QRUrl LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAY FORUM FOR BLABY TUESDAY, 7 JUNE 2016 AT 4.30 PM TO BE HELD AT COUNCIL CHAMBER AT BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICES AGENDA Item Pages 1. Chairman's welcome 2. Apologies for absence 3. Any other items which the Chairman has decided to take as urgent elsewhere on the agenda 4. Declarations of interest in respect of items on the agenda 5. Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 3 - 8) 6. Chairman's update - T5 Street Lighting Transformation (Pages 9 - 10) Project 2016/17 7. Presentation of Petitions under Standing Order 36. 8. Traffic in Sharnford - Presentation by Sharnford Traffic Action Group (STAG) 9. Part-night street lighting review (Pages 11 - 24) 10. Highway Maintenance Strategy and Policy Review (Pages 25 - 30) 11. 2016/17 maintenance and improvements programmes - (Pages 31 - 64) information item 12. Programme of traffic management work - current position - (Pages 65 - 68) information item Officer to Contact: Sue Dann, Democratic Support ◦ Department of Environment and Transport ◦ Leicestershire County Council ◦ County Hall Glenfield ◦ Leicestershire ◦ LE3 8RJ ◦ Tel: 0116 305 7122 ◦ Email: [email protected] www.twitter.com/leicsdemocracy www.facebook.com/leicsdemocracy www.leics.gov.uk/local_democracy 13. On-going action statement - nothing to report 14. Items for future discussion Will Members please submit these in writing to the officers prior to the meeting 15. Any other items the Chairman has decided is urgent 16. Date of the next meeting - 22nd September 2016 (4.30pm) - Council Chamber - Blaby District Council offices 17. Chairman's closing remarks 3 Agenda Item 5 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE LEICESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYS FORUM FOR BLABY HELD AT BLABY DISTRICT COUNCIL OFFICES ON TUESDAY 19TH JANUARY 2016 AT 5.30PM PRESENT County Councillors District Councillors Cllr D Jennings (Chairman) Cllr A V Greenwood Cllr L E Yates Cllr L Phillimore Cllr E F White Cllr S Coar Cllr G Welsh Cllr A Clifford Cllr P Moitt Cllr G Sanders Cllr C Merrill Cllr A Tanner The following also attended the meeting: County officers: A Carruthers, S Bullen, B Holihead, C Haywood Blaby officer: J Wells 147. CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME The Chairman welcomed Members and officers to the meeting. 148. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from County Councillors R Blunt. J Dickinson, E White. 149. URGENT ITEMS The Chairman announced he would take an urgent item regarding grass verges later in the meeting. The Chairman reiterated that any items for future agendas must be received before the meeting to allow for a possible response from officers. 150. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 151. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 22nd September 2015 were confirmed and signed as a true record of the meeting. 152. CHAIRMAN’S UPDATE a) The Bank, Countesthorpe The Forum considered an update by the Director of Environment and Transport regarding the parking issues at The Bank, Countesthorpe. This update discussed 4 proposals, following a request from the Parish Council, to return the car park back to the original parallel parking scheme. The report was introduced by Ms Carruthers with a copy filed with the minutes. Following a Member discussion, the following points were raised: - i) A number of residents had expressed concern over the safety of the current parking scheme, particularly with regard to vehicles not being able to see whilst reversing out of the bays. These concerns had culminated in a petition presented to the previous meeting of the Forum; ii) Concerns had also been raised regarding the aesthetic appearance of the new parking scheme due to the old parallel lines being ‘burnt off’ the road. Officers advised that if the old parking scheme was re-implemented, the new lines would also be burnt off causing further damage to the street scene. In addition, surface dressing would not take place in the immediate future and would only be completed in line with the works programme. It may be several years before the road is due for surface dressing on the programme; iii) Highways officers had undertaken a review of the situation and, whilst they had not identified any safety problems, would respond to the concerns of local residents and Countesthorpe Parish Council by restoring the car parking spaces to the original parallel parking scheme. However, officers advised that if this route was supported by Members and the parish council, the Highways Team would not be in a position to address any future parking requests made in relation to The Bank Countesthorpe. In addition, while the parking alignment would be restored, reinstating the kerbing would not be included within these works; iv) Members were advised that across Countesthorpe there had been very few reported accidents over the past five years, and no accidents had been report as occurring at the Bank; v) Members stressed that whilst the loss of car parking spaces for local businesses would be unfortunate, it was important to respond to the concerns of local residents and the parish council. Members requested that officers monitor the current car parking arrangements for six months. The motion was put and carried, eight members voting for the motion and one against. RECOMMENDATIONS i) That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted; and ii) that officers monitor the current car parking arrangements for six months. b) Network Rail This update was introduced by Ms Carruthers with a copy filed with the minutes. Ms Carruthers stated that the purpose of the report was to provide an update on the recent development regarding the proposed enhancement works programme for Midland Mainline in Leicestershire. She stated that, as Members know, the plans to electrify the Midland Mainline was paused in June 2015. Following this, Sir Peter Hendy was asked to review Network Rail's plans for 2014 - 2019. On 29th September 2015, Sir Peter Hendy reported his findings and on 30th September 2015 the Secretary of State for Transport confirmed that the programme could be un-paused and progressed with urgency. 5 Following this, the Hendy Review was published in November 2015. Ms Carruthers informed Members that the programme was currently expected to be completed by 2019 but was now not expected to be completed until 2024. She also stated that Network Rail has yet to release a detailed programme of work planned for Leicestershire but details are expected in early 2016. Cllr E White CC advised that, from previous experiences, Network Rail have not communicated information regarding diversions and reiterated that communication is key. Members requested that County Council officers encourage Network Rail to communicate with district and parish councils regarding any work which could have an impact on the area. Issues were raised regarding Beggars Lane/Lubbesthorpe. Ms Carruthers agreed to arrange for a highways officer to attend Lubbesthorpe Strategic Consultative Board with concerned members of the public. Cllr G Welsh asked if it was possible to find out if the bridge at Wigston Magna is high enough and if so will that have an impact? Ms Carruthers informed Members that there were no planned improvements to the rail network going through Blaby, but there would be some knock-on effects from other districts such as increased traffic caused by bridge closures. Officers from the County Council were working closely with Network Rail to identify any potential highway closures as soon as possible in order for any impact in terms of diversionary traffic to be mitigated. RECOMMENDATIONS i) That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted; and ii) that officers encourage Network Rail officers to communicate with District and Parish Councils regarding work in this area. iii) that officers find out if the bridge at Wigston Magna meets the height requirement for electrification c) Taxi Parking on Sandown Road The update was introduced by Ms Carruthers with a copy filed with the minutes. Ms Carruthers stated that the purpose of the update was to inform Members on enforcement over taxi parking. Ms Carruthers explained that the County Council have no enforcement powers. Cllr L Yates CC advised that informal requests have been made for owners of the taxis to be more considerate and there have been improvements over recent weeks, although there have been issues on the corner. Bollards have been suggested but it was acknowledged that this just moves the problem. Cllr Yates, along with officers, are working towards a resolution to this issue. RECOMMENDATION That the report of the Director of Environment and Transport be noted. 153. PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS UNDER STANDING ORDER 36 There were no petitions received under Standing Order 36. 154. 2015/16 MAINTENANCE AND IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAMMES – INFORMATION ITEM 6 A question was asked about Appendix B - why are there cushions after the roundabout exit? It was agreed that this was possibly to stop acceleration but officers will discuss this after the meeting. Members noted the report. 155. PROGRAMME OF TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS AND SIGNING AND LINING SCHEMES – INFORMATION ITEM Members noted the report. 156. ON-GOING ACTION STATEMENT There were no outstanding on-going actions. 157. ITEMS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION The Chairman asked Members to let officers have in writing any items for consideration for future agendas within 10 days of the date of the meeting. These items can be sent to Sue Dann, email [email protected]. The Chairman reiterated the need for advanced warning for officers on items. 158. ANY OTHER ITEMS THE CHAIRMAN HAS DECIDED IS URGENT The following urgent items were discussed following agreement by the Chairman. i) Parking on grass verges - The Chairman asked Cllr M Broomhead from Blaby Parish Council to speak on this item.
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