V15 N13 Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009 A courage vote; withering response Hoosier Blue Dogs help U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly and fel- low Blue Dog Baron Hill helped health care pass; GOP supply the critical margin as the health reforms passed 220-215. challengers pounce, ads run (HPI Photos by A.Walker Shaw) By BRIAN A. HOWEY INDIANAPOLIS - When the “aye” lights lit up next to the names of Baron Hill, Brad Ellsworth and Joe Donnelly in the U.S. House late Saturday night, the die was cast for what will likely be the critical issue of the 2010 election cycle: health care. The Republican onslaught was withering. State Rep. Jackie Walorski, who is prepar- ing to challenge U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly, called it “the most disastrous vote I have ever seen at the national level.” Todd Young, the Bloomington Republican taking aim at U.S. Rep. Baron Hill, questioned the incumbent’s sincerity. “Baron Hill has done it again. The congressman who puts on a convincing act pretending to care about the well-being of his And in the 8th CD, Dr. Larry constituents has voted to give Hoosiers’ health care deci- Buschon who will challenge U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth, was sions over to Uncle Sam. The bill that passed this weekend a little more tempered, saying, “While I would agree that with Congressman Hill’s unwavering support raises taxes our current system needs reform, the plan currently before on families and small businesses, cuts Medicare for se- niors, and busts the budget to the tune of a trillion dollars.” See Page 3 A watershed week By DAVID M. McINTOSH WASHINGTON - Last week was a watershed mo- ment for the Obama administration and Congress – Re- publicans won the off-year elections, unemployment topped 10 percent and “I was so focused on making despite the tea parties, the House narrowly passed the President’s health sure that we were legal that I care bill. Historically off-year elections serve probably didn’t pay as close as a referendum on the policies of the party in power in Washington. This attention as I should on, quote, month’s elections were no different. appearances.” Wisdom would counsel both Democrats and Republicans to examine the results - U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer, and look for valuable lessons about the to CBS News on his foundation HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 2 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009 types of policies that would best serve Howey Politics off on the company health insurance. the American people. Yet another blow to American manu- Indiana The Virginia and New Jersey facturing jobs. Ironically, candidate gubernatorial races, along with the Obama chastised his opponents last is a nonpartisan news- Maine ballot referendum upholding year for even hinting at taxing health traditional marriage, show that the insurance, or imposing mandates, or letter based in Indianapolis voters in “blue” states rejected radi- cutting Medicare. But now he is push- and published by NewsLink cal liberal policies in favor of limited ing health care bills that do all that government, fiscal restraint, and moral and more. Inc. It was founded in conservatism. The same swing voters, The American people real- Independents and moderates from ize how detrimental a government-run 1994 in Fort Wayne. both parties who elected President system of health care would be. Only Obama, used the election to express 29 percent in a Gallup poll would tell their displeasure with his policies, Brian A. Howey, publisher their Congressman to vote for the choosing Republicans over Democrats. Pelosi bill. More Americans said they Mark Schoeff Jr.,Washington These swing voters are increasingly would tell their Congressmen to vote Jack E. Howey, Editor dissatisfied with massive government “no.” They know how dangerous and bailouts, huge deficits, government Beverly Phillips, Associate reckless it would be to spend over a controlled health care, and anti-busi- trillion dollars on a health care plan. Editor ness legislation like card check, all of Some of the hardest hit are which undermined economic growth. senior citizens. They don’t quite They sent a signal to Democrats who believe the AARP flier that soothingly Subscriptions: control the House, Senate and White conjures up memories of Judy Garland $350 annually HPI via e-mail; House that these policies are leading with a message that seems to say, the country in the wrong direction. “Pay no attention to $505 billion cuts $550 annually HPI & HPI Daily The Labor Department an- in Medicare behind the curtain. The Wire. nounced on Friday that unemploy- magical President of Oz will take care Call 317-627-6746 ment topped 10 percent , reaching a of everything.” 25-year high. Polls show consistently Since virtually all the power Howey Politics Indiana throughout the year that the number in Washington rests in the hands of PO Box 40265 one priority for most Americans is Democratic office holders, the key to economic recovery, the change they Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265. restoring sanity is held by the moder- hope for is a strong economy that will ates, the so called “Blue Dog” Demo- create jobs. crats. They deserve credit for pulling Contact Us The very next day Speaker back Speaker Pelosi from the brink Pelosi made it clear she wasn’t listen- of paying for abortions in the health www.howeypolitics.com ing. In a rare Saturday session, she care bill and restoring a decades-long, [email protected] and President Obama spent the day bipartisan consensus to prohibit tax- Howey’s Mobile: 317-506-0883. twisting arms and making deals with payer funding. But then many of the reluctant House members to pass a same moderates caved in to pressure Indianapolis Fax: 317-254-0535. massive government takeover of the and gave the Speaker the votes she Washington: 202-256-5822. American health care system. needed to pass the health care with Lost in all the hoopla is the Business Office: 317-627-6746. the tax increases, the government op- startling fact that the bill ends up tion, and the cuts in Medicare. Howey Politics ©2009, costing more Americans their jobs. When the Blue Dog Demo- Indiana . All rights reserved. Buried in 2,000 pages of health care crats can’t sway their leadership, then legislation are $135 billion new taxes Photocopying, Internet forwarding, the job falls to the minority Republi- on employment, up to an 8 percent cans to spell out an alternative path. faxing or reproducing in any form, surcharge if an employer (even a small On the whole, Congressional Republi- in whole or part, is a violation of company) fails to provide premium cans have stuck to their principles of health insurance; a 28 percent in- limited government and pro-growth federal law without permission from crease in marginal income tax rates, economic policies. Tuesday’s election the publisher. hundred-dollar-per-day per worker had a lesson for them too. Up in New fines if the government doesn’t sign York a small group of party bosses HOWEY Politics Indiana Page 3 Weekly Briefing on Indiana Politics Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009 (and folks like Newt Gingrich) tried out a new political strat- nity for all Americans. Both parties can listen to the will egy that has become popular at Washington dinner parties: of the people, rather than believe that Washington knows Republicans should try being like Democrats. best. If Republicans stick to these principles, they will have The election results showed just how much a an opportunity to regain the trust of the American people disaster that new approach is. Both rank and file voters and to show leadership even from the minority. On the and conservative activists rejected it. They almost elected a other hand, if Democrats choose to exercise power but third-party candidate instead. Lesson learned – this strat- ignore public opinion, the door will be open for the Re- egy will only lead to more electoral defeats for Republicans. publican Party to reclaim the majority and implement the There is a void the American people thirst to policies Americans desire. v have filled. It is one of consistent, steady leadership. It is one where politicians understand our Constitution. They David M. McIntosh served in the United States know that its framework of limited government is the best House of Representatives from 1994-2001 from way to protect freedom and to restore hope and opportu- Muncie. His column appears monthly in HPI. “economic imperative.” According to Politico, Clinton told Health vote, from page 1 the senators at their weekly luncheon, “The point I want to make is: Just pass the bill, even if it’s not exactly what you Congress is not the answer. The current plan does little to want. When you try and fail, the other guys write history.” control cost, leads to soaring federal deficits, and results in Another element here is that should the package turning one-sixth of our already struggling economy over to pass, some of the elements might be felt by voters come Washington bureaucrats.” October and November of 2010, but certainly not the thrust The dilemma facing the incumbent Democrats is of the entire legislation. It’s unlikely the Republican lament that by doing nothing, they would have left them- on the coming horrors will still be that: a prediction. That selves open to ... well, doing nothing, which is a longstanding complaint about Congress. “The one thing we couldn’t do in this coun- try any longer is do nothing,” Donnelly said Tuesday at a press conference at his downtown South Bend office and covered by the Elkhart Truth.
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