NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg VOLUME 3, NO.10 • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • OCTOBER 2011 NEWS Rainbow Lake trails progress Work on “multi-user” trails continues Briggs wins mayoral election to advance, thanks to the help received from area volunteers. Page 2 ncumbent Emmitsburg May- the Brookfield and South Gate de- Ior James E. Hoover was defeat- velopments.” Apples rule Adams County ed September 27 by challenger and Other objectives he promulgat- Thousands attended the 25th Annual local realtor Donald N. Briggs in a ed during the campaign which he Pippenfest Festival while organizers prepare for the annual National Apple town election that attracted partic- credited with winning the victory Harvest Festival. Page 4 ipation by hundreds of local voters. included establishing “more youth The threat of thunderstorms ap- civilities” and “taking back the COMMENTARY peared to have little affect on the Town Square (finding a means to Words from Winterbult voter turnout, with 386 ballots make it more “than just an inter- If “none of the above” was elect- cast (out of approximately 1,500 section).” ed we could save a lot of money. registered voters). Regarding Hoover’s loss in his Page 10 Briggs secured his win as mayor bid for re-election, Staiger said, Down Under with a vote of 209 against 176 votes the contest between mayoral can- I suspect that most of us sometimes cast for Hoover. Councilman and didates represented “a battle of wonder why our government seems to council President Christopher V. styles…(Hoover’s) managerial effi- be as stupid as it is.Page 11 Staiger, who ran unopposed for re- ciency versus (Brigg’s) transitional election, garnered 325 votes. leadership.” ARTICLES Hoover learned of his loss while “I am surprised,“ the coun- The Book of Days gathered with friends and support- cil president said of the upset, but On Oct 7, 1849, Edgar Allan Poe, an ers at the Palms Restaurant, where “Don came in with today’s (topical) eccentric American poet died. Poe cohorts subsequently consoled issues. It‘s going to be a dramatic was a Southerner in manners and him over the defeat and thanked change (in governance). It‘s going feelings. Page 13 him for his years of service. The to be an exciting three years.” In the Country Palms had remained open to offer Hoover, who is employed in If beauty pageants and talent shows a gathering place for Hoover’s sup- management with the Maryland were something birds of prey were porters as the votes were being tal- Department of Transportation, government functional by “estab- member and former president of in to, the Eastern Screech owl would lied. has served as mayor for Emmits- lishing a $700,000 reserve fund, the Emmitsburg Business and Pro- steal the show. Page 15 Briggs attributed his victory to burg for the past nine and a half tackling and improving upon the fessional Association (EBPA) and Pets Large & Small his promised campaign commit- years after having served as an ini- long-degraded wastewater collec- has served on various commis- Saving just one makes it all worth- ments to “finishing the west side tially appointed, then elected, tion system, and securing grants sions and committees in town and while… Page 18 of town (west end development), councilman. for much-needed improvements.” in Frederick County, although he Briggs, a local realtor and own- had not previously held a position The Master Gardener making the town more commer- One of the priorities of his terms Once again we come to that time of cially friendly, and finishing out as mayor had been to keep the er of Briggs Associates, Inc., is a of mayor. year when we have to say good-bye to the beauties of this year’s garden and get ready for next year. Page 20 History Memories of the old Emmitsburg Fairfield to host Commissioner High School. Page 24 ough of Gettysburg Zoning Hear- Cold War Warriors ing Board and the Gettysburg Bor- The 1980s - Exodus of Soviet Jews candidates debate from the USSR. Page 26 our candidates for vying for minutes each to address several the 150th commemoration of the ough Council. Qually is currently three positions on the Adams questions to be posed, including one Battle of Gettysburg. one of three county auditors and Mount Creative Writers F County Board of Commissioners from the public attending. Kellet, a member of the Adams/ is a member of Adams/Gettysburg It was that time of year again. The Chamber of Commerce, and serves air was crisp and the mountains will be debating October 19 at the Carroll Valley Borough Mayor Gettysburg Chamber of Com- were a wash of reds, oranges, and Fairfield Fire & EMS firehouse. Ronald Harris and Fairfield Bor- merce, has served as a realtor since on the Adams County Affordable golds. Page 35 Sponsored by the Emmitsburg ough Mayor Robert Stanley will 1999, founded the Community Housing Committee. News-Journal, the debate will be serve as moderators during the de- Benefits Real Estate, and has served Adams County voters will be electing three commissioners from JOURNALS held at 7 p.m. at the Fairfield fire- bate and with input from the pub- on the board of Adams County house and is expected to conclude lic, draw up the questions to be Children’s Advocacy Center. He the four candidates on November The Retired Ecologist 8. Voters will be allowed to vote for In recent years fall has added a around 9:30 p.m. asked. is also a Freedom Township su- no more than two candidates. Of new odor to the “disgustingness” Scheduled to participate will be Martin has served as a Farmers pervisor, and serves on the Adams category. Not long ago, the mar- county commissioner candidate Home Administration County su- County Water Resources Adviso- these candidates, the three that re- molated stink bug... Page 14 Republicans Jim Martin and Ran- pervisor, wherein he administered ry Committee, the Southwest Joint ceive the highest number of votes dy Phiel, and Democrats Paul Kel- credit programs and financial anal- Comprehensive Plan Commit- will win the three commissioner In My Own Words seats for four-year terms. As summer comes to an end, this let and Marty Qually. ysis for rural businesses and coun- tee, the Adams County Council of By law, a county commission crisp, fresh air gets me thinking For the past five months the four ty economic development, and has Governments, and the Critical Area about new beginnings. Page 26 candidates have afforded them- had supervisory experience work- Resource Planning Committee for must have one member of a minor- selves of the opportunity presented ing in the local food processing in- the Marsh and Rock Creek Basins. ity party represented, with no more The Graduate to them by this paper to systemical- dustry. For the past ten years, he Qually has served previously as than two members representing the My life as a first-year teacher has prevailing party, in accordance with been nothing short of hectic. Page 34 ly layout their positions on top- has been employed as a real estate acting assistant director for the City ics they believe are importance to agent. of Frederick’s Community Action the 1873-74 amendments to the Simple Servings county. We hope our readers have Phiel has served as a co-coordina- Agency, and has served on the Bor- Pennsylvania constitution. Whole grain recipes. Do it for your found their efforts worthwhile. tor of the Gettysburg National Mil- heart, your health, and most impor- Copies of their position papers will itary Park’s Volunteer Park Watch PRE-SORTED tantly, your happiness. These recipes be available at the debate. Patrol, and as the park’s tort offi- STANDARD will not disappoint. Page 36 Candidates will be provided with cer, acting safety officer, and law U.S. Postage two minutes each in which they may enforcement training coordina- Complementary Corner Postal Customer PAID introduce themselves and address tor. Phiel presently serves on three Words shape our external and in- Westminster, MD ternal environment, and subse- what they believe are key issues. A Main Street Gettysburg Sesquicen- quent actions. Page 42 Each candidate will then have five tennial committees preparing for Permit No. 94 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | OCTOBER 2011 NEWS Car show continues Emmitsburg raising funds NEWS-JOURNAL 1 East Main Street ays of hurricane-generated P.O. Box 543 Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 rainfall of deluge proportions D Office Number: 301-471-3306 Fax: 301-447-3057 adversely impact numerous area www.emmitsburg.com and www.emmitsburg.net activities, including the Second Annual Emmitsburg Maryland News, events, history, humor and culture for the Historic Toms Creek Hundred Charity Car Show held September geographical area: Emmitsburg, Zora, Carroll Valley, Fairfield, Greenmont, Har- 10 at the Mother Seton School in ney, Rocky Ridge, Detour, St. Anthony’s and Zentz Mill. The Emmitsburg News- Emmitsburg. Journal is published the first day of every month by Toms Creek Hundred LLC. The show is organized and held Senior Advisers annually by Bill Kuhn, of His Place, Eric Glass, Taney Corporation Inc., a “full service automotive Dan Reaver, Emmitsburg Glass facility” located at 20 Creamery Way, Dr. Peter Dorsey, Professor of English, Mount St. Marys Emmitsburg. The company also Bo and Jean Cadle, Former Publishers of the Emmitsburg Disptach offers car restoration services. Managing Editor, Michael Hillman, [email protected] Kuhn said this year’s show had actually been scheduled for May. Assistant Editor, Katherine R. Au (MSM Class of 1998) [email protected] “This (September 10) was the rain date” that was implemented when Bruce Tomas of Fairfield, stands beside his 1929 Four English Editor Jackie Fennington (MSM Class of 2010) the May show was cancelled due to touring version of the Model A, which he displayed at the the News Editor, Richard Fulton, [email protected] weather conditions.
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