I __University 9W -"SPAI- * . Vol. 3, No. 30 Wednesday, November 2, 1966 Faculty Assist Organization Annual Week of Devotion Of Public Health Association An organization meeting for the Public Health Association of Seventh-day Adventists was held in the Alameda Room of Del Schedules Sligo Pastor Webb©s Town House in San Francisco last Sunday evening, accord The annual University ing to Paul W. Dysinger, MD, associate professor of public health, and chairman of the planning ___________________ Fall Week of Devotion will committee. were also nominated at the begin Monday, November The newly formed associa first meeting of the Public 14, in the University tion includes all Seventh-day Health Association. Adventists connected with the Church, and continue public health work, such as the through Saturday, Novem medical and temperance secre Physicians Defeated taries of the various unions and ber 19. conferences. In Heroic Attempt William Loveless, EdD, pastor Ralph F. Waddell, MD, secre To Save Teenager of the Sligo Seventh-day Ad tary of the General Conference ventist church in Takoma Park, of Seventh-day Adventists med A University graduate was Maryland, will be the featured ical department, was one of the one of two physicians who tried speaker. guest speakers for the evening. to save the life of a Banning Dr. Loveless He spoke on "The Place of a girl early last week. received a bach Public Health Association With Owen W. Wheeler, SM©50, of elor of theology in the Framework of the De San Diego, and Elmer H. Thom- degree from nomination." assen, a Newport Beach ortho Walla Walla Mervyn G. Hardinge, MD, pedic surgeon, came upon the College in 1949, PhD, DrPH, director of the Riverside Freeway accident Staff photo and his master Division of Public Health, spoke scene in which Carol Myers, 14, STUDENTS stream from the University Church following one of of arts degree to association members on "The was pinned under an auto. the weekly Monday morning convocation services. The week of from Andrews Development of a Public Health The two physicians tempo devotion meetings will be held in the church each morning and University in Dr. Loveless Program at Loma Linda Uni rarily revived Miss Myers by evening November 14-19. 1953. Maryland versity." an improvised surgery with a University granted him a doc Officers of the association pen knife and fountain pen. tor of education degree in 1964. But the tracheotomy and He is currently a lecturer in - open heart surgery performed AMA Journal Reports Studies the department of religion at Seminar to Explain as cars sped by on the freeway Columbia Union College, Tako New IBM Language were unable to save the girl. ma Park, Maryland, director She died early the next morn Of SDA Respiratory Disease of the band at Takoma Acad "Natural Language Informa ing at Loma Linda University emy, and speaker on the weekly tional Retrieval System" will Hospital. A 10-page report by Frank R. Lemon, MD, associate professor television program Concept, be the subject presented at the of preventive medicine, and Richard T. Walden, MD, associate originating in Washington D.C. Basic Science Seminar, Novem professor of preventive medicine and public health, on "Death His past experience has included ber 10, by Herb Jacobs, staff Campus Fellowship From Respiratory System Disease Among Seventh-day Adventist pastorates in Oregon, Washing member of information retrie Will Feature Men," was published in the : ton, and Idaho. val, IBM Scientific Center in October 10 issue of the Journal Adventists were reported cur- Services, listed below, will Los Angeles. SM©68 Male Chorus of the American Medical Asso- rently smoking, and 65 per cent be held by Dr. Loveless each Mr. Jacobs will describe the ciation. had never smoked, compared morning and evening. Meeting new language system developed A special University Campus The studies among Seventh- with the national average of 59 Fellowship program will be pre times are 8:10-9 a.m. for the by and for the pathology de day Adventist men lead Drs. per cent and 21 per cent, re morning services, and 6:30 7 partment of the UCLA hospi sented this Friday evening at Lemon and Walden "to the spectively. 7:15 p.m. for the evening de tal. An unusually interesting 7:45 p.m. in the Campus Chapel. conclusion that male longevity Covering a four year period, votions, except as noted. lecturer, he has a facility for The Junior Medical Male in the United States could be Monday "New Math" and under the direction of Continued on page 7 presenting potentially intricate Chorus, significantly increased, with a "Hungry People Will Steal subject matter in a most com Bradley W. Nelson, SM©68, will corresponding decrease in mor (James 5: 1-18)." prehensible and useable manner. present an evening of worship bidity and mortality from WEEK OF Tuesday "Faith and Witch The seminar meets at 12 noon through music and narration. cardio-respiratory diseases of in the biochemistry amphi Additional musical selections SACRIFICE craft" and "Charades (James all sorts, if cigarette smoking 1:10-27)." theater of the new Biochemistry will be offered by the Junior were to become an unacceptable Building. All interested persons Medical Auxiliary Octette with social habit." For the Advancement Wednesday "When Is a Man are invited to attend. Wretha F. Lang as director. of World Evangelism a Man?" and "A Gold Ring and The report further stated Costly Apparel (James 2:1-13)." that "it should be a matter of November 12 considerable scientific interest Thursday "When is a Wo San Bernardino Businessman in itself that cigarette smoking "Those who have man a Woman?" and "Pious continues almost unabated, ex Pretense (James 2:14-26)," been . made par 7:30 p.m. cept among the more educated, takers of His grace Given Honors by University despite the mountainous evi Friday "The War for Peace" may become co- and "For This Cause Some Are double honor was conferred upon San Bernardino businessman dence of its hazard. This widely A indulged and perilous habit is workers with Christ Weak." J. Dale Gentry yesterday by Loma Linda University. by govern Mr. Gentry was named "University Associate" at a noon meet still little restricted by making voluntary Sabbath (8 and 10:55 a.m.) the ment action, public health "Big Man Hard Lesson." ing of president©s committee members and their wives in leadership, or individual respon sacrifices and freewill University Dining Hall. It was he is sibility." offerings to Him." also announced that the new show in San Bernardino, Students Plan campus gymnasium, for which interested in conservation and Their study found that only E. G. White ground was broken last month, wilderness preservation. two per cent of Seventh-day Christmas Party would be named J. Dale Gentry Hall in his honor. Tally Shows 100% Increase For Children Funds derived from Mr. Gen UCS Crusade Seventy-five underprivileged try©s gift to the University of children will be guests at the in San LOMA LINDA UNIVERSITY the California Hotel UNITED COMMUNITY SERVICES CAMPAIGN REPORT Student American Medical Bernardino have made the gym Association©s Christmas party, nasium project possible. NO. % PEE Saturday night, December 10, Mr. Gentry has been con GEOUP (OE DEPAETMENT) GEODP tEADEE BMP. GIVING CAPITA ©Department of psychiatry Sharon P. Orrison 5 100 at 6:30 p.m. according to Rus- nected with a number of en sel J. Thomsen, SM©68, chair terprises during the more than Department of physica] medicine Clarence W. Dail, MD 3 67 61.00 School of Medicine administrators G. Gordon Hadley, MD 6 83 57.00 man of the project. 50 years he has been in business Department of anesthesiology Bernard D. Briggs, MD 3 100 54.00 A Christmas film, musical here. He has been owner of the Department of pathology Jill Henricks 19 89 46.08 entertainment, and Santa Claus California Hotel for the past Medical specialties Alice Kuhn 6 83 32.16 *Department of physiology and biophysics B. Jean Rouse 16 94 31.94 are on the schedule for the 25 years. A director and former "Occupational therapy Edwinna M. Marshall 8 100 31.50 evening©s program. The gifts president of the annual orange Department of medicine Earlene P. Wohlers 38 68 28.00 will be donated by area mer Cardiac diagnostic laboratory Raymond B. Crawford, MD 10 100 27.80 *Farm Vernon N. Gunderson 2 100 chants, and will be chosen ac 27.00 of Night Fire Destroys Department of pediatrics E. Mae Manuel 9 IQQ 27.00 cording to the needs and age School of Dentistry (professional) Howard W. Conley, DDS 16 69 26.75 each child. A sack of fruit, nuts, *Nursing administration Bessie B. S. Wat 8 100 25.37 Second Barn "Personnel and other goodies will be in Maurice E. Mathisen, PhD 8 100 24.62 cluded with the gifts. A second University-owned Department of gynecology and obstetrics Bonnie E. Dennison 10 80 23.20 Department of anatomy Fran Coffee 20 100 21.55 Students will pick the par barn was destroyed by fire late "Animal care facility Dorothy L. Austin 7 86 - 21.49 ticular children up at their Saturday night, October 22, on Neurology Susan S. Heinrichs 6 83 21.33 homes and bring them to the the grounds of the former Loma Department of biochemistry Raymond A. Mortensen, PhD 16 75 21.00 Department of radiology Donovan C. Nelson 30 47 20.87 University cafeteria. The Com Linda University Dairy. Foundation Kent W. Dickinson 18 89 20.56 munity Services Council, under The wood structure, valued Division of Public Health Harold E.
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