FELSTED PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the 991st Meeting held on 6 March 2013 at 7:30 pm in the URC Hall. Present : Councillors Graham Harvey (Chairman), Richard Freeman, Nicholas Hinde, Fiona Hitchcock, Caroline Scott-Bowden, Alan Thawley, Corinne Walker and Chris Woodhouse. 12/213 Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest. 213.1 Apologies had been received from Councillors John Moore and Peter Rose, and from County Councillor Simon Walsh, who remained incapacitated with a broken ankle. 213.2 The Chairman reported that Cllr Leigh Cranfield had tendered her resignation from the Council. The District Council had been informed, and the resulting vacancy will be advertised in due course. 12/214 Public Forum. A member of the public congratulated the Council on the completion and opening of the new Public Toilets on the Playing Field. 12/215 Minutes of the Meeting held on 6 February The minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman. 12/216 Matters arising from the Minutes The failed light at the MUGA had been repaired free-of-charge. Other matters would be covered under later agenda items. 12/217 Correspondence The list of correspondence was circulated to Councillors (see pp 6–7). 217.1 It was agreed that the Clerk should attend the seminar on Essex Flood Risk and Response on 25 April and that the Clerk, Assistant Clerk and possibly Cllr Woodhouse the Statutory Planning Workshop on 1 May. 217.2 The Clerk was asked to include on the next Agenda • Britain in Bloom competition • Salt/grit bins 217.3 The Clerk was asked to draw the attention of County Cllr Walsh to the lack of action to rectify the collapsed drain and flooding in Chelmsford Road. Page 1 of 14 12/218 Police report The Chairman suspended the meeting to permit PCSO Angi Greneski to provide an update to Councillors and members of the public. Current Police priorities were • A spate of garden shed burglaries • A growing nuisance problem in connection with the Gipsy site in Little Dunmow • Recruitment of further volunteers for Community Sppedwatch training. 12/219 Finance The list of payments shown on pp 8–9 was approved. 12/220 Lighting Contract No up-to-date information was available on which to base this discussion, so the matter was deferred until the next meeting. Clerk 12/221 Youth Club The future of the Youth Club remained unclear. It was understood it had closed until further leaders came forward. Councillors noted that its donation to the Club for the hire of the Memorial Hall was still held by the Hall Committee. A refund would be sought if the Club did not reopen. 12/222 Allotments matters A supply of Roundup weedkiller had been purchased, and the Allotments Society Chairman was to arrange to meet the Village Attendant to agree its application. The delivery of crushed concrete to improve the entrance of the Allotment field was to be arranged between the Allotments Chairman and the supplier. 12/223 Maintenance of Allotment Access Road As a potential claim to register ownership of this road would require evidence that it had been consistently maintained by any claimant, the Council agreed to seek quotations for its improvement. Clerk 12/224 Village Centre Toilets No further information had been received from the architects. C Woodhouse 12/225 Playing Field update 225.1 The football pitch had been ‘Vertidrained’ by Felsted School’s groundsmen. 225.2 Further quotations were to be obtained for the car park and Clerk improvements to the field entrance and pitch. Page 2 of 14 12/226 Bannister Green road naming Advice would be sought from Uttlesford DC and from a solicitor as to what costs would be incurred by residents and the Council in renaming this road. Clerk 12/227 Parish Plan All surveys were now complete, and the returned forms were to be passed to an external company for processing. The cost of this would be met from an Awards for All Lottery grant. 12/228 Proposed new Byelaws No further response had been received from the DCLG concerning the Byelaws submitted for approval. 12/229 Adopted Telephone Kiosks BT had, surprisingly, not been aware of the Council’s previous application to purchase the kiosks at Willows Green and Garnetts. The purchase was now under way and was likely to completed in a few days. Clerk 12/230 Emergency Procedures and Risk Review No contact had been made with Felsted School to establish the School’s role in the event of an emergency. The Clerk was asked to G Harvey/ contact the Bursar. Clerk 12/231 Planning Decisions and New Applications 231.1 Decisions received since the previous meeting: UTT/12/5646/FUL Mace Dell rear of Red Oaks, Evelyn Rd, Willows Grn Replacement of established dwelling comprising part mobile home and part permanent constructed buillding with one permanent dwelling. Permission Refused 7 January 2013 . ( “The demolition of a caravan and the erection of a dwelling in this location does not constitute a replacement dwelling in the open countryside. The proposal would represent a permanent dwelling in an unsustainable location ... detrimental to the character and appearance of open countryside.”) UTT/12/6060/HHF and UTT/12/6063/LB Sewards Hall, Stebbing Road, Felsted Proposed single storey extension. New window to first floor side elevation. Internal alterations. Withdrawn 11 February 2013. UTT/12/6090/REN Foxtons, Mole Hill Green Road Renewal of planning application UTT/1279/09/FUL (Replacement Dwelling). Renewal Refused 8 February 2013 . Page 3 of 14 (“The application does not include any up-to-date survey information with regard to the presence of bats.... It is not possible to establish whether there would be any detrimental impact to bats or their habitat.” ) 231.2 Appeal lodged since last Council Meeting UTT/12/5646/FUL Mace Dell rear of Red Oaks, Evelyn Rd, Willows Grn (See above). Appeal lodged 14 February 2013, to be determined through written representations. 231.3 Planning Applications to be considered at the next Planning Committee meeting on 20 March UTT/13/0355/FUL Land off Mill Road, Felsted Erection of detached dwelling and garage. UTT/13/0388/FUL Felsted School, Braintree Road, Felsted Erection of new boarding house, car park extension and associated landscaping. UTT/13/0441/CLP Wytewais, Gransmore Green, Felsted Certificate of Lawful Proposed Development sought for two storey extension. 12/232 Clerk’s Matters 232.1 Bus shelter seat. It was anticipated that this would be installed shortly. 232.2 The Clerk was to investigate the cost of moving the flag pole Clerk from its current position, now too close to the canopy of a tree. 232.3 The District Council had still to issue a formal notice of the vacancy on the Parish Council. 232.4 It was agreed that Adam Pipe, Casualty Reduction Manager to Essex Police, should be invited to attend the Annual Assembly on 24 April. 12/233 Parish Council’s 1,000 the Meeting The Chairman undertook to arrange a meeting of interested Councillors to discuss the format of this. G Harvey 12/234 County and District Councillors’ Reports The District and County Councillors’ reports were noted (see pp 10– 14). Clerk 12/235 Urgent Matters and proposals for future agenda items. 235.1 The Clerk was asked to seek quotations for the repair of potholes in the Car Park, and to obtain an update on the Clerk application to licence a pharmacy in the village. Page 4 of 14 12/236 Highways & Road Safety Committee: Wed 13 March in the URC Hall at 7:30 Next Planning Committee Meeting: Wed 20 March in the URC Hall at 7:30 Next Council Meeting: Wed 3 April in the URC Hall at 7:30 12/237 The meeting closed at 8:58 pm. Chairman .. 3 April 2013 Page 5 of 14 FELSTED PARISH COUNCIL Meeting 6 March 2013, Agenda Item 5 — Correspondence Councillors wishing to see any of these documents, please contact the Clerk. 1. Essex CC — notification of seminar ‘Essex Flood Risk and Response’ (Thu 25 April, Chelmsford, ½ day, free) Action? 2. EALC — new Statutory Planning framework, including seminar The Localism Agenda Planning (Weds 1 May, Great Dunmow, full day, £67 ph) Action? 3. RCCE — Best Kept Village competition entry documents Action? 4. Essex Heritage Trust — Grant funding available for restoration/repair projects www.essesexheritagetrust.co.uk Action? 5. Uttlesford DC — notification of adoption of new document ‘Uttlesford Local Parking Standards 2013 as a ‘material planning consideration’. 6. Uttlesford DC — advice that three new houses underconstruction on the former site of Royhouse, Bannister Green, will be known as Nos 1, 2 and 3, The Oakleys. 7. Uttlesford DC — notice of Community Forum with Essex Police & Crime Commissioner (7 March from 6:30, Helena Romanes School) 8. Uttlesford DC — confirmation of Green Waste collections Saturdays 09:00 – 10:00 at Bannister Green from 2 March until 14 December. 9. Uttlesford DC — confirmation of payment of £10,000 Jubilee Grant in respect of Playing Field toilets construction. 10. Essex CC — Bus Passenger News Feb/Mar 2013. Service 133 revised route and timetable; now serves Colchester Bus Station in both directions, and serves all stops between Colchester North and Stansted Airport. 11. EALC/Essex CC — County Update , February. Includes Community Pubs, Superfast Broadband (see www.superfastessex.org , Community Infrastructure Levy and Neighbourhood Planning, Tree liability. 12. EALC — flyers for courses — Freedom of Information Act & Data Protection Workshop (Fri 19 April, Great Dunmow, ½ day, £45 ph) — Law & Procedures course (Fri 25 April, Gt Dunmow, ½ day, £45 ph) 13. NALC — announcing three one-day conferences ‘Putting Communities First — Connecting Power to Local People’ (London 6 June, Sheffield 11 July, Bristol 19 September) 14.
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