he rchadian Volume 13, Number 8 www.anos.org.au June 2001 Official Journal of the Aust ralasian Native Orch id Society Grower, Hills District Orchids D.P. Banks Dockri/lia strio/ata subsp. chrysantha from Bicheno, Tas. (top) & Dockrillia sp. aff. strio/ata from Watagan Mountains, NSW Notice of Annual General Meeting of ANOS Council, Election of Council (2001-2002) & Advisory Cornrnittee Meeting. The aboye meetings of the Society will be held at the new venue of Campbelltown R.S.lo Club, Carberry Lane, Campbelltown (venue for next ANOS Conference and Show) at 10am on Sunday, 26th August 2001. Hosted by ANOS Macarthur & District Group. Morning tea will be served from 10am and lunch will be available at the club. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be Nominations For Election To Council declared open at 10.30am and the Election of Nominations for election of ANOS Council are Council for 2001-2002 will take place. called foro These should be signed by a member of the Society, countersigned by the Nominee The ANOS Advisory Committee Meeting will be accepting nomination and lodged with the held in conjunction with the aboye, commencing Secretary no later than 19th August 2001. .after closure of the AGM. ANOS Groups and Associated Native Orchid The positions to be filled are President, Vice­ Societies are requested to advise the Secretary President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, the names of their delegates or to nominate Conservation Officer plus seven Councilors. representatives to the Advisory Committee Proxy Forms for the Election must follow the Meeting before 19th August 2001. format set out in Appendix 1 the Society's Rules. SQUARE VANDA POTS ORCHID POTS 165m m x 165mm x 80m m 300m m x 120mm 120mm x 120mm 100mm x 100mm x 60mm 250mm x 150mm 100mm x 75mm 200mm x 200mm 80mm x 100mm BASKET POTS 20Ómm x 100mm 80mm x 65m m 200mm x 130mm 175m m x 120mm 70mm x 50m m 140mm x 100mm 150mm x I00mm 50mm x 65m m 80mm x 75mm 125m m x 75mm 2 1 Jambali R ad, ort Mac uame• , NSW 244 Australia Phone : (02) 6581 173 5 Fax: (02) 6581 17 3 6 Webslte: port.tsn.cclbusinesslorchldpo tcol Email: orchldp [email protected] tt« Orchadian , Volume 13, Num ber 8 www.anos.org.au June 2001 339 1 June 2001 SUBSCRIPTION RATES The Orchadian (AUD$) 535 Australia Official Joumal of The Australasian Native Orchid Society Ine. 540 Asia/ Pacific Founded August 1963 545 Other Countries www.anos.org.au COUNCIL OF ANOS Ine. Dedicated to the Study and Conservation of Australasian Native Orchids President: Print Post Approved PP239628/00002, ISBN 0474-3342 Rob Trevenar Patron¡ W alter T. Upton Vice-President: John Riley CONTENTS Seeretary: Bob Napier Volume 13 Number 8 Treasurer: Janet Napier Features Editor, Th e Orch adian: ANOS Council AGM 2001-2002 338 David P. Banks Corybas cerasinus (Orchidaceae), a New Species 39 Carole Street, From North-eastern Queensland D.L. Jones & B. Gray 341 Seven Hills, NSW 2147. First International Orchid Conservation Congress ... ... ...... 345 [email protected] The Genus Dockrillia, and its use in hybrids D.P. Banks 347 New Caledonia and its Dendrobiums (Part 2) H.P. Wood 357 ANOS Councillors: Pollination of the Elbow Orchid, I rene Bodell Arthrochilus huntianus subsp. huntianus C. Bower 366 Graeme Bradburn Appendicula austra liensis P.S. Lavarack 373 Terry Cooke Ecology of Calochilus robertsonii from Rotorua, Peter Eygelshoven New Zealand M.F. Merrett, C.E. Ecroyd & P. Cashmore 375 George Hillman ANOS Directory ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 383 Ruth Rudkin Graham Slater Russell Wales Colour Photographs Dockrillia striolata subsp. chrysan tha Front Cover Conservation Officer: Dockrillia sp. aff . striolata (Watagan form) Front Cover AJan Dash.o (02) 4384-2907 Corybas aconitiflorus 340 Corybas cerasinus ... 340 ANOS CORRESPONDENCE : A.N.O.S. Inc. P.O. Box 2165, Corybas neocaledonicus 340 Taren Point, N.S.W. 2229 Dockrillia fuliginosa oo... ... ...... ... ... 349 ~ (02) 9524-9996 Dockrillia dolichophylla oo oo oo . 349 Dockrillia brevicauda oo oo . 349 ARTlCLES: Dockrillia rigida (yellow form) oo oo 352 Items for consideration may be Dockrillia casuarinae oo .... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... 352 submitted to the Editor on disk Dockrillia striolata subsp. chrysantha ." oo .....oo .. oo oo . oo. .. 352 or via e-mail using tv1 icrosoft Arthrochilus huntianus subsp. huntianus (and pollinator) oo.oo 369 Word™. Appendicula australiensis oo . ... ... ... ... 372 Good quality colour slides, prints Mossman Gorge, Queensland oo oo . 372 or illustrations may be submitted Calochilus robertsonii '" Oo oo 381 with articles. AII efforts will be Dendrobium gracilicaule (from New Caledonia) oo ' Back Cover made to return images after Dendrobium gracilicaule (from NSW, Australia) . oo Oo oo Back Cover publication. COPYRIGHT: IIIust rations Material in Th e Orcliadian is Corybas cerasinus (Iine drawing by D.L. Jones) 343 subject to copyright & may not be Distribution of Calochilus robertsonii in New Zealand oo ' 376 reproduced without permission from the author . r:,,, Orrhudian, Volume 13. Num ber 8 www.anos.org.au June 2001 340 M.A. Clements M.A. Clements Corybas aconitiflorus Corybas cerasinus from Batehaven, New South Wales from Shipton's Flat, Queensland M.A. Clements Corybas ne ocaledonicus from Mt. Mou, New Caledonia TI" Orchudiuu, Volurne 13. Nurn ber 8 www.anos. orc .au June 200 1 34 1 Corybas cerasinus (Orchidaceae), a New Species from North-eastern Queensland. David L. Jones* and Bruce Gray# * Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian GPO Box 1600, Canberra, A.C.T., 2601, Australia. # Tropical Research Un it, CSIRO, Maunds Rd, Atherton, Queensland, 4883, Australia. Abstract Corybas cerasinus from open forests of north-eastern Queensland is described as new and compared with e. neocaledonicus from New Caledonia and e. barbarae and e. aconitiflorus from Australia. Notes on habitat and ecology are included. Key Words tapered, 1.5-1.8 mm long, e. 0.3 mm wide, Orchidaceae, Corybas cerasinus, new species, acuminate, porrect or projected upwards Australian flora, Queensland. against the base of the labellum. Petals Iinear­ tapered, e. 1 mm long, c. 0.3 mm wide, acute, Introduction falcate, obtuse, hidden behind the labellum The identity of Corybas neocaledon icus Schltr., spurs. Labellum much shorter than, and mostly which is endemic to New Caledonia, was recently hidden by, the dorsal sepal, maroon and white; established (Jones 1997) and shown to be labellum tube e. 3 mm long, erect then recurved distinct from an Australian taxon previously sharply and expanded into a lamina; lamina confused with it (Gray & Jones 1985). The obovate to cordate when viewed from the front, opportun ity is taken here to describe that 5-7 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, white wit h Australian species as new. conspicuous striae, with a prominent, deep anterior pocket, the outer margins folded back, Taxonorny the inner surface papillate, the outer surface and Corybas cerasinus D.LJones & S.Gray, sp. margins denticulate and hispid; callus thickened, nov. strongly folded medially. Labellum spurs e. 1.3 e. neocaledonico Schltr. affinis, sed floribus mm long, deflexed, hollow, tapered. Column e. minores super ovario erecto insidens, sepalo 2.5 mm long, semi-erect, broadest at the base dorsali vade curvo, et labello apicali latissimo (e. 1.4 mm across), minutely winged, with a cum marsupio profundo, differt. thick, prominent, f1esh y, red pseudo column­ foot. Anther e. 1 mm long, e. 0.7 mm wide, with Typus a very short, blunt rostrum. 5tigma elliptic, c. 0.6 Queensland: Cook District; Mt Walker, 2 June mm diam., c. 0.5 mm high, sunken. Pollinarium 1994, L.J. Roberts (DL Jones 13022) (holo c. 0.8 mm long, c. 0.4 mm wide, consisting of CANS; iso SRI). four pollinia in two pairs, attached directly to an oblong viscidium e. 0.5 mm long. Pollinia oblong, Terrestrial tuberous herb growing in colonies. cream to yellowish, mealy. Capsule not seen. Leafcordate to orbicular, 12-25 mm long, 10-14 Fig. 1. mm wide, bluish green adaxially, reddish or purplish abaxially, apex apiculate. Pedunde e. 1 Distribution and Ecology mm long. Floral bract doselv sheathing, narrowly Endemic to eastern Queensland between ovate, 3-4 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, acuminate. Cooktown and the Herbert River, including Dunk Ovary erect, straight or incurved, 4-5 mm long, Island. Grows in a range of habitats, particularly e. 2 mm wide. Flower solitary, erect with a on exposed ridges in moist to wet sclerophyll porrect dorsal sepal, 9-13 mm long, 5-7 mm forest (Gray & Jones 1985), with an upper wide, dark maroon. Dorsal sepal concave, curved canopy dominated by Allocasuarina littoralis and throughout, ovate-oblong when f1attened, 15-23 Banksia dentata and a ground cover of mm long, 6-10 mm wide, dark maroon with 6-8 Xanthorrhoea sp. Also found growing on moist longitudinal striae, narrowed at base, apex sheltered slopes in open forest dominated by apiculate, often upcurved. Lateral sepals Iinear- Eucalyptus spp. and Allocasuarina littoralis, with Tht' Orchadian, Volum e 13. Number 8 www.anos.org .au June 2001 342 a relatively sparse shrubby understorey. much paler colouration. Soils are sanos, sandy loams and gravelly Notes loams. Corybas cerasinus may sometimes grow in Altitude: c. 10-600 m. extensive colonies but always has a very low Flowering period: June to August. proportion of flowerinq plants. Additionally its flowers are apparently rarely pollinated (L. Recognition Roberts, pers. comm.). Corybas cerasinus can be recognised by relatively small (9-13 mm long, 5-7 mm wide) Pollination biology maroon flowers borne on an erect ovary; The flowers of C. cerasinus are entomophilous. porrect, shallowly curved dorsal sepal; open labellum lamina which is broadest towards the Etymology ' apex (5-7 mm wide) and lacks any longitudinal From the Latin cerasinus, cherry red, in pleats or folds and with a prominent deep reference to the flower colour.
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