COMMUNITY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (CTDO) ANNUAL REPORT 2020 1 | P a g e ACRONYMS ABS Access to Benefit Sharing ACE Agricultural Centres of Excellence AEER Agriculture, Education, Extension and Research AMA Agricultural Marketing Authority AMT Asset Management Team ANCP Australian NGOs Cooperation Programme ARC Agricultural Research Council BRACT Building Resilience through Adaptive and Adoptive Capacities for Transformation BROT Bread for the World BVIP Blair Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine CBI Crop Breeding Institute CG Care Group CHC Community Health Clubs CSA Climate Smart Agriculture CSO Civil Society Organisations CTDO Community Technology Development Organization CTDT Community Technology Development Trust DFNSC District Food and Nutrition Security Committee DR&SS Department of Research and Specialist Services DRR Disaster Risk Reduction ERASE Enhanced Resilience, Adaptation to shocks and Economic Strengthening FFA Food Assistance for Assets FFS Farmer Field School FGD Focus Group Discussion GMB Grain Marketing Board HH Household IGA Income Generating Activities ISAL Income, Saving And Lending ITPGRFA International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Agriculture LFSP Livelihoods and Food Security Programme LFSP Livelihoods and Food Security Programme LSA Lean Season Assistance MANA Multisectoral Approach Towards Nutrition Adaptation Project MELANA Matabeleland Enhanced Livelihood and Nutrition Adaptation MLAWFRR Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries and Rural Resettlement MoHCC Ministry of Health and Child Care NBCC-CG Nutrition Behaviour Change Communication-Care Group NUF Neglected and Underutilized Foods PFNSC Provincial Food and Nutrition Security Committee PLWD People Living with Disabilities 2 | P a g e PPB Participatory Plant Breeding PVE Participatory Variety Enhancement RSA Resilience Smart Agriculture SDG Sustainable Development Goals SDHS Sowing Diversity=Harvesting Security UMP Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe UN United Nations WASH Water And Sanitation Hygiene WFP World Food Programme WHH Welt Hunger Hilfe WPC Water Point Committee ZAKIS Zimbabwe Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Services ZFU Zimbabwe Farmers Union ZRBF Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund 3 | P a g e CHAIRPERSON’S REMARKS humanitarian assistance. CTDO responded by It is that time of feeding more than 500 000 households across the year again various five districts of the country. Country- when I present to wide, the situation was further worsened by a you the work that 3-tier pricing regime in a multi-currency Community economy involving mobile money, local Technology currency cash and foreign currency especially Development US dollars. These caused transactional Organisation challenges in procurement of fuel, an (CTDO) assortment of spare parts for borehole implemented in the year 2020. The advent of rehabilitation, vehicle spare parts and building the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic materials among several others which were impacted negatively on our lives, and required for programme implementation. smallholder farmers’ livelihoods in and out of our target communities. Indeed Covid-19 As the nation focused on protecting negatively affected humanity globally. Some of livelihoods by imposing lockdowns our staff our most challenging issues were heightened had to continue implementing planned by the impact of the pandemic. We are also activities. Innovative ways of reaching farmers seeing an increase in gender-based violence as such as sending SMS messages WhatsApp, a result of lockdowns. Coupled with the ZOOM, and Facebook were used to reach our climate change and the volatile socio- field officers, local authorities, and economic challenges being faced in the stakeholders at district, provincial and country the pandemic resulted in the serious national levels. The organization shared skills disruptions in livelihoods. The United Nations and knowledge with farmers on how best (UN) Secretary General warned, “we face the communities can manage ecologically fragile deepest global recession since World War II, environments under threat from climate and the broadest collapse in incomes since change and variability. 1870”. The World Food Programme (WFP) has On behalf of the entire Board, and in my warned of famines "of biblical proportions". personal capacity, I want to express profound The agricultural sector remains the backbone gratitude to the CTDO Directorate, of the Zimbabwean economy in terms of forex Management and Staff for exhibiting a colossal earnings, employment, and importantly, food test of leadership under tumultuous economic security at the household level. As one of its and environmental conditions coupled by the key mandate enshrined across the four COVID-19 pandemic. I urge you to embrace the programme pillars, CTDO managed to new norm in making decisive, coordinated and overcome a combination of adverse climate innovative decisions for all. conditions and poor agronomic practices, I thank you. combined with policy uncertainty and negative impact of monetary policies, by availing inputs on time, setting seed breeding objectives and provided essential extension information through social media platforms. Dr D. Garwe A large number of Zimbabweans lack access to adequate food and have to rely on 4 | P a g e THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REMARKS production, mobile access to farming he year T information, community seed banking, 2020 advocacy on farmers’ rights and sustainable presented a management of natural resources. In the number of context of ensuring effective implementation, challenges for monitoring, evaluation, accountability and CTDO, learning, all the projects were supported with farmers, the requisite staff and financial resources. This business and was in response to the commitment of our civil society funding partners to realise seed, food and organisations nutrition security as well as sustainable and the livelihoods diversity in light of climate change Zimbabwe and other disasters. Throughout 2020 the Government in general. On January 30, 2020, organization had to adjust and make hard the Director General of the World Health decisions. But the result of all that effort is Organization declared the outbreak of the evident. COVID-19 as a Public Health Emergency of international concern. Globally, hundreds of CTDO’s operational activities and outcomes thousands of people have been infected and are premised on the 5-year strategic plan millions lost their lives. In Zimbabwe the (2019-2023). The strategic plan sets out the COVID-19 pandemic emerged against the following critical themes; backdrop of a difficult socio-economic environment coupled with climatic induced • Promoting sensitive food systems and shocks such as cyclone IDAI and drought. value chains. • Developing and releasing climate In this regard the government declared resilient seed. measures to curtail the spread of the • Integrated crop-livestock production pandemic by putting in place measures and systems. guidelines to contain the spread of COVID-19 • Provision of safe, clean portable water including lockdowns, limiting the number of and sanitation. people at public gatherings and wearing of • Improving environmental face masks, COVID-19 significantly altered the management practices and usual way of doing business, and the genesis of regulations. a “new normal”. These lockdowns worsened • Increased formulation of pro-poor the harsh macro-economic environment policies. thereby worsening livelihoods especially those of smallholder farmers. With active smallholder farmers involvement, Regardless of the many challenges promotion of farmer varieties, focussing on encountered in 2020, CTDO continued economic transformation, gender equality and implementing its projects in its target districts sustainability, the Strategic Plan sets though at a very reduced scale. The ambitious development goals and defines how organisation embraced the development CTDO can best contribute to fighting poverty. initiative by building resilient communities, Such major long-term goals demand a imparting skills in climate change adaptation, coordinated approach and good stewardship sustainable ecological farming techniques, of the plan so as to foster desired results. provision of appropriate infrastructure to In 2020 CTDO made great strides in the harness water, promoting small-livestock construction of watershed management 5 | P a g e infrastructure such as weir dams, drilling of information about the COVID-19 pandemic. boreholes, installation of solar powered The pandemic is likely to further affect every borehole pumps, and rehabilitation of broken- sector of the Zimbabwean economy but with down boreholes. This addressed the challenge differentiated impacts depending on age of water availability for many households who group, gender, disabilities, socioeconomic have had to endure long distances, sleepless status, geographic location in the coming nights waiting for their turn in queues, and years. With lockdown and resulting job losses, increased human-livestock conflict for water. we can anticipate that the informal sector will The situation has been dire in 2020 as a result grow even larger. The need to ensure that this of the poor 2019-2020 rainfall season. group is targeted for support is crucial, as an Communities were empowered to ensure asset for the development of the country. equity in access to safe water, and improve sanitation and hygiene through establishment Finally, 2020 provided an opportunity for of health clubs, revamping of Water Point
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