Vol. 20 No. 3 / Spring 1975 Features 2 Alumni Drama Group 5 Jazz Ensemble Tour 15 Inside the Dome About Alumni 6 John Vanore '69 8 Alumnus Named to Board 9 Alumni Trips 12 Golden W Club Formed 13 Mr. Speer '40 Speaks to Engineers 14 Alumni Wanted On Campus 4 Student View 5 Jazz Ensemble 8 New Trustees Announced 10 Varsity Sports 11 Police in School 11 Dr. Murphy Resigns 12 Around the Dome 13 Open Records Law Impact is published quarterly by Widener College, Chester, Pa ., 19013, for alumni students, faculty, staff, trustees and other friends of Widener College . Office of publication is Fourteenth and Chestnut Streets, Chester, Pa . New Frontier Productions 19013. Send Form 3579 to IMPACT, Widener College, Chester, Pa . 19013. Second class postage paid Alumni and Friends Are Producing at Chester, Pa . 19013 Dramas in Widener's Little Theatre Cover photo: John Vanore '69, professional trumpet player and Widener's acting director of music. See story of Widener's Jazz Ensemble tour beginning on page 5. Editor: Patricia G. Brant Design: Bob Wood 2 E j.:: :>.. -c o if Top row, left to right: Rich Gleeson, Nancy Forrest, Cathy Wise, Joe Keenan, Joe Keenan III, Ben Lutz, Paul Ta rta r, Jim M cMunn, M ike Smyth, Jimmy Irwin, Tom Cullen, Bob Ryan, Dan Collins, Jerry McEllioch, Mike Esher. Front row , left to right: Maxine Segich, Pa trick Forrest, Buck Mulligan, Dan White, Gary Bul­ lock, Ed Dinski, Jill Marshall. Below: Pete Casey '63 in "Of Mice and Men." I f a couple of years ago anyone had present to college and local audiences at suggested plays but nothing has been told Buck Mulligan '71, Pete Casey '63 or popular prices. It may not be over­ decided . We're looking for something we Lou Johnson '72 that in 1975 they would looked, however, that by producing our can do on a shoestring, but do well . (Cast be spendi ng four hours each evening in program at Widener College, we avidly members provide their own costumes Widener's Little Theater, they would encourage alumni members and their and everybody helps build the sets .) We have said he (or she) had been working families to directly participate in an on­ want a drama with some meat in it." too hard . But there they were, all during campus activity at their Alma Mater. Our The formation of New Frontier Produc­ March and most of April rehearsing " In­ company also strives to evoke com­ tions is a tribute to word-of-mouth ad­ herit the Wind" with seven other alumni munity participation and to create an vertising. In 1973, Mulligan, Johnson and and the few loca l residents who call awareness of the advantages and im­ Casey had returned to campus to perform themselves ew Frontier Productions. portance of having a college institution in theatre widener's " The Time of Your New Frontier Productions, under the in the area . Life." In those days, theatre widener, like general · direction of Buck Mulligan, is Any proceeds that are realized during Theatre PMC before it, had a practice composed primarily of Widener-PMC this current production will be donated of open casting which drew not only stu­ Alumni members and past members of directly to theatre widener. dents but alumni, faculty and local resi ­ theatre widener. " Inherit the Wind" was ew Frontier's dents. 0 one was particularly happy That announcement, taken from the second production - following " Of Mice with the arrangement, least of all Pro­ playbill handed out at the eight April and Men" in 1974-but certainly not fessor Charles Smith, faculty advisor to performances of " Inherit the Wind" pre­ their last. " We're even hoping to have a the group. The students deserved a club ceeds a much more important notice: summer production this year," says Buck of their own; job-holding alumni couldn't The Company's principal objective is Mulligan, the group's co-founder and make afternoon rehearsals . The decision to bring the great dramas of the past and res ident director. " Some of the cast have was made to split the group and ew 3 Frontier Productions was born with Widener Admissions Counselor Gary Bul­ something like eight members. lock, Assn't Widener Football Coach Ed Mulligan and Casey were both teach­ Dinski 7 0 (the company's business man­ in g at Career Ed ucational Institute at the ager) and Lou Adore '60 (their lawyer) are time, and so was Nancy Fields Forrest more recent rec ruits . 7 3, who had been active in theatre New Frontier Productions, the most re ­ widener. she and her husband, Patrick, cent descendent of the earl y Varsity quickly signed o n. Ri ch Gleeson 72 was Shows, pays no fees or expenses for its recruited and Paul Tartar, an evening cast members. On top of that, it donates sc hool grad , lent his technical ski lls to its profits to theatre widener-"Of Mice create the fire scene in "Of Mice and and Men" earn ed the student group a Men." Faye Baker, sec retary to 'Dean check for $100 plus lumber and hard­ Murphy who had done makeup for ware . Why do they do it? theatre widener, agreed to help; on Apri l " To be candid , we're hams," says Buck 4, 1974, the company debuted. Mulligan. " If we weren't here , we'd Some came to see the production and probably be scattered among other little stayed on to talk: Professor Mike Smyth, theater groups. But here, well we're for instance, is now a cast member. doing our part for our alma mater ... get Some heard the advertising on local it, 'doing our part . radio stations and cal led to see if they could help: Cathy Wise, a Widener alumna, is now the property mistress. Rich Gleeson 72 ... among And others, like Jimmy McMunn 7 3, those re cruited for New Frontiers going to continue to expand into Wide­ For Widener Co llege has not only a ner University in an effort to solve its ills, duty to the students, but to every or w ill it seek to concentrate on internal member of the Widener family to sus tain improvements; keeping within the itself at a level of academic excellency framework of a small college? To be befitting those who have graduated as spec ific and cite an intern al area of need , well as those who will. we can look at the library . The library is the very heart of a small college; oLirs , unfortunately, is ailing. The Wolfgram library, a beautiful alabaster stru cture on the exteri or, is as of this writing approxi­ mately 5,000 volumes behind on its By: Tom Kerr '77 requests list. There also ex ists a danger that the library cou ld possibly lose a This column, as I perceive it , is an much needed federa l grant, a loss of opportunity for a student to prese nt his severa l thousand dollars. Here is a situa­ view of Widener College to the alumni tion staring the in stitution in its face; one who know Widener as a memory and not that must be dealt with . as a living institut ion. The time has come for those of the Whether you knew it as Pennsylvania administration to stop, look and learn Military College, Penn M orton College or about Widener College, to think of it as a Widener; this in stitution has survived sma ll liberal arts institution . Once this is many changes . But how long can it con­ ac hieved, the tas k of internal improve­ tinue in this constant state of flux? What ment ca n be started . Adm ittedly it is has happened to the base upon which beneficial to journey into uncharted ter­ Sop homore Tom Kerr is an investiga­ this college was built? ritories in search of unknown wea lth or tive reporter and features writer for the Widener is a small liberal arts and academic improvement. But it is equally student newspaper, The Dome, and is science college . This fact must be recog­ important to stop and look behind one­ editor of the ca mpus literary magazine, ni zed by everyone. Its size and academic se lf; to see how and where you've come The Widener Review. He joined the stu­ prospectus were major reasons why I along your path at this point in time. This dent compan y theatre widener in his chose this institution. I'm very satisfied is what Widener College needs to do: to fres hman yea r and has done everything with my liberal arts ed ucation . Yet, in a stop gazing constantly ahead to new and from set construction and ticket selling recent enrollment projection for next different ideas in an effort to improve the to acting, most recently in the fall pro­ fall , Pres ident Moll indicated that this sc hool . Now we need to simply stop and duction, "Adaptation." A commuter field is suffering. take a good, hard look at Widener Col­ from nearby Yea don, Pa. , he is an English Now a decision must be made by those lege; not at its potential, but at its worth major who hopes to teach after gradu­ in the administration. Is Widener Co llege as an institution today. ation. 4 Touring and Taping with The Jazz Ensemble By : Patricia Murphy '77 " Dear Mom, On the road again ... " performed and presented clinics in im­ That was an oft repeated phrase as l ­ provisation and jazz styles at Nether and my trombone-toured with the Providence Middle School , Marple New­ Widener College jazz Ensemble during town, Haverford, Council Rock and its second january Concert Tour.
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