THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. JUNE 2". 1005. Hamilton and Miss May Hamilton, who clsei of Chicago Art Institute. Miss Ethel SOCIETY IN SUMMER TIME were also there, have gone to Massachu- Partridge being one of the graduates. setts to spend the summer. Mrs. Floy Yates Voss and son George left i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cudahy sailed from Tuesday for Annlsqiinm, Mass., where they 8211 Folk Settle Down to Quiet Schedule New York last Saturday on the Deutsch-lnn- d will spend the summer. Mr. Hall Yates ac- and will spend the next two months companied them to attend the class reunion for Hot Weather. traveling In Eu:ope. at Harvard. Mr. K. M. Fairfield left 8unday to at MI'S Edwards of Chicago and Mrs. Oberlln college. Stauffcr and daughters of Del Moines, who CLUBS AND COUNTRY HOUSLS PEOPLED tend nls class reunion at Mrs. Fnlrfleld accompanied him and Is the have been visiting Mrs. B. C. Iwrey of guest ff Mrs. Craln at Springfield, O. 1S10 St. Mary's avenue, have returned to Outdoor Affairs Hare the Preference Mr. George Prny, who is convalescing their homes. Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry expect to leave Errnlngn on Yeraadna Are from a severe attack of typhoid fever, was and delightfully surprised last Tuesday even- early In July for an extended western trip, the Popular Thln-- ing with a serenade by Dlmmlck'l or- which will Include Grand Canon, Arls.. I.os J oat Sow, chestra. Angeles, Portland and several stops on the Miss Gertrude Ernst has returned to Northern Pacific enroute home. spend the summer vacation In Omaha after Miss Constance Snrgent, daughter of Rev. The Snelal Calendnr. graduating from the normal school de- C. S. Sargent, formerly pastor of St. Mary'i MONDAY Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Tirrtlrk i partment of Columbia School of Music, Avenue Congregntlonal church, now of dancing party at the Country club; Mri. Wichita, Kan., Is spending the summer In A. C. Smith luncheon and bridge party Chicago. it the Country club; Mrs. Henry Mr. Arthur Lewis returned Monday from Omaha as the guest of Miss Enola Dexter. Wyman's bridge party for Mrs. Newhnrd: Culver Military academy, where he gradu- Miss Florence Kilpatrlck left for Buffalo, Mm. J. B. Ik-rr- s luncheon at the Field N. Y., go ated this year. Next month Mr. Lewis, Tuesday, from where she will to rluh. Kilpatrlck cottage In WEDNESDAY wedding; accompanied by mates, will take the at Lake Placid the three class Adirondack! for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. ladles' day at the Country club. a trip to Mexico. THt'RSDAY "As You I.Ike It" at Han- - Thomas Kilpatrlck will Join her there soon. Mrs. William Robinson was of com park for the benefit of the public Sanford Mr.. George 8. Gould daughters playgrounds. In a small party of guest and have the number gone to visit In Lincoln FRIDAY Mini Helen Thomas entertain! Rear Admiral Goodrich entertained last relatives and will July 4 Mexico, Informally. on delightful up the Colum- leave there for where week a cruise they will spend the summer with Mr. bia on I'. 8. S. Chicago. With the June weddings and the enter- river the Gould on La Esmeralda plantation, In the tainment of the brides, society seems to Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gilbert left for the In state of Vera Cms. hive made Its final effort for the summer east Sunday, she to visit her mother Mrs. Harry Payne, who the has been the and from now on those who expert much Washington while Mr. Gilbert attends guest of Mrs. Charles Kountze and Mrs. July 1 they of a formal nature are likely to be disap- commencement at Amherst. Samuel Burns, to In summer. has returned her home pointed. Of course the college folks will be will sail for Europe for the New York. Mrs. T. T. Eastman, who was doing things right along, but they are not Miss Iorain Comstock, who since the also Mis. Burns' guest, has to college been a mem- returned her all golna; to summer In town; many will ac- close of Smith has home at Evanston. ITCH Mass., ( company their parents to some summer ber of a house party In Dartmouth, Messrs. Will and Robert will And head will ache if you wear WRONG LASSES. You will be sure to Ret Glasses that are RIGHT If we make them and we guarantee This Is Yale McPherson it place. This week's calendar Is a slim af- leaves Monday for New Haven for the today St. Con- an nee of specialists. No man can be a "Jack of all Trades" and be a success. "All our eggs are in one basket." We have spent fifteen years go return from Paul's school, in fair, but there will be luncheons at the commencement. Later she will to cord, and will accompany their parents, EYE WORK ONLY and Country club Wednesday and the regular Poughkeepsle to spend regatta week. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. McPherson, and the Saturday evening hop and dinners at both Mlxs Edith Fisher Invited twenty Kountxe Misses McPherson to Lake Washington, eye only. the Country and Field clubs. place friends on Monday last to meet her Minn., where they will spend the summer. EIGHT YEARS IN OMAHA work guest. Miss Helen Waltemeyer of Boulder, Many people who pretend to fit your eyes do not know the optical construction of a lens. We are MANUFACTURERS of optical goods EX- - $ Perhaps Is Is Colo. The afternoon was spent In games, It because the season still Mrs. Scott, the nrtlst, who has opened a CLUSIVELY. The entire work from beginning to end Is under our own personal supervision. coming bixh-Io- I rS which were served. On During the week we make a low price on young or perhaps society Is only beginning after refreshments studio at 1115 South Twenty-eight- h street, bur new SANITARY SOLID GLASSES. Call nnd see them. S to'reallie the possibilities of the club houses, Monday evening she will entertain the will give a puhlfe exhibition of her work but for some reason Sunday evening Is Omega Phi society and a few Invited commencing with a private view Monday a porch party. becoming one of the most popular occasions guests at evening, June 2fi. The exhibition Includes I of week Field by the at the and Country clubs. Wedding- - and Knaanement. palntmgs noted Washington artists. HUTESON OPTICAL CO. ?Tn0Zckr Th. The supper parties becoming more are and Mrs. Harriette de Ment Packard of Chi- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ESTABLISHED 1896. FACTORY ON THE PREMISES. more numerous and the veranda chairs cago has announced the engagement of her Dr. A. P. Condon has removed his office more and more In demand. A week ago daughter, Miss Josephine Packard, to Mr. to 300 Bee building. tonight the gathering at the Field club John True Sumner of Omaha. was little less than a crowd. Mrs. W. E. Prlckett announces the en- Greatly Reduced nates Via W'abnah gagement of her daughter. Miss Georgia Railroad, , Save Your Eyes The match between the Country and McKenna. to Mr. Milton Brower. The wed- Account Fourth of July. Tickets sold July Properly adjusted glasses that are adapted to your vision Field club teams on the Field club links ding will take place the last of the month. 1 to 4, inclusive. For all Information call will save you no end of annoyance, trouble and pain. ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING Saturday afternoon took society out there Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carman has an- at Wabash city ticket office, 1001 Farnam Our optician will fit you perfectly and at reasonable cost. In numbers yesterday afternoon. The engagement daughter, street, or address HARRY MOORES, - nounced the of their li i si.t: i- women came late In the afternoon and there Miss Josephine Carman, to Mr. craud G. A. P. D., Wabash Railroad, Omaha, lljDtffll'llu. WtCfl MAWHINKrTY at RYAJN cu. were a number of dinner, parties. Among wedding to place early Neb. a Gillian, the take 13 IB AND DOUGLAS STS. OHAHA,JVEB. S our Now Box thole who entertained were Mr. and Mrs. In July. mm and Sld PUaUd Skirts mad Harry Jordan, who had a party of six; The marriage of Miss Besse Hall, daugh- Have Root print It, from your own material Mr. and Mrs. Felix McShane; Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Hall, to Mr. W. J. C. Kenyon, a party of four; Dr. and Frank B. Moxham of Baltimore, Md., will Mn. J. E. Summers, Jr., ten: Mr. A. C. take place Wednesday evening at First Grimmel, three; Mr. and Mrs. L.. II. Korty, Baptist church. Fashionable Dressmaking four, and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kessler, four. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Melkle of Seattle, At the Country club the attendance was formerly of Omaha, announce the marriage WHITE SOROSIS not large, the following being the of their daughter, Miss Mlneta Maynard, FOR. COOLNESS io list: RUCHINQ, TAILOR-MAD- E BUTTONS, Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane had as to Mr. Walter Hamilton Harris of Seattle, their guests Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Allison, June 17. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will spend IT LOOKS AS ALL SIZES PLAIN OR IVORY RIMS rt In and will be at Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Klrkendall, Mrs. Burg-e- three weeks Alaska Wo mako Silk Pottlcoato, from tha plainest to and Mrs. Sharp. home after July 20 at 1716 Alberta street, THOUGH IN Seattle. TAN SOROSIS tho moat elaborate With Mr.
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