S8652 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 28, 2007 body just gives out and drops. Do not back at their pursuers. At least one Catherine’s father, Bill Bittner, Sr., expect that to be anytime soon. round hit Ken’s cockpit, embedding was a close friend of Ken’s and his fish- I believe all ages and all occupations shrapnel in his arm and leg. ing partner. Bill and I often spent long should be part of a truly representative Determined to stay in the air as long summer days fishing with Ken and body. I also believe society works best as possible, Ken and George attacked a talking about World War II. when the energy and idealism of youth, group of bombers until they ran out of To this day, Ken’s family has strong youth, youth, pairs with the experience ammunition. The pair then landed at ties to Alaska. Ken’s son, Ken Jr., fol- and wisdom of age. Wheeler Field to resupply and refuel. lowed in his father’s footsteps and also America is the land of opportunities. While an air crew rearmed their became commander of the Alaska Air I don’t think our some 36 million citi- planes, the duo received a dressing National Guard. They remain the only zens over the age of 65 are disqualified down from a superior officer for taking father and son in our Nation’s history from participating in the life of the off without orders. The officer also in- to have achieved such an honor. Also, country that we—we—helped to build. sisted they stay on the ground, but Ken Sr.’s grandson, Eric Taylor, now Our country rejected those kinds of ar- when another attack forced airfield serves in the Alaska Air National bitrary barriers long ago, and this Sen- personnel to scatter, Ken and George Guard with distinction. ator loudly and proudly rejects them took the chance to get back into the The remarkable story of Ken Taylor now. fight. reminds me of a statement once made The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- With a fresh supply of .50 caliber am- by General George Marshall. Asked if ior Senator from Alaska is recognized. munition, Ken positioned himself on America had a secret weapon to help f the runway to take off just as a group win World War II, General Marshall re- of dive bombers flew overhead. He de- plied in the affirmative. He said we had BRIGADIER GENERAL KEN scribed his second takeoff to Army ‘‘the best darn kids in the world.’’ TAYLOR Times as follows: One can’t help but wonder if these Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, today I took off right toward them, which gave words were partly inspired by Ken Tay- I pay tribute to BG Ken Taylor, who me the ability to shoot at them before I even lor, who, at age 21, exemplified great will be buried at Arlington National left the ground. I got behind one of them and courage and bravery during the battle Cemetery later this afternoon. started shooting again. The only thing I that drew America into World War II. didn’t know at that time was that I got in From his service as a pilot during For those who remember, his was one World War II to his tenure as Com- the middle of the line rather than the end. There was somebody on my tail. They put a of the two planes that took off in the mander of the Alaska Air National bullet right behind my head through the can- movie entitled ‘‘Pearl Harbor.’’ Guard, General Taylor was always a opy and into the trim tab inside. So I got a It gives me great pride to have hero—in every sense of the word, and little bit of shrapnel in my leg and through known this man. On this solemn day to all who knew and loved him. the arm. It was of no consequence; it just when we put him to rest, let us all take As a young boy in Oklahoma, Ken set scared the hell out of me for a minute. a moment to reflect on the life—and his sights on becoming a pilot. After Before the last fires were extin- honor the memory—of this great Amer- completing high school and 2 years of guished from the remains of the Pacific ican hero. college, Ken fulfilled his dream by join- Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Ken Taylor and I yield the floor. ing the Army Air Corps. George Welch had shot down at least The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- In April 1941, newly commissioned as eight Japanese fighters. Many believe ator from Missouri is recognized for 10 a second lieutenant, Ken received his their decision to take to the air pre- minutes. first assignment. He was stationed at vented a full assault on Haleiwa, sav- f Wheeler Field, on the Hawaiian island ing the field from sure destruction. By of Oahu, as a member of the 47th Pur- the end of the day, the two lieutenants HOMAGE TO SENATOR BYRD suit Squadron. And it was there, during had become America’s first heroes of Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, one of the darkest days in our Nation’s World War II—all while wearing tuxedo first, let me pay homage to the senior history, that Ken’s bravery shined pants and a Hawaiian flower-print Senator from West Virginia who, in a brightest. shirt. typically eloquent way, spoke to the Early in the morning on December 7, For his tremendous courage under Senate about his long service to his 1941, after a long night of poker, danc- fire, Ken received the Distinguished State. Let me tell the people of West ing, and a little drinking at the offi- Service Cross and a Purple Heart. But Virginia, they don’t need to worry; cer’s club, Ken awoke to the sound of his service to this Nation was far from they have a very strong Senator in this low flying Japanese aircraft fighters finished. Ken went on to fight at Gua- body. Any comments about his age are and bombers on course to attack the dalcanal, where he was credited with misplaced, because his passion and his Navy’s Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. destroying another Japanese plane. intellectual heft and his knowledge of Ken and fellow pilot George Welch, After a broken leg ended his combat history and the Constitution far out- who was staying in a neighboring career, Ken returned stateside and weigh any considerations one would apartment, took immediate action. served for 27 more years. He served in have about his age. They called ahead to their air crew the Alaska Air National Guard. (The remarks of Mrs. MCCASKILL per- with instructions to load their P–40s In 1967, Ken became the Assistant Ad- taining to the introduction of S. 1723 with fuel and ammunition. jutant General for the Alaska Air Na- are located in today’s RECORD under Both pilots hurriedly pulled their tional Guard. Before retiring in 1971, he ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and evening wear back on, and sped off in was promoted to Brigadier General and Joint Resolutions.’’) Ken’s new Buick toward Haleiwa Field. served as the full Commander of the f Dodging Japanese strafing runs and Air Guard. driving at speeds in excess of 100 miles In this capacity, Ken quickly distin- PROGRESS ON S. 1 per hour, they soon arrived at the air- guished himself as an able and re- Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, field. The pair quickly strapped into spected leader. He worked closely with there are times since I have been here their P–40 Tomahawks, which were MG C. F. Necrason, then the Adjutant that I have been surprised and shocked. fully fueled but only partially armed. General of the Alaska National Guard, This week was one of them, when I saw Outnumbered, outgunned, and with- to save the Air Guard component in the leader of my party rise to ask the out orders, the two pilots taxied to the our State. Under Ken’s direction, the body to send S. 1 to conference. Keep in runway intent on engaging the over 300 reinvigorated Air Guard units provided mind what S. 1 is. S. 1 was the first unchallenged Japanese aircraft. rural Alaskans with access to health piece of legislation we passed in the Once airborne, Ken and George im- care, medivacs, and disaster relief serv- Senate this year. That is why it is mediately came under fire. Ken later ices. called S. 1. Keep in mind what the vote described the ensuing combat as As a Senator for Alaska, it was my was. It was 96 to 2. There are not going ‘‘shooting fish in a barrel’’—a definite privilege to work with Ken on many to be very many times that we do any- understatement, as the Japanese shot occasions during this period. My wife thing 96 to 2. That was months ago. VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:29 Mar 13, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2007SENATE\S28JN7.REC S28JN7 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY.
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