[Outgoing Correspondence File: 01/13/1988-01/20/1988] Box: 9

[Outgoing Correspondence File: 01/13/1988-01/20/1988] Box: 9

Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Baker, Howard H. Jr.: Files Folder Title: [Outgoing Correspondence File: 01/13/1988-01/20/1988] Box: 9 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ January 13, 1988 Dear Bob: Tha.ks v ery much for your kind invitation to address the 1988 Hamilton County Republican Dinner in February or March. I would be delighted to join you for this special occasion, but my scheduling constrainta will not permit me to accept. Nevertheless, please extend my warm best wishes to r.'ly fellow Ohio Republicans for a most enjo~:­ able event. H0pe the new year is going well for you . Warmest regards. Sincerely, Boward H. Baker , Jr . Chief of Staff to the President The Honorable Robert Taft, Jr. Taft, Stettinius & Hollister Suite 800 1620 Eye Street, N.w. Hashington, D.C. 20006 HHB/LRC:CAD:ds lHHBA c-- ----.---- ----- --- G_C_£_ Lorraine Camarano -- Rm--. 61 - OEOB --... -. Signed: Howard -· January 13 , 1988 Lunicn and Muf ~in : Th;::,·nk ~ ,. or1 ~or ~o ur Christnas ~~rd ~n<l the ~~liqh~ful .:~Yt.ic L~ . It Wd.S n ~lcv.cur0 t0 remi:tisce . I appreci~tc your 3Upport, but I have no rcgr~ts a bout not running for <;f:fic~ this year . I ' m happy to servo President Reagan us he completes his t.e:::-m . Y0ur words o~ cnco u~ a g erncnt ncan a gxcat deal ~o m~ . PleaBc r:lc<.:ept ID? w.;irm best wi::;hes . :Jincern ~ _,, li0\i.' ;Hd I! . Bzikcr I cJ r . Chici nf StJff to the Pr0sidenL r-1rs . lIPJ. Grl K . Lupi er~ I·· ~is~ !4t1::~in Lu,pit";n 88 Bro~d Str0ct Danielson, Connecticut 06239 Don't give up your d=cnm -- "Jean Lupien !or Pr8sidcnt i~ 2008" n~s a very nice ring to it. HHB/LRC : AVH:CAD : ds lHHBA cc: Lorraine Camarano - Rm . 61 - OEOB January 13 , 1988 Dear Jim: Thanks fo:c your December 17 letter :requesting selcctioD of Castle Heights for a n<:'w FBI training u. cad(mly . Although I appreciate your interest, I have been advised that , as a matte r of White llouse policy , I cnnnot inter­ vene in pending procurement decisions . I know you can appreciate the othical considerations which underli~ this policy. However, you may wish to contact the Department o:!: Ju::; ti cc dir ectly to voic':! your ccncerri s . It wa~ good to hea::- :. ro;"'1 you . Ham = ·~ga rd :; . Sincerely, I!mt<~rd E . ?.ake:::-, J r. Chi~ t o f Sta=~ ~o the Prc~idcnt 4426 : an0r. D:r-iV(:! N~shville, Tennnssee 3 7 ~05 HHB/LRC:CV : AVH:ds lHHBA cc: Lorraine C:1marano - Rm . 61 - OEOB Cleared through Counsel January 13 , 1988 ·.... h af1k you f or :-> e n cii!:"': <J me the Chr i s tm1u: qi f 1: . I ' ve f our; d a now kir.d o :=- " s t ntus ~;ynbnl . .. Un t ortunutcl:.' , it only r e minds rne of s ome "."'!hores I have to do around t he house, but pl~ase be s ur0 I appre ­ c i a te y o ur thought~ul n os s . With bc~t wis hn s, S i nc2r~ ly , B0w ~ ~d H. D a k~r, Jr. C11 ain:-t.:.:.rt The S t~~ ley Wo r ks t:•-\1 l~ri ~ain , l: f_)nr{cr: ....c±.J: - u -~.:. OC OS D HHB/LRC: CV : AVII: ds lHHBA cc: Lor~aine Cnmarano - Rm . 61 OEOB Personalized Stanley tape measurer returned to Howard Baker's o ffi ce January 13 , 1938 You ncitlcd n ]..i::tle ":-:par-kl,~" <:.1 the bcq:i._Tinit<g ,-,~~ 1988 <1.n<l ::!:: ;ipprr·ci.:t<•d ''ru ::::­ k.:..r1di.esc . ! hope the NAw Y~ar - =-' d grrH1t o ne :..or "0U . ~ith best wi~hco , Howard H .. Hak e r , Jr . Ch~ . ..... f o::-.' St.<"':'f tc.1 h~ I'r~:>idc·nt : -11 ~ . G€C)!:°Cj(! r,~ . : ilrQdU c::Gir:.:.J..:1 o:: tho Bo<·n~ Su ntor y Int~rn~t ! on~l C orpo ~ ~ti0n s 15 0c,ut.lt r~ig u r~ roei StrC!<=~t Lo~ Angcl&s , C a li~orni a 90071 HHB/LRC : CV:AVH:ds lHHBA cc: Lorraine Camarano - Rm. 61 OEOB Gift sheet sent to Gift Unit ; champagne disposed of in Ro om 61 , EOB January 13 , 1988 Dear flr . Pcldma:i: On beh;).:£ oi Sc~ato r Baker , I want to th;:!nk ;ou for ::..r our 1.r>tt0r . Hi: wa:; pl.caned t-o l ;.a. rn L.l bout :·0u r studif.! fi . Alth 0 u gh we~ ilpproci.:ite your intcr8st , I mu s t ::ell ·:nu thDt ther e a r e no internships available in ~ h e Office of the Chie f. o f Staif . Howf'ver , I ' m bri:!gin g ~/() Ur corre~po!ld nee ,:rnd resurn~ to t h~ -ttr!ntio of +-ho \ihitc Hou~ P G:;0.~tings cirld Ccmment·; Of:=i :-: · , wh0 t~l::r.: ... lir.-ii t:cd nur.tbf'r or Summer i1 tern1;; . Plc<:.so b.::: .-;,_r;~ ur r:: d ••our requnst will rec0ivc ~very con~id~rntion . Y0u miqht ~lso try con~n cti ng y0ur C on g~ec~i onal ~1pr23un ­ t2tivc lnd Geni1to r ~ dir~ctl• ·bou t oppnrluniti0a whi c h a r0 availdble in their individ u ~l o~ficr~ . 0c·11.:.i tc· r 13ttkr~r " .. ~~ }~ .._~ (1 r.~,~ ;..:0 ~;::r~C '· ·\.;U } li s ~est \J 1_ s !1c ~ __ o r a most s ucc<::sa i ul se1:~estcr in Wcl:->hi:t<}ton . I"ur i:t r!t"?ll :-1 i··c !1f-~l l Personal Assi~~an~ to the Chi of c' ~~':~~ii' nid12.el D . .. ·clcm.J.n LNM /LRC : CV:AVH:ds lHHBA cc : Joan DeCain, WH Greetings and Comments Office , with copy or incoming Lorraine Camarano , 61 OEOB January 13, 1988 D~ar .1\r ler. : Thank3 for ~ou~ December 30 lnttAr endorsing the Phil~<lclphia Chapter c~ the Young Pr8sident ' s O=ganization dinnPr invitation ! or April 20 . ! wich I could join in what is s ure to ~e an enjoyable evening r but I am 3ure ~rou underst~nd my schedule constraint~ at this ti~c . Again , thanks for writing. HRrm regards . 'fhc ilo:iorablJ; Arlc:! Sp0 ct.e r United Stut~a Sc~atc ·,{ashinqton , D.C. :!0510 HHB/LRC:CV:AVH:ds lHHBA cc: Lorraine Camarano - Rm . 61 OEOB Signe d as Howard January 13 , 1988 Thank vou for v~ur Janu nry 4 ~~tter . I ~pprcciate ~ou ~ kind words of ~ upport . I .::n h0::0red by :-1 o ur speciul invitation t<) .--iddrcn~1 :".',v fellow Republican~ at the Ma r!on Hardi~g D~y Di nner on April 23 . Hogrettably , the dernand8 of ny !:' chPdulc w:.ll :1c;t pr:rmi t nc thP J.1lr;nn urc: r,f -i0i::.ir1q ''('U . I\~~ ·..;t.t~:-.:-·t! <'.'.) ­ ~es::; , :;: <:pprc:ci ;1.t<: you r thcuqhtru.l.:1ss::; , a nd ;; (" 1• d · ·r-u .,.,,,. best wishes for i'I. mo~~t ;~;qoyfl ble occas ion . Hcwa:::.~d II . I!~tkc r, ,Jr . Chi.cf '°':>::' Str-.. ::2:'." ".::o th(' ?rc·nC. · : :·.~ Mr . Alb nrt M. Miller, ~r . G~ 9 ~; 'l!rarui t Ro Ctd ~a ri nn , Oh i o 43302 P . S . I ' ll a sk ~hat you get~ messag e f rom the President !or your dinner . Keep up the gond workt HHB /LRC: CV : AVH : L1CT: ds lHHBA cc : Linda Watson - for message Lorraine Camarano - Rrn . 61 - OEOB No t e: Approved by John Tuck (1 / 12/88) January 13, 1908 Dear Hr . Lacy : Thank you for including rne as a recipient of the Coope r Union ' s holiday ~em~nto . It ' s a very handsome deck of p:aying cards. I was e5pecially glad to see that ~.br~harn Lincoln is the King of Ueart~ -- and I didn ' t recognize the Joker , so he mu sn ' t be a Republican. With best wishes for ~ucccGs and hilppincso, Sinc("'.!rely, HGwan.1 :i . Ha ker, .Jr . Chief of Staff to the PreBidcnt r-~ r. :CilJ. N . Lacy Prer.;ident 't'he Cooper Union :.:er the Adva:-lccnent of Scicpce dnd Art 41 Coop:~r Squc..re New Ynrk , New York 10003 HHB/MO:CAD:AVH:ds lHHBA cc: Lorraine Cumarano - Rn . 61 OEOB January 1 3, 1988 Dear ,John : - T!1ank2 :::;o much for ~'n ur kircd i:wi tat ion ~.;.o be l~cynotc speaker at the Georgia State Party ' s President' s Day Dinner in February. I am deeply honore d by your invitation1 I would be delighted to visit Georgia and join my fellow Republicans. P~grcttabl7 , the ~cmand~ 0f rny 3chndul0 will not permit me the olnasure cf jnining you . I appreciate your thcughtf u lnuss , and send rny warm b~st wiahcs for a s ucceosful ~nd onjovnbln cvc~t . S2.nccn~ly , ,_-. ::: .:.- !. ' ~ ..- .... •,. - Georgia Republican Pa rty 1776 Peachtree Street , N. W. At lant~, Gcorgiil 30309 ';:; <' - • i.J . I'll President ~end ~ message for "nur , 0·vcnt: . up the gco2 work ! HHB/LRC:CV : AVH : JCT:ds lHHBA cc : Lindu Hatson with incoming Lorraine Camarano - Rm . 61 - OEOB Approved by John Tuck 1/12/88 ·t ~\"' ._, ...

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