVOCATE CARYN BERMAN DIES PAGE 6 page 8 OUT GAY LATINO MOUNTS ALDERMANIC page 17 CHALLENGE PAGE 4 Luke Evans is part of Windy City Times’ fall movie lineup, starring in Dracula Houston Mayor Annise Parker was the featured speaker at the Gay & Lesbian Untold. See page 17. Photo by David M. Benett/Getty Images Victory Fund’s annual champagne brunch Sept. 7 at the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel. See and read more on page 8. Photo by Hal Baim WindyCityTimes_10x6.625_Layout 1 9/3/14 8:12 AM Page 1 2 Sept. 10, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES FEATURING140 INTERNATIONALLY RENOWNED GALLERIES FROM 17 COUNTRIES AND 43 CITIES THE INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION OF CONTEMPORARY & MODERN ART 18–21 SEPTEMBER 2014 NAVY PIER Tickets available at expochicago.com Presenting Sponsor Vernissage: Thursday, September 18 Friday & Saturday $20 daily Benefiting the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago 11:00am – 7:00pm $30 three-day pass 6:00pm – 9:00pm $15 Students/Seniors To purchase your $100 Individual ticket visit Sunday mcachicago.org/vernissage 11:00am – 6:00pm W H A T ’ S Y O U R POSITION? We want your opinions about new health messages. You may be eligible if you are Latino, age 18 or older, live or work in Chicagoland, and had sex with a man in the past year. For more information visit messages4men.org call 773.661.0736 or text CHICAGO to 97779 If you complete the 90-minute survey, you will receive a $40 gift card as a token of appreciation. WINDY CITY TIMES this week in NEWS WINDY CITY TIMES Sept. 10, 2014 Gay Latino aldermanic candidate IHC event focuses on drag Caryn Berman dies; Clarke’s controversy ENTERTAINMENT/EVENTS Lack of HIV/AIDS funds for agencies 4 Dancin’ Feats Victory Fund brunch; Project CHAT 5 Knight: Skeleton Twins, Homestretch Trans* activist marks Addams’ day 6Fall LGBT movie roundup 3 7 11 LETTERS Dish: Current, Florentine 8 Theater reviews 16 9 Judy Garland book review 17 10 Billy Masters 18 19 20 OUTLINES 21 Classifieds Calendar Images on cover (left, from top): Photo of Miss MajorSinead Griffin-Gracy O’Connor by interview Gretchen Rachel Blickensderfer; photo of Sinead O’Connor by Donal Moloney; photo of Caryn Berman by Tracy 18 Baim; photo of Carlos Ramirez-Rosa by Matt Simonette 20 22 TRANS* ACTIVIST MISS MAJOR MARKS JANE ADDAMS’ DAY WINDY CITY THE VOICE OF CHICAGO’S GAY, LESBIAN, PAGE 9 BI AND TRANS COMMUNITY SINCE 1985 SEPT. 10, 2014 VOL 29, NO. 50 TIMESwww.WindyCityMediaGroup.com Agencies push state to release HIV/AIDS funds BY MATT SIMONETTE African-American HIV/AIDS Response Act would not D-Chicago, who chairs the House Appropriations–Hu- be allocated to them. Those agencies were awarded man Services Committee, said that although IDPH re- A number of HIV/AIDS agencies, all serving persons of the money through a request for proposal process, quested an initial appropriation of about $1.5 million, color, are preparing to lobby the Illinois government to and most made budgeting decisions based on those it did not specify a revenue source from which to draw release funds that had been awarded to them for fiscal awards, so the sudden reversal could have potentially the funds. year (FY) 2015, but were never allocated. devastating effects. The agencies were informed of the situation in a July SINEAD In July, the Illinois Department of Public Health Why the money was not turned over remains un- 17 conference call that most participants expected was clear. IDPH officials say the General Assembly needs O’CONNOR (IDPH) informed 20 service providers that money awarded to those agencies for FY 2015 through the to replenish funds. But Illinois state Rep. Greg Harris, Turn to page 7 TALKS NEW CD, CHICAGO BLUES Some of the groups PAGE 22 fighting for funding DOWNLOAD THIS! include Black Men’s Xchange (left), and Affinity Community Services (right), and many others. HE’S GOT THE LUKE FUND HOUSE Go to www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com HEALTH CARE ADVOCATE CARYN BERMAN DIES PAGE 6 to download complete issues of Windy City Times and Nightspots. page 8 OUT GAY LATINO MOUNTS ALDERMANIC page 17 CHALLENGE PAGE 4 Luke Evans is part of Windy City Times’ fall movie lineup, starring in Dracula Houston Mayor Annise Parker was the featured speaker at the Gay & Lesbian Untold. See page 17. Photo by David M. Benett/Getty Images Victory Fund’s annual champagne brunch Sept. 7 at the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel. See and read more on page 8. Photo by Hal Baim Then click on any ad and be taken directly to the advertiser’s Web site! online exclusives at www.WindyCityMediaGroup ‘TRY’ ONE ON .com “Try” singer Colbie Caillat (left) talks about her Human Rights Campaign video, going retro and the woman behind the music. Photo by Jerry Nunn GETTING PHILOSOPHICAL Hiram Crespo, who identifies as gay, is the author of Tending the Epicurean Windy City Garden and founded the Society of Times reviews Friends of Epicureanism. theatrical productions The Coward (above) NOT TO BRAGG, BUT... and The Game’s Thad Gerardot aims Afoot. to be the first out Musician Billy Bragg muses on Photo by Johnny state rep in Indiana. everything from being an ally of the Knight Photo from Gerardot LGBT community to being part of the upcoming Riot Fest. SKY HIGH THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT Find out the latest about Nene Leakes, Frozen, Jenny Shimizu and Gone with the Wind. plus DAILY BREAKING NEWS Chicago Sky fan Berna Whiteside is backing her team all the way as it takes on Phoenix in the WNBA finals. Photo by Ross Forman night nightspots spots #1126 • Sept. 3, 2014 ROBYN FANS UNITE! IN ROBYN’S HOOD HONORING If you were in Chicago last Sunday, you were probably at the Robyn show. See if you made the JOAN RIVERS Find Nightspots on cut on page 16 Show #590 www.WindyCityQueercast.com 4 Sept. 10, 2014 WINDY CITY TIMES put a bull’s-eye on my back and that’s going sa is very aware and connected to those activ- to get people in city hall very angry: Chicago ist roots and seeks to build off that platform. belongs to the people!” The gathering had a community and familial Carlos Ramirez- At 25, Ramirez-Rosa said he is running for atmosphere. Ramirez-Rosa’s sister introduced Rosa. Photo by alderman to “invest in our public schools and him, followed by the aldermanic candidate Lauren Childers city services, raise the minimum wage and encouraging the crowd to come closer before keeping housing affordable, and strengthen delivering his campaign speech. Ramirez-Rosa democracy and fight corruption.” The latter is then invited his grandmother to conclude the a call to put residents in charge of local zoning event with a closing prayer given in Spanish. and budgetary decisions, to fight to institution Ramirez-Rosa said he has worked to stop of corporate handouts for schools, fight depor- school closings, expand access to education, tations of immigrants, and issues of plowing and create equal opportunity for women, im- and pothole repairs. migrants, the LGBT community and working After paying homage to his activist forefa- people. He proclaimed his dedication to help- thers, Ramirez-Rosa acknowledged, “I have ing the “everyman” of the 35th Ward and ac- been a beneficiary of movements. I’m standing tively encouraged a dialogue between himself here today as a Latino that can run for alder- and community members. ELECTIONS 2015 man because people have fought.” Ramirez-Ro- Openly gay candidate Appeals court strikes challenges Colon down Ind., Wis. bans In a swift three-to-zero decision that was is- also reinforces the importance of marriage sued Sept. 4 in Chicago, the Seventh Circuit for the children of same-sex couples, who in 35th Ward Court of Appeals said marriage-equality bans shouldn’t have to grow up thinking their in Wisconsin and Indiana were unconstitu- families are inferior to other families,” said BY Matt SIMONETTE AND ward infrastructure funds, and the ability to tional.
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