Lunar New Year a La Carte Menu 春节单点菜单

Lunar New Year a La Carte Menu 春节单点菜单

Lunar New Year A La Carte Menu 春节单点菜单 1 to 26 February 2021 PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 春发财捞鱼生 Lunar New Year Prosperity Toss (S) (L) 旺牛进宝大吉大利捞生(鱼生) $98 $148 Prosperity Exotic Garden with Spiky Sea Cucumber in Homemade Truffle Mushroom and Osmanthus Sauce 天然松露养丰源捞生 $98 $148 Prosperity Exotic Garden with Black Truffle in Osmanthus Sauce 金鼎宫廷刺参捞鱼生 $280 $388 Prosperity Exotic Garden with Black Truffle, Sliced Abalone, Fresh Puffer Fish, Chilled Whisky Premium Sea Cucumber and Fresh Lobster in Osmanthus Sauce 另加鱼生 Additional Portion of Yusheng Per Order 金牛河豚贺新春 $168 Fresh Puffer Fish 法国松露皇 $88 Black Truffle 澳洲鲜鲍鱼 $48 Sliced Abalone 威士忌冰冻刺参 $48 Chilled Whisky Premium Sea Cucumber 珍珠活龙虾 $48 Fresh Lobster 新鲜牛肝菌 $42 Fresh Braised Bolete Mushroom 金牛大哥旺大利 $42 Wagyu Beef Tongue 挪威烟熏三文鱼 $28 Sliced Salmon Fish P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 新春汤类篇 Soup Per Order 京式满坛香 $32 Braised Fish Maw, Abalone, Sea Cucumber and Conpoy in Brown Broth 松茸清汤和牛腩 $30 Double-boiled Wagyu Brisket Soup with Matsutake 牛肝菌拼松露鸳鸯羹 $24 Braised Bolete Mushroom and Truffle Soup in Ying Yang Style 牛肝菌响螺柱甫炖鸡汤 $24 Double-boiled Kampung Chicken Soup with Porcini, Sea Whelk and Conpoy 四川酸辣汤 $16 Sichuan Hot and Sour Soup 发财蚝豉莲藕大利汤(例汤) (S) Double-boiled Soup with Black Moss, Dried Oyster $42 and Lotus Root 新春名厨精选篇 Chef's Selection Per Order 兴旺连年 新春聚盆菜 $468 (4位起) $688 (鲍鱼、海参、花胶、干贝、虾球、蚝豉、花菇、 (8位起) 鹅掌、鹌鹑蛋、鱼腐、枝竹、烧鸭、香芋、津白) Grand Fortune "Pen Cai" (Abalone, Sea Cucumber, Fish Maw, Conpoy, Dried Oyster, Mushrooms, Goose Web, Quail Egg, Minced Fish Rolls, Bean Curd Skin, Roast Duck, Cordyceps Flower, Yam, Chinese Cabbage) P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | (S) (M) (L) $38 $57 $76 鲍鱼鲜蟹肉大良炒奶 Stir-fried Milk with Diced Abalone and Crab Meat $38 $57 $76 满载金蒜和牛柳 Stir-fried Diced Beef with Garlic XO酱荷芹炒带子 $32 $48 $64 Stir-fried Scallop with Celery and Honey Pea in XO Chilli Sauce 避风塘炒生虾 $32 $48 $64 Stir-fried Prawns with Chilli Sauce, Garlic and Almond Flake 翠湖樱花虾鱼腐 $28 $42 $56 Steamed Minced Fish Roll with Sakura Shrimps in “Shun De” Style 招牌豆中之重 $28 $42 $56 Signature Bean Curd Medley $26 $39 $52 牛肝菌炒水芹香 Sautéed Bolete Mushroom with Seasonal Vegetables Per Order 金鼎黑豚东坡肉 $16 Kurobuta Pork Belly served in Whole Pumpkin 豆香酱寻龙鱼扒(煎,蒸) Per Order Sturgeon Fish in Homemade Soya Bean Crumb Sauce $18 P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 新春海鲜篇 Live Seafood 每100克 Per 100grams 东星斑 $22 Spotted Red Garoupa 红斑 $18 Red Garoupa 斗昌 $18 Pomfret 笋壳鱼 $16 Soon Hock 金目鲈 $13 Sea Bass 澳洲龙虾 时价 Australian Fresh Lobster Seasonal Price 本地龙虾 Local Fresh Lobster $18 活虾(最少400克起) $12 Live Prawns (minimum 400g) P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 金牛三星拱照篇 Abalone and Sea Cucumber Per Order 金装佛跳墙 $88 Mini Buddha Jumps over the Wall 金鼎松茸炖燕窝 $82 Braised Bird's Nest Soup with Minced Chicken, Matsutake and Winter Melon served in Mini Pumpkin 蚝皇两头鲜鲍鱼 $72 Braised Two-Head Whole Abalone in Oyster Sauce 金汤煨三头鲍鱼 $62 Braised Three-Head Whole Abalone in Golden Superior Stock 宫廷四头鲍鱼 $48 Braised Four-Head Whole Abalone in Superior Sauce 樱花虾酿刺参 $36 Braised Spiky Sea Cucumber and Sakura Shrimp stuffed with Minced Meat (S) (M) (L) 刺参花胶扒菜苗 $48 $72 $96 Braised Spiky Sea Cucumber and Fish Maw with Vegetables 发财好市扒花菇 $30 $45 $60 Braised Dried Oyster and Black Moss with Mushroom P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 新春烧腊冷菜篇 Barbecue and Appetisers Per Order 火焰烤乳猪 $338 Flambé Roast Suckling Pig Half Whole 金蒜琵琶鸭 - $82 Crispy “Pi Pa” Barbecued Duck with Black Minced Garlic 脆皮皇沙鸡 $30 $58 Crispy Roasted Chicken (S) (M) (L) 四季如春 (烧鸭,烧肉,口水鸡,凉拌三丝) $46 $69 $92 (Roasted Duck, Roasted Pork, Chong Qing Chilled Chicken with Spicy Bean Sauce, Assorted Shredded Carrot with Marinated Jellyfish 鲍鱼仔拌海蜇 $30 $45 $60 Marinated Abalone with Jellyfish 脆皮烧肉 $24 $36 $48 Crispy Roasted Pork 重庆口水鸡 $22 $33 $44 Chilled Chicken in Spicy Bean Paste 蒜泥白肉 $22 $33 $44 Sliced Pork in Garlic and Chilli Sauce P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 新春四川篇 Sichuan Dishes (S) (M) (L) 沸腾鱼片 $32 $48 $64 Boiled Sliced Fish with Spicy Chilli Sauce 鱼香带子 $32 $48 $64 Fresh Scallop with Minced Garlic and Chilli 麻香鱼片 $28 $42 $56 Stir-fried Sliced Fish in Sichuan Pepper Sauce 鲜椒馋嘴田鸡 $28 $42 $56 Live Frog with Preserved Chilli and Chilli Padi 水煮鹿肉 $28 $42 $56 Boiled Sliced Venison in Sichuan Pepper Sauce 砂煲辣炒鸡 $26 $39 $52 Diced Chicken in Sichuan Style 重庆辣子鸡 $24 $36 $48 "Chong Qing" Diced Chicken with Dried Chilli 干煸四季豆 $20 $30 $40 Stir-fried French Beans with Minced Meat P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 新春饭面篇 Rice and Noodles Per Order (Serves 3 to 4 Persons) 原粒鲍鱼五谷炸泡饭 $78 Crispy Brown Rice with Two-head Abalone in Superior Stock 鱼汤海鲜泡米粉 $30 Braised Ee Fu Noodles and Vermicelli with Assorted Seafood in Fish Gravy (S) (M) (L) 生虾姜葱煎生面 $32 $48 $64 Crispy Noodles with Prawn in Ginger, Onion and Egg White Sauce 海鲜炒面线 $28 $42 $56 Fried “Mee Sua” with Seafood 家乡五谷饭 $28 $42 $56 Fried Brown Rice with Waxed Meat 新春点心篇 Dim Sum Per Order (3 Pieces) 生煎和牛包 $9.80 Pan-fried Bun with Wagyu Bun 和牛香茜饺 $9.80 Steamed Dumpling with Wagyu Bun 那些年烧腩卷 $7.20 Pork Belly Roll with Taro and Chinese Mushroom P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s . PARKROYAL on Kitchener Road, 181 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208533 Tel: +65 6428 3170 | 鲍鱼烧卖皇 $7.20 Steamed "Siew Mai” with Diced Abalone 水晶虾饺皇 $7.20 Steamed Fresh Prawn Dumpling 鱼腐夹心饼 $7.20 Sliced Lotus with Minced Fish 广式叉烧包 $7.20 Steamed “Char Siew” Bun 松露上素饺 $7.20 Steamed Vegetarian Dumpling with Black Truffle 古老客家茶果 $7.20 “Hakka” Dumpling with Turnip 家乡萝卜糕 $7.20 Pan-fried Carrot Cake with Waxed Meat 芋丝腊味坊 $7.20 Fragrant Yam Cake with Waxed Meat 鲜竹蒸凤爪 $7.20 Chicken Feet with Bean Curd Skin Per Order 生滚鲍鱼鸡丝粥 $22 Porridge with Sliced Abalone with Shredded Chicken P r i c e s q u o t e d a r e s u b j e c t t o s e r v i c e c h a r g e a n d p r e v a i l i n g g o v e r n m e n t t a x e s .

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