MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: GUITAR CENTER, INC. d/b/a Music & Arts Corporation 4626 Wedgewood Blvd. Frederick, MD 21703 Judy Drengwitz 301-620-4040 301-663-8496 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT: Adams: 46% Armstrong: 60% (excludes Armstrong Heritage) Bach: 40% Besson: 54% Buffett: 61.1% Buffet Crampton: 56.1% Bundy: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Conn: 40% Courtois: 52% E.K. Blessing Co., Inc.: 61% Eastman: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Eastman Strings: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Evans: 65% Fox (Bassoon): 20% (excludes MTN & Red Maple) Fox (Oboe): 25/1% Fox Renard: 40% (excludes 260BSN and Enghorn) Gemeinhardt: 56% Getzen: 37% Giardinelli: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Glasel: 60.2% Holton: 48% Jupiter: 41% (Marching Instruments and BSN) Jupiter: 48.5% (Everything else) Keilwerth: 55% King: 50% (Standard) King: 42.5% (Marching) Lablanc: 41% Lewis: 60% Ludwig: 52% (excludes cases, trunks & bags) Majestic: 46% Mapex: 57.2% Meini-Weston: 38.5% Musser: 52% Musser Drum Kits and Bell Kits: 52% Pearl: 54% (Marching & Concert) Renard: 40% (excludes 260 BSN and Enghorns) Roy Seaman: 56% Sabian: 56% MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: GUITAR CENTER, INC. (Continued) d/b/a Music & Arts Corporation 4626 Wedgewood Blvd. Frederick, MD 21703 Judy Drengwitz 301-620-4040 301-663-8496 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT CON’T: Scherl & Roth: 61.2% Schreiber: 56.2% Selmer: 45% (excludes Alto and Contra Alto Clarinets) Selmer: 48% Alto and Contra Alto Clarinets Shires, S.E.: 16% Sonor: 20% Strobel: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Vandoren: 58% Vito: 60.2% William Lewis & Son: 60.2% Yamaha Percussion: 51% Yamaha Recorders: 56% Yamaha String Instruments: 41% Yamaha Winds: 47% (Docostom Instruments & Harmony dir. see page 272) (excludes YCB-826S, YFB-821S, YFB-821, YTR-988, YFL-874HW, YFL- 894HW, HD-200, HD200B, HD-200SB kit, YTR-9825, YCR-9435) Yanagisawa: 54.5% Zildjian: 53% ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS: Bundy: 60% Eastman Strings: 60% Eastman: 50% Giardinelli: 55% Strobel: 60% EXCLUSIONS: See any listed after Manufacturer MINIMUM ORDER: $25.00 QUOTE NUMBERS: N/A INSTALLATION: No DELIVERY TIME: 30-60 Days SHIPPING/HANDLING: None MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: MUSIC ART ENTERPRISES 3301 Davie Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Scott Tryon 954-581-2203 954-449-8377 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT: Amati USA: 35% Armstrong: 35% Avid/Digi Design: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Bach: 35% Bach Soloist: 30% Boss (Roland): 31% C Bruno: 15% Camber: 12% Chroma Harp: 12% Conn: 38% Drum Workshop: 32% Emerson: 37% Fender: 30% Gibrater: 30% Grover: 11% Hal Leonard: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Harris Teller: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Hartke: 10% Holton: 42% Humes & Berg: 20% Ibanez: 10% KMC/KAMAN: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Kawai: 20% King: 30% Korg: 35.1% Kurzwell: 20% Latin Percussion: 30% Ludwig: 30% M-Audio: 10% Mapex: 20% Mark of the Unicorn: 16% Midco: 10% Musicorp: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Musser: 35% Musser Drum Kits and Bell Kits: 35% Paiste: 25% Pearl: 35% Peavey: 25.2% Promark: 35% MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: MUSIC ART ENTERPRISES (Continued) 3301 Davie Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Scott Tryon 954-581-2203 954-449-8377 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT CON’T: Quik Lock: 30.5% Remo (Percussion): 30% Remo (Marching): 31% Roland: 30% Roland Music Lab: 26.5% Roy Seaman: 26.5% Sabian: 50.5% Selmer: 37% Selmer Soloist: 37.0% Steinberg: 15% Suzuki: 11% Takemine: 15% Toca: 36% Ultimate Support: 34.5% Vandoren: 10^% Vic Firth: 10% Vito: 10% Winston: 15% Yamaha Keyboards: 40% Yamaha MIE DIV: 25% Yamaha Music Lab: 27% Yamaha Percussion: 10% Yamaha Recorders: 10% Zildjian: 40% ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS: Musicorp: 10% Hal Leonard: 26% KMC/KAMAN: 10% Harris Teller: 10% Avid/Digi Design: 10% EXCLUSIONS: None MINIMUM ORDER: None QUOTE NUMBERS: None INSTALLATION: Yes - $187.00/hour DELIVERY TIME: 30 Days SHIPPING/HANDLING: None MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: MUSIC MAN, INC. 2309 N. Dixie Hwy. West Palm Beach, FL 33407 John I. Jarvis Jr. 561-832-3753 561-832-3880 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT: Adams: 45.1% Armstrong: 61.1% (excludes Heritage Alto Flute #703) B & S: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Bach: 47% Pro Bach: 63.1% Intermediate Bach: 67.1% Student Besson: 54.5% Buffett: 63.6% Student Buffett: 56.9% Pro Buffett Crampton: 63.6% Student Buffett Crampton: 56.9% Pro (excludes OrfeoC GL Pro Oboe #BC3663G- 2-0, F Professional English Horn #BC4713-2-0, Prestige C GL Pro Oboe #BC3p613G-2-0, Prestige C Pro Oboe #BC3613-2-0, Tosca Bass Clarinet to low C #BC1195-2- 0) Buffet Cramton First Chair: 56.65% Conn: 45.1% Courtois: 56.1% Dennis Wolk: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Drum Workshop: 35.1% Eastman: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Evans: 50% Florea Persoana: 41.1% (excludes Symphathy Bore (TW) #601-660 & 680, Sympathy Bore (Short #201, Sympaathy Bore (Long) II, Fox Contra Bassoon #900) Fox (Oboe): 24.9% Fox Renard: 41.3% Gemeinhardt: 50.2% (excludes Ali Ryerson C Flute, Four PMH Combo (Piccolo), NG2 SS Glaesel: 61.8% Grover: 12% Hans Hoyer: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Holton: 52.25% Jody Jazz: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Jupiter: 42.1% Keilwerth: 56.1% King: 48.2% (excludes Sousaphone Outfit #2370W, KG BRS-Fiberglass Sousa-SP/Case #2360SPW, KG Brass-Fiberglass Soussa/Case #2360W, Sousaphone #2370 Latin Percussion: 35/1% MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: MUSIC MAN, INC. (Continued) 2309 N. Dixie Hwy. West Palm Beach, FL 33407 John I. Jarvis Jr. 561-832-3753 561-832-3880 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT CON’T: Lablanc: 42.9% Lewis: 61.9% Ludwig: 54.1% Majestic: 43.1% Mapex: 56.1% Meini-Weston: 48.9% Music Man: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Musser: 54.1% Musser Drum Kits and Bell Kits: 63.25% Paesold: 60.2% Pearl: 60.1% (excludes: Call Kathy Brown, x65507, numerous to list Remo Percussion: 52.1% Remo Marching: 50% Renard: 41.3% (exludes Renard Bassoons #260 Artistic (thick wall, short bore)) Rhythm Band: 20.25% Roy Seaman: 47.1% Sabian: 60.2% Scherl & Roth: 61.8% Schike: 40.1% Schreiber: 56.5% Schroetter: 60.1% Selmer: 48.8% Pro Selmer: 64.4% Intermediate Selmer: 67.1% Student (excludes: Call Kathy Brown, x65507, numerous list St. Petersburg Tuba: 35.1% Vandoren: 50% Vito: 67.1% William Lewis & Son: 61.8% Yamaha Accessories: See Additional Manufacturers List on next page Yamaha, Guitars: 56.1% Yamaha, Guitar Labs: 45.1% Yamaha Keyboards: 38.1% Yamaha Music Lab: 44.1% Yamaha Persussion: 51.5% Yamaha Recorders: 52.1% Yamaha, String Instruments: 52.5% (excludes Silent Bass #SVB-200-SK & Silent Upright Bass #SVB-100-SK Yamaha Winds: 46.1% Pro MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: MUSIC MAN, INC. (Continued) 2309 N. Dixie Hwy. West Palm Beach, FL 33407 John I. Jarvis Jr. 561-832-3753 561-832-3880 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT CON’T: Yamaha Winds: 51-5% Intermediate Yamaha Winds: 53.7% Student (excludes: Call Kathy Brown, x 65507, numerous list) Yanagisawa: 55.1% Zildjian: 60.1% ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS: Dennis Wolk: 50% Jody Jazz: 10% Yamaha Accessories: 40% Hans Hoyer: 40% B & S: 45% Music Man: 40% Eastman: 35% EXCLUSIONS: See any listed after Manufacturer or call Kathy Brown at x65507 MINIMUM ORDER: None QUOTE NUMBERS: None INSTALLATION: Yes, $60.00/hour DELIVERY TIME: 30 calendar days (as per bid) SHIPPING/HANDLING: None MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CATALOG DISCOUNT Bid #SDOC 16-B-080-KB, Board Approved: March 22, 2016 Valid through: 3-22-19 (If renewed: 3-22-20) Buyer # 3 Kathy Brown Discounts are to be taken from the manufacturer’s catalog, not the vendor’s catalog. VENDOR: ROMEO MUSIC 136 Levee Place Coppell, TX 75019 Jody Underwood 615-500-1533 615-469-6055 Fax [email protected] DISCOUNT: Boss (Roland): 30% Fender: 32% Hartke: 35% Korg: 36.3% Kurzwell: 32.5% M-Audio: 32% Peavey: 26% Quik Lock: 30% Rock-N-Roller: 11.5% Roland: 31% Roland Music Lab: 28% Steinway & Sons: 23% Union: 34% Yamaha Guitars: 54% Yamaha Guitar Labs: 54% Yamaha Keyboards: 37.5% Yamaha Music Lab: 27% Yamaha Recorders: 50.2% ADDITIONAL MANUFACTURERS: Romeo Music: 10% EXCLUSIONS: 10% based on orders over $5,000 – 20% $2,000-$5,000 – No installation under $2,000 MINIMUM ORDER: None QUOTE NUMBERS: None INSTALLATION: Yes, 10% DELIVERY TIME: 30 Calendar Days (as per bid) SHIPPING/HANDLING: None .
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