,V4e/le )100P-t" 'nnnnuuunwnnnluunmuuuunqumwuuluunlnummmmwWlnlnmunglUmgll tlhnl VOL 47ZA- 7 ''11 111 41(.40,4 Official Organ of the 11111111111 1111111' nnw Atlantic Union Conference 11111111111111111111111111 f 1111111111 of Seventh-day Adventists 111111111111111 1111111111,111111111fi11111 Volume LXIV SOUTH LANCASTER, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 31, 1965 Number 22 The Youth Congress at Atlantic City, N. J., drew one of the largest Seventh-day Adventist crowds ever to assemble in one place in the Columbia Union Conference. Well over 18,000 persons attended, but only 17,000 of them were able io-get seats-in famed Convention Hall on the Boardwalk. In this issue we are pleased to present some of the pictorial high lights of the Congress. The program was co-sponsored by the Atlantic and Colum- bia Union Conferences. Most of the photos in this issue are by M. E. Rees. 2 ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER "Lest e Forget" petus for fulfilling the great gospel com- gram. This talk was considered very mission given to us so many hundreds worthwhile. The speaker took his grad- A great, insp ing, accelerating At- of years ago. In this stay we shall not uate work in testing and guidance. lantic City You Congress is past, but forget. its memories co inue to echo and re- Last-minute school details were then WAYNE GRIFFITH cared for by R. Foster Medford, super- echo in our min s and in our personal MV Secretary experiences. intendent of education of the Greater Atlantic Union Conference New York Conference. Under his Every think' young person who direction are thirteen schools and was in attendana at this great convoca- twenty-seven teachers. tion now must sk himself the ques- A number of these schools are out tion: What di this Congress really Greater New York Teachers Meet mean to me? H must further inquire: of the environs of the city. The others What can I do make this Congress Another in-service meeting for teach- are close in where the teeming millions ers in the Greater New York Confer- live. We are reminded that church meaningful to e thousands of Ad- ventist youth o did not have the ence was held at the New York Center schools are havens of refuge in this day. privilege of at ding? Is it possible on Monday, May 17. Every teacher was In Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and that my neigh r, my friend, can be present except two, from ten in the Students, page 166, we read: directed toward the heavenly land be- morning until four in the afternoon. It Only the power of God can save our cause I was the ? was a high day and much good was children from being swept away by the tide We shall not on forget the seven- accomplished. These in-service meet- of evil. teen thousand nd more people who ings give an opportunity for the teach- If ever we are to work for our chil- thronged the g at auditorium on the ers to express themselves, to hear re- dren it is now, as the enemy is pressing last wonderful ay. We shall not soon ports concerning progress in some areas in on all sides like a flood. We realize forget the inspi g and beautiful music of school work, and also to gain this is very true in the great city of presented thro hout the several days spiritual strength as they listen to the New York. We need dedicated, conse- of this Congres We shall not soon for-- devotions and other talks throughout crated teachers everywhere, and the get that we are part of a great organi- the day. Greater New York Conference is zation, a move ent, indeed, that em- Herold Weiss, pastor of the Spanish blessed in having this kind of teaching phasizes the v. e potential of its Broadway church, had the devotional personnel. hour. He is on call to Andrews Uni- young people; ut will this great Con- MARION S. SIMMONS gress simply re 'ain a memory? It will versity. Dr. Weiss based his talk on the Elementary Supervisor be just a mem if we do not now do third chapter of Colossians. He very Atlantic Union Conference something abo it. What can we do? ably pointed out to those present that Well, in the fi t place, we can be lov- we do not reach perfection, we do not ing and lovabl Christians. This is the grow and mature as Christians by out- best advertise nt that the church can ward acts, we must have the proper Atlantic Union Gleaner ever have. W can speak a word of spirit within us and a desire to grow to Official organ of the Atlantic Unice! Confer- maturity in Jesus Christ. We must put ence of Seventh-clay Adventists, South Lancas- encouragement to our fellow youth as ter, Mass. they are tried a d tempted by the many off the old man and become a new creature in Christ Jesus. It is only as we Emma Kirk Editor attractions of s modern world. We K. W. Tilghman Moment Editor can invite o neighbors and our submit to the Master that we can have power over lusts of the flesh. Published weekly, except one week in July friends to inv tigate the great truths and one week in December, by the Atlantic that will give em stability and direc- Mrs. Marion S. Simmons, supervisor Union Conference, and printed by the College Press, South Lancaster, Mass. tion for their ving in this confusing of elementary schools for the Atlantic Subscription price 61.00 a year. Make all checks and money orders payable to the At- age. We must ever let the divine sacri- Union Conference, took as her text lantic Union Gleaner. fice or the he enly vision grow dim Exodus 4:2: "What is that in thine All copy for publication should reach the GLEANER editoral office in South Lancaster, due to a fault Christian experience of hand?" Teachers hold in their hands Mass., not later than Tuesday morning Pre- ceding date of issue. Copy to appear ender local our own. We ust keep up a daily two- not only a college degree, or diploma, conference headlines should be sent *crash the way communi tion with God, lest we a teaching certificate, or credentials, but respective conference offices. Copy should be typewritten and double spaced. forget. We m st encourage our own they hold in their hands the hands of Both old and new addresses should be given when a change is requested. Zip Code numbers fellow Advent t youth, lest we forget. the pupils, those of the parents, the should be included for all addressee, We must ma it a habit to live con- parishioners, other teachers, and the Second class postage paid at Post Office, South Lancaster, Mass. 01561. sistent Christi lives, lest we forget. pastor's hand as they unite in working We must shar our faith where we live, with the boys and girls and the youth Atlantic Union Conference Direetery South Lancaster, Massachusetts. 01561 lest we forget We must ever keep be- of the church. (Tel. Area Code 617, Clinton 36E4233) F. R. Millard President, Medical fore our eyes e purpose for which we After a delightful hour spent in the Religions Liberty K. W. Tilghman..Secretary-Treasurer, A. S.1. have been pla d in this world, lest we dining room, we returned to the ses- F. R. Aldridge Auditor E. L. Gammon Development forget. sion. Keith Holman, pastor of the L. E. Smart Education, Temperance Staten Island church, gave very pointed Mrs. Marion Simmons Elementary Supervisor In this wa this great convocation H. W. Peterson Home Missionary that we have perienced will not have and helpful suggestions on administer- Sabbath School, Civil Defense J. R. Hoffman Ministerial, Radio-TV been in vain, ut will be another step- ing tests, what is meant by IQ, some G. 11. Rainey Ministerial C. W. Griffith MV, Public Relations ping stone to rd greater personal wit- pitfalls in reading tests, and then some W. E. Roberson Publishing nessing for th Master, and be the im- of the advantages of a good testing pro- ATLANTIC UNION GLEANER 3 A Marvelous Power for Good ference president, was the guest speak- My parents accepted this message er for the week-end appointments of when I was five years of age. Since that May 7-8. Mrs. Millard accompanied time I have been a regular Sabbath her husband and the academy family school member. Even today I recall sincerely appreciated their first official most vividly much of the instruction visit to the academy. given to me as a child by some of those early teachers. I can still remember APPLICATION TO CAMP CHEROKEE some of the mottoes on the wall in that first Sabbath school class. The Send to: MV Department New York Conference habit of attending Sabbath school, 528 Oak Street formed as a young child, has remained Syracuse, New York 13201 through the years. It is a part of my Enclosed please find $ for Camp life. Cherokee. I have always considered the Sabbath Name Age _____ school one of God's mighty agencies to Mrs. Harold Johnson, Mr. Johnson, lead individuals to Christ. There the and Mrs. Lelia Hartfiel of the Lockport Address church seeds of truth are sown in the heart by City means of song, prayer, and the study of the Word. It is my conviction that the If my application is accepted, I promise to in the picture, taking the Sabbath- abide by the Camp Cherokee regulations and diligent study of the Bible from week morning sermon to shut-ins and to to co-operate with my leaders.
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