ommon $2.00 a Year in Advance. Volume XII.--Number 41. HARRISON BURG, VA., THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1877. The Natives of Roumaiila. (For the Commonwealth.) \to fit ns for tbe res Ile vocation of * - - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. THE BLUE AND THE GRAY, remains—do they bear no blood-stain- of it here, that my <abrupt departure ed testimony ?" occould make such a whirlpool of mis- Letter from Highland. (teachers. We all that we have been greatly benefi your iDBtrnc- Whatever tbo result of the JaMES kenney, WRITTEN FOR DECORATION DAT RT M. A. D. CL1FTOK. "They are accounted for easily olchief 1 Forgive me, please, Arkwright," between tbo Bussians and the TurKe« ATTOKSJET-AT-LAW. EinniaosBCBii. Va. Oakland, Va., July 9th, 1877- tions. Yon have g s not only tbe BpSO-TI ••An old Virginian who lost four sons daring tho enough, mamma," said Virginia, talk- hiholding out his hand, "for indeed I Dear Commonwealth:—A long time , the Rouroan is having, and will have, ing bnniedly and with au effort. "It mmeant no ill. I was angry with you, theory, but tbo exu )f school gov- war, two In tho Northern »nd two In the Southern ar- has elapsed since "Chrube" lost wielded ,erument in tbe I iment oi tbe a hard time of it. His country must OEO. G. GRATTAN, mies,[ buried them side by side, and on the monument, — it was a subject for dissection which aiand meant to make lyon repent your have necessarily been occupied by ou s ATTOnNKY AT-LAW. nA«Bi»oBBCBO. Y*. AS-Ofllce under their names, placed the following inscription: Adrian and Charley had brought down rerash words and hadghty airs—but I the pen in order to enlighten yonr Normal. Yon ha ored hard to South Sido of Court-HouBe Squaro. •God knowa who was right.' M readers, bnt want of time must be make us teachers- grant that we or the other army, and it probaolV I in a box from the Gatesly Hospital.— ninever anticipated tbii! Say that you made but little difference to him whicb, ■ "meade F. WHI-m [Extract from an article recently published.] They were surprised before they could foforgive me now, Arkwright ?" pleaded as an excuse, lu intention I' shall oondnct oun in a manner ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Btadntoh Ya —Oonrtl; Au- I never have decided, sir, the question of the war, have written at least a dozen letters, that will reflect, ho on you as onr as far ns bis treatment was concerned. 1 Ktinta. Bockbrldge and Highland Oountfes. I only know that I've no sons, where I once counted land it at the Arkwright Court. They Gbarlea Arkwright-was silent for a His chances now lie between virtual =1 moment. A suffocatjng sensation rose but without farther delay will proceed instrnctors. May trenm of life four were obliged to bide it as well as ibey re with tbe news items and make my you all, and absorption by Russia and a continued F. A. DAINGERFIELD, For two went gaily with the Blue, and two went with conld from tbe men who were out nup in bis throat, as lie remembered all ever flow smooth ly ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. HAbbihohbcbo. Ya. BfifOfflce apologies in person: may your labors li ir yon in the state of semi-independence in oonneo- South aide of the Puhllo Square. In Switrer'a now the Gray, spearing salmon at night. They in- tlthat he bad endnredin consequence of lion with Turkey. Were the RonUia« i building. JanlO-y But none came back to me of all who went away. tended to return for it in a few days, t)thia mere whim, this idle caprice of Tho weather has been delightful for hearts of those wh< seen benefited the past monlb, showers every day or and elevated by ; nst ructions.— what our farmers call "a likely fellow, ^ I ROBERT B. kA\GAN. Ob I If the war wat hard lor those whose sons were on but—" hHarwood's fancy. But it was only for both powers might feel that he was | ATTOftNEY-AT-LAW, HxiiMBoHlrono, Va. Offlcoin one side, "All this is very plausible," inter- a moment, and then he took Adrian's two, which rendered the air pure and Hoping to meet yc again in tbe the old County Clerk'a Ofllce in the Conrt-HouB« Think what it must have been for me who saw my wholesome. Some damage was done school room, we n Say good-bye. worth fighting for; but, with some gootl yard. declSoy ropted Mrs. Wilde, with an impatient bband. points, he is really one of tbo most »n- boys divide; "Yes," said he; "I forgive yon 1" by lighting, but not in this immediate Schoolmates, w fnve spent four LIGGETT it LURTY, For each was noble, brave and true, and though they movement of her bead; "but it may be yioinity. ^ ferior and progressless types in Eu- a story trumped ap by everybody or He was married to Virginia Wilde wee Kb together vei ieasantly, nod I PRACTICE LAW in all the Courts, Inferior. Appel- differed so, • Mr. Editor, do you love berries ?— hope advantageon and now we are rope. He ia very picluresquo in his late and Federal, Haruisonbubq. Va. A®-Offlco on •Twae that they looked at different aides, as all things anybody. Tbe question still remains tlthe next week, and ttley were happy at Astrakhan cap aud gayly embroidered WeHt-Market etreet, nearly opposite Loourenlmch* have we know. unanswered—the question on which hlast. But it was ntMh$ fresh, buoy- Well, if you do, you ought to have ao about to go into c I respective fields Store. JanQS. 'acting the yonths fur mantle; athletic in his proportions, How could I choose between them, sir, tho Gray and Arkwright's life bungs: "Wbero is aant happiness that Uittbt have come and rather htudsome in feature, "u' CQAB. A. TAKCKT. KD. "B. COSBAD. with their earlier days. Thof'hadsnf >f us bad been en- YANCEY & CONRAD, Ulue both dear; Harwood ?" _ w he is lazy, unenterprising, and plainly Do we not love the wintry sky so gray and still, and 8 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW and INSURANCE AGENTS, "I don't know, mamma," the girl fifered, and they were at peace—that What a pity we do not have a'railroad! hetraye tho mixed character of h' nARRiBONBURO. Va. ^-Office—-New Law Building, near, answered. "X pretend to no second vwas all. • but now, I am sdfe, we Shan enter the " West Market street. JanU-y That bending o'er the cradled earth with tender, lov- Wa conld supply tbe people of the great field with new plans, with ifew Zealand hblood in his want of iq«rfied>M«id«al» ing earo, sight. All that I know is, that Charles Valley with many things they would traits. He is an epitome of the rac . v EDWIN B. HAY, Arkwright never committed that mur- with a new determination to make our ti Wraps In her mantle Aatnm's child, which else were What Shall We do with Our Young Men 1 relish. shools equal, if not snperior, to any 'with no predominant quality of • 7 ATTORNET-AT-LAW, Claim and Collction Aoknt, lone and bare T der—no, never." ^ 0one; bo boasts of a Roman descent, 321 Four-and-a-half Strut, WathingUm, D. C. Spe- While your Valley farmers are near- around ns. There are others who have 1 1 olal attention Riven to claimB before the depart- Do we not love the sky of blue, that laughs and frowns And to this Virginia Wilde clang 8and has managed to cling to the P "®' ments, also to patout Iav;. julyl-tf* The Knoxville Tribune saysi-Thisis ly or quite done harvesting, onr farm- never yet entered the school-room in all day, alike throngh evil reports and good. ers are just beginning. Crops are name1 of tho'conqnerors of Europe, u That smiling gladdens all the earth, then frowning Of course Charles was uot convicted. ®a hard question to answer. It has of- tho capacity of teachers. To such and J aH G. W. BERLIN, 1ten been asked and as often failed of a good. Grass is very fine owing to the to all I would say, remember well the «he is, also, somewhat Slavic, and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HARRiRONncRo.VA., will prac- turns away, The day is past when mere circum- a8 dash of the Gothic and the Magynr, tice in the Courta of Bockingham and adjoining Till all the waving fields grow sad, and bend their satisfactory8 answer. It is easy to give good senson. instructious of our teachers, and carry bright heads low, stantial evidence can rivet the hang- Tbe Oakland Normal Institute closed and8 a pretty good modicum of lartar counties and the United States Courts held at this man's noose around a man's neck. advice; far more difficult to heed it. It tbe experience of others into your u/aoe. 49~0£nco In SwlUer's new building ou the Till she, with suddenTnirst of light, makes all their 1is easy, too, to tell young men to go to last Friday, the 6th inst. The Board schools so os to avoid tbe sand-bars 'blood in his veins; presenting thus a Public Square. teardrops glow 1 The mere fact that he and Harwood v vwork, but it is not so easy for them al- of Instruction was composed an follows: upon which they have foundered. Have very sharp contrast fo his noigh or, ~~J.
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