GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK OF THE CATALINA FOOTHILLS, OUTSKIRTS OF TUCSON (PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA) W.R. DICKINSON Emeritus, Dept. of Geosciences University of Arizona ARIZONA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CONTRIBUTED MAP CM-99-B MAY 1999 31 p., scale 1 :24,000 TIus report is preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed for confonnity with Arizona Geological Survey standards. ARIZONA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CONTRIBUTED MAP CM-99-B (31 pp., 1 Plate) Geologic Framework of the Catalina Foothills, Outskirts of Tucson (Pima County, Arizona) [Text and Legend to Accompany 1:24,000 Map] William R. Dickinson, Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona May 1999 Introduction and Purpose Past geologic maps and accounts of the sedimentary, geomorphic, and structural geology of the piedmont of the Santa Catalina Mountains in the outskirts of Tucson by Voelger (1953), Pashley (1966), Davidson (1973), Creasey and Theodore (1975), Banks (1976), Anderson (1987), Pearthree et al. (1988), McKittrick (1988), and Jackson (1989) raised questions about the sedimentary evolution of the foothills belt that were left open or unresolved. Multiple dissected alluvial fans and pediments overlie much older faulted and tilted strata to form Cenozoic sedimentary assemblages of considerable stratigraphic and structural complexity. As a contribution to improved understanding of urban geology in the Tucson metropolitan area, systematic geologic mapping of the piedmont belt was undertaken to establish the overall geologic framework of the Catalina foothills (~ 175 2 km ) at a common scale (1 :24,000). The area studied extends from Oracle Road on the west to the vicinity of Rinconado Road on the east, and from the Rillito River and Tanque Verde Wash northward to the limit of bedrock exposures at the base of the Santa Catalina Mountains. A dense network of suburban roads allows detailed access to nearly all parts of the Catalina foothills, although multiple gated communities and undeveloped tracts closed to public entry prevent ready access to selected parts of the mapped area. Roadcuts provide the most informative outcrops of most sedimentary units, and many of them did not exist during previous studies. Comparable natural outcrops are limited to fortuitous stream cutbanks and especially steep ravine slopes unmantled by soil cover. Aerial photographs were invaluable accessories to the field work, allowing the continuity of sedimentary entities, or discontinuities between them, to be traced through areas of poor exposure. The irregular distribution of bedding attitudes on the accompanying geologic map is for the most part not reflective of variable intensity offield investigation, but of variable occurrence of adequate exposures. Most outcrops allowing strikes and dips of bedding to be measured with confidence were probably visited during the course of the field work. For clarity of graphic display, all mapped contacts between different sedimentary units on the accompanying geologic map are shown as solid lines, even though normal mapping convention would require long segments of most contacts to be dashed to indicate only approximate location. Exclusive use of solid contact lines should not be interpreted as reflecting fully accurate placement of all contacts. I No attempt was made during the field work to delineate the extent of washfloor alluvium along minor tributary drainages, nor of patches of terrace and pediment gravel that locally mask underlying units. Focus was maintained instead on the distribution of the major depositional units that define the sedimentary framework of the foothills belt. Details of geomorphic evolution and soil development were not addressed. In many areas, thin unmapped surficial deposits of various kinds were laid down on successive erosional surfaces cut across sedimentary units during a long history of progressive denudation that gave rise to the present piedmont landscape (Davidson, 1973, p. E15). Capping soils have accordingly been developed over varying time intervals of exposure on surfaces of varying ages. A legend for the accompanying geologic map follows references to the text. The designations used by previous workers for the various map units are discussed in the text, and presented in thumbnail form (Table 1) following the legend. Owing to the scarcity of definitive outcrops within the Catalina foothills belt, the reader should bear in mind that the placement of contacts between different depositional units by previous workers has inevitably varied somewhat, and few previously mapped contacts are identical to my own. Stream Nomenclature The terminology used for major stream courses requires comment: (a) The trunk stream for Catalina foothills drainages is termed the "Rillito River", following currently available topographic quadrangle maps, although "Rillito Creek" has been common usage in the past (Barnes, 1960, p. 277; Peirce and Kresan, 1984; Pearthree and Baker, 1987; Kresan, 1988). The Spanish etymology of the name ("rillito" = "little river") is compatible with either designation. Following an old Spanish convention for naming streams, the name "Rillito" is not extended upstream beyond the juncture of Tanque Verde Wash with Pantano Wash. (b) Tanque Verde Wash is designated alternately as "Tanque Verde Creek" or "Tanque Verde Wash" on currently available topographic maps, but the latter term is adopted here, by analogy with Agua Caliente Wash and Pantano Wash, for the ephemeral portion of the stream course below where it exits from the mountain front at the foot of Redington Pass. (c) The streams that emerge from the bedrock gorges of Bear, Sabino, and Ventana Canyons are termed, on currently available topographic maps, Bear and Sabino Creeks but "Ventana Canyon Wash". This inconsistency is resolved here by adopting the parallel term "Ventana Creek" for the portion of that stream course below its exit from the mountain front. (d) The piedmont stream course that parallels Pontatoc Road is termed Pontatoc Wash, by analogy with Pima Wash, which exits from Pima Canyon farther west along the mountain front. 2 Overall Piedmont Morphology The Catalina foothills belt is formed by multiple geomorphic surfaces inclined gently downward from the foot of steeper bedrock slopes along the Santa Catalina mountain front toward the courses of the Rillito River and Tanque Verde Wash, which flow subparallel to the mountain front. Net gradients range from a low of 1.0%-1.5% (0.5°-0.9°) east of Bear and Sabino Creeks, through ~2.75% (~1.5°) in the drainages of Pontatoc and Pima Washes on the west, to a high of 4% (2.25°) near the center of the mapped area around Craycroft Road west of Ventana Creek. The upslope extent of the composite piedmont ramp is controlled by the position of the Catalina detachment fault, which structurally defines the northern edge of the sedimented Tucson basin. In general, Quaternary fan and pediment gravels fine from bouldery and cobbly deposits near the mountain front to cobbly and pebbly deposits, with intercalated sandy layers, near the Rillito River and Tanque Verde Wash. The inclined surfaces include both the depositional surfaces of alluvial fans and the erosional surfaces of pediments, although the two kinds of geomorphic features are not readily distinguishable by eye at a distance, nor from the nature of gravels mantling their surfaces. Both kinds of features have been intricately dissected by younger ravines and arroyos, with highstanding piedmont benchlands stranded as remnant surfaces perched well above modern wash floors. West of the juncture of Pantano and Tanque Verde Washes, lateral erosion by the Rillito River has clipped the toe of the composite piedmont ramp to form steep cutbanks rising 25 -50 m above the flank of alluvial flats along the fluvial valley. This erosional trimming of the toe of the piedmont ramp is responsible for much, though not all, of the dissection of the Catalina foothills by local streams tributary to the Rillito River. As fan and pediment toes are clipped by fluvial erosion, tributary streams must incise fan and pediment surfaces to reach grade with respect to the new position of the laterally migrating trunk stream. East of the juncture of Pantano Wash with Tanque Verde Wash near Craycroft Road, the toe of the sloping piedmont ramp merges almost imperceptibly with alluvial flats along Tanque Verde and Agua Caliente Washes. Beyond the southern flank of the Rillito River alluvial flats, basin-fill deposits of the Tucson basin have been etched into multiple post-mid-Pleistocene terrace levels by successive phases offluvial downcutting (Davidson, 1973; Anderson, 1987). Terrrace sediments, composed of detritus stranded in transit on erosional straths cut into basin fill, are typically 15-25 m in maximum thickness (Davidson, 1973, p. E32). The stream terraces are termed the University, Cemetery, and Jaynes terraces in order of decreasing age (Smith, 1938), but none of the three subregional terraces is present north of the Rillito River (McKittrick, 1988). Instead, the piedmont ramp forming the Catalina foothills terminates abruptly at ramp-toe bluffs cut at the flank of alluvial flats along the Rillito River. Upstream from the juncture of Pantano and Tanque Verde Washes, immediately east of the limit of erosional truncation of the toe of the Catalina foothills piedmont ramp by lateral erosion, the Jaynes terrace level may be represented by a dissected stream 3 terrace along the north side of Tanque Verde Wash. The terrace flanks alluvial flats of Tanque Verde Wash as far east as the lowstanding
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