' ' ' Spri~r,p~r·t 'Diil4$r,y Springport, Uich. am~r~ . ~- tWS Vol. Ul6, No. 31 2 Sections, 24 Pages 10¢ per 'copy State to Spend $2 Million on Fair Bigger and Better., Road Jobs Here The state highway department this week announced that bids on 68 road projects in Grandstand Record Set 48 counties of Michigan at an estimated costof$20.2millionwillbeopened in Lan­ What To See sing August 12, Big Night Shows Included are 5 projects listed in Ingham At the Fair county at an estimated cost of $3,435,000, ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, AUGUST 5 with more than $2 million of ,it in the Ma­ 2 p.m. Harness Racing Prove Magnet son area. 4 p.m. Jr. Stock Sale, at Among 5 individual projects Scales wtll include 3,30 miles of dual 4:15 p.h1. Parade of 4-H and Harness racing was scheduled to start estimated over $1 million is concrete pavement, drainage one in Ingham county which FHA Floats on the grandstand track at 2 p,m" Wednes­ structures and construction of 7:30p.m. Parade 0 bridges In US-127 relocated Aerial Act day and continue at the same hour Thurs­ at an estimated cost or ~2.56 Open Class L1 vestock mUllan. The area Includes that Machinery day and Friday" Joy Davi.s is in charge of from 2,000 feet north of Co­ 4-H Livestock the speed program. luml•la road to 2,000 feet south 4-H, F.F.A. andF.H,A, Flo&ts of Holt roarl flilri removin!!and 4-H Horse Show and Talent Wednesday night's grandstand show will replacing curb and gutter at Acts be the Stardust Revue featuring Jim Bod­ various locations on higllway Spectacular Fire Works Dis­ M-36 and US-127 in Mason. play rie billed as the "fastest gun alive!' Completion date is set for ''Pig Scramble- -Greased" In addition to the harness racing, other June 30, 1967. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6 Also listed are 1.004 miles 9 a.m. Calf Drawing at events of Thursday will be a junior stock of grading and drainage struc­ scales; 4-H Demonstra­ sale at 4:15p.m. at the scales and a par­ trues, bituminous aggregate tion- All Day surface on US-127 approach­ 2 p.m. Harness Racing Pro­ ade of 4-H and FHA floats. es, service roads and grade gram; added event at close Four-H clubs from all over should set all ldnds or rec­ separation at Covert road, of racing, amateurs race Klpp road and South street Ingham county are exhibiting at ords before the week is out. by local owners. the fair, as In past years. Three bl g days remain-­ (Sti tts road), all in the Ma­ 8 p.m Danny Fleenors Auto son area, and 3 bridge struc­ Altogether there are 2,555 Thursday, Friday and Satur­ Thrill Show 4-B exhibits on the ground. day--each one of them filled tures carrying Covert road, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 Kipp road and South street These cover beef cattle, dairy with new events. 1 p.m . Lightweight Horse­ cattle, horses, sheep, swine, Monday's crowd was esti­ over US-127. The est! mated pulllng; Heavyweight im­ cost of this project is $700, poultry, rabbits, dogs, arch­ mated by fair officials at about mediately following. ery, w o o d w or k i n g, photo­ 5,000, a good figure when the 000. Completion date Is sched­ 8 p.m. Wrestling - Midgets, Takes uled for October 30, 1966. FAIR VISITORS BREAK RECORDS-- All time high attendance graphy, farm crops, electri­ weather is taken Into consid­ Heavyweights, Women and cal, tractor and automobile eration. Monday night's crowd Other Ingham county pro­ Australian Tag Team records are being broken this week on the Midway and in the grand­ jects Include: engineering, canning, clothing, In the grandstand set an all 10:15 p.m. Drawing of Free family living, family manage­ time record for the fair. Some Position Water main relocation on Trip to World's Fair stand at the 1965 Ingham County Fair. People are flocking from all US- 127 (Homer-Howard ment, food freezing, knitting, 1, 500 persons were on hand RACING PROGRAM over to see the many new attractions this year's extravaganza has to flowers gardens, v e get a b I e to watch the International Auto The 4-H Extension Agent for street extension), south of Red THURSDAY, AUGUST 5 Ingham County, Forrest M. Cedar r 1 v e r and north of offer. gardens, safety and driver Daredevils go through their 2 p.m. skill. hair-raising stunts. Armock, resigned from ills Trowbridge road. Estimate: Trot Non Winners of $400, position effective Sunday, Aug. $20,000. Completion date-­ Among special visitors at Derwood Dl cklnson, t aIr Early Closer $1,500. the fair Tuesday was a group president, said livestock ex­ 1, to accept a job with the Oct. 31, 1965. Pace Non- Winners of $2,00( , Gull Lake school system as Construction of two bridge of 100 "Head start" pupils hibits this year total 1,072 Early Closer $1,500. from the Lansing public and Include 236 horses, 287 business manager. structures carrying US-127 Pace Non-Winners of$15,00(; School Board Mulls 1 schools. Another ••Head Start" dalry cattle, 195 swine, 47 He wlll have charg€' of the relocated over College road Overnight $1,000. entire system which Includes In Ingham county. Estimate: group from Leslie ls expected beef breeding, 63 steers and Trot Non- Winners of $3,000, on the grounds Thursday. the 3 consolidated school sys­ $140,000. Completion date-­ Overnight $1,000. The fair Is bigger and bet­ tems of Camden, Hickory Cor­ Aur;. 31, 1966, Thursday night Will be 4-H, ter In every way than any FRIDAY, AUGUST 6 $1,248,000 Budget FFA 8.lld FHA night at the ners and Gull Lake. 0.17 miles of drainage 2 p.m. or its predecessors, as far As of now there is no re­ structures on M-43 from Dawn grandstand show, starting at as this writer is concerned. Pace Non- Winners of $700, M. Chancller Nauts, super­ placement for Armock. Miss avenue east to the Grand Trunk federal aid for a total of $1, 151 and says it may go even 7:30 with a parade and an There are better exhibits in Overnight $1,000. intendent of Mason schools, 237,980, higher. aerial act. The parade wlll Rhoda Peck, extension agent, Western rallroad, east of East Trot Non- Winners of $700, all classes, better rides and Monday night presented the The state ald figure for Include open class livestock, Is taking over his duties with Lansing. Estimate: $15,000. Overnight $1,000. Teacher salaries will take shows on the Midway, the Mason board of education with the comwg year is $147,000 a big bite out of the proposed machinery, 4-H livestock, grounds are in better shape the help of Gary See hers, for­ Pale Non- Winners of ~6,000, a budget calling for an ex­ more tl1an last year. This new budget, and all otner 4-H, FF A and FHA floats, a than ever l>efore thanks to mer 4-H agent, during· fair Overnight $1,000. penditure of $1,248,000 for week. Baseball Tonight added ass! stance from state branches of school operation 4-H horse show and talent Improvements made during the Trot Non- Winners of $6,000, the 1965-66 school year. The show. There will be a big past yeaJ', Armock, hls wife and 5 cl1lld· All star peewee baseball Overnight $1,000. aid funds is brought about by also wlll be higher during the board took the matter under a new formula designed to 1965-66 year. fireworks display at the close, It may not be the biggest ren live on Phillips road, hut teams from Mason and Holt Added event at close of rac­ advisement, but will meet in give help to school districts Twelve more teachers are followed by a greased pig fair in the world but it has will he moving as soon as a will clash tonight in a game ing. Amateurs Race by Local special sessions Aug11st 13 Wltll below average valuations. scramble. home can be found near Gull at the senior high school di­ Owners expected to be hired, 3 at just about everything any vet­ to take action on the budget. Nauts explained that this Friday's program wlll start Lake, amond in Mason at 6 p.m. the elementaJ'Y level,, one el­ eran fair-goer wants to see. The budget last year total­ state aid figure Is based on ementary remedial reading off at 9 a.m. with a calf There are 16 rides on the led $1,062,258 but expenditures last year's enrollmem. He teacher and one senior high drawing at the scales. There Midway topped by the Swiss during the year reached a total said there will be increased school special education teach­ will be 4-H club demonstra­ lift, which Is a ski lift that School or $i,osil,148. enrollment next year hut state er and 5 in the secondary tions throughout the day and traverses an area along the "cuuu1 revenues for the> com­ This Week aid may not ~'O above $846, grades. at 8 p.m. Danny Fleener's midway 500 feet long. In Ing year are expected to come 000 llecause oi the Increased Elementary instruction ex­ auto thrill show will hold the addition is the big Sky Wheel, from these sources: $385, school district valuation from penses are budgeted at $385, lJ cards In front of the grand­ a double ferris wheel which Proposal 330 from local sour cPs, most­ $25,541,072 last year to $27, 600 for the coming year as stand.
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