-~:) I WARMER. lo Warmer Thuruclay; a bit coo/~r. · (') ,\! Friday ar Saturday; warming trunci ~! j l".l Sunday or Monrlay. Showor# Friday ;( ! J .,.J .,. :·.r / or Saturday. r:J .;-!J ·" :,., ' ..,r. I ., I !,.\ I• ' ~ .. ' ,, ,. I r.,' .. I ( UJ UJ Volume 105, No. 35 . 5 Sections- 32 Pages Including Special Back-to-School Section 1~ per copy Mason Voters Approve Swi,mm,ing Pool Bond Issue Mason will have Its swimming to design the pool and the bull­ that there was a relatively high pool. ding to house It, That may com~ turnout for the election, While * * '* By a thumping vote of nearly up at a meeting Septem~er 9, the votes In some elections on Yeggs Hit 2 to 1 voters In the school dis­ It will require 6 or a weeks money Issues in the past several trict went to the polls Monday and to obtain the approval of the years have been larger, 1,167 cast the majority of their ballots Municipal Finance commission voters Is a good turnout and is Restaurants In favor of building the $200 000 1 for the project, representative of the feelings of faclllty, Another 2 or 3 weeks will be Mason police are Investigating the school district, Secondly, the required for advertising and sale size of the majority of •yes' 2 breakins which occurred here The vote was 770 for the pool of the $200 1000 bond issue. votes reflects a strong feeling In on 2 consecutive nights during issue and 413 against it, Mter the bonds are sold It the past V"'lek, wtn the district In favor of the facil­ The Issue of a pool for the use require another 3 weeks before Ity," Burglars broke into the Fami­ of children and adults In Mason the money is made available. ly cafe on s. Jefferson street and the surrounding rural areas Then, and only then, can the Oesterle pointed out that one Sunday night and took about $120 in the school district has been contract be set. effect of Monday's vote which from a cash register, Chief Tim discussed pro and con for years. people should keep In m!nd is All this preliminary work Stolz of the Mason pollee said. A pool com•11f.ttee headed by John the operational costs which come Stolz said · they gained entry should cover about 2 months' with any additional building. He . O'Brien waged an Intensive cam­ time and construction work will through a rear window of the paign to get the project. also saw In the future the prob­ building, require from a to lO months, lem of completing the senior high Burglars Saturday night broke Its efforts were crowned with which will bring the actual open­ school by adding the classrooms into the Haley restaurant at 310 success Monday, ing date of the pool probably needed to rai~e Its capacity from S, Cedar street, They smashed The pool, about 7 5 feet long the latter part of next summer, 600 students to the planned 600, a cigaret machine but obtained by 35 feet wide, w1ll be an addi­ tion to the senior high school, The Mason board of education nothing, The restaurant has been will proceed as quickly as possi­ "I am genuinely happy", he closed for 2 months. but it may be a year before It is said, "to see such a fine facil­ completed and in use, school ble to build the swimming pool A police patrol car crew dls­ addition to the senior high school Ity added to our high scool and ~overed the breakin,. officials said Tuesday, community. It makes Mason that M. Chandler Nauts, Mason sup­ In accord with the wishes of the Mason school district taxpayers, much finer a place to live. It erintendent of schools, said the is good to see people positive procedure would follow somewhat Glenn E. Oesterle, president of the board, said Tuesday, and enthusiastic about providing these steps, high quality education and facll­ Storm The matter will be brought be­ ''I am especially pleased with itles, and I know that as we fore the board of education which 2 aspects of Monday's election", face future challenges this rising C-auses will seek to employ an architect Oesterle said. "First, it Is good enthu,siasm will grow". Damage Welcome Paul Richards Gains Farmers and gardeners who thought Mother Nature had for­ Every household in Ma­ gotten how to make rain found son, Leslie, Holt and Dans­ It wasn't true over the week ville Is receiving a copy of High Kiwanis Office end. Not only did she remember this week's News, Grandma Paul Richards of Mason will the rain but she added a strong used to say that the telling wind, was in the tasting. So this head Division 9 of Kiwanis for 1965. LET'S TAKE A LAST LOOK is probably what 10-year-old Jeff Sedgman is Saturday night the Wind did week the News staff has Hospital dished up an extra helping At a district caucus Tuesday considerable damage in the Ma­ night at PJrtland the former saying to his sister Robin, age 9, as they indulge in a little summer's-end son area, felling trees and to share with fl•iends In the area who aren't regulars at Mason mayor was nominated. reflection at Mason's Rayner park. School bells tolling the end of summer generally creating havoc. Power Election will come at the conven­ Changes and telephone crews had a busy our table. lf you have re­ vacation are just a few short days away. The youngsters, both students at ceived this paper and aren't tion of the Michigan district set night restoring service to some for Lansing in Septem'Jer. sections, Trees were felled in now regular mail subscrib­ Cedar Street school, ore the children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sedgman. Richards beat out Dr. John Front Doors . the southeast and south sections ers to the News, just give The scenic pork will no doubt be the last contemplative stop for many local Mason ·General hospital w111. ,,_of to'Vn. us a call or send a card Newman of the East Lansing youngsters before September 9th rolls around. soon be In the midst or a re- Richard s. Aseltine, 15, was and the News will be sent Kiwanis club for the,·nomtnation. modeling project ordered by the cut and bruised about the hands to you each week - $4 Division 9 Is comoosed of clubs state fire marshal, and arms when his motorcycle for a whooping 52 issues. in Eaton Rapids, Charlotte, Port­ Photo by John McGuire The hospital has been ordered hit a tree on Columbia road, Phone OR 7-90ll. land, Okemos-Haslett, Holt, Wil­ to replace the folding-type doors felled in the wind storm. The liamston, and Everett, Colonial on all hospital rooms with solid- collision sent Aseltine's cycle Village, Lansing Downtown, Lan­ core doors specified by the state into the air, Aseltine was treat- sing Northwest, Lansing North­ fire marshal, ed at Mason General hospital. Ingham Gets east and East Lansing. Tax Deadline The project involves more than The large mobile hom.: of Mr. Richards has served as pres­ School Millage Passes just. hanging doors. Also Included and Mrs. Lowell Martin was ident of the Mason club and been Is Monday is installation or door frames moved a foot off the cement Sign Test active on all Its com mf.ttees. Wyeth Laboratories Inc. on which to hang the doors. block foundation on which it was He Is a member of the Ingham Mason has provided 3 other By 686 to 653 Vote Deadline for seUlln:; UR Ma­ resting, snapping off sewer and Drivers who use Sandhill road board of supervisors, the Mason lieutenant governors in the 40- son city taxes Is Monday, Aug­ water lines. between Okemos road and General hospital board of direc­ year history of the club. Others HOLT - Holt-Dimondale vot­ years, It will mean a tax In­ ust 31, There will have to be Lost and Found The rain came too late for Pllillips road will be guinea tors and the Lansing Community who served were Vernon J. ers approved a levy of 2.5 m!lls crease for residents of the dis­ a lot of settling, too, accord­ Honesty Is Its own reward, what was to have been a bumper pigs for the Michigan State high­ Services Council. Brown, A. B. B~ll and Clarence for school operation Tuesday by trict of about 1.3 mills. Dr. ing to City Treasurer Doris Aus­ Johnny Clark of Colorado, visit­ Ingham corn crop, Some farmers way department and the federal He Is office supervisor at Adlof. a vote of 686 to 653, Maurice Pernert, superintendent tin, if taxpayers are going to ing Mrs. Grover Akers, lost a estimate that the 6 rainless weeks bureau of public roads, escape the 4 per cent penalty state road officials have re­ The total vote of 11345 was re­ of the Holt-Dimondale schools, $50 bill at Thorburn Lumber Co. took 30 to 50 bushels of corn garded by school officials as a said Wednesday. for late payment which will be last Wednesday. Thorburn em­ per acre from the top of the ceived permission from the Ing­ heavy one. There were 6 spoiled Here is the vote on the mil­ added starting Tuesday. ployes figured out that it must crop, ham county road com m\ssion to ballots. lage Issue by precincts: have been Clark who lost the use the stretch of county road New 4-H Club Agent In order to give taxpayers a Farmers m'l.intain that the money.
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