THE MOVING PICTURE NEWS 45 ter with, and finally convinces himself. and brown-as brown as the study he Meantime, in the schoolroom. -M iss is in. We have said that spring's song Parker is diligently and delicately at­ was in the · air, spring's laughter in the INTER NATIONAL tempting to make something of her un­ things of earth and youth's robust promising pup il. He is about as hope­ gaiety in the hearts of man and maid­ less as despair, but Miss Parker per­ so what if they do walk . off together, FILM TRADERS severes-remember, she is a teacher. chatting, laughing, with many covert The 5 WEST 14TH ST., NEW YORK boy is just foolish enough to mis­ glances one at the other? construe interest and determination for Thereafter, they meet again. And Largest Dealers and Importers of Films attention and affection, and he falls thereafter, yet again. But what need in the United States. All films are im­ ported, bought outright and sold outright desperately in love with the little to apologize for them? Not the first to the purchaser, · school miss. Father and son proceed time that youth and ·youth have met and to love her, while she, unfortunately, mated! The friendship graduates into WE HANDLE NO DUPES is unaware of her dangerous popular­ intimacy, into sentiment, into a vast and ity and her duplex .desirability. vital love. Fred meets Marion's father, One Sunday afternoon it comes to a headstrong farmer with respect Siege of Calais-Colored ..... about 2000 ft. only Uncle Tom's Cabin ......... .' " 3000 " pass that father and son don their joy for those who dig for the things of the Notre Dame de Paris-Colored " 2700 " clothes, with the heroic determination soil. He frowns upon their romance, Life As It Is.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " 3000 " to call on the teacher and press their tells Fred his daughter Licu_t~na-nt Rose and tbe Royal " will marry a V1s1t . 1000 " suits-which. of course, they should farmer, not a paint-mixing canvas dec­ Still Alarm . - " 1000 " have done in advance. Both covertly orator. General Richelieu's Foe-Col- u and curiously· observe the other in his But know ye how ored .................. 2000" love chooseth !­ Judas Maccabees . " 1000 " 1"onsorial efforts with a little wonder she ignores her father's stern edict, and Brutus . " 1187 " and a little jealousy, and their labors goes away with the man she loves. In the Grip of Alcohol-Com• at last at an end, unknown to each Youth, and plete . .. ... ...... , . " 3000 " love, two fiery insurrec­ Golden Wedding . " 1500 " other, they set out to capture- the unani­ tionists whose moods and mysteries Tristan and Isolde-Colored.. " 2029 " mous prize. ever the old forget. But sometimes The Battle . " 1000 " They meet each other-and their love is more Battle of Trafalgar.......... " 1000 " than red roses-cold steel Back to the Primitive.. " 1000 " downfall--at the teacher's home. and thorns and a tear in the heart. Fools of Society. " 3200 " Amazed and amused at the twin pro­ She writes her father, but never an Delhi Durbar . " 1000 " posal, she solves the dilemma of a de­ answer comes, A Woman's J ealousy.... ... " 2400 " and the brave heart of The Countess de Chaillant.... " 1920 " cision bv introducing her sweetheart to the little rebel is filled with sorrow and Fighting Blood . " 1000 " the panic-stricken Rmnmy-eos. sighs, when Fred hits upon a plan! Ten Nights in a Barroom.... " 2000 " Sadder. but more foolish, they re­ goes to his father-in-law Duke of Grnnada, L ove Story ...... 1700 " He in the Courier of Lyons, Drama .......... 2700 " turn to their home. Morose and melan­ garb of a farm-hand, solicits and ob­ Married for Gold, Society Drama .. 1300 " cholv thev ruininate on the sad situa­ tains work. and wins the good g r aces Napoleon Burning of· Moscow (Gren• tion." Arid with the instinct of those and friendship of the adier Roland), Historical ...... .. 1400 " stern parent. Human Sacrifice, Ancient History . 1000 " with a common misery. they console Then Marion returns and tells her Arsene Lupin, Detective Story. Very each other in their grief. father she has left her husband to re­ Thrilling ....................... 1100 " turn to him Locus ta, or in. the Days of Nero, and his love; and just as· Colored ....... •y •••••••• ••••••• 1000 " THROUGH TWISTING LANES Thais, Colored Drama. 900 " Force of Destiny, Spanish Drama .. 1000 " Rex Release, February 11 Taking of Saragossa, Historical .... 1100 " Duchess of Messa via, Historical. 800 " That venerable and versatile expres­ Eugene Grandet, Historical. 900 " sion, ''Love will find a way," has been fOR S"Lf Russia, Land of Oppression, Jewish so overworked since some romantically Powers No. 5 Cameragraphs, Com- Drama . .... .................... 900 " plete .... .................. each $80.00 The optimistic person first foisted it that we Ghetto, Jewish Drama ........ 1000 " 1 Pa the Machine, Complete .. ...... Ruined by His Own Son, Society reallv think it ought to be retired on a 120.00 1 Pathe Machine, New ........ ... Dra1na ........ .. ....... ..... 1000 " pension-or suspension. But in this 135.00 Prince of India, or Golden Supper, 1 Powers Inductor, 220 Volt.. .... 35.00 Ancient Drama ................ 900 " narticular instance our pen cannot shun 1 Hallberg, llO V . Economizer ...... 35.00 Virginius, Historical Drama ........ 900 " it, because it is the most approprhte 1 Gen'] Elec. 22·0 Volt Economizer . 40.00 Merchant of Venice, Shakesperean phrase in our language to describe the Pure White Condensors, Guaran- Dra1na ... .. ......... .... ... 1000 " whys, wherefores and wherehys of the teed ....................... pair 1 .50 In Arizona, War Drama .. .. .. .... 1000 " Electra Carbons, Pink Label. .per C 1.90 Midsummer Night's ])ream, Shake- · events in the story. There are many per M 18.50 spearea n Drama .. ............. 1000 " tears in the heart that never reach the Bio Carbons ...... ..... .... per C 1.80 Jew's Gratitude, Jewish Story ...... 1000 " Violin Maker of Cremona, Histor- eyes; and with this philosophical re­ per M 17.50 ical ...... ...... ............. 1000 " mark we oroceed with the tale. Arco B. Carbons ........... per C 1.70 lliilitary Prison, Soldier Story . 800 " It is a day of sunshine and balm and per M 16.50 Assassination of Admiral Coligny, Stock Tickets, Asstd. Colors, 7½c per M Historical ...... .. .. .... .... 1000 " roses and peace. Every leaf is a 6c per M in lots of 100 M. East Lynne, Drama. 900 " psalm, every stone a sermon of old Flaming Arc Carbons, 10 hr. A. C. Saul and David, Religious ......... 1000 " earth's rei uvenescence. and the earth per 100 pair 8.00 Thread of Destiny, Drama ......... 1000 " laughs with g-lee in its vernal prime. Flaming Arc Carbons, 17 hr. A. C. Passing Shadows, Drama . .. ...... 1000 " per 100 pair 11. 00 Power of the Press, Soring is in the air, Drama ...... 1000 " and spring is in Flaming Arc Carbons, 10 hr. D. C. Sisters, Drama ....... ·........... 1000 " the hearts of-two. Electra, Drama, Ancient I-nstory .. .. 1000 " per 100 pair 9.00 Francesca de Remini, Historical Fred Blair. the artist, hears the call Flaming Arc Carbons, 17 hr. D. C. Drama ........ ... ...... .. .. 1000 " of balmy out-doors, and with easel, - · per 100 pair 12.00 Italian-Turkish War, 1-2·3 Series .. 1000 " brushes. pal ette and the season's inspir­ Announcement Slides .......... each .20 Falsely Accused, Drama ........... 1000 " Film Cement. .... .., ...... per bottle .05 Jane Eyre, Drama ................ 1000 " ation. resoonds to the summons Tension Springs for Powers' Ma- Life of Moses, Religious . ........ 4000 " And this ve ry spring clay fair Marion chines ........... ... .. per pair .15 Hold Up in Calabria ...... .. ... ... 1000 " fain would go a-walking. Wending her Stay-on Oil. ................ per can . 15 Three Musketeers . ..... .. ...... 1500 " Empice Oil. ................ per can .10 King Lear, Drama, Shakespearean .. 1000 " musing way along the country road­ Bride of Messin~, Drama .......... 1000 " side. she comes across Fred assidu­ All Ot her Mo ving Picture Washington Under the British Flag.1000 " ously violating Na tu re's copyright on Supplie s Equally as Low Soldiers of the Cross .... .......... 1000 " Parisina, or Rival of His Own one of her prettiest landscapes. The W hen ordering, kindly have certified Father, Drama .. ... .. ......... 1000 " ,girl stands watching- the industrious check or money order accompany the Every one of the above films is in first­ vouth. abso rbed in his colors. until­ order, class condition, Thousands of reels in hold, blue eyes dance up to meet two first-class condition always on hand, that 3.re shy with sweet modesty and We import any desired feature. All l:mpire film f xchanoe the Masterpieces of the World's Greatest filled with the wistful vearnitw and Producers, with Special Posters, Selected tender mysterv of youth: Tjie" girl's 150 EAST 14th STREET by our own European Agents. eyes are quickly averted ; but the blue NEW YORK CITY as quickly note that they are bright .
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