r. 111111 )1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111 ': - .[, , ',' I' ! I, OFFICIAL PROGRAM " Ii .Football Ne-ws ====================================== ! Reports from daily practice are IO"WA--OHIO STATE published in the Ohio State Journal hours before any other Columbus newspaper is on the street. FOOTBALL GAME IN =======FIRST======= THE OHIO STADIUM For 111 years The Ohio State Journal has been FIRST in every branch DADS'DAY of news. ' For this reason it is the most popular Columbus newspaper at Ohio State University. Referee . F. E. BIRCH Earlham Umpire . J. J. SCHOMMER . Chicago Field Judge C. E. ELDRIDGE . Michigan MAKE IT A HABIT Head Linesman . FRED E. GARDNER Cornell ==== READ ==-== The Ohio State Journal Saturday, November 18'1 1922 2 p, M. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME " Unbiased and Unbossed" ISSUED BY '---------------------------------------------------, The Ohio State University Athletic Association 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111/1. l ____________~ ______________________________~ ~ _____________________________ Welcome., Dads! LL OF US are glad you're here; we've looked forw-ard to your coming, Your visit is more than merely a sight-seeing trip. This football Ifame is only a part of the show. "Dad's Day" is the idea of the students themselves, ap- proved and assisted by University authorities, in the hope that you fathers of sons and daughters may come to share more intimately the enthusiasm that we here feel for this greatest university In Ohio-this great big educational "service station: for the citizenship of the state. fJI For the Ohio State University now is doubly yours; because your son or daughter is here; and because you have a stake in this plant as a citizen and taxpayer. And this University of Ohio will grow to be just as great as the fathers and mothers make it-by knowing what it is and does and needs, by creating public sentiment in its behalf, and sending their sons and daughters to this growing state institution of higher edu­ cation as substantial proof of their interest in it. fJI So here's a slice of daily campus life- this "Dad's Day." Look us over. Be one of us- today, and when you get back home. And come back often! 2 3 BIG SIX SEDAN [Special] $2650 THE DOMINANT VALUE IN THE FINE CAR FIELD A, rare combination of .Iegancl!! and practical utility is offer.1l Nickel plated radiator shell with motom.ter and ornamental radia­ by Studebaker in the Big-Six Sedan_ tor cap add a touch of distinction. Here' s the ideal car for your autumll trip andl now's the ideal An abundanc. of light is provided in the Big-Six Sedan . Ther. time to go--th. most joyous touring days of all the year. Fall, are the distinctive headlights, artistic coach lamps and the courtesy with its glorious foliage, smoky landscapes, bracing air! light just above the running board on the driver's side which ilium. inates tho roadway in passing other cars at night. Inside, opales­ Th. Big-Six Sedan fairly invites luxurious travel with its spa­ cent dome and comer reading lights. cious trunk mounted at the rear and the two extra disc wheels Then there are handsome nickel-plated bumpers front and rear (compl.te with tires and tubes) carried on the front fenders . An large cowl ventilator that is operated from the instrument board and admirable arrangement because it makes access to the trunk so the thi.f-proof transmission lock which reduces the cost Df1 theft easy and convenient. There's a snug trunk cover to keep your insurance to Studebaker owners 15 to 2(} per cen!. things dustless. Under the hood is the powerful Bix-Six motor which, like the Parlor CM comfort and convenience are ..erywher~ ..iden!. Soft chassis, enjoys world-wide recognition for its dependability. carpeting, deep-cushioned upholstery and long semi-elliptic springs Handsome in appearance, thoroughly "liable, the acme of com­ -56 inches in the rear; 38 inches in front. The automatic wind­ fort and etonomical in service. At its price of $26S0, which includes shield cle.ner and rear-view mirror add to the enjoyment of the all equipment as shown, the Big-Six represents the dominant value cross-country tour just as they do in gelling about town. The among fine cars. Ready for you when you say so and no extras heater is there to take the chill and dampness off cool evenings to buy. You can depend upon Studebaker cars because of the name and to brinm you the warmth of your fireside when winter comes. they bear! MODELS AND P RIC E5-F. O. B. FACTORIES LIGHT-SIX SPECIAL SIX BIG-SIX DR. W, 0_ THOMPSON 5-Pass., 112'; W. B., 40 H. P. 5~Pass., 119"W. B., 50 H. P. 7-Pass., 126" W. B., 60 H. P. I I President Ohio State University Touring . ... ... .. $ 975 Touring • . .. ... .. .. $1275 Touring ... ... .. $1650 Roadster (3-pass.) . ... .. 975 Roadster (2-pass.) . .... 1250 Speedster (4-pass.) . .. 1785 When Dr. Thompson came to Ohio State as president in 1899, the Coupe-Roadster Roadster (4-pass.) .... .. 1275 Coup. (4-pass.) ..... .. 2275 "little college in the cornfield" was composed 0/ 12 buildings, 1149 (2-pass.) .... .... ... 1225 CouP' (4-pass.) . .. .. 1875 S.dan .... ... .. ........ 2475 S.dan .......... ... .... 1550 Sedan ... ... ....... .. .. 2050 Sedan (Spetia!) .. .. ... .. 2650 students and a /acuZt:y 0/ 113 members, The Ohio State Universit:y oj which Dr. Thompson is president today embraces 44 bUildings, 625 CORD TillES STANDARD EQUIP'MENT /acuU:y members and 8850 students. THE JE"WELL-BASSETT-JE"WELL CO. COLUMBUS. OHIO T HIS I S A STUDEBAKER YEA R 5 4 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : The City National Bank The Banking Home of Ohio State Students and Alumni. "In the Heart of Co7umbus" S. E. Corner High and Gay Streets Columbus, Ohio L. W. ST. JOHN "Saint" was an Ohio State fullback in 1900. He later coached at Fostoria High, Wooster and Ohio Wesle:yan. In the fall of 1912 he returned to Ohio State as director of athletics. That '\!ery :year Ohio State became a member of the Western Collegiate Conference. The Stadium is evidence of the success oj the St. John regime. : : : : : : : : : : : : 6 7 l "Win or Lose Ohio State Football Record-1913 to 1922 DANCING NL Y one team, Illinois, has won more games than it has lost to Ohio We'll Do Our Best" State since 1913, the year in which J . W. W ilce picked up t h e Bu ck eye O coaching r eins. Illinois h as a one-game working margin. In nine years -Let this be our slogan. the Bu ckeyes have won 50 games, lost 12 and tied t hree for a grand average of Spring Lake .806. Then after the game we will The series with every eleven encoun tered sin ce 1913, stood at t h e opening of formerly Ambos Park the 1922 season as follows : welcome you at Ohio State One Mile South of Main Street Games Played Won Tied Lost Au burn __ ._. __ . __ .. _..... _._. __ ._ .... _.______________________ 1 0 1 o On Winchester Pike California ............ __ .. ____ .. __ ........................ _ 1 0 o 1 New Sanitary Bakery Camp Sherm an __ .. ______ .............................. __ 1 1 o o Case __________ ...... ____ .. __ .. __ .. __ .. ______________ .. ________ 6 6 o o Wednesday&' Saturday ,..-------- with a -------~ Chicago __ ____________________ .............. __ .... ____ .. __ .. __ 2 2 o o Nights Cincinnati __ .. _.. ____ .... _.. .. ____ ...... __ ........ _.... ... .. 1 o o TEMPTING VARIETY Denison .......... __ .. __ .. __ .. __ .............. __ .. __ .. __ ... __ _ 2 o o ===OF FANCY Illinois _____ ..... __ .... .. _.. -.. ........ __ ...... _- -- .. -.. -.. .. 8 3 1 4 Sunday Afternoon and Night Indian a .. _.. _.... __ .... _.. _.. __ ........ __ ...... ___ _____ .. __ .. 5 4 o 1 Open to the Public K entucky State .... __ .. __ ________ .... __ ...... ____ ...... 1 1 o o BAKERY GOODS Michi gan .. __________ .. ________ __ ____________ . _____ .. ______ __ 4 3 o 1 Minnesota ____ ____________________________________________ __ 1 1 o o Rented to Fraternities, Sororities and Northwestern ___________________ ______________________ .. _ 5 5 o o other organizations on other nights Oberlin __________________________ __________________ _________ _ 6 4 1 1 Bell N. 8341 1568 N. High 5t. Ohio Wesleyan 9 9 o o Pu I'd u e __________________ __ __________ __ _________ ______ __ ___ __ A. P. LEITCH. Prop. 3 3 o o Western Reserve 1 1 o o Call ELMER E. WEIS Fraternity and Club Orders. Wisconsin _____________ __ .. ___________ .. ___ . _______ .. _.. _.. _ 8 4 o 4 C itizens 1358 East 4030 Special Prices and Attention. TOTAL 65 50 3 12 DO YOU KNOW? Buckeye Grid Grist Other Games Today We're All WESTERN CONFER.ENCE Garments are oft' cast aside-that Iowa vs. Ohio State at Columbus. For Scarlet and Grey Minnesota open. could be 1{enewed by Cleansing. 1890 to 1913: won 121, lost 71, tied F or choicest cut flowers and pot­ Purdue open. ted plants, g rown in our own gr een 18 games. Percentage, .630. Indiana open_ h ou ses. 1913 to 1922: won 50, lost 12, tied 3 Illinois vs_ Chicago at Chicago. F or corsages th at are distinctive Wisconsin vs_ Michigan at Ann Arbor. a nd original in m ak e up. games. Percentage, .806. Monmouth vs. Northwestern at Evanston. For ar t istic arr an gem ents in b as­ kets and fl or al design s. 1890 to 1922: won 171, lost 83, tied OIDO For flo ral decorations for wed­ Miami vs. Oberlin at Oberlin. dings, social functions and a ll ot her 21 games. Percentage, .673. occasion s wh ere originali ty and fl or al Case vs.
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