Towards 3G Technology in Telecommunications By Ir. Tejinder Singh [email protected] [email protected] “Connecting you always” OOuuttlliinnee • A brief moment in time • What is 3G ? • Standards and capabilities • 3G market • Current devices • Threats to 3G • Conclusion “Connecting you always” 2 OObbjjeeccttiivvee By the end of this talk, You should be able to: – Understand what 3G is all about. – Understand the key terms and critical concepts of 3G technology “Connecting you always” 3 Essential Terminology • 3G – Third Generation • CDMA – Code Division Multiple Access • EDGE – Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution “Connecting you always” 4 HHiissttoorryy ooff mmoobbiillee ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss • First generation mobile telephony service – Analog service: first commercial mobile phone service>ATUR 450 (automatic telephone using radio) – based on NMT 450 (Nordic Mobile Telephone), voice only – late eighties, ART 900 analog also based on ETACS (Enhanced Total Access Comm System) – Mobifon800 based on AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) – limited voice service “Connecting you always” 5 HHiissttoorryy ooff mmoobbiillee ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss • Second generation mobile telephony service – analog to digital communications with the intro of GSM early 90's – cater for voice and data service at a rate of 9.6kbps – DAMPS (Digital AMPS) also introduced same time “Connecting you always” 6 HHiissttoorryy ooff mmoobbiillee ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss 2.5G – Due to demand, packet switched technology introduced GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) – improved rate of 115kbps – MMS and SMS service enabled with GPRS Today, Internet is pervasive, hence the need for access anytime anywhere – This leads to mobile internet and the most pervasive device to capitalize this is the mobile/cellular phone. – Hence the introduction of 3G “Connecting you always” 7 TThhee 33GG vviissiioonn “Connecting you always” 8 WWhhaatt iiss 33GG?? • 3G is an ITU specification for the third generation of mobile communications technology. – 3G promises increased bandwidth, up to 384 Kbps when a device is stationary or moving at pedestrian speed, 128 Kbps in a car, and 2 Mbps in fixed applications. – 3G will work over wireless air interfaces such as GSM, TDMA, and CDMA. – The new EDGE air interface has been developed specifically to meet the bandwidth needs of 3G. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/E/EDGE.html “Connecting you always” 9 WWhhaatt iiss 33GG ?? A new suite of standards to deliver mobile multimedia “Connecting you always” 10 33GG EEvvoolluuttiioonn “Connecting you always” 11 33GG EEvvoolluuttiioonn “Connecting you always” 12 33GG EEvvoolluuttiioonn “Connecting you always” 13 33GG ssttaannddaarrddss • 3G technologies are an answer to the International Telecommunications Union's IMT-2000 specification. • Originally, 3G was supposed to be a single, unified, worldwide standard, but in practice, the 3G world has been split into four camps. “Connecting you always” 14 33GG ssttaannddaarrddss –– UUMMTTSS ((WW--CCDDMMAA)) • UMTS (Universal Mobile Telephone System), based on W-CDMA technology, is the solution generally preferred by countries that use GSM. – UMTS is managed by the 3GPP organization also responsible for GSM, GPRS and EDGE. • UMTS supports up to 1920 kbit/s data transfer rates • FOMA, launched by Japan's NTT DoCoMo in 2001, is generally regarded as the world's first commercial 3G service. • It is compatible with UMTS “Connecting you always” 15 “Connecting you always” 16 33GG ssttaannddaarrddss -- CCDDMMAA 22000000 • A significant 3G standard – an outgrowth of the earlier 2G CDMA standard IS-95. – primary proponents are outside the GSM zone in the Americas, Japan and Korea. • CDMA 2000 offers data rates of 144 kbit/s to over 3 Mbit/s. • The most successful introduction of CDMA-2000 3G networks is Japan's KDDI, which under the AU brand has more than 20 million 3G subscribers. – KDDI has upgraded the CDMA2000-1x network to CDMA2000-1xEV-DO which achieves data rates up to 2.4 Mbit/s. – In 2006, AU plans to upgrade the network to above 3 Mbit/s. “Connecting you always” 17 33GG ssttaannddaarrddss -- TTDD--SSCCDDMMAA • A less well known standard is TD-SCDMA which is being developed in the People's Republic of China by the companies Datang and Siemens. • They are predicting an operational system for 2005. “Connecting you always” 18 33GG ssttaannddaarrddss -- WWiiddeebbaanndd--CCDDMMAA • Supports speeds between 384 kbit/s and 2 Mbit/s. • When this protocol is used in a WAN, the top speed is 384 kbit/s. • When it is used in a LAN, the top speed is 2 Mbit/s. • Also adopted by the ITU. “Connecting you always” 19 33GG ssttaannddaarrddss –– UUMMTTSS TTDDDD • Supports speeds of up to 3 Mbit/s “Connecting you always” 20 TThhee 33GG ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee aaddvvaannttaaggee Time to download a 1 MByte file – Fixed line modem: 3 minutes – GSM cell phone: 15 minutes – Enhanced GSM phone: 1 - 5 minutes – 3G phone (outdoor): 21 seconds – 3G phone (indoor): 4 seconds “Connecting you always” 21 TThhee 33GG mmaarrkkeett ((iinn eeuurrooppee)) • 150 million subscribers (33% of total) • Mobiles outnumber internet subscribers 2:1 • > 2 billion SMS messages per month • Sample market – Ireland – > 50 % penetration – Annual growth rate of 65% – Value > Irish Pound 400 million “Connecting you always” 22 33GG iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa • Currently only two operators are running commercial 3G networks in Malaysia – MAXIS and Celcom • The regulatory body (MCMC) recently awarded the remaining two (2) 3G licenses to local companies – TTdot Com – MiTV • Each paid between RM50 – RM 55 million “Connecting you always” 23 TThhee 33GG mmaarrkkeett iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa MiTV • Plans to rollout 3G to 80% of the nation by 2008 • Complements it's pay TV service. TT dot Com • No plans have been revealed “Connecting you always” 24 CCuurrrreenntt 33GG ccoovveerraaggee iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa -- MMAAXXIISS “Connecting you always” 25 CCuurrrreenntt 33GG ccoovveerraaggee iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa -- MMAAXXIISS “Connecting you always” 26 “Connecting you always” 27 “Connecting you always” 28 “Connecting you always” 29 “Connecting you always” 30 “Connecting you always” 31 WWhhaatt aarree tthhee ddrriivveerrss ttoowwaarrddss 33GG?? • Rapid growth in text, WAP and other data traffic – up to 50% of mobile data traffic in 5 years • Mobile and Internet penetration growing rapidly • Mobile penetration likely to exceed fixed lines and wired connections (PC) • Alliance being formed between key players • Mobile commerce and multimedia identified as key growth areas - but need bandwidth to deliver “Connecting you always” 32 33GG''ss ppllaaccee iinn tthhee mmaarrkkeett “Connecting you always” 33 “Connecting you always” 34 SSttaattiissttiiccss “Connecting you always” 35 SSttaattiissttiiccss “Connecting you always” 36 RRaatteess ooff cceelllluullaarr ssttaannddaarrddss “Connecting you always” 37 CCoommppaarriissoonn bbeettwweeeenn vvaarriioouuss wwiirreelleessss ssyysstteemmss 1G 2G 3G System Analogue Digital Digital Major System AMPS, NMT and TACS GSM, CDMA and TDMA WCDMA, CDMA-2000 and TD-SCDMA Application Voice Voice + little Circuit- Voice + Packet-switch switch Data Data Local Subscribers Less than 500k About 5.9M More than 5M (Estimated) Speed Depends on Analogue 9.6kbps - 14.4kbps 384kbps for mobile & Signal 2Mbps for stationary Properties Unstable, incomplete More secure, data services Multimedia data, coverage and poor sound available, broader positioning capability, quality coverage, more stable, connection to Internet, allow more user, better always connected sound quality “Connecting you always” 38 33GG aapppplliiccaattiioonnss • Wireless Internet • Audio on demand • Electronic postcards (incl video clips) • Video conferencing • Secure mobile commerce transactions • Traffic and travelling information -location specific “Connecting you always” 39 TTyyppiiccaall 33GG NNeettwwoorrkk DDiiaaggrraamm “Connecting you always” 40 33GG pphhoonneess iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa “Connecting you always” 41 TThhrreeaattss ttoo 33GG -- WWIIMMAAXX • provides up to 50 km (31 miles) of linear service area range • data rates up to 70 Mbit/s, • support more than 60 businesses with T1-type connectivity • well over a thousand homes at 1Mbit/s DSL-level connectivity • interoperability with legacy cellular networks. – can "share" a cell tower without compromising the function of cellular arrays already in place. • cheaper “Connecting you always” 42 SSuummmmaarryy • 3G offers better bandwidth for cellular users. • Has the ability to provide multimedia to customers • Current charges are expensive “Connecting you always” 43 Thank You “Connecting you always” 44.
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