REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Senate Pasay City .I Journal SESSION NO. 73 Monday, April 1 1,2005 THIRTEENTH CONGRESS FIRST REGULAR SESSION SESSION NO. 73 Monday, April 11, 2005 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL At 3:49 p.m., the Senate President, Hon. Franklin Upon direction of the Chair, the Secretary of M. Drilon. called the session to order. the Senate, Oscar G. Yabes, called the roll, to which the following senators responded: PRAYER Angara, E. J. Lacson, P. M. Sen. Compafiera Pia ,S. Cayetano requested the Arroyo, J. P. Lim, A. S. Body to spend a moment in silent prayer and Biazon, R. G. Madrigal, J. A. S. reflection in memory of Pope John Paul 11, a man Cayetano, C. P. S. Magsaysay Jr., R. B. respected, loved by people of all religions and Defensor Santiago, M. Osmefia HI, S. R. beliefs. Drilon, F. M. Pangilinan, F. N. Ejercito Estrada, J. Pimentel Jr., A. Q. Thereafter, she offered the following prayer: Ejercito Estrada, L. L. P. Revilla Jr., R. B. Flavier, J. M. Roxas, M. The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, Gordon, R. J. Villar Jr., M. B. the world, and all who live in it; for He founded if upon the seas With 20 senators present, the Chair declared and established it upon the waters. the presence of a quorum. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? Senators Enrile and Recto arrived after the He who has clean hands and a pure heart, roll call. Who does not lft up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false. Senator Lapid was on official mission abroad. He will receive blessings @om the Lord APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL and vindication from God his Savior. OF SESSION NO. 72 Psalm 24: 1-5 Upon motion of Senator Pangilinan, there being Dear Lord, as You have made us no objection, the Body dispensed with the reading of stewards of the earth, teach us how to care the Journal of Session No. 72 (March 16, 17 and 18, for our environment, to use our resources 2005) and considered it approved. sparingly and to allocate them wisely so that all Your people may enjoy the beauty and REFERENCE OF BUSINESS bounty of Your creations. The Secretq of the Senate read the following We give thanks for all Your blessings. matters and the Chair made the corresponding referrals: Amen. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE NATIONAL ANTHEM OF REPRESENTATIVES The Napolcom Chorale led the singing of the Letter from the Secretary General of the House of national anthem and thereafter rendered the song Representatives dated April 1, 2005, informing entitled “Isang Dalangin. ” the Senate that on even date the House of& 828 MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2005 Representatives adopted House Concurrent RESOLUTIONS Resolution No. 15, entitled Proposed Senate Resolution No. 222, entitled CONCURRENT RESOLUTION PROVID- ING FOR THE ADJOURNMENT OF RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE THE SECOND SPECIAL SESSION SENATE COMMITTEE ON HEALTH OF THE THIRTEENTH CONGRESS AND DEMOGRAPHY TO CONDUCT OF THE PHILIPPINES NOT LATER AN INQUIRY, IN AID OF LEGIS- THAN TWELVE O’CLOCK, LATION, ON THE IMPLEMENT- MIDNIGHT TODAY, FRIDAY, 01 ATION OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8976, APRIL 2005, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE PHILIPPINE FOOD FORTIFICATION in which it requested the concurrence of the ACT OF 2000 Senate. Introduced by Senator Compaiiera Pia S. Cayetano To the Archives To the Committee on Health and Demo- BILLS ON FIRST READING graphy Senate Bill No. 1972, entitled Proposed Senate Resolution No. 223, entitled AN ACT DECLARING MAY 7 OF RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE EVERY YEAR AS “HEALTH COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND WORKER’S DAY” DEMOGRAPHY TO CONDUCT AN INQUIRY, IN AID OF LEGISLATION, Introduced by Senator Angara ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF To the Committee on Health and Demo- EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 51, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE graphy PHILIPPINE CODE OF MARKETING OF BREASTMILK SUBSTITUTES Senate Bill No. 1973, entitled AND REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7600, AN‘ ACT AMENDING CERTAIN OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE PROVISIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT ROOMING-IN AND BREASTFEED- NO. 8293 ALSO KNOWN AS THE ING ACT OF 1992 “INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES” AND FOR Introduced by Senator Compakra Pia S. Cayetano OTHER PURPOSES To the Committee on Health and Demo- Introduced by Senator Angara graphy To the Committee on Trade and Commerce COMMUNICATION Senate Bill No. 1974, entitled Letter from Executive Secretary Eduardo C. Ermita of the Office of the President of the Philippines AN ACT ESTABLISHING A CIVIL dated 3 1 March 2005, transmitting to the Senate SERVICE CODE OF THE the letter of even date of Her Excellency, PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, certifying PURPOSES to the necessity of the immediate enactment of House Bill No. 4069, entitled Introduced by Senator Angara AN ACT AMENDING CERTAIN To the Committees on Civil Service and PROVISIONS OF PRESIDENTIAL Government Reorganization; and Finance DECREE NO. 1464, OTHERWISE# MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2005 I 829 KNOWN AS THE TARIFF AND ’ of women, capacity-building__ programs - for CUSTOMS CODE OF THE those enforcing the laws, and provision of PHILIPPINES, AS AMENDED, AND adequate resources to effectively implement FOR OTHER PURPOSES, them, in addition to establishing effective monitoring mechanisms. pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Section 26(2) of the Constitution. The IPU has always been active in promoting the participation of women in To the Committee on Rules parliaments and providing the forum where women’s voices will be heard. In fact, the COAUTHOR Rules of the Assembly penalizes member- parliaments which do not send women Upon her request, Senator Cayetano was made delegates to IPU meetings and assemblies. coauthor of Senate Bill No. 1972. Thus, the IPU has impelled its members to seriously consider the importance of female REPORT OF SENATOR CAYETANO representation and initiating reforms that would promote genuine partnership between Senator Cayetano delivered the following report men and women in the pursuit of democratic on the outcome of the 10” Meeting of Parliament- principles. arians in Manila on April 3-8, 2005: It is my pleasure to report that the It was a great privilege to he part of Manila Assembly, registering the attendance the Philippine delegation to the 112” Inter- of more than 160 women parliamentarians, Parliamentary Union held here in Manila broke the record in absolute terms for the from April 3-8, ZOOS, more so to be elected participation of women in an IPU Assembly. President of the 10” Meeting of Women Parliamentarians. I likewise congratulate the As President of the 10” Meeting of Senate President, Senator Franklin M. Women Parliamentarians, which coincidentally Drilon, for being elected as the President of celebrated its 20” Anniversary, I chaired the llZfh IPU Assembly and for doing a over the meeting on April 3 with the theme, very good job. “The role of parliaments in advocating and enforcing observance of human rights in the I am pleased to report that one of the strategies for the prevention, management most outstanding achievements of the and treatment of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.” Assembly was the fact that nearly all the The reports during the meeting were discussions held showed consummate consolidated into proposed amendments interest on gender issues. In fact, the which were submitted to the Third Standing general debate focused on the political, Committee on Democracy and Human economic and social situation in the world Rights, where Representative Clavel with the overall theme of “the impact of Martinez of Cebu City was a co-rapporteur. domestic and international policies on the situation of women.” Most of the speakers As of 2004, UNAIDS and WHO during the general debate, both men and estimate that 40 million people worldwide women, addressed the subject of the impact are living with “/AIDS, approximately of international policies on women’s rights 50% are women and children. In the in a serious and constructive manner. Philippines, UNAIDS estimates that as of During the general debate, Sen. Miriam 2003, there are around 8,900 Filipino adults Defensor Santiago, as head of the Philippine who are infected with “/AIDS. Given the delegation, delivered a speech recommend- fact that “/AIDS is a communicable ing, among others, that the enacted legis- disease and may be easily spread and lative measures should be complemented by transferred by sexual contact and blood public information campaigns, legal literacy transfusion, I believe it is something that programs, specially for marginalized groups should he looked into and addressed; and this / 830 MONDAY, APRIL 11, 2005 I intend to do as Chair of the Committee on children in areas of armed conflict and the Health. need for legislation and government action to address this situation. In connection with A special segment - a dialogue between this, I am filing a resolution to inquire, in aid men and women on domestic violence - of legislation, on the condition of women and was also included in the agenda of the children in some of the areas of armed Meeting. The session was introduced by conflict in the Philippines. two panelists: a senator from Spain and our very own A@. Rowena Guanzon, a lawyer Part of the results of the panel and advocate for women and children’s discussion was the recommendation that rights in the Philippines. The dialogue was legislators review these laws to see whether meant to complement the panel discussion there is a need for further legislation to on “Violence against Women and Children complement international instruments. I have in Armed Conflict,” which I also presided also circulated copies of the report of the last April 6. Both discussions were very lo* Meeting of Women Parliamentarians on enlightening and inspiring.
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