STATISTICAL POCKET BOOK OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1986 DIRECTORATE OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS GOVERNMENT OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH SHILLONG-793 001 NIEPA DC D04068 S s h , N a tio n s ! Sj-rtfertiS M otion?.! ill-a or £docatiori|| Pl-rnir ■ - ' A H! ? ‘ . ^ ion • E>OC. No. /I.P .fi..? ................. ' . ^ _______________ PREFACE The present “ Statistical Pocket Book - 1986 ” is third in series. The data relating to various sectors of economy of Aru- nachal Pradesh have been presented in pocket-size publication for the ^nefit of planners and research scholars. This publica­ tion will be handy for reference. As in earlier issues. Statistical Pocket Book-1986 incorporates special tables on Population, Vital Statistics, Five Year Plans, State Domestic Products, Budget and Banking. The data have been compiled from various reports and iblications of the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, besides fose supplied by the Heads of Departments. I acknowledge with gratitude the co-operation extended by the Heads of Departments for supplying data for our different publications. The publication has been drafted by Shri M. S. Adhikari, Itatistician assisted by Shri Taw Takur, Sub-Inspector of Statistics. Suggestions for bringing about improvement in this publi- •^pation are most welcome. VISHNU KUMAR Director of Economics and Statistics Govt, of Arunachal Pradesh ShiJ long-793 001 SHRI R. D. PRADHAN Hon’ble Governor SHRI GEGONG APANG Hon’ble Chief Minister SHRI T. L RAJ KUMAR Hon’ble Speaker CONTENTS Department Source Offices Page No. i) Ministers, MLA’s Secy (O. A.) . i—iv and secretaries ii) General Features Stat. Hand Book V—vi lii) Altitude of important Stat. Hand Book vii—viii places of Arunachal Pradesh /. Area & population Registrar General of India 1 -1 5 Census-J 981 2. Climate and Rainfall D.S.O./I.S. 16—17 3. Agriculture Director of Agriculture 1 8 -2 4 0. Animal Husbandry Director of Animal Hus­ 2 5 -2 8 bandry and Vaterinary 3, Fisheries Chief Fishery Officer 29-3 0 1. Public Health and D.H.S./DE.S. 31-41 Vital Statistics f . Education Director of Public In­ 42-51 structions 8. Co-operation Registrar of Co-operative 52 Society 9. Industry J^irector of Industries 53—55 30. Forestand Logging Chief Conservator of Forest 56—61 llr Transport and com­ General Manager *A. P. 62—63 munication State Transport 12. Electricity S. E. (Electrical) 64—66 43.-Police, crime and ■Inspeifor General'oRpolice 67—74 accidents 14, Rural Development Director ofi^ilurabDeyelopmQW 75—77 15. State Finance and Chief Regional Manager 78-81 Banking sSiBi.I./U. S.-;(Budget) 16, Five year plans Economic Review 8 2 - 8 3 17. Employment D, E. S. 84-88 18. State Domestic product D. E, S, 89-92 ‘39. ElectoratdStatistics vChiefc Electoral Officer 93-101^ 20. Public administratioa. t'uDirector of Panchayat 1 0 2 ^ 1 0 3 (Panchayat) 21, Prices D.E.S 4 0 4 - ^ 0 6 22. Circle-wisttpopulation Registrar General ofilndia lOT—115 in A. P. C^sus-1981 Ministers and their portfolios SI. Name Portfolios No. 1 3 !. Sri Gegong Apang, Home, Appointment, Planning and Chief Minister Development, Information and Public Relations and Tourism and all other business of the Govt as has not been specifically assigned to any Minister. 2. Sri Todalc Basai, Agriculture, Rural Development, In­ Minister dustries, Laws, Labour, Legislative and Election. 3. Sri Khapriso Krong, Education excluding social and Cul­ Minister tural Affairs, Supply and Transport. Sri Tadak Duiom, Public Works Department including Minister Power Sector. 5. Sri Tsering Tashi, Finance, Rural Works Department Minister and Social and Cultural Affairs. 6. Sri Techi Talcar, Health and Family Planning. Deputy Minister 7. Sri Mukut Mithi, Forests. Deputy Minister (ii) List of Members of Legislative Assembly in Arunachal Pradesh (as on 31-3-87) SI. No. Name ofM.L.A. Assembly Constituency 1 2 3 1. Shri Karma Wangchu 1 — Tawang (I) 2. „ Tsering Tashi 2 — Tawang (II) 3. „ R. K. Khrimey 3 — Dirang - Kalaktang. 4. „ Japu Deru 4 — Bomdila. 5. Smti Nyari Welli 5 — Seppa. 6. Shri Kameng Dolo 6 — Chayang - Tajo. 7. „ Chera Talo 7 — Koloriang. 8. „ Tadar Tang 8 — Nyapin - Plain. 9. „ Techi Takar 9 — Doimukh - Sagalee. 10. „ Gyati Taka 10 — Ziro. 11. „ Boa Tamo 11 — Raga - Tali. 12. >. Tadak Dulom 12 — Daporijo. 13. „ Punji Mara 13 — Taksing - Taliha. 14. „ Tadik Chije 14 — Mechuka. 15. Lijum Ronya 15 — Along North. (iii) [Contd.] SI. Name of M.L.A Assembly Constituency •Jo. 1 2 3 16. Shri Doi Ado 16 - ■ Along South. 17. „ Todak Basar 17 - ■ Basar. 18. „ Tapum Jamoh 18 - Pasighat. „ Gegong Apang 19 - • Yingkiong - Pangin. „ Baken Pertin 20 ■■ Mariyang - Mebo. 21. „ Tade Tacho 21 - • Anini. 22. .. Mukut Mithi 22 - ■ Roing. g3. „ C. P. Nam Shoora 23 - Namsai - Chowkham. |4. ,, Khapriso Krong 24- - Tezu - Hayuliang. Kumari Komoli Mosang 25 - Noadihing - Nampong. Shri Tengam Ngemu 26 - Changlang. 27 „ T. L. Raj Kumar 27 ■ - Khonsa South. 28. » Kapchen Raj Kumer 28 - ■ Khonsa North. 29. „ Noksong Boham 29 - • Niausa - Kanubari. 30. „ Hejan Ponglaham 30 - ■ Poiigchau - Wakka. IV Secretaries and their Assignment SI. Department Assigned No. Name 2 3 1. Shri V. K. Kapoor Chief Secretary. 2. „ Ashok Pradhan Development Commissicner. 3. „ S. R. Arya Commissioner (Finance). 4. ,, Matin Dai Commissioner. 5. Mrs Anila Khrime Secretary Home. 6. Shri T. R. Das Secretary Industry. 7. „ Matin Dai Secretary, PWD, RWD & Education. 8. T. Dai Secretary, General Administration. 9. „ K. B. Sukla Secretary Health. 10. „ R. Narayan Swamy Secretary Supply & Transpon & Training. 11. „ U. Palzer Secretary, Assembly. 12. „ Vivek Rae Secretary to Governor & IPR. 13. ,, T. S. Deori Secretary to C. M. General Features of Arunachdl Pradesh 1. Geographical Area 83,743 Sq. Km 2. Location Between Latitudes 26.28°N and 29,30°N and longitudes 91.30°E and 97.30°E. 3. Boundary ; North - Tibet East - Burma South - Assam West - Bhutan 4. Capital ; Itanagar (height varies from 200 to 750 metres above MSL) 5. Districts ; Tawang, West Kameng, East Ka- meng Lower Subansiri, Upper Su- bansiri East Siang, West Siang, Lahit, Dibang Valley & Tirap. 6. District H. Qs : Tawang, Bomdila, Seppa, Ziro, Daporijo, Pasighat, Along, Tezu, Anini and Khonsa. 7. No. of Villages 3257 8. No. Towns : 6 9. Total No. of Tribes : 110 Vi 10. Important Tiibes : Moopa, Sherdukpens, Miji, Bangni, Aka, Apatani, Nishi. Tagin, Hil! Miri, Adi, Momba, Khamba, Mi- 8hmi, Nocte, Khatnpti, Singpho, Wangcho, Tangsa, Yobin etc. 11. Highest Peak : Kangte ( 7090 metres ) in Tawang Kstrict. 12. Main rivers ; Tawajigchu, Kameng ( Bhorali ) Tenga, Bichom, Pasar, Subansiri Kamla, Siyom, Siang, Lohit. Dibang Kam long, Noa, Dihing, Tirap, Namchik, Nrmphuk, Dirak, Nair. sang Tisa Etc. 13. Places e f interest : Itanagar, Bomdila, Tawang, Gompa Selapass (4267m.) Maliaithan, Bhis maknagar, Akashigaaga, Parsuran Kund. 14. Important Mineral : Dolomite, Graphite, Quartzite Deposits Lime stone. Coal. Brine, Oil, Natit ral gas, Yellow ochre. Marble. 15. Other natural Potetitial : Abundant forest resources an' Hydro-potential. ALTITUDE OF IMPORTANT PLACES OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH District/Places Altitude in M etrM (Approx) 1. Tawang District Tawang 2940 Lumla 2410 2. West Kameng Bomdila 2480 Nafra 1000 3. East Kameng Seppa 360 Chayengtajo J280 Lower Subansiri Ziro 1560 Koloriang ]005 Itanagar 550 5. Upper Subansiri Daporijo 305 Nacho 805 via 6. West Sians Along 350 Basar Mechuka 18W Tuting 590 7. East Siang Pasighat 150 Mariyang *067 8. Lohit District Tezu 210 Namsai 150 Hayuliang 590 9. Dibang Valley Anini 1 Roing 390 10. Tirap District Khonsa 800 Changlang 490 Miao ^ Longding Deomali J35 Jairampuf loi' AREA AND POPULATION 1.1 DistrictwiM Area and No. of Villages in Arunachal P radesh SI. Districts Area in No. of villages Km* ? • 2 3 4 1. West Kameng^ ) 9594 280 ^ Tawang ) East Kameng 4134 275 |< Lower Subansiri 13010 770 1. Upper Subansiri 7032 361 S. West Siang 12006 364 A# East Siang 6S12 143 ^ Di bang Valley 13029 232 t Lohit 11402 456 9. Tirap 7024 376 Urunachal Pradesh 83743 3257 ^>urce :—Register General of India—1981 Census. 1.2 Area and Populatjen as per 1981 Census SI. Districts Area in Population PoptJlation No. Sq. Km. 1981 per sq. Krr 1. 2 3 4 - 6 1. West Kameng ) 9594 63302 6 Tawang ) 2. East Kameng 4134 42736 10 3. Lower Subansiri 13010 112650 8 4. Upper Subansiri 7032 39410 5 5. West Siang 12006 74164 6 6. Eaet Siang 6512 70451 11 7. Dibang Valley 13029 30978 2 8. Lohit 11402 69498 6 9. Tirap 7024 128650 18 Arunachal Pradesh 83743 631839 1.3 Varifltiofl of Population 1971-1981 ill. Popula­■ Popula­ Percentage Ho. Distrias tion tion Variation variation 1981 1971 1971-81 19Jl-8f i 2 3 4 5 1. West Kameag ) 63302 50867 12435 24.45 Tawang ) S- East Kameag 42736 35134 7602 21.64 Lower'Subansiri 112650 80914 31736 39.22 Upper Subansiri 39410 32014 7396 23.10 5i West Siang 74164 59242 14922 25.19 6. East Siang 70451 49005 21446 43.77 %. Dibang Valtey 30978 15232 15746 103.37 m- Lohit 69498 47633 21865 4590 % Tirap 12S650 97470 31180 31.99 Arunachal Pradesh 631839 467511 164328 35 15 1.4 Saliant faatufM Of Popiiiatidn—1W1 SI. Total % of urban Literacy Femalee No. Dist#i«s popula­ ... popula­ percen'^ per 1000 tion tion tage males 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. West Kameng ) 63302 - 6.09 2097 857 Tawang ) 2. East Kameng 42736 — 7.73 942 3. Lower Subansiri 1126S0 12.53 19.52 855 4. Upper Subansiri 39410 — 12.89 971 5. West Siang 74164 10.89 2! . ^ 911 6. East Siang 70451 12.97 26.04 849 7. Dibang Valley 30978 .■ — 26.28 661 8. Lohit 69498 «.98 28.26 781 9. Tirap 1286S0 • — 19.33 866 Arunachal Pradesh 631839 5.72 20.79 855 1.5 Number of Residential houses and households SI.
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