^ X O N A L ^ v K r.__ * % FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 6 1934 NUMBER 228 4 </AilTEO ^ Washington, Tuesday, November 25, 1941 The President 1. The Federal Works Administrator, CONTENTS acting for and on Behalf of the United THE PRESIDENT States, through such person or persons EXECUTIVE ORDER as he may designate, is hereby authorized Executive Order: PaSe and directed immediately to enter upon, Grand River Dam Authority, Directing the F ederal W orks Adminis­ and take possession of, manage, and op­ Federal Works Adminis­ trator to T ake P ossession of and Op ­ erate, the project aBove mentioned for the trator to take possession of erate a Certain P roject of the G rand purpose of - generating and supplying and operate projects------- 5947 River Dam Authority power for the manufacture of explosives WHEREAS Grand River Dam Author­ or munitions of war or otherwise neces­ RULES, REGULATIONS, ity of Vinita, Oklahoma, is the holder of sary to the safety and defense of the ORDERS a license (Project No. 1494) under the United States, and for other purposes in­ T itle 14—Civil Aviation: Federal Power Act (41 Stat. 1063) and is volving the safety of the United States. RCAF maneuvers, authorization constructing, maintaining and operating 2. The Federal Works Administrator of temporary route during— 5948 a project (as defined in said Act) under 'shall retain possession, management, and T itle 16—Commercial P ractices: such license in the State of Oklahoma; control of said project until such time Federal Trade Commission: and as it shall appear to the President that Cease and desist orders: WHEREAi-f, in my opinion, the safety further retention of the project By the Federal Sales Co------------- 5949 of the United States demands that the United States is unnecessary for the ac­ Merchandise Sales Syndi­ United States enter upon and take pos­ complishment of the above-stated pur­ cate _____________ 5949 session of such project for the purposes poses, and, thereupon, shall restore pos­ T itle 17—Commodity and Se­ and time, and upon the conditions here­ session and control of the project to the curities Exchanges: inafter stated; and party or parties then entitled thereto. Securities and Exchange Com­ WHEREAS I have, simultaneously with 3. The Federal Works Administrator this order, issued an order addressed to mission: shall pay just and fair compensation for Exemptions, reports by indi­ Grand River Dam Authority, reading as the use of the property of the Authority follows: viduals representing as may be fixed By the Federal Power holding companies, etc., TO: GRAND RIVER DAM AUTHORITY, Commission upon the basis of a reason­ am endm ents------------------ 5950 VINITA, OKLAHOMA able profit in time of peace, and shall also pay the cost of restoring the prop­ T itle 19—Customs Du ties: Pursuant to section 16 of the Federal Bureau of Customs: Power Act, I hereby order and direct erty to as good condition as existed at the time of the taking over thereof, less Weighing of merchandise, that the project now being constructed, am endm ents------------------ 5951 maintained, and operated By you in the the reasonable value of any improve­ State of Oklahoma under a license (Proj­ ments that may Be made By the United T itle 21—F ood and Drugs: ect No. 1494) held By you under the Fed­ States and which are valuable and serv­ Food and Drug Administration: eral Power Act, be surrendered to, and iceable to the licensee. Label statements concerning entered upon, taken possession of, man­ 4. The Federal Works Administrator dietary properties of cer­ aged, and operated by the Federal Works may employ, without compliance with tain food, correction of Administrator, acting for and on Behalf the requirements of the Civil Service findings of fact----------- 5951 of the United States, through such per­ Rules, such personnel as may be neces­ T itle 30—M ineral R esources: son or persons as he may designate, for sary to carry out the provisions of this Minimum price schedules, re­ the reasons, the purposes, and the time, order, and may exercise any existing lief orders, etc.: and upon the conditions set forth in the contractual or other rights of the Au­ Districts No. 4 and 6---------- 5951 Executive Order issued By me simultane­ thority, and take such other steps as may Be necessary to carry out the provisions District No. 8_____________ 5952 ously with this order, a copy of which District No. 22------------------ 5952 Executive Order is attached as a part of of this order. T itle 32—National D efense: this order. F ranklin D R oosevelt Office of Price Administration: NOW, THEREFORE, By virtue of the T he W hite H ouse, Price schedules: power vested in me By the Constitution November 19,1941. Iron and steel scrap--------- 5954 and the statutes of the United States, and particularly By section 16 of the Federal [No. 89441 Paraffin wax------------------ 5962 Used steel Barrels or drums- 5961 Power Act, it is hereby ordered as fol­ [F. R. Doc. 41-8720; Filed, November 22, 1941; lows: 10:04 a. m.] (Continued on next page) 6947 5948 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, Nbvember 25, 1941 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Department of Agriculture—Con. Securities and Exchange Commis­ FEDERAL^REGISTER Surplus Marketing Administra­ sion: Page i»3* .<y tion: Page Associated Gas and Electric Co.: District of ColumBia Market­ Hearing-------------------------- 5984 ing Area, handling of Order granting right to inter­ Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, milk________________ ; 5975 vene—^.— ------------------ 5985 and days following legal holidays by the Department of the Interior: Division of the Federal Register, The National Filing notices: , Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Bituminous Coal Division: Columbia Gas & Electric Corp. tained in the Federal Register Act, approved Bear Canon Coal Co., petition (2 documents)_____ 5984,5985 July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ denied_______________ 5973 Kansas Power Co__________ 5984 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Cease and desist orders, etc.: mittee, approved by the President. Mayflower-Old Colony Copper The Administrative Committee consists of Boyles Coal Co__________ 5973 Co., suspension of registra­ the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Liter Coal Co___________ 5969 tion, etc____ ___________ 5983 of the Department of Justice designated by Nelson Coal Co__________ 5969 the Attorney General, and the Public Printer New England Power Service or Acting Public Printer. Svonavec, Steve_________ 5971 Co., continuance of authori­ The daily issue of the F ederal R egister Hearings, postponements, zation_________________ 5983 will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free etc.: of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Burns Fuel Co__________ 5968 North Country Securities Corp., year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in Scott, RoBert L., Coal Co_ 5969 order revoking registra­ advance. Remit money order payable to the tion----------------------------- 5985 Superintendent of Documents directly to the Relief granted: Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. District Board No. 10_____ 5968 War Department: Marianna Smokeless Coal Contract summaries: Co------------------------- 5971 Colt’s Patent Fire Arms Mfg. CONTENTS—Continued Revocation, suspension, of Co---------------------------- 5967 General Railway Signal Co__ 5964 T itle 32—National D efense— code membership, etc.: Continued. Page Jackson, F. E., Sand & Coal LamBie, C. S„ & Co., et al___ 5967 Office of Production Manage­ Co------------------- 5970 Sefton Fiber Can Co_______ 5965 Johns Coal Co__________ 5972 Smith & Wesson, Inc______ 5965 ment: White Motor Co_______ 5966 Passenger automobiles a n d New Deal Coal Co_______ 5972 light trucks, restriction of Runnels Coal Co________ 5971 production____________ 5954 Taylor, John, order to show Rules, Regulations, Orders Rayon yarn, designation of cause_________ 5970 agency to receive certain General Land Office: Air navigation site withdraw- « certificates____________ 5953 TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION Tin and lead foil, limitation al, Alaska________ 5974 order________________ 5954 Department of Labor: CHAPTER I—CIVIL AERONAUTICS Selective Service System: Wage and Hour Division: BOARD Cigar industry, appointment Alaska, director authorized to [Special Regulation, Civil Air Regulations] approve expenditures for of committee_________ 5976 meals, etc_____________ 5953 Learner employment certifi­ P art 40—Air Carrier Operating Forms prescribed__________ 5953 cates, various industries Certification (2 documents)_____ 5975,5976 % Henry Camp Project, 111., P art 61—Scheduled Air Carrier R ules estaBlishment_________ 5953 Department of State: Iceland, trade agreement nego­ TEMPORARY ROUTE AUTHORIZATION DURING T itle 36—P arks and F orests: tiations, supplemental no­ RCAF MANEUVERS Forest Service: tices (2 documents)______ 5964 Sitgreaves National Forest, Federal Communications Commis­ At a session of the Civil Aeronautics trespassing of horse s, sion: Board held at its office in Washington, mules, and Burros_1___ 5963 Hearings, postponements, etc.: D. C., on the 21st day of NovemBer 1941. T itle 42—P ublic H ealth: DeBs Memorial Radio Fund, It appearing that: (a) The Royal Ca­ United States Public Health Inc__________________ 5980 nadian Air Force proposes extensive Service: FM Radio Broadcasting Co., maneuvers to Be held within a large area Quarantine regulations; tri­ In c-------------------------- 5979 covering the southern portion of On­ chinosis, shipment of Frequency Broadcasting Corp. tario, Canada, beginning
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