THE CHRISTIAN'S JOURNEY by ANNA-MODINE MORAN Step by step, we walk the narrow way; We must not pause, though weary we may be, For every forward step we take each day Will bring us that much nearer, Lord, to Thee. Mile on mile, we journey toward our goal; And though obstructions often slow our pace, They cannot ever stop the trusting soul Who hopes to, some day soon, behold Thy face. Day by day, our enemy and Thine Suggests to us we turn aside, retreat; But well we know his venomous design— To thwart Thy plans by causing our defeat. We pray for strength to go on to the end— Our destination is not far away; And, prayer by prayer, we see, as we ascend The upward path, a gleam of endless day. 111111 11 1 i In This Issue . 11 11 11111 You will find a feast of good things in this 111111 issue, the first of another new volume of the 111111 SlIGNS 11 Signs of the Times. 11 11 OF THE TIMES 11 Special attention is called to "Seven Thousand 11 Miles With God," which appears on page 18. 1111 The World's Prophetic Monthly 1111 11 This is Captain M. L. Boling's personal story 11 A Magazine of Christian Living, Presenting of his record nonstop flight from Manila in 1111 the Bible as the Word of God and Jesus Christ as Man's Redeemer and Coming King the Philippine Islands to Pendleton, Oregon. 111111 1111 readers will find this article unusually in- 1 Our_, EDITOR . ARTHUR S. MAXWELL 11111 teresting because Captain Boling enjoys a rich 1 Christian experience and literally flies with 11111 ASSISTANT EDITOR . Charles D. Utt God. He is probably the first flier to give one 1111111 CIRCULATION MANAGER . 11 H. K. Christman 1 1 thousand dollars as a thank offering for his 1 1 11 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS : Karl Abrahamsen, 11 safe arrival. 1 Norway; 111 J. J. Aitken, Montevideo, Uruguay; G. J. Appel, Beirut, "From Mutineers' Hideout to Pacific Para- Lebanon; B. B. Beach, Florence, Italy; W. 11111 L. Emmerson, London, dise" is another outstanding feature, prepared 1 England; W. S. Jensen, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; C. W. Lee, Seoul, by our special correspondent, Donald Webster, Korea; A. N. Nelson, Tokyo, Japan; R. C. Piper, Warburton, 111111111 11 Australia; J. R. Spangler, Singapore. 11 in collaboration with Parkin Christian, of Pit- 1 11 cairn Island. Mr. Christian is directly descended 1111 11 from one of the original mutineers of the 11 Volume 86, Number 1, January, 1959 111 "Bounty," and this interview with him was se- 111 cured during his recent visit to the United 111111 111 CONTENTS States. 11 11 1 Starting in this issue is an exceptionally in- 11 EDITORIALS teresting series by Dr. S. H. Horn, who has 1111 What Lies Ahead) 5 spent considerable time in Bible lands. Be 1111111 Church or State) 6 11111 sure to read his first article entitled "Travels in 11 Liquor Advertising 7 Ancient Persia," on page 10. 111 1111 ARTICLES Contributions by Mary J. Vine, our London 11111 11 1 Why Teen-Agers Go Wrong Mary J. Vine 8 correspondent, are always welcome, and we feel 11111 Travels in Ancient Persia . Siegfried H. Horn 10 sure our readers will enjoy her delightful and 11 111 From Mutineers' Hideout to Pacific 1 penetrating treatment of "Why Teen-Agers Paradise . Parkin Christian and Donald A. Webster 12 11111 Go Wrong," which appears on page 8. 111 Genesis and Geology . George McCready Price 14 Those who have been following the very fine 111 Seven Thousand Miles With God . Captain "Pat" Boling 18 So You Are Having Surgery . Lucile Joy Small, R.N. 20 series of articles by Richard Lewis on Law and 1111111111 11 Who's the Legalist Now) Richard Lewis 22 Grace will enjoy his concluding article which 11 appears on page 22 entitled "Who's the Legalist 111 Living With High Blood Pressure Clifford R. Anderson, M.D. 26 Now?" 11111111 Philippians: Epistle of Rejoicing . Taylor G. Bunch 29 1111 In our February issue there will be many New Year's Eve . Sanford T. Whitman 34 excellent articles. "Could We Lose Our Lib- 111111111111 erty?" is the title of an interview with J. A. 11 POEMS 11 Buckwalter, secretary of the International Re- 11 The Christian's Journey . Anna-Modine Moran 2 111 ligious Liberty Association, arranged by Donald My New Year Aim . Pearl Waggoner Howard 7 111111 A. Webster. "Darwin After a Hundred Years" 111 Put God First . .. Helen Rogers Smith 21 11 Who Is My Neighbor) Della Adams Leitner 30 is a masterly treatment of the subject of Dar- 1111 winism, by George McCready Price. Other REGULAR FEATURES choice items will be "Divorce Dilemma" by 111111111111 Our World Today 4 Howard A. Welklin, "The Cigarette On Trial" 111 Alone With Your Bible Raymond H. Libby 16 by Justa Lee Allen, and "Call of the High Coun- Signs Counsel Corner William A. Fagal 24 try" by Jan S. Doward. 111111111111 Your Bible Questions Answered . Charles D. Uu 32 111111 1111 11 1111 11 Rates in U.S.A. and its possessions, Canada, 111 The SIGNS OF THE TIMES is printed and published monthly (twelve 11 Union: 11 issues a year) by the Pacific Press Publishing Association at 1350 Villa Street, Mexico, and Pan-American 11 $3.50 Mountain View, California, U.S.A. Second-class mail privileges authorized at One-year subscription 11111 Mountain View, California. Allow thirty days in requesting change of address; Single copy .35 111111 give both old and new addresses. Only paid-in-advance subscriptions entered. To other countries, taking extra postage: 11 Member of Associated Church Press and Religious News Service. Copyright, 1111 1958, by Pacific Press Publishing Association. One-year subscription 3.90 111 1 49566 3 COVER: CAMERA CLIX PAGE 2: DEVANEY OUR WORLD TODAY Wealth on Ocean Floor become big business, says Behind the Scenes in American Mineral engineers of the University of California are Business. The industry's yearly production in the United now investigating for the first time the possibility of re- States is valued at about four and a half billion dollars, covering loose-lying metal-bearing rocks from the ocean according to the American Can Company, a leading sup- floor. They have computed that in a good location a plier of metal food containers. square mile of the sea bottom could yield $750,000 worth Religion in the United States Capital of manganese ore, $40,000 worth of iron ore, $180,000 In the metropolitan area of Washington, D.C., there worth of nickel, $60,000 worth of copper, and $500,000 are 1,155 houses of worship, according to figures released by worth of cobalt. the Council of Churches of the National Capital Area. More Bank Robberies Protestant churches number 1,014, Roman Catholic 102, During the fiscal year which ended June 30, 1958, there Orthodox 7, and Jewish synagogues 32. There are 977,000 were 631 violations of the Federal law against bank rob- Protestants, 254,000 Catholics, 89,000 Jews, and 631,793 bery, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar who are not members of any religious body. Hoover reported. The highest previous number was 568 Scriptures Published in East Germany three years before. One of the high-ranking robbers and During 1957, according to Evangelical Bible Work, among the most wanted on the FBI's list of fugitives from there were published in the Soviet Zone of Germany a total the law is a woman. of 300,172 volumes of Scripture. These included 86,975 Israeli Farmers Observe Sabbatical Year whole Bibles, 83,714 New Testaments, and 129,483 smaller For the first time since the days of the second temple in portions. The total was an increase of 80 per cent over 1956. the first century after Christ, Jews in Israel are obeying Donations of large amounts of paper by foreign churches the Biblical command to observe the Sabbatical year. At and paper-import permits by the East German government least fifteen villages are not cultivating their land during made the printing possible. the twelve months of the Jewish year 5719, which began Archaeologists Find Ancient Sardis September 15, 1958. Discovery of the ancient city of Sardis, once the capital "Pillar of Peace" to Be Built at Capernaum of wealthy King Croesus of Lydia, and site of one of "the The Interfaith Committee for Peace in the Holy Land seven churches which are in Asia" (Revelation 1:4; 3:1) recently held ground-breaking ceremonies for a "Pillar of climaxed two months of excavation last summer by an Peace," which is to be erected on the shore of the Sea of archaeological expedition sponsored by Cornell University, Galilee near the New Testament city of Capernaum. The Harvard University, and the American Schools of Oriental committee includes Christians, Jews, and Moslems, and the Research, Jerusalem and Baghdad, with the support of the 170-foot pillar will bear symbols of all three faiths. Bollingen Foundation of New York. Sardis was destroyed by Tamerlane, the Mongol conqueror, in 1402. Liquor Advertising Reaches New High Tenth Anniversary of World Council Alcohol-beverage advertising totaled a record $413,267,- 548 in 1957, the Methodist Board of Temperance has Church leaders from all parts of the world attended the reported. One out of every twenty-one adults in the United tenth-anniversary session of the World Council of Churches States is now an alcoholic. Citing the latest studies con- at Nyborg, Denmark, in late August last year. The Council ducted by the Yale Center of Alcohol Studies, the Board now has 171 member church bodies in 52 countries.
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