THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THISIf you areCIRCULAR in any doubt IS as IMPORTANTto the course of actionAND you REQUIRES should take, YOURyou should IMMEDIATE consult your stockbroker, ATTENTION. bank manager, solicitor, THISIfaccountant you areCIRCULAR in or any other doubt professional ISas toIMPORTANT the course adviser of immediately. actionAND you REQUIRES should take, youYOUR should IMMEDIATE consult your stockbroker, ATTENTION. bank manager, solicitor, THISIfaccountant you areCIRCULAR in or any other doubt professional IS as IMPORTANTto the courseadviser of immediately. actionAND you REQUIRES should take, YOURyou should IMMEDIATE consult your stockbroker, ATTENTION. bank manager, solicitor, THISIfaccountantThe you Notice areCIRCULAR in or anyof other the doubt professionalAnnual IS as IMPORTANTto theGeneral courseadviser Meeting of immediately. actionAND (“AGM”) you REQUIRES should and take, the YOUR youProxy should FormIMMEDIATE consult are s youret out stockbroker, ATTENTION.in the Annual bank Report manager, 201 solicitor,3 of the TheCompany Notice thereof. of the TheAnnual AGM General will be Meetingheld at Banquet (“AGM”) Hall, and Menara the Proxy Korpor Format, Persada are set PLUS,out in Persimpanganthe Annual Report Bertingkat 2013 Subang,of the THISIfaccountant you areCIRCULAR in or any other doubt professional ISas toIMPORTANT the course adviser of immediately. actionAND you REQUIRES should take, youYOUR should IMMEDIATE consult your stockbroker, ATTENTION. bank manager, solicitor, TheCompanyKM15, Notice Lebuhraya thereof. of the The BaruAnnual AGM Lembah General will beKlang, heldMeeting 47301at Banquet (“AGM”) Petaling Hall, andJaya, Menara the Selangor Proxy Korpor DarulFormat, Persada Ehsanare set PLUS,on out Thursday, in Persimpangan the Annual 24 April Report Bertingkat 2014 at201 10.00 3Subang,of athe.m . Ifaccountant you are in or any other doubt professional as to the courseadviser of immediately. action you should take, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, TheCompanyKM15,or at Notice any Lebuhraya adjournmentthereof. of the The BaruAnnual thereof.AGM Lembah General will Klang,be heldMeeting 47301 at Banquet (“AGM”) Petaling Hall, Jaya,and Menara theSelangor Proxy Korpor DarulFormat, Persada Ehsanare set onPLUS, out Thursday, in Persimpangan the Annual24 April Report Bertingkat2014 at201 10.00 3Subang,of a .them. Ifaccountantor you at any are adjournmentin or any other doubt professional thereof.as to the courseadviser of immediately. action you should take, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, TheTHISCompanyKM15,THIS Notice CIRCULARCIRCULARLebuhraya thereof. of the TheBaruAnnual ISAGMIS Lembah IMPORTANTIMPORTANT General will Klang,be Meetingheld 47301 at ANDANDBanquet (“AGM”) Petaling REQUIRESREQUIRES Hall, andJaya, Menara the Selangor Proxy YOURYOUR Korpor DarulForm IMMEDIATEat,IMMEDIATE Persada Ehsanare set on PLUS,out Thursday, in ATTENTION.ATTENTION. Persimpanganthe Annual 24 April Report Bertingkat2014 at201 10.003 Subang,of athe.m. accountantorThe at anyProxy adjournment or Form other must professional thereof. be completed adviser and immediately. lodged with UEM Sunrise Berhad’s share registrar, Symphony Share Registrars Sdn TheCompanyKM15, Notice Lebuhraya thereof. of the The BaruAnnual AGM Lembah General will beKlang, heldMeeting 47301at Banquet (“AGM”) Petaling Hall, andJaya, Menara the Selangor Proxy Korpor DarulFormat, Persada Ehsanare set PLUS,on out Thursday, in Persimpangan the Annual 24 April Report Bertingkat 2014 at201 10.00 3Subang,of athe.m . TheBhd, Proxy Level Form 6, Symphony must be completedHouse, Pusat and Dagangan lodged with Dana UEM 1, JalanSunrise PJUBerhad’s 1A/46, share47301 registrar, Petaling SymphonyJaya, Selangor Share Darul Registrars Ehsan ,Sdn not CompanyKM15,IforIf youatyou any areareLebuhraya adjournment thereof. inin anyany doubt doubt TheBaru thereof.AGM asasLembah toto thewillthe coursecourse Klang,be held of of47301 at actionaction Banquet Petaling youyou Hall, shouldshould Jaya, Menara take,take, Selangor you youKorpor shouldshould Darulat, Persada consultconsultEhsan on yourPLUS,your Thursday, stockbroker,stockbroker, Persimpangan 24 April bankbank Bertingkat2014 manager,manager, at 10.00 solicitor,Subang,solicitor, a.m. TheTheBhd,less NoticeProxy thanLevel 48 Form6,of hours Symphonythe must Annualbefore be completedHouse, theGeneral time Pusat of Meetingand holding Dagangan lodged (“AGM”) the with AGM.Dana UEM and 1,The Jalan Sunthe lodging rise ProxyPJUBerhad’s 1A/46,of Form the Proxy 47301areshare s et Form registrar,Petaling out willin the Jaya,Symphonynot Annual preclude Selangor ShareReport you Darul Registrarsfrom 201 Ehsan 3attendingof , Sdnthenot KM15,oraccountantaccountant at any Lebuhraya adjournment oror otherother Baru professionalprofessional thereof. Lembah adviserKlang,adviser immediately.47301immediately. Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan on Thursday, 24 April 2014 at 10.00 a.m. CompanyBhd,lessand thanvoting Level 48thereof. in6, hours personSymphony The before at AGM the theHouse, meeting will time bePusat of ifheld holdingyou Dagangan at are Banquet ablethe AGM. toDana Hall,do so.1,The Menara Jalan lodging PJU Korpor of1A/46, theat, PersadaProxy 47301 Form PLUS,Petaling will Persimpangan Jaya,not preclude Selangor Bertingkatyou Darul from Ehsan attendingSubang,, not orThe at anyProxy adjournment Form must thereof. be completed and lodged with UEM Sunrise Berhad’s share registrar, Symphony Share Registrars Sdn KM15,lessand votingthan Lebuhraya 48 in hours person Barubefore at the Lembah the meeting time Klang, ofif youholding 47301 are ablethe Petaling AGM.to do so.Jaya, The Selangorlodging of Darul the Proxy Ehsan Formon Thursday, will not preclude24 April 2014you from at 10.00 attending a.m. TheTheBhd,The Proxy NoticeNoticeLevel Form 6, ofof Symphony the themust AnnualAnnual be completedHouse, GeneralGeneral Pusat andMeetingMeeting Dagangan lodged (“AGM”)(“AGM”) with Dana UEM and1,and JalanSun thetherise PJUProxyProxyBerhad’s 1A/46, FormForm share 47301 areare ssregistrar,et etPetaling outout inin Symphony Jaya,thethe AnnualAnnual Selangor Share ReportReport Darul Registrars 201 201Ehsan33 ofof ,Sdn notthethe orandBursa at votingany Malaysia adjournment in person Securities at thereof. the meeting Berhad iftakes you noare responsibilityable to do so. for the contents of this Circular, makes no representation as to its TheBhd,lessCompany Proxy thanLevel 48 Formthereof.6, hours Symphony must beforeThe be AGM completedHouse,the timewill Pusat beof and heldholding Dagangan lodged at Banquet the with AGM.Dana UEMHall, 1,The Jalan MenaraSun lodgingrise PJU KorporBerhad’s 1A/46,of theat, Proxy 47301Persadashare Form registrar,Petaling PLUS, will PersimpanganJaya,Symphonynot preclude Selangor Share youBertingkat Darul Registrarsfrom Ehsan attending Subang, , Sdnnot BursaCompanyaccuracy Malaysia orthereof. complet Securities Theeness AGM andBerhad will expressly be takes held nodisclaimsat Banquetresponsibility any Hall, liability Menarafor the whatsoever contentsKorporat, offor Persada this any Circular, loss PLUS, howsoever Persimpanganmakes noarising representation Bertingkatfrom or in as Subang,reliance to its Bhd,lessKM15,andKM15, thanvoting Level Lebuhraya Lebuhraya48 in6, hours personSymphony before BaruBaru at the Lembah LembahtheHouse, meeting time PusatKlang, Klang,of if holdingyou Dagangan 47301 47301are ablethe PetalingPetaling AGM. toDana do so. 1,Jaya,TheJaya, Jalan lodging SelangorSelangor PJU of1A/46, DarulDarulthe Proxy 47301 EhsanEhsan Form Petalingonon Thursday,Thursday,will Jaya,not preclude 24Selangor24 AprilApril you 2014 2014Darul from atat Ehsan 10.0010.00attending, anota..mm .. TheBursaaccuracyupon Proxy theMalaysia orwhole Form complet orSecuritiesmust anyeness be part completed and Berhadof theexpressly contents takes and disclaimslodgedno of responsibility this with Circular. any UEM liability forSun the risewhatsoever contentsBerhad’s offor share thisany Circular,registrar,loss howsoever makesSymphony arisingno representation Share from Registrars or in asreliance to Sdn its Bhd,lessandoror at atvotingthan Levelanyany 48 adjournmentadjournment in 6, hours person Symphony before at thereof.thethereof. theHouse, meeting time Pusat ofif youholding Dagangan are ablethe AGM. toDana do so. 1,The Jalan lodging PJU of1A/46, the Proxy 47301 Form Petaling will Jaya,not preclude Selangor you Darul from Ehsan attending, not Bursaaccuracyupon the Malaysia wholeor complet orSecurities anyeness part andofBerhad the expressly contents takes disclaimsno of responsibilitythis Circular. any liability for the whatsoever contents offor thisany Circular,loss howsoever makes arisingno representation from or in asreliance to its lessand votingthan 48 in hours person before at the the meeting time ofif youholding are ablethe AGM.to do so. The lodging of the Proxy Form will not preclude you from attending accuracyupon the wholeor complet or anyeness part and of the expressly contents disclaims of this Circular. any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance andBursaTheThe voting ProxyProxy Malaysia in FormForm person Securities mustmust at the bebe completedmeetingcompletedBerhad takesif youandand noare lodgedlodged responsibility able withwithto do UEM UEMso. for SunSun theriserise contentsBerhad’sBerhad’s of thisshareshare Circular, registrar,registrar,
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