THE WORSHIP OF GOD Candlelight Tenebrae Communion Maundy Thursday, March 29, 2018 Sanctuary7:00 p.m. Maundy Thursday Candlelight Tenebrae Communion March 29, 20187:00 p.m. + Indicates an invitation to rise in body or in spirit. PRELUDE Meditation on Go to Dark Gethsemane arr. David Cherwein Kraig Windschitl, organ WELCOME & OPENING PRAYER John Ross INTROIT Lamb of God F. Melius Christiansen Chancel Choir SILENT PROCESSION PREPARATION The Shadow of Passover Lindy Purdy Luke 22:7-13 + CALL TO WORSHIP Rustin Comer Leader: We who call upon the name of Christ, are gathered to recall the story of the night in which Jesus was betrayed. Are we prepared to come to the table of Jesus Christ? All: By the grace of God, we are. Leader: Are we able to watch with Jesus at prayer in the garden, and indeed, to struggle ourselves to be in unity with God? All: By the grace of God, we are. Leader: Will we follow Jesus even into the night of betrayal? All: By the grace of God, we will. + OPENING HYMN Go to Dark Gethsemane Blue #158 Go to dark Gethsemane, ye that feel the tempter’s power, Your Redeemer’s conflict see. Watch with Him one bitter hour. Turn not from His griefs away. Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. See Him at the judgment hall, beaten, bound, reviled, arraigned. See Him meekly bearing all! Love to man his soul sustained. Shun not suffering, shame, or loss. Learn of Christ to bear the cross. Calvary’s mournful mountain climb, there adoring at His feet, Mark that miracle of time, God’s own sacrifice complete. “It is finished!” hear Him cry. Learn of Jesus Christ to die. + UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION Kristen Jeide Leader: In the spirit of confession, let us pray together. All: O God of our Lenten journey, our hearts find refuge with You. In Your presence, we discover who we are. As Jesus washes our feet, we recognize our reluctance to serve one another. As Jesus prepares to give Himself away, we still seek promotions and possessions. So often, our love scarcely fulfills the requirements of good manners. And though we lift the cup and break the bread with Him tonight, tomorrow He shall die alone. Forgive us, for we have notE readin e whatinf aYouch haveer writtenKyrie uponruf our hearts. Forgive us, for we thought we knew You. Forgive us, for we do not know ourselves. A simple Kyrie acclamation Christoph Dalitz (1990) + RESPONSIVE KYRIE Christoph Dalitz2009 #4 ™ j œ & 4 œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ Lord have mer - cy. Christ have 4 # œ ˙ ˙ & œ œ œ ˙ ˙ mer - cy. Lord have mer - cy. + ASSURANCE OF GOD’S GRACE Danielle Jones FIRST LESSON The Shadow of Betrayal Matthew 26:20-25 Jeff Johnson CHORAL RESPONSE Ah, Holy Jesus Craig Courtney Chancel Choir SECOND LESSON Love in Humble Service John 13:3-5, 12-17, 34-35 Dawn Price Dieses Stück steht unter der Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Germany License. Diese erlaubt ausdrücklich das freie und kostenlose Kopieren, Verbreiten und Verwenden. http://music.dalitio.de/ 'Mid the Stillness of the Night HYMN RESPONSE ‘Mid the SATBStillness Hymn of the Night Sally DeFord (Choir only verse 1) Sally DeFord Reverently 62-68 2 4 'Mid the still - ness of the night, Kneel - ing in Geth -sem --a ne, His the an - guish of our grief, His the pain of count - less years, 'Neath the bur - den of a cross, 'Neath the weight of all our debt, Je - sus, Lord, un --fail ing friend, Thou who lov - est cease --less ly, 6 8 Love un --mea sured fought our fight and claimed our vic --to ry, Ours the con --trite heart's re lief thus born of blood and tears, Cal - 'vry's way He walked for us, And ne'er shall we for - get, Thou who giv - est life to men, We do re --mem ber thee, (Tenor: claimed our vic --to ry, etc.) 10 12 Love un --mea sured fought our fight and claimed our vic --to ry. Ours the con --trite heart's re lief thus born of blood and tears. Cal - 'vry's way He walked for us, And ne'er shall we for - get. Thou who giv - est life to men, we do re --mem ber thee. THIRD LESSON The Last Supper Matthew 26:26-29 Chad Gehrman INVITATION TO COMMUNION Rustin Comer WORDS OF INSTITUTION Lindy Purdy, John Ross UNISON BLESSING Danielle Jones Leader: In a spirit of gratitude, let us pray together. All: O God, we ask your blessing on this bread and cup, remembering Jesus’ life and ministry among us and His redemptive death that draws us back to You. As we come to the table, open the eyes of our hearts to recognize the risen Christ in our midst, in each other, and in all for whom Christ died. Fill us with Your love that makes all things new. Amen. COMMUNION HYMN Eat This Bread Red #195 Eat this bread, drink this cup, come to me and never be hungry. Eat this bread, drink this cup, trust in me and you will not thirst. GIVING OF THE BREAD AND THE CUP After the Deacons have been served, ushers will invite each row to come to one of the communion stations. Each person will receive the bread from the server and dip it into the chalice held by another server. An appropriate response to the server’s words is “Amen.” After receiving communion, return to your seat by the side aisle. If you wish to be served where you are seated, indicate this to an usher and communion will be brought to you. A gluten-free bread option is available from the servers in the East transept. COMMUNION MUSIC Improvisation on Ah, Holy Jesus Kraig Windschitl, organ PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Kristen Jeide Leader: We give You thanks, Lord Jesus, for You have put Your life into our hands; Now we put our lives into Yours. Take us, renew and remake us. What we have been is past; what we shall be, through You, still awaits us. Lead us on. Take us with You, as we pray together the prayer You taught saying, All: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. FOURTH LESSON The Shadow of Desertion Matthew 26:30-35 John Purdy HYMN RESPONSE Abide with Me Blue #209 Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; the darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide. When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away. Change and decay in all around I see. O Lord who changes not, abide with me. I need your presence every passing hour. What but your grace can foil the tempter’s power? Who like yourself my guide and strength can be? Through cloud and sunshine, O abide with me. I fear no foe with you at hand to bless, though ills have weight, and tears their bitterness. Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, your victory? I triumph still, if you abide with me. FIFTH LESSON The Shadow of Temptation Matthew 26:36-46 Shirley Hogan CHORAL RESPONSE Abide with Us Dear Lord Robert Wetzler Chancel Choir SIXTH LESSON The Shadow of Arrest Matthew 26:47-56 Andy Jacobson CHORAL RESPONSE Nunc Dimittis Alexander Gretchaninoff Chancel Choir SEVENTH LESSON The Shadow of Abandonment Matthew 26:69-75 Barb Boulware SILENT RECESSION THE PRAYER OF SUPPLICATION AND RETURN OF THE LIGHT John Ross The congregation is asked to leave the Sanctuary in silence. We gratefully receive your offerings in the plates at the doors as you leave. WORSHIP LEADERS Celebrants Rev. Dr. John F. Ross, Rev. Rustin Comer, Rev. Kristen Jeide, Rev. Danielle Jones, Rev. S. Lindy Purdy Readers Jeff Johnson, Dawn Price, Chad Gehrman, John Purdy, Shirley Hogan, Andy Jacobson, Barb Boulware Music Wayzata Community Church Chancel Choir, Adam Reinwald, Director Kraig Windschitl, Principal Organist Acolytes Jacob Nierman, Charlie Nierman Deacon Reid Shaw Head Usher Peggy Douglas GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Tomorrow March 30 at 5:00 p.m., Wakefield Chapel Music and Meditation EASTER SUNDAY SERVICES Rev. Dr. John F. Ross, Senior Minister, preaching 6:30 a.m. Sunrise Service - Wayzata Beach 8:00 a.m. Communion Service - Wakefield Chapel 9:00 a.m. Celebrations - Sanctuary 10:30 a.m. Parables - Wakefield Chapel 10:15 a.m. Traditions - Sanctuary 11:30 a.m. Traditions - Sanctuary THE SUNDAY AFTER Sunday, April 8 8:00 Communion in Wakefield Chapel CANTUS the internationally-recognized male vocal ensemble, will be our guest for the Sunday After at both the 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. services in the Sanctuary. Cover art: Call of the Disciples, Donald Jackson, Copyright 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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