From San Francitoo: Lurline January It The beginner at advertising should For San Francisco: seek a proper introduction to the Lurline January 20 I right people the home people. Try From Vancouver: ET1N Evening the BULLETIN for a starter. Makura February 3 For Vancouver: Bull Character-Builde- January 31 Is the r of Successful Merchants Zcalaiidia 3:30 EDITION PRICE 5 CENTS. ESTABLISHED 1882. NO. 4819. 16 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. SATURDAY. JANUARY 7, 1911. 16 PAGES. V 111 GIRLS' SCHOOL ENDANGERS INMATES WILL SAFEGUARD IMORMON CHURCH TO HELP BECK Girls In Peril, IMMIGRANTS AT IN FIGHT FOR SUGAR TRUST Immigration Tax PANAMA Conditions Told Health conditions en the Isthmus of Paminia will be investigated by Dr. iclor S Clark, of the Territorial;, Of Schools Reports To Will Next Legislature To Hoar dof Immigration, before the pro-- Matron Ask nosed "route" for immigrants from Portugal to Hawaii is established. Dr. Re-ena- Telling Of ct Bill Clark is leaving San Francisco today Commission, Passed lor the Isthmus. Tho Hoard of Immigration receiv-- i I A?s I r!SL - I ed a cablegram to this effect from! f 4f Dangers In 1909 Dr. Clark this morning. He has been in San Francisco for more than a The lives of the fifty two girls who twelve Japanese four Cbineie and nor- - expended by tlic Territorial Hoard of A reenacluient of tlie special week, arranging for tlie charter of a1 is ii ...... t i Portuguese. are detained at ine un is inuii-i- i.n four IniinigiaUon din ing the course of the vessel to bring the Portuguese from en- poration Income tax for the purpose s are in comuaiii uani,i:i he- Conditions at Hie school are i two years, much of it having Cruz to Hawaii. The cable luul con-t-e- last Salina - to tile of assist iug immigrai ion and (lie i of the condition of the Imild- tlrely satisfactory, according been expended by A. L. C. Atkinson contains no information as to tlie uise - one o ra- - repoit. A new dining ball is de- vatien of Territorial will in recruiting Russians as plantation charter and it is believed that It has nus. accordine to seeuu says statements tliat are. dared an absolute ne.essity, and lie urged upon the next session of The bill was enacted for a not been clased. Dr. Clark thai ther FtartlLiK laborers. nothing from Agent! three new cottages for teachers and two-yea- he lias to rcinrt contained in the report of Sadie by Covernor Krenr. period, the expending of the dormi- the legislature Campbell who is in London now. Sterrett, matron of the trliooi, con-- j extension of tlie shop; a new will bring the whole policy of u:oney accruing being left in tho tu ' This si(lerd at the meetniK of Hie school tory and a new road from I.ahaina immigration directly before hands of the Territorial Hoard of Itn-- 1 assisted commissioners this nioiniiiK. l.ahainaluna. the Legislature, ji ml a sharp division migi atioii. Training. All of the girls are subjected to j Nred Practical of oiinlon is sure to develop as to the. Legislation for tlie purposes of im REPUBLICANS TO In the course of his report Super- of tunerculosis, staiesj cent muatice of the policy inorpor-- i proving tlie roads throughout the the inieciion intendent Pope places industrial work report, which also declares rue nled in the hill passed at the session Territory will also be urged upon the ihe ill an important place in the school , ' buildings arc old and dilapidated, connection be of l!n:i. - Legislature by Governor Frear. The curriculum. In this long their usefulness, says: Covei-no- morning1 Governor believes the legislation IN having outlived The stated this FIX POLICY course of in. and are at present daniierous to life. "I am confident that our he was favorable to the reenact-- ; that will assure better methods Indus-- : that W of a bed slnlv with special emphasis on provides a! road construction and tlie handling A lew weeks ano tlie luent of the bill which y tr'.af wink is quite suitable for oii( in-- i went through the lloor of a dormito 2 per cent, on all ! of road funds is a pressing necessity, ! to me rpecial tax of room." mixed imputation. 'It seems CAUCUS niwl the celliiu--- of Hie dinillK I conies in ex-e- of $10110 per year, and will so advise tlie Legislature. i that the great fault has been and is j Ihe is also president of the Utah. Idaho buildings is so! one-fourt- j , ..J.II1I will abro come the Smith, head Mormon church, The wood of the still a failure to carry into practice of the proceeds going to 't ' next session of tho Legislature that I'Suga Company, capitalised at $13 000,000. He Is named as one of the riddled by woims thai Matron Star-- i what is prescribed. We have had no a conservation fund for the benefit against American Sugar Refin. of-tl- ie defendants in the government's suit the rett-make- unqualified particular method of requiring tho of the Territory as a whole, and tne will lie drawn to cover some the deliberate may work to be done and teachers have or pur-po- se doubts on the re iativo powers of the Qahu Have Much statement "that at any time one three fourths being used for the Members imi on work much TJTTa j have carried the Ha- through Hie floor." of bringing ininiigranta to Mon- 'the Utah. Idaho Company. fell as they have pleased. The siicrvis-in- g Settle at Meeting n tory, inc ident to (lie adoption of the j tAS It is asserted by tne nia-tio- system of waii. further principals, with a i.s money derived from the county control system by tile last. day Night. i.ie camped, prisonlike checking up of all reports, have gen- It tlie "that , tax has been Legislature. are depressing niental-ly- erally changed matters in this res- imposition of this that BIRD-MA- surroundin; DIKING ALPHONSO N GIVtS physically, and are pect and these steps toward more i morally and uniform suspensive Is largely to blame for the number of complete and DIRECT PRIMARY MAY bound to result in a better educa- deal lis from tuberculosis." tional system. FIGHT OF MAYOR AGAINST HAVE SOME TROUBLE' Tlie commission of public instruc- Taxable School Property. tion began its session a 9 o'clock The inventory of taxable school this morning, those present being properly is as follows: Niihau, un- CoinmiKi inner Aiken, Miss Paris, Mrs. Kauai and $I1,SS!U5. SUPERVISORS IS NEAI(ING Called For In Plat- school lot valuation;.. $2,395.00; leasure Wilcox, Judge Stanley and Superin- used Be ; BY BOMB A SENSATION Oahu, $775,113 I. S3, unused school valu- form May Not Given Pope, Commissioners Moir tendent ations. $ I H tS. ml; Maul and Molokal, Heartiest of Endorsements iind 1: e being absent. $2til.l'io, unused lot valuations, $752.-IM- i; ( AssiiclllO-c- ril.Ii- A of reports were read Hawaii, $230,305. 73, lot valuation POINT OF COURT PROCEDURE Now, ( Assiic-hio-i- l l'n-s.- Ciihle.) t'' i' .) number MALAtiA. Spain, .Ian. 7. A dense SAN KANCISCO, Jan. 7. I he from supervising inspectors and prin ?i,t;r,4.uo. to Kini; Al big aviation meet here opened today a portion of the regular Health Inspection. crowd natbercd welcome cipals and Special emphasis is placed by Sup- a names, was scat- wiih a llight by Aviator report of Superintendent Pope. The "solid six" Republican super-i:or- Unless Fern offers substitute republican members of the next phonso on bis visit here erintendent Pope on tlie for a k a lladley, who llcw in his monoplane may mandamus Mayor .1. J. I'aele will continue to serve at Home of Representatives will meet tered riubt and left today when Boys' Indus. rial. thorough system of health inspection l lie field at South San Francisco con- I'Ym Svith a view to compelling that o. in caucus next Monday night, with a bomb exploded in its midst fwoi from The report of II. JI. Tucker, super of public school children . In this It is fur uptown, winged his way out over he to t tie number of official to oiler new names as ap- Mayor rem is still of tlie opinion lot of work ahead of thorn anil appar- people were seriously injured. intendent of tho Hoys' Industrial nection refers 'e Franch-c- bay, circled tlie cruis- eases of infantile paralysis that hava super-vimr- s thai, he not been shown duo cour- good deal of division as to possible that the explosion was an San pointees for the office of road has ently a School, showed that the number of' locally members of done. The caucus is attempt to assassinate the Li tig. The ers Ijini? at anrlior off Coat Island develoK'd and states that the for the Honolulu and several tesy by the Republican what should be boys enrolled December 31 was Hl. by Hoard f purpose of thrashing greatest prevails. and returned without mishap. A measures taken the f the outside island districts as well. the lioard of Supervisors in the treat culled for the excitement The repoit shows that during the Health have been successful in prac- - and organiz-II- . of military is encamped at In the meantime John li. Wilson ment, over the reappointment of John out questions of policy leidinent period a crop of rattoons was tically putting a stop to the spread of ' field to in the biennial Tor twelve Oahu members into a the aviation assist 1 tit II bold;--: down tlie lid as the head Wilson as road supervisor tlie jng the harvested amounting to 4 43.8 tons.
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