form the largest stretch of heathland in Bedfordshire. in heathland of stretch largest the form was first built. first was own Council Offices. Council own T grassland here cover 180 hectares, and are being restored to restored being are and hectares, 180 cover here grassland exotic trees that were probably planted when Woodbury Hall Woodbury when planted probably were that trees exotic settlement. Some of the remains are on display at Sandy at display on are remains the of Some settlement. reserve opened in 1961. The woodland, heath and acid and heath woodland, The 1961. in opened reserve managed as a plantation from the early 1800’s with a variety of variety a with 1800’s early the from plantation a as managed nd it seems likely that it was once a thriving Roman thriving a once was it that likely seems it nd a This is the national headquarters of the RSPB and is a nature a is and RSPB the of headquarters national the is This f the oaks date back 300 years. Evidence shows that it was it that shows Evidence years. 300 back date oaks f the o large number of Roman remains have been found in Sandy, in found been have remains Roman of number large A The Lodge The years old when the wood was extensively replanted but some but replanted extensively was wood the when old years of Sandy to its agricultural roots. agricultural its to Sandy of of native trees. The lime trees are thought to be about 200 about be to thought are trees lime The trees. native of omrcut fHuntingdonshire. of county former omans from Britain in 410 AD would have initiated the return the initiated have would AD 410 in Britain from omans R ost of the trees are pine but there are some fine specimens fine some are there but pine are trees the of ost M f the present Everton parish, including the church, was in the in was church, the including parish, Everton present f the o h olpeo h oa mieadwtdaa fthe of withdrawal and Empire Roman the of collapse The indicate that a wood has been on this site from at least 1297. least at from site this on been has wood a that indicate hrho h ie ni h onaycagsi 94 much 1974, in changes boundary the Until site. the on church messenger could change horses and continue the journey. the continue and horses change could messenger This is an ancient woodland of about 60 acres and records and acres 60 about of woodland ancient an is This tower and porch. The 11th century Domesday Book records a records Book Domesday century 11th The porch. and tower essengers and later of relay posts, where the same the where posts, relay of later and essengers m White Wood White ates from the 12th century with 14th century additions to the to additions century 14th with century 12th the from ates d Roman Imperial Post system. This was a network of network a was This system. Post Imperial Roman The major feature of the village of Everton, the present building present the Everton, of village the of feature major The nCmrdehr n eeoe ome h ed fthe of needs the meet to developed and Cambridgeshire in racks for supplies and equipment can still be seen. be still can equipment and supplies for racks St Mary’s Church Mary’s St oad that ran from Baldock in Hertfordshire to Godmanchester to Hertfordshire in Baldock from ran that oad r quipment for these operations was issued in the barn and barn the in issued was operations these for quipment E AD 43 and grew up around a Mansio (mansion) on the Roman the on (mansion) Mansio a around up grew and 43 AD Europe, while assisting the various Resistance movements. Resistance various the assisting while Europe, moat system lies around it, fed by nearby springs. nearby by fed it, around lies system moat The town gained importance when the Romans arrived in in arrived Romans the when importance gained town The who took part in many dangerous operations in occupied in operations dangerous many in part took who site of huge stone circles in part of Canons Manor. A significant A Manor. Canons of part in circles stone huge of site ibraltar Farm and remains as a memorial to those agents those to memorial a as remains and Farm ibraltar G recovered in the cemetery and allotments area. allotments and cemetery the in recovered etworth Hall is believed to have been built about 1650 on the on 1650 about built been have to believed is Hall etworth T intact. The field barn beside the bridleway, once formed part of part formed once bridleway, the beside barn field The intact. evealed remains of a roundhouse and pottery has been has pottery and roundhouse a of remains evealed r Valley Farm, a medieval farmhouse at the foot of the hill below hill the of foot the at farmhouse medieval a Farm, Valley agents. The airfield was closed to the RAF in 1947, and is still is and 1947, in RAF the to closed was airfield The agents. plentiful water supply as a resource. Excavations have Excavations resource. a as supply water plentiful used as a base for Special Operations Executive (S.O.E.) Executive Operations Special for base a as used as w been rebuilt in brick to a design by Sir Basil Spence. Basil Sir by design a to brick in rebuilt been have been a self-sufficient farming settlement using the using settlement farming self-sufficient a been have Tempsford Airfield was built in 1941 and during World War II War World during and 1941 in built was Airfield Tempsford , was damaged by fire in the 1940s and has since has and 1940s the in fire by damaged , was MP Pedley east the middle Iron Age suggesting that early Sandy would Sandy early that suggesting Age Iron middle the east l Tempsford he Hall, built of sandstone in approximately 1710 for John for 1710 approximately in sandstone of built Hall, he T There is evidence of a settlement in the Sandy area from at from area Sandy the in settlement a of evidence is There Tetworth Hall Tetworth Roman Sandy Roman fort of Pre-Roman origin. Pre-Roman of fort ‘Caesar’s Camp’ near the Pinnacle is the site of a British hill British a of site the is Pinnacle the near Camp’ ‘Caesar’s est, Ickwell Bury, Ampthill Park and Woburn Abbey. Woburn and Park Ampthill Bury, Ickwell est, w and two under local monasteries. local under two and ea level and provides excellent views over the Ivel Valley. Ivel the over views excellent provides and level ea s them Everton Hall and Hazells Hall close by, and further to the to further and by, close Hall Hazells and Hall Everton them three smaller estates – Sandy Manor under the Beauchamp’s the under Manor Sandy – estates smaller three that was formed about 125 million years ago is 300 feet above feet 300 is ago years million 125 about formed was that hc ustruhCmrdehr n efrsie Among Bedfordshire. and Cambridgeshire through runs which he early English kingdom of Mercia. By 1290 it was split into split was it 1290 By Mercia. of kingdom English early he t Sandy Town Council. The outcrop of the Greensand Ridge Greensand the of outcrop The Council. Town Sandy he early 18th century along the top of the Greensand Ridge, Greensand the of top the along century 18th early he t outcrop known locally as the Sand Hills, and formed part of part formed and Hills, Sand the as locally known outcrop he Pinnacle is owned by the Pym family and is leased to leased is and family Pym the by owned is Pinnacle he T This was one of a number of important country houses built in built houses country important of number a of one was This Old English meaning a sand island, Sandy is dominated by an by dominated is Sandy island, sand a meaning English Old The Pinnacle The Woodbury Hall Woodbury eferred to as Sandie in the Domesday Book, taken from the from taken Book, Domesday the in Sandie as to eferred R approximately 5 hours. 5 approximately Following part of the Greensand Ridge Walk along the way the along Walk Ridge Greensand the of part Following Time: The whole route whole The Time: Shortcut 2: 8.2 miles/13km miles/13km 8.2 2: Shortcut xlr h onrsd ewe h akttw fSnyadtevlaeo Everton of village the and Sandy of town market the between countryside the Explore tcut 1: 7.2 Miles/11.5km Miles/11.5km 7.2 1: tcut Shor Main Walk: 9.6 Miles/15.5km Miles/15.5km 9.6 Walk: Main The Gatehouse The anx sheep anx M illage sign illage V tMr’ hrh Everton Church, Mary’s St Refreshments, Parking and Toilets Did you enjoy the walk ? CIRCULAR WALKS There is a free car park on Sandy High Street, which also has If you have any comments about the walk or encounter any a post office, bakery, several shops and pubs and a public problems please contact the Rights of Way Section, convenience The Thornton Arms public house at Everton Countryside Access Service, Central Bedfordshire Council, Sandy and Everton welcomes walkers and even has a Ramblers Menu and has PO Box 1395, Bedford MK42 5AN or email kindly agreed to allow parking for walkers who take [email protected] 3 Walks: 7.2 Miles/11.5km – 9.6 Miles/15.5km refreshments there.
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