Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1992-93 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 1-28-1993 The thI acan, 1993-01-28 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1993-01-28" (1993). The Ithacan, 1992-93. 16. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1992-93/16 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1992-93 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Opinion Arts, Entertainment Sports Index Open up! Images of poetry Sudden death Opinion ................................. 8 The men's basketball team Board of Trustees should Handwerk.er showcases 11 · '~ t:· -::; .,q ~~~;~~r::;i~~t.·.·:.·.·.-.·::.·.·.·.·.·N photographer's travels loses in overtime to Hilbert , ; Classifieds/Comics ............. 18 have truly 'open' meeting .JL J,,. 1 :. ::.-:_. .... • -., Sports ................................. 21 The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 60, No.16 Thursday, January 28, 1993 28 pages Free Cleaning up Proposed budget increase lowest in nearly a decade Downturn may suggest modest tuition hike By Tom Arundel If budget increases reflect tuition increases at Ithaca College as they have in the past, the "Although we expect tuition to increase in student tuition for 1993-94 should increase, we have fewer stu­ be minimal. But nothing is definite. dents and consequently the The proposed overall operating budget increase for 1993-94 is four percent, the overall rate of increase in the e Ithacan/ Gregory Di Bernardo lowest in over a decade, according to John College's budget will slow Ithaca College dlaposed of chemlcals In this clearlng next to the accen road Galt, director of budget behind Park Hall. down." In comparison, the budget increase was Carl Sgrecci, vice president and 9.8 percem for 1990-91 and 6.4 percent for treasurer of Ithaca College 1991-92. "It's a very conscious decline," Soil tests continue Galt said. "If we see a downturn in the large increases in tuition," Hamill said. economy and a downturn in enrollment, Sgrecci said that the decrease in enroll­ growth in operating budget should be de­ ment will decrease budget growth regardless creased." of a tuition increase. after waste removal An expected decrease in enrollment by "Althou~h we expect tuition to increase. 200 students plays a large part in the de­ we have fewer students and consequently the Toxic chemicals were dumped on campus site creased budget growth, according to Carl overall rate of increase in the College's bud­ Sgrecci, vice president and treasurer. get will slow down," Sgrecci said. "The testing and By Avl Scbiift'er conducted the removed the "This is the f"ll'St time the institution has Ithaca College removed toxic waste waste from the site, also declined com­ reason that tuition has to go up is because. had to deal with declines in enrollment," expenses that the institution incurs go up." on Jan. 11 and 12 from an on-campus ment Sgrecci said. How the four percent budget increase disposal site that was previously used to Teresa Spezio, the environmental spe­ The College does not aim to drastically would affect tuition increases is left up to the store leftover chemicals from classroom cialist from Ithaca College's Campus raise tuition to accommodate for the decrease Board of Trustees, S grecci said. But patterns experiments. But tests on soil surround­ Safety office, was "involved" in the deci­ in enrollment, according to Paul Hamill, spe­ do exist. "The more you increase the budget, ing the site have not been completed. sion to remove the waste, but would not cial assistant to the senior vice president the more you increase the tuition," Tom High levels of arsenic and mercury comment fun.her. "It's a period of recession and it would be Salm, vice president of business affairs, said. were found in the water, floating oil, and The Chemistry Department used the very difficult to ask students for significantly See "Budget," next page sludge contained in the concrete manhole disposal site, located behind 0-Lot at the shaft that served as the disposal site, comer of the main campus road and the according to Dave Maley, manager of access road leading to the Office of Cam­ public information. pus Safety, from 1972 until 1976, Maley Off-campus proposal A small amount of soil around the site said. It is a wooded area with some small was found to be "visibly stained" after brush and other vegetation. the site's contents were removed, Maley Maley said the area was originally tested opens door for seniors said. because there was some concern that the The affected soil and some apparently relocation of the campus road might cause By Jeff Selingo support for the resolution on Tuesday night. clean surrounding soil are currently be­ the disposal site to leak. Seniors may be able to move off campus "I have had nothing but positive remarks ing tested. Results will arrive in about six In September 1991, after the comple­ automatically if a proposal by the Residence from Residential Life concerning the pro­ weeks, he said. tion of the new main campus road, addi· Hall Association (RHA) is approved by the posal," Haile said. The waste posed no danger to the tional testing was done to ensure that the College. Maggie Mc Hugh, director of Residential campus community, nor was there any site had not been damaged during the 1l1e proposal would permit seniors to move Life, said she has talked to Haile about the indication that any of the chemicals had construction process, Maley said. off campus by simply notifying the Office of proposal, but has not yet seen it. gotten into the groundwater supply, Maley "We tested for everything from A to Z Residential Life in writing. Once the initial "I think we can work a compromise as said. -· literally everything from aluminwn to notification period ends, the off-campus pro­ long as we don't punish those who remain on Thomas Salm, vice president for busi­ zinc," he said. cess would be opened to underclassmen. campus with higher room prices," Mc Hugh ness and administrative affairs, and Mar­ Before the disposal began, the New According to Jennifer Haile, president of said. "We need to continue to have 100 per­ garet Bower, assistant director of life York State Department of Environmental RHA, a committee composed of RHA and cent occupancy in the residence halls, and as safety services, declined to comment on Conservation and the United States Envi­ StudentGovemmentmembersdraftedareso­ long as we have that, we will be able to allow the incident A representative of O'Brien ronmental Protection Agency were con- lution to be forwarded to Residential Life. those above that percentage off campus.With and Gere Engineers, the company that See "Toxic," next page RHA passed the resolution Wednesday night, less than 100 percent, we will have to charge while student congress approved a letter of See "Proposal," on page 4 New phone system for College to lower prices By Jeff Selingo Cablevision) will begin service on Aug. 1, calling, call waiting, call forwarding and ACC Long Distance corporation has been Relief from high phone bills is only a 1993. ACC is contracted for both local and speed calling, Stein said. Voice mail can be in business since 198 I and serves over 30 touch-tone away. long-distance service. added for $3.50 to $4 a month. northeastern colleges, as well as 30,000 res1· ACC Long Distance has signed a contract "The rates of the new systems will be well All students will receive a personal access denlial customers and 6,000 business chcnL, with Ithaca College to provide phone service below those charged to students currently. code for ACC long-distance calls, which can Stem said Student Government ha~ hem to the campus, according to Samantha Stein, The Tong-distance prices will also be below be used with any phone on campus, except working with the IC Office of lnfonnauon president of student government. those of AT&T," Stein said. public phones. Technology for a year and a half cm a ncv­ Stein announced details of the new con· Under the ACC phone system, phone in­ According to Stein, other long-distance phone system. tract at the student congress meeting on stallation will cost $30. Under current New services can still be accessed with a calling AT&T onginally proposed a package to Tuesday, Jan. 26. York Telephone rates, the fee for installation card. She said students will receive separate the College in October I 991, but late re hanged According to Stein, ACC (not associated is $67.25. ACC basic service will cost $18. long-distance bills, but a combined bill per the agreement, which led IC to pursue the with the local American Community Basic service will include unlimited local room for basic services. ACC proposal last spring 2 THE ITHACAN - Januar~ 2811993 Toxic Centennial office hit Continued from front page Lacey said the DEC is awaiting additional test results to determine "This is one of several suited and notified of IC's cleanup if additional cleanup measures will cases of inappropriately with early dismissal plan, Maley said. The EPA gave be necessary. disposed of waste formal approval to the plan and "This is one of several cases of By Kevin Harlin have worked in the Centennial of- DEC infonnally approved it.he said. inappropriately disposed of waste across the state at col- The Ithaca College Centennial fice, n he said.
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