School Demand Assessment In respect of Proposed Strategic Housing Development at Murphystown Way, Dublin 18 Prepared for Murphystown Land Developments DAC Prepared by John Spain Associates September 2020 39 Fitzwilliam Place, Dublin 2 Telephone: (01) 662 5803 E-mail [email protected] Web: www.jsaplanning.ie School Demand Assessment Murphystown Way SHD 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 On behalf of the applicant, Murphystown Land Developments DAC, John Spain Associates have been instructed to prepare a School Demand Assessment in relation to a proposed Strategic Housing Development on a site at Murphystown Way, Dublin 18. 1.2 The application site has an area of c. 2.54 hectares and is zoned Objective A – ‘to protect and-or improve residential amenity’ and Objective F – ‘to preserve and provide for open space with ancillary active recreational amenities’ under the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Development Plan 2016-2022. The site itself is currently greenfield. There is an established site access from Murphystown Way and the site boundary with the roadway is currently defined by a concrete wall, with a section of a rubble wall and part of the reconstructed Glencairn House boundary wall located along the south eastern boundary, to the west of the Luas Line. 1.3 The proposed development comprises the construction of 249 no. apartments in three no. blocks, with heights over a basement level ranging from part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 and including a landmark element of part 12 / part 13 storeys, located on the north eastern portion of the site adjacent to the Luas line. A residential amenity space of 450 sq.m is included within Block 1. The proposal includes provision for a childcare facility, over two levels, and ancillary outdoor play area, located below Block 3 with a GFA of c. 550 sq.m and a communal central courtyard with an area situated between the apartment blocks. An area of public open space is proposed on the northern part of the site, which will connect to the permitted open space in the adjacent Glencairn SHD development, which is currently under construction. 1.4 Access to the underground car parking is to be provided for the development off the new link road connecting to Murphystown Way. The proposal will deliver the first section of this new link road, which will ultimately connect Murphystown Way to Sandyford on the opposite side of the M50, in accordance with long-term roads objective of the Development Plan. The proposal includes a proposed access to the future development site to the north, i.e. the proposed school site as discussed below. 1.5 A c. 1.15 hectare site to the west (part of the overall landholding) has been identified as a suitable location for a future primary school, as required under the recently adopted Ballyogan and Environs LAP 2019-2025. The applicant has entered into discussions with the Department of Education and Skills in respect to this future primary school site. The Department confirmed in subsequent correspondence that in principle the site designated for the primary school was acceptable to them, as referenced in the Planning Report and Statement of Consistency and included in Appendix 1. They have not indicated a timeframe for bringing forward a planning application on the site, and we understand that they monitor this based on existing provision in the area and based on existing and forecast demand. 1.6 The Design Statement and site layout plans provide further detail in respect to the proposed school site. A buffer zone of c. 20m between the development site and school site is proposed on the northern part of the site to facilitate future extension of the Link Road objective to Sandyford by the Planning Authority. 1.7 It should be noted that the requirement for a School Demand Assessment did not form part of the specific information identified to be submitted with any application in An Bord Pleanála’s Pre-application Consultation Opinion. Notwithstanding this, the report has been John Spain Associates 2 Planning & Development Consultants School Demand Assessment Murphystown Way SHD prepared in response to DLRCC’s Opinion, submitted to An Bord Pleanála as part of the SHD pre-application consultation process, which identified that a School Demand Assessment should be submitted with any future submission or application. 1.8 As the proposed development incorporates a childcare facility with a GFA of 550 sq.m, which is in excess of the requirements arising for a development of this scale under the Childcare Guidelines 2001 (see Planning Report / Statement of Consistency for further details), a childcare demand assessment has not been prepared to accompany the application. 2.0 RELEVANT PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 The key planning policy provisions of national and location policy as it relates to the proposed development and this School Demand Assessment is set out below. National Planning Framework 2.2 The NPF includes the following relevant objectives: NPC 31- Prioritise the alignment of targeted and planned population and employment growth with investment in: • A childcare/ECCE planning function, for monitoring, analysis and forecasting of investment needs, including identification of regional priorities; • The provision of childcare facilities and new and refurbished schools on well located sites within or close to existing built-up areas, that meet the diverse needs of local populations; • The expansion and consolidation of Higher Education facilities, particularly where this will contribute to wider regional development, and • Programmes for life-long learning, especially in areas of higher education and further education and training where skills gaps are identified. 2.3 The recent preparation of the BELAP, as discussed below, would have had regard to the above objective and was informed by consultation with the Department of Education and Skills. Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas (2009) 2.4 These guidelines were published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in order to set out the key principles that should be adopted within developments and used by the Planning Authorities both in writing their Development Plans and in assessing new developments. 2.5 The Guidelines state that Planning Authorities should ensure efficient and integrated provision of schools, childcare, community centres, healthcare facilities and district/neighbourhood centres are made available for the wider community. We note the following requirements set out in the Guidelines that relate to schools: • Schools: “No substantial residential development should proceed without an assessment of existing schools’ capacity or the provision of new school facilities in tandem with the development.” This is further clarified as John Spain Associates 3 Planning & Development Consultants School Demand Assessment Murphystown Way SHD requiring applications for 200+ units to be accompanied by a report detailing the school capacity of the area and the impact of the development. The Provision of Schools and the Planning System – A Code of Practice for Planning Authorities (2008) 2.6 The guidelines issued by the Department of Education and Science and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (2008) for the provision of Schools outlines the following core objectives for the effective integration of schools and development planning systems: • Schools provision should be an integral part of the evolution of compact sustainable urban development and the development of sustainable communities; • The provision of any new schools (both primary and post-primary) should be driven by and emerge from an integrated approach between the planning functions of planning authorities and the Department of Education and Science; and • Local authorities, as planning authorities, will support and assist the Department in ensuring the timely provision of school sites. Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Development Plan 2016-2022 2.7 The following policy is included in the Development Plan regarding schools: • Policy SIC8 Schools: “It is Council policy to ensure the reservation of primary and post-primary school sites in accordance with the requirements of the relevant education authorities and to support the provision of school facilities and the development / redevelopment of existing schools throughout the County” 2.8 Accordingly, we note that the Development Plan zoning maps for this area of the County includes a Primary School (PS) symbol at Kilgobbin South and at the site of the Holy Trinity National School in Mimosa-Levmoss. These local schools’ objectives have subsequently been reviewed and updated during the preparation of the BELAP, as discussed below. We also note that the Legionaries of Christ Lands, to the north of the M50 within the Sandyford UFP area, includes an objective, SLO 112, which relates to the provision of a primary and post-primary school in this location (see Figure 1 below). John Spain Associates 4 Planning & Development Consultants School Demand Assessment Murphystown Way SHD Figure 1: Extract from Land Use Zoning Map from 2016-2022 CDP (Applicant’s lands circled in Red) CDP Objective 112- Primary and Post Primary School Site Ballyogan & Environs Local Area Plan 2019-2024 2.9 In relation to education policy, section 8.3.2 of the BELAP states the following: “As part of the preparation of the LAP, the Planning and Building Unit of the Department of Education and Skills (DES) was consulted on any existing or anticipated capacity issues in respect of school place provision at both primary and post-primary level within the BELAP area and immediate areas of influence. The Department advised that in addition to the current schools provision and the post-primary school for which permission has been sought, and on the basis of the population projections provided by DLR, that one additional post-primary school and potentially up to three additional primary schools would be needed. It is proposed to identify three sites within the BELAP area, but not to specify whether they be primary or post-primary schools at this time.
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