• ThoWoatlitF ' ^ F o r w iIt o f WaBthan^BMMS' > n lr and a Uttle enoler ' l ^ .night. Low nenr 00. Snapgr; The Recreation Deliartinent will sponsor a second picnic supper of and sand Ttnindny. High .near the season at aU iqipervlsad play­ 80. grounds tonight, weather permlt- Ohg. Fireplaces will be available, and children are to bring their oWn hot dogSi hamburga and marshmal­ (Clusifled Advertising m Pngn PRICE FIVE CENTS lows. 'Lakota Council. No/^ 61, Degree A proposed Porter 8t. sidewalk of Pochhontas, will' meet tomor­ can be InsUUed with a "minimum row at 7:80 p.m. at Odd Fellows of property damage" Mdth a hall. Mrs. Myra Fitz^rald, deputy change in former plans, according 3 S a ilors great ?N>cahontaa, will install re­ to Chester Langtry,' deputy di­ maining officers not already In­ rector of public .works. stalled. A social period will follow Langtry Has been studying P erish in the meeting. ways of locating walks on the Votes Plea to Reds north side of Porter from Steep Hollow Lane to IVinow St., aftd on the noHh side of E. Middle Tpko. Car Crash Hospital Notes from Suihmlt to Parker St. To#n IMrectors will consider his find L6dyard, July 20 (A*)— ^Three Hartford, July 20 b"^^^ visiting hours! Adults 2 to 8 p.m. ings at a special meeting at 8 gotiators returned to the bar­ sailofs’ were killed early today Maternity 2 to 4 and 8 to 8 pm . o'clock tonight in the Municipsd agent. Until the NLRB moves when their car clipped off gaining table today seeking an there are to be no further nego­ CMIdren’s Ward 2 to 7, Building. fence posts on Rt. 12, slam­ to End Langtry said property damage agreement that would solve tiations between the UAW and med into a bridge abutment, Patients Today: 175 could be reduced on Porter St. by the 6-week-old dispute at four United Aircraft. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. keeping to the 83*4 foot width of of the six United Aircraft In a statement today, the com­ and hurtled into Poquetanuck the street between E. Center and pany said ai\ NLRB hearing on Ruth Hendrickson, 48 Judith Dr.; Cerp. plants where production Cove. Mrs. Frances Fessenden, 444 Cen­ Pitkin. the decertification petition filed A fourth occupant of .the car, Ike Orders ter St.; Mrs. Leona Prelle, 9 Prog­ A aidewalk installed near Fer­ workers are on strike. by the Sikoraky group cannot be also a sailor, was adthitted to U.S. Reports Cabinet ress Ave., Rockville; Mrs. Mar­ guson Rd. last year added nine At. the other two plsriia, nego­ held until settlement of an unfair Backus Memorial Hospital in Nor­ garet Doyon, 12 Moore St.; Mrs. feet to the street width but Lang­ tiations were recently halted ,to labor practice charge against the wich with head and leg Injuries. Beverly Flavell, 15 Allan Dr., Ver­ try said, "Inasmuch as it does not await a National Labor Relatione UAW at Sikorsky. He was Identified as Paul E. Seel­ Hard Policy non: Mra. Effle Blake, 98 Deep- BMm probable that the-section be' Board action. United Aircraft said it has been ey, 3l, -radioman, I.C., 88 Proteus wood Dr.; Robert Whlttemore, Rt. tween E. .Center and Pitkin Sts. An all-day session was held notified by the NLRB that a hear­ Ave.,- Groton. Did Not Request Aid 30, Vernon; John Vince, 227McKee win be widened in the foreseeable here yesterday by United Aircraft ing on the unfair labor practice All four were stationed at the St.; Charlea VonBorchers, 24 Hyde future, we can locate the sidewalk officials and spokesmen of the In­ charge filed by the com ply has Submeuine Base In nearby Groton On Kremlin ternational Association of Machin­ been postponed to Aug. 29. It had St.: Mrs. Mary Wright, 77-Main with a minimum o f property dam­ and assigned to the sub Becuha, Washington, July 20 (/P)— The State Department reported St.; Miss Mildred Sellers, Commu­ age using this same width of 33^ ists, the union at the East Hart­ been scheduled originally for July State Police said. Washington, July 20 (/P)— ford and Manchester plants of 25 but w u postponed at the today it has been advisee! that The Congo cabinet has made no nity Y; Rodney Qervais, Plain- feet as a minimum.” The dead were identified as Al­ President Eisenhower was re­ field: William Fagan, Overbrook Under the plan, a hedge would UAC’s Pratt A- Whitney Division union’s request, the company said. len R,„.Ueckertz Jr., 21, sonar- decision on ivhether to appeal for Soviet troop.s. Rd., Vernon; Mrs. Mary Plquard, have to be trimmed and two trees and the Windsor Locks and Broad . ..TT'h'e -NLJlB-also .was quoted by mq|t, 2.C., 211 West Wright St., ported today to be all for a : A department;iipokesman said thi.s information.came-Cnm Brook plants of the Hamilton WELDON DRUG CO. 238 Oak St. removed, while other trees could the company as saying an election Baytowm, Tex.; Francis W .'Cook- policy of American officials U.S. Ambassador Clare 'Timberlake in Leopoldville. Depart­ Ml Mam St Td. Ml 8^821 Standard Division. ADMITTED TODAY: . FYed be saved if they were trimmed or to determine which group Is en­ inham, 24, Torpedoman, 2.C., 74 hitting back hard and fast ment officials talked with Tiinberlake by telephone after news, Watts. 10 Country Lane, Rockville; If Ihe stfetches o f aidewalk lit front Neither side had anything to titled'to represent Sikorsky work­ Jefiersori St., Portsmouth; N. H., say when the meeting broke up. at Kremlin propaganda on­ dispatches from Leopoldville .quoted Prime Minister Patrice Mrs. Genowefa Wegrsyn. 18 Union of them were made of amesite to ers cannot be -held “in the present and Fred W. Lujan, 30, Torpedo­ slaughts against the United St.; Mrs. Josiephlne Faasnacht, avoid the need to cut too maav except that they would meet again emotional atmosphere.. ’’ man, I.C., P. O. Box 194, Eastlake, Lumumba as announcing a cabinet decision to request Soviet Coventry; Charles Scott, 16 Hack­ roots and to give roots room to today. Colo. States. troops, but the delivery of the request had been held up pend­ A t the two other UAC plants The company reported receipt Word from the summer White HALL FOR RENT matack St. grow. of what It cAlled hundreds of com­ State. Police said their car ing further discussions. Both the Portei^Bt. and turnpike 'hit by' the lengthy strike, the plowed Through 200 feet of fence House at Newport, R. I., was that For partle*, ahowers, recep- ’ BIRTH YESTERDAY; A son to Stratford and BriSgeport plants plaints of vandalism aind malicious the President gave a personal go- tlona. meeting^. Complete kitch­ Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Bloodgood, proposals were protested” by as­ damage to property of nonstriking before striking the bridge abut­ sessable property owners at a pub' of the Sikorsky A^n^raft division, ahead on this conference there yes­ United Nations, July 20 (/P)— Secretary General Dag Ham- en 'facilities. Is.rg 9 enclosed 15 Mary Lane, Rockville. employes. ment. The speedometer was stuck lie hearing last month. the union la the United Automo­ terday with Si -retary of State marskjold conferred separately today with Congolese and parklof lot BIRTH TODAY: A daughter to United Aircraft also said 75 per at 80 miles an hour, they said. Christian A. Herter and other key itL.wiif. bile Workers. Belgian representatives as pressure mounted for a quick Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Kelley Jr., TPO Favors Purchase A-gfbup of Sikorsky workers cent of the total production force The car’s engine gave evidence - foreign polic.y. advisers. WienbicU Photo In another matter tonight, the Inquirt Lithuanian Hoii East Hartford. who are not joining in the strike was at work today In its plants. It of the tremendous force of the Much of the hitting back report- withdrawal of Belgian troops from the troubled Congo. MRS. DAVID H. IRWIN Board wi}I discuss buying a 17 Vi *4 OOLWAY STREET have asked the NLRB to conduct impact. It was 20 feet from the | will be done thro!igh the The 11-nation Security Council is expected to demand at an DISCHAROEiD YSISTERDAY: acre tract from the federal gov­ TEL. MI 8-81U Pauline Glrardln, 36 Apel PI.; an election to see If the majority (Continued on Page Nine) mangled body of the car and was United Nations; where U. S. and extraordinary meeting tonight that the Belgians get out im­ St. Patrick’s Church in Thomp-^Thompsonville was her cousin’s ernment for recreation bordering split In two. Ml 9-8550 After 6 P.M. Michael Eccellente, 48 Maple St.; Russian delegates have been spar­ sonville was the setting Saturday maid of honor. She wore a bal the site of the proposed apartments It was the second major traffic ring verbally this week over the mediately. Tunisia was reported to be working on a resolu­ Mrs. Margie MacDonald, 22 lerina-length gown of coral silk project for the elderly off W. Cen­ tion and to have won substantial support. Wedgewood Dr.; Mra. Priscilla morning of the wedding of Miss accident in Connecticut in less Cuban situation. organza, d esired with a scoop ter St. .The Town Planning Coin- than a weeJt. A crash on the Con­ But Herter made It apparent on McLAUghlln, Foster Rd., Vernon. Kathleen H. Carrlgan of that city neckline, draped cowl,, cape 5 Times First Estimate mission last night recommended necticut Turnpike last Thursday leaving the Newport meeting yes­ Brussels, Belgium, July 20 (/P)— A plane crash in The C^n- DISCHARGED TODAY: Jerry and David H.
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