US 20120040057A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0040057 A1 Ferri et al. (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 16, 2012 (54) CONFECTIONERIES PROVIDING Related U.S. Application Data MOUTH-MOISTENING REFRESHMENT (60) Provisional application No. 61/153.459, filed on Feb. 18, 2009. (76) Inventors: Dino C. Ferri, Lake Hiawatha, NJ Publication Classification (US); Tasoula A. Michaelidou, Bergenfield, NJ (US); Jelena (51) Int. Cl. A23G 3/48 (2006.01) Stojanovic, Montclair, NJ (US); B65D 85/60 (2006.01) Deborah L. Watson, Haskell, NJ A23G 3/54 (2006.01) (US) (52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 426/87: 426/536: 426/103 (21) Appl. No.: 13/201931 (57) ABSTRACT The present invention relates to confectioneries that impart a mouth-moistening effect when orally consumed by an indi (22) PCT Fled: Feb. 18, 2010 vidual. Specifically, the confectioneries comprise composi tions that include a blend of components comprising spilan (86) PCT NO.: PCT/US 10/24565 thol to reduce or eliminate the perception of mouth dryness in an individual. The confectioneries can further include such S371 (c)(1), components as a Sweetening composition, a food-grade acid (2), (4) Date: Oct. 27, 2011 composition, and a cooling agent composition. US 2012/0040057 A1 Feb. 16, 2012 CONFECTIONERIES PROVIDING effect arising from the direct action of menthol on the nerve MOUTH-MOISTENING REFRESHMENT endings responsible for the detection of hot and cold. Menthol directly stimulates cold receptors. In addition to its “cooling BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION effect, menthol also imparts other physiological effects Such 0001. This disclosure relates to compositions and confec as “nasal action.” “aroma, and “minty taste.” Since, however, tioneries that impart a mouth-moistening effect when orally there are disadvantages associated with using menthol, consumed by an individual. including its strong minty odor and the harsh notes it imparts 0002 Consumers sometimes desire confectioneries that to Some compositions, efforts have been directed to replacing, can provide a refreshing and mouth-watering effect. Some reducing, or Supplementing menthol with other compounds individuals can experience dryness in the mouth from time to to provide Substantially the same physiological cooling time due to a variety of physiological and environmental effects but without the disadvantages of menthol alone. For factors. A dry mouth can be caused by a dry or low humidity example, some non-menthol compounds providing a physi environment. A dry mouth can also be caused by reduced ological effect similar to menthol are described in U.S. Pat. levels of saliva and can make an individual's mouth feel sticky No. 4,296,255 of Rowsell et al. Other compounds exhibiting and uncomfortable. Some individuals can even suffer from a physiological cooling effect are described in U.S. Pat. No. what is referred to as "Xerostomia, a chronic condition of 7,030,273 B1 to Sun. Other efforts have also been directed to abnormal dryness in the mouth. the development of combinations of cooling agents and other 0003. A dry mouth can lead to difficulties in tasting, chew components that can provide a different release profile in ing, Swallowing, and speaking, as well as to a variety of more confectioneries, for example, which can provide more long serious medical conditions. Prescription medications and lasting properties. U.S. Patent Application Publication No. artificial saliva are available for severe cases of dry mouth. US 2005/0019445 A1 of Wolfetal. describes a combination Individuals experiencing low or moderate levels of mouth of physiological cooling agents to provide a reduced overall dryness, however, often desire consumables that provide a concentration of menthol for a menthol-flavored hard candy. sensation of hydration or mouth moistening. Although water 0007. It can be surmised that a cooling agent or agents and is often sought for relief of mouth dryness, it is not always the amounts of each can affect or interact with the mouth convenient or portable, and it does not always provide long moistening properties of other ingredients in the product in lasting relief. unpredictable ways that can only be determined based on 0004. There is a need, therefore, for confectioneries that evaluations. Moreover, the effect of the cooling agents on can provide a sensation of mouth moistening upon consump other properties such as mouth-moistening, as well as the tion. Confectioneries are portable and so can be consumed effect of combining cooling agents and other ingredients on whenever a feeling of dry mouth is experienced by an indi mouth-moistening and other sensory attributes such as vidual. Further, mouth moistening in combination with refreshment must be researched and evaluated to obtain the Sweetness, flavoring, and refreshing sensations can be an most desirable product for consumers. enjoyable experience for the consumer, even in the absence of 0008 U.S. Patent No. 2007/003 1561 A1 discloses a com optional additional functions such as breath or medicinal position for a confectionery that imparts a mouth-moistening treatments that can also be contained in a confectionery. effect when orally consumed by an individual. More specifi 0005 To contribute to a refreshing oral experience, a con cally, the composition is a blendofa Sweetening composition, fectionery product can also contain moderate to high levels of food-grade acid composition, and a cooling agent that one or more cooling agents. Many Substances are known to reduces or eliminates the perception of mouth dryness in an provide a sensation of cooling on application and are called individual. Such compositions can include hard candy as well "cooling agents. Examples of cooling agents that are as chewy candy, chewing gum, and center-filled candies. trigeminal stimulants include menthol; WS-3; N-substituted 0009. The mouth-moistening composition of U.S. Patent p-menthane carboxamido; acyclic carboxamides including Pub. 2007/0031561 A1 (Lakkis et al.) contains a relatively WS-23, WS-5, WS-14; methyl succinate; and menthone glyc high amount of food-grade acid as well as a cooling agent erol ketals. Other cooling compounds can include derivatives system that avoids the use of menthol due to its bitterness. A of 2,3-dimethyl-2-isopropylbutyric acid such as those dis high amount of food-grade acid can produce mouth moisten closed in U.S. Pat. No. 7,030,273, which is incorporated ing in the absence of menthol. In addition, food acid can herein by reference. Other examples include isopulegol, 3-(1- exacerbate the potential bitterness of menthol. Also, high menthoxy)propane-1,2-diol, 3-(1-menthoxy)-2-methylpro levels of acid can result in candies, especially hard candies, pane-1,2-diol, p-menthane-2,3-diol, p-menthane-3,8-diol. being more hygroscopic and less stable to moisture. 6-isopropyl-9-methyl-1,4-dioxaspiro4.5 decane-2-metha 0010 Spilantholis an alkylamide, (2E,5Z.8E)-deca-2.6.8- nol, menthyl succinate and its alkaline earth metal salts, tri trienoic acid N-isobutyl amide, which can be found in the methylcyclohexanol, N-ethyl-2-isopropyl-5-methylcyclo leaves and flowers of Such plants as Spilanthes acmella. hexanecarboxamide, Japanese mint oil, peppermint oil, Spilanthol is known to have trigeminal and saliva-inducing menthone, menthone glycerol ketal, menthyl lactate, 3-(1- effects. An oleoresin composition extracted from Such plants, menthoxy)ethan-1-ol. 3-(1-menthoxy)propan-1-ol. 3-(1- known as jambu, has been known as a “tingling sensate for menthoxy)butan-1-ol. 1-methylacetic acid N-ethylamide, use in confectioneries. Other alkylamides can be present in an 1-menthyl-4-hydroxypentanoate, 1-menthyl-3-hydroxybu extract from jambu. Examples of the use of ajambu oleoresin tyrate, N,2,3-trimethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)-butanamide, as a tingling sensate can be found in U.S. Pat. No. 6,780,443. n-ethyl-t-2-c-6 nonadienamide, N,N-dimethyl menthyl suc Jambu extracts, however, can produce an annoying tingling cinamide, and menthyl pyrrolidone carboxylate. sensation from confectioneries in which they are contained. 0006 Mentholis well known for its physiological cooling U.S. Pat. No. 6,780.443, which employs jambu in relatively effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. The high amounts, requires that jambu be combined with a "cooling effect of menthol appears to be a physiological warmth-producing agent. US 2012/0040057 A1 Feb. 16, 2012 0.011 Tingling sensates, cooling sensates, and warm sen 0032 (ii) 0.25 to 1.0 wt.%, by weight of the confec sates can also be generically referred to as “trigeminal stimu tionery composition, of at least two physiological lants' such as those disclosed in U.S. Patent Application No. cooling compounds selected from the group consist 2005/0202118. Trigeminal stimulants are defined as an orally ing of menthyl glutarate, menthyl succinate, 2,3-tri consumed product or agent that stimulates the trigeminal methyl-2-isopropyl butanamide, N-ethyl p-men W. thane-3-carboxamide, N-ethyl-2.2- 0012. There remains a need for new and improved confec diisopropylbutamide, and combinations thereof, tioneries that provide a mouth-moistening and refreshing wherein the weight ratio of physiological cooling experience, which products will not have unwanted side compounds to menthol is 1:1 to 3:1; effects, such as off-flavors, undue sourness, harshness, or 0033 (c) about 20 to 60 parts per million of spilanthol, annoying tingling. A need still exists for confectioneries that by weight of the confectionery composition; can simultaneously provide both cooling sensations and 0034 (d) a food-grade acid composition comprising mouth-moistening. It would be advantageous if the agents did malic acid; and not have the unwanted harshness or flavor characteristics. It 0035 (e) a flavor enhancing agent. would also be desirable to provide a clean, high-quality flavor 0036.
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