TheThe local local planning planning committ committee ee Sponsors Sponsors: : in Norwayin Norway: : BackBack from from right: right: PhdPhd Gro Gro CC Løhaugen,CC Løhaugen, Neuropsychologist Neuropsychologist ThorstenThorsten Gerstner, Gerstner, MD MDChild Child neurologist neurologist PhdPhd Jon JonSkranes, Skranes, Professor, Professor, MD MD n FASD 2020 n FASD 2020 on FASD 2020 on FASD o o FrontFront from from right: right: Norway Arendal, Åse ÅseBeate Beate Lindland, Lindland, Social Social worker worker EllenEllen Kopstad, Kopstad, Head Head of the of theDep. Dep. of Pediatrics of Pediatrics conference European conference European European conference conference European Åse ÅseR. Johansen, R. Johansen, Quality Quality Adviser, Adviser, Dep. Dep. of Pediatrics of Pediatrics Siv Stigen,Siv Stigen, Adm. Adm. Consultant Consultant ContactContact information: information: [email protected]@sshf.no Tel. Tel.+47 +47 37 07 37 55 07 25 55 25 MobileMobile +47 +47 911 911 222 222 15 15 PleasePlease feel feel free free to contact to contact us if us you if youhave have any any questions.questions. https://sshf.no/helsefaglig/kompetansetjenester/regionalhttps://sshf.no/helsefaglig/kompetansetjenester/regional-kompetansetjeneste-kompetansetjeneste-medfodte-medfodte-russkader-russkader HowHow toHow get to getthereto get there there EuropeanEuropeanEuropean conference conference conference on FASDon onFASD 2020FASD 2020 2020 AccommodationAccommodationAccommodation ArendalArendalArendal Norway Norway Norway AirportsAirportsAirports ConferenceConferenceConf venue:erence venue: Clarionvenue:Clarion ClarionHotel HotelTyholmen HotelTyholmen Tyholmen The nearestTheThe nearest nearestairport airport toairport Arendal to Arendal to Arendal is Kjevik is Kjevik is Kjevik Single Single roomSingle room per room night per pernight including night including including breakfast, breakfast, breakfast, The first Competence Center for children with (Kristiansand).(Kristiansand).(Kristiansand). Bus from Bus Bus from Kjevik from Kjevik to Kjevik Arendalto Arendalto Arendal takes takes takes The firstThe Competence first Competence Center forCenter children for children with with NOKNOK 1250NOK 1250 (122 1250 (122 EUR). (122 EUR). EUR). prenatalprenatalprenatalalcohol/drug alcohol/drugalcohol/drug exposure exposure exposurein Sc inandinavia Sincandinavia Scandinavia 1 hour1 hour and1 hour 10and minutes.and 10 minutes.10 minutes. The ticketThe The ticket price ticket price is 30price is 30 is 30 Twin Twin / DoubleTwin / Double / roomDouble room per room night per per night including night including including is proudis proudis toproudhost to host theto host EUFASDthe theEUFASD EUFASD 2020 2020 in 2020Arendal in Arendal in Arendal, , , EUR EURoneEUR oneway. one way. way. breakfastbreakfastbreakfast NOK NOK 1450 NOK 1450 (142 1450 (142 EUR). (142 EUR). EUR). Norway. Norway.Norway. For booking,For Forbooking, booking, please please visit please visit visit SandefjordSandefjordSandefjord (Torp) (Torp) airport (Torp) airport isairport 3 hoursis 3 ishours 3in hours bus in frombus in bus from from https://www.nordicchoicehotels.no/hotell/norghttps://www.nordicchoicehotels.no/hotell/norghttps://www.nordicchoicehotels.no/hotell/norg The 3The dayThe 3 conferenceday 3 day conference conferencefrom from thefrom 14ththe the14th– 16th14th – 16th of– 16th of of Arendal.Arendal.Arendal. e/arendal/clarione/arendal/clarione/arendal/clarion--hotel-hotel-tyholmen/hotel-tyholmen/-tyholmen/ SeptemberSeptemberSeptember2020 2020 will2020 bewillat willbethe atbe Clariontheat theClarionClarion If you want to combine this trip with TyholmenTyholmenTyholmen Hotel, Hotel, Arendal. Hotel, Arendal. Arendal. If you wantIf you to wantcombine to combine this trip thiswith trip with InexpensiveInexpensiveInexpensive lodging lodging :lodging: Hove: Hove Leirsenter Hove Leirsenter Leirsenter sightseeing in our beautiful capital Oslo, Oslo sightseeingsightseeing in our beautiful in our beautiful capital, capitalOslo Oslo, Oslo OnlyO 10nlyO minutes nly10 minutes10 minutes from from Arendal from Arendal Arendal town town by town car, by car,by car, airport Gardermoen would be your destination. RegistrationRegistrationRegistrationand abstractandand abstractabstract submission submission submissionwill bewillwill be be airport Gardeairportrmoen Garde wouldrmoen bewould your bedestination. your destination. bus orbus boatbusor boat .or boat. announcedannouncedannounced at www.eufasd.org at www.eufasd.org at www.eufasd.org Shared Shared bathrooms.Shared bathrooms. bathrooms. From Oslo you can travel by bus (4 hours) or From OsloFrom you Oslo can youtravel can by travel bus (4 by hours) bus (4 or hours) or Free Free transportationFree transportation transportationwill bewill provided will be providedbe provided twice twice a twice a a train (4,5 hours) to Arendal, costs approx. 15- ConferenceConfConferenceerence venue: venue: Tyholmenvenue: Tyholmen TyholmenHotel HotelHotel train (4,5train hours) (4,5 to hours) Arendal, to Arendal, costs approx. costs approx.15- 15- day to/fromdayday to/from to/from the conferencethe the conference conference venue. venue. venue. 25 EUR.25 EUR.25 EUR. PricePrice offerPrice offer from offer from Hove from Hove Leirsenter: Hove Leirsenter: Leirsenter: TrainTrain tickets:Train tickets: tickets: www.nsb.no www.nsb.no www.nsb.no Singl Single roomSinglee room per room night,per pernight, including night, including including breakfast breakfast breakfast Bus tickets:BusBus tickets: tickets:www.konwww.konwww.konkurrenten.nokurrenten.nokurrenten.no and dinnerandand dinner NOK dinner NOK 515 NOK (53515 515 EUR).(53 (53EUR). EUR). www.lavprisekspressen.nowww.lavprisekspressen.nowww.lavprisekspressen.no Shared Shared roomShared roomper room night,per pernight, including night, including including breakfast breakfast breakfast www.nettbuss.nowww.nettbuss.nowww.nettbuss.no and dinnerandand dinner NOK dinner NOK 465 NOK (48465 465 EUR).(48 (48EUR). EUR). For moreFor Formore information more information information about about the about houses,the thehouses, houses, InformationInformationInformation on all on airports allon airports all airports visit visit visit and booking,andand booking, booking,pleaseplease visit please visit visit www.avinor.no/enwww.avinor.no/enwww.avinor.no/en https://www.hoveleirsenter.nohttps://www.hoveleirsenter.nohttps://www.hoveleirsenter.no For moreFor Formore information more information information about about Norway, about Norway, Norway, visit visit visit For moreFor Formore information more information information about about us about, please us, usplease, visit please visitour visit our our www.visitnorway.comwww.visitnorway.comwww.visitnorway.com website:website:website: https://sshf.no/helsefaglig/kompetansetjenesthttps://sshf.no/helsefaglig/kompetansetjenesthttps://sshf.no/helsefaglig/kompetansetjenest er/regionaler/regional-kompetansetjeneste-medfodte-er/regional-kompetansetjeneste-kompetansetjeneste-medfodte-medfodte- - Currency conversion pr. September 2018 but may be Currency Currencyconversion conversion pr. September pr. September 2018 but 2018may bebut may be russkaderrusskaderrusskader subjectsubject tosubject change to change to. change. ..
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