PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Tues., May 4, 1976 .its . Obituaries Schools and custodians About town LeDuc and Mrs. (3iarles Lathrop. Mrs. Claudia Desorniers reach tentative accord Friendship Circle of the Salvation Members are asked to bring baby John Werkhoven The funeral of Mrs. Claudia Desor- The Manchester Board of EMuca- didn’t reveal, is not being considered Anny will meet tonight at 7:45 at the pictures of one of their children. ELLINGTON - John Werkhoven, miers of 45 Goodwin St., who was tion a.'d the school custodians’ by the custodians. Citadbl. Sister Benigna will give a i 80, of 103 Ellington Ave. died Monday killed early Monday when a motorcy­ bargaining group have reached a teu'‘ Deakin said the current bargaining yoga demonstration.' Hostesses are , , ____ at a Rockville convalescent home. cle she was a passenger on crash^ began as just a reopening of salary tative agreement on salary increases Mrs. Bessie Cole and Agnes The Organization of The Han­ **The Bright One*' Mr. Werkhoven was born in into a guard rail in Windsor Locks, is negotiations in the custodians 1975- Schauger. for 1976-1977 and 1977-1978 but not on dicapped (OTH) will meet next Mon­ Makkum, Holland, and came to this Wednesday at 10 a.m. from the John 1977 contract, but talks led to FOR FY-FOUH PACES a proposal for 1978-1979, officials said day from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the country.more than 50 years ago, F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. possibility of extending the contract THREE SECTIONS MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 5. 1976-- VOL. XCV. No. 184 today. St. Mary’s Episcopal Guild will Mayfair Garden Social Hall on Main living in the Ellington-Rockville area Center St., with a Mass at the Church for another one or two years. Asst. School Supt. Wilson Deakln meet Thursday at II a.m. in the and N. Main Sts. All handicapped most of that time. During World War of the Assumption at 10:30. Commenting on the status of said each side has agreed on a two- parish hall of the church. Members people, under 65, living on the east I, he served with the Dutch army. He Burial will be in St., James negotiations with two other school year settlement but custodians are asked to bring their sandwiches side of the river, are invited. For was a retired farmer. He was a Cemetery. employe groups, Deakin said a state Carter continues unimpeded haven’t accepted the school board’s and dessert. Beverages wilt be directions, call 646-7786 or 646-7307. member of Union Congregational Friends may call at the funeral offer for the third year. ’The 100 mediator will conduct a fact-finding provided. Church of Rockville. home tonight from 7 to 9. school custodians., part of session with the school board and Survivors are two sons, Theunis Manchester Employes Union Local paraprofessionals (teacher aides) The Martin-South School Parent- The Manchester VFW Post and Werkhoven of Manchester and Hylke Mrs. Arthur Moore 991, will meet May 18. within two weeks. Teacher Association will meet Auxiliary will host a recreational Werkhoven of Greenfield, Mass.; a Deakin said Monday that talks with Mrs. Arthur Moore, 81, of Sher­ The tentative agreement calls for tonight at 7 to elect officers and view visit to the Veterans Hospital in daughter, Wilhelmina Werkhoven of the Manchester Federation of Reagan halts Ford bandwagon brooke, Que., Can., died April 29 at an across-the-board salary increase a sixth grade musical-comedy Newington Wednesday. Members are Ellington; a brother, Jurre of 20 cents Ian hour in the first year Paraprofessionals, which represents reminded to meet at the post home at the Sherbrooke Hospital. She was the production, “ We Almost Didn’t Make By ARNOLD SAWISLAK for GOP convention delegates. But with wins in Georgia and Indiana, nominated and that he was going to Werkhoven in Holland; two sisters, and 23 centy an hour in the second about 65 teacher aides, were at an 6:30 p.m. > mother of Mrs. Julien Strong of 56 It,” by Walter Bogar, Grade 6 United Press International Ford told Republican leaders today and led in the District of Columbia. win in November,” sad Rhodes. Mrs. Anna Kramer and Mrs. Leentje year. The first year increase impasse over a salary increase. teacher. ’The (Jrades 5 and 6 Glee Siegursma, both of Holland; four Norman St. Talks are still going on with the Ronald Reagan stopped President he will win the nomination and the Reagan, speaking in Lincoln, Neb., The President had large blocs of The funeral was Saturday from the represents about a 4Va per cent in­ Club wilt also perform. grandsons and two great­ Manchester School Administrators The Army and Navy Club Auxiliary Ford’s bandwagon Tuesday with November election. said he believed his tripleheader win uncommitted delegates in New York R.L. Bishop and ^ n Funeral Home, crease over current salaries, and the grandchildren. Association, Deakin said, but little .will observe “ Past Presidents’ solid primary victories in Indiana, Jimmy Career continued his un­ had given him the momentum to and Pennsylvania that apparently Sherbrooke, with a service at St. second year increase would mean Manchester Emblem Club will The funeral is Thursday at 11 a.m. progress has been made. That group Night” Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Georgia and Alabama, and forged impeded drive toward the deny Ford a first ballot victory. are his for the asking in Kansas City. Peter’s Church, Sherbrooke. Canon about a 5 per cent increase, Deakin meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the at Union Congregational Church. The represents about 35 school principals 'clubhouse. Members are asked to ahead for the first time in the race Democratic presidential nomination Reagan won big in Georgia and But Ford was unlikely to stem J.D.R Franklin officiated. Burial said. Elks Home. Mrs. Alfred Ponticelli Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pastor, will Deakin said the custodians are and other officials. bring potluck dishes and items for an Alabama and by more than 15,000 Reagan’s momentum in next was in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Sher­ and Mrs. Alfred Ritter are in charge votes in Indiana—his first victory in a Tuesday’s primaries-the border state officiate. Burial will be in Ellington seeking a contract provision which Settlements have already been of a Mother’s Day program, assisted auction, which will be conducted Center cemetery. brooke. reached and ratified with three other after the meeting. northern state and a prize he sorely of West Virginia and the farm belt She is also survived by another would allow reopening of salary by Mrs. Paul Buettner. Mrs. Agnes- Friends may call at. Ladd Funeral school employe groups: The St. James Church needed to proclaim a widening state of Nebraska. daughter, two sons,nine negotiations for the third year, but Home, 19 Ellington Ave., Rockville, Manchester Education Association appeal for his conservative can­ Carter won landslides in Indiana grandchildren and six great­ the school board won’t go along with Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. (representing 550 teachers), the didacy. and his home state of Georgia. He led grandchildren. a reopener clause. The school Tbe family suggests that any board’s counter-offer, which Deakin Manchester Association of erects hell tower Combined with his clean sweep in in the District of Columbia but was memorial gifts may be made to the Educational Secretaries (represen­ Texas Saturday, the triple win trailing in Gov. George Wallace’s Rockville General Hospital Develp- ting 69 employes), and the A 40-foot-high steel bell tower, on the south lawn of the church until Tuesday gave Reagan more com­ home state of Alabama. Tuesday’s mitted delegates than Ford-359 to ment Fund, Rockville Public Health Manchester School Nurses and Den­ MITES topped by a six-foot-high cross was it was sent to the Verdin Bell Co. of voting gave Carter 10 victories in 15 Nursing Association or to the tal Hygienists Association (represen­ 318. It takes 1,130 votes for nomina­ primaries and made him a near S im s erected this morning on the north Cincinnati, Ohio, to be repaired and Manchester Community Child Opponents vo i^ ting 13 employes). lawn of St. James Church as part of electronically refurbished. tion. runaway leader in the Democratic Guidance Clinic. be a n 11 c i p im p a c t on the church’s 100th anniversary The tower was completely House Republican Leader John delegate count. Rhodes emerged from a morning Continued from Page One neighborhood property values, traf­ Manchester youth *‘bumped^ celebration. assembled when it arrived at St. With 99 per cent of the Indiana vote tate appraiser Richard Barry, who fic congestion, school overcrowding, James Church about 8:30 this mor­ meeting between Ford and GOP counted, the GOP race showed; William Seibert Sr. said a possible 440-unit M Zone excessive demands on water and airline faces damage suit The tower will house a new ning. The students at St. James leaders in the White House Cabinet REAGAN: 319,434 - 51 per cent carrilon, which has been donated as a ROCKVILLE - William Seibert development would depreciate sur­ sewer services, and public safety School were on the scene at 10:30 to Room today do report that Ford did FORD: 302,593 - 49 Sr., 82, of 13 River St. died Monday at rounding property values, wouldn’t problems (fire protection). memorial to the late William J. Shea, watch the erection of the bell tower, not seem outwardly disappointed by On the Democratic side it was: a Rockville convalescent home.
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