Mike Johns, Jr DISTRICT 6630 NEWS Stew Buchanan Editor District Governor September 2010 Governor’s Letter Inside this issue: Bigger, Better, Bolder club activity. New Generation suggest that all of you check the includes all of the Youth Pro- website for two good programs TRC Jefferson News District # 6630 got bigger in 2 grams along with some new for all of you to take advantage August by adding the Rotary ones including a New Genera- of. One of these programs is News From TRC Andover 2 Club of Solon with 26 new tion Exchange for 18-25 year the regional TRF and RC semi- charter members and 3 poten- olds that allows international nar in Elyria on September 25, Dr. CK Brandenberry Honored 3 tial new members. What a cele- students hosted by Rotary fami- 2010. The presenters for this bration at the Signature of So- N. Ridgeville Dictionary Project 3 lies to intern in various busi- seminar are outstanding and lon Saturday August 26, 2010. nesses and professions for 1 to they will have a wealth of infor- 2010-11 Ambassadorial Scholar 3 If you missed it, you missed a 3 months. mation. See the web site to very special night, a charter Stow-Munroe Falls Keeps Giving 3 register. It is only $20 with night for a new club. We will Are we excited? I am! My visits Birthday Bash For Whole City 4 breakfast and lunch. The other have another special night on so far with the clubs have been program is the Rotary Leader- September 17, 2010 when the great fun. I continue to see all West Shore Raffle Flier 4 ship Institute session ―one‖ to Rotary Club of Hillcrest Sun- of the outstanding projects, be held at the Baldwin Wallace DG’s Official Visit Calendar 4 rise will have their Charter activities, and fund raisers and campus in Beachwood on Sat- night celebration at the May- how District # 6630 Rotary Katie Spotz Rides Again 5 urday October 16, 2010. For field Country Club. We need clubs are so involved. What more information, check the A Taste of Hillcrest Flier 5 the clubs in District # 6630 to variety and diversity. And I web for RLI. News From TRC Berea 5 be there. Don’t miss it! have only been to 10 clubs so far. As part of Rotary, being bigger, As the Rotary year progresses, Shoe Boxes on The Way 6 better, bolder, membership is many things are happening at A few of the other exciting one of our major goals. Adding Akron Poker Run Great Success 6 the District level and at the events I have been able to be a new members and bringing in club level. As I began this arti- part of include the Poker run TRC Geneva in the News 6 Rotary alumni from our many cle for the newsletter I found for the Rotary Club of Akron youth programs is essential. Points of Interest: myself going in many different and the Akron Rotary camp on The key is to locate them and Sept is New Generations Month directions and wanting to cover Rex Lake—over $20,000 was ASK them to join Rotary. But many different things. So this raised with the 250 bike entries TRC Jefferson gives “relief” to com- we cannot forget the members article will be several small arti- plus the classic cars. Also, a munity that you currently have in the cles rolled into one. Bear with steak dinner with the Garretts- TRC Andover gives $2500 for club.. Members are the life- me as I share my thoughts and ville Hiram Club, and then a Learning garden blood and strengthen Rotary. some of things that have been part of the extended tunnel on Doc Brandenberry exudes We need to retain the mem- going on. the field at Infocision Stadium “Service Above Self” bers that we have. Clubs must for the University of Akron September is New Generations reach for 100% retention. Over 4.5 million dictionaries given football game with the Rotary month. Rotary has a lot to cele- Keep members who know Ro- Katie Spotz nominated for scholarship Club of Tallmadge . In addi- brate with all of the new ideas tary and can provide a solid tion, The Rotary Club of Be- Over 100,000 attend Tall Ships Fest for the Fifth Avenue of service. base for the club. Provide train- rea’s Lou Groza Golf outing at The 2010 Council on Legisla- ing and development for your West Shore raffle Oct 16th Copper Top Country Club on tion, which met in April, made members. Make them better September 9,2010 with over Katie Spotz presented wi new bike a decision to add this new ave- Rotarians. 125 golfers. A Taste of Hillcrest Oct 14th nue of service to club service, vocational service, community Now that the summer is over, Cont’d on pg 2 397 shoe boxes filled service, and international ser- there are many events coming Akron Poker Run raises $20k vice as a foundation of rotary up this fall. I would like to Governor’s Letter cont’d News From TRC Andover As some of you may know, program and works with chil- By Richard Mole emblem, was installed on a PDG Jim Frame has been re- dren and hospitals in Africa rock in the center of the Gar- ceiving medical treatments of and Asia. When the Village of Andover den. late and I am sure he would As mentioned last month, the community calls, its local Ro- appreciate a note or phone call District had the outing at the tary Club answers. This has The Central circle garden will from all of his friends in Rota- Cleveland Indians game on Au- been the story for the last 85 be planted by Library staff. ry. Jim is and has been the gust 13, 2010. Sheila Hedrick, years, ever since the Club was The four crescent-shaped gar- District leadership for the Gift Rotary Club of Cuyahoga Falls, founded in February, 1926. dens surrounding the com- of Life Program for many threw out the first pitch and had This time was no exception. memorative rock are ready for her name and picture on the giant years. Because of his efforts community adoption. Local scoreboard at Progressive Field It more than 48 children are The local Andover Public Li- groups are invited to adopt alive today after surgeries at was a fun night capped off with a one of the four gardens for 30 minute fantastic Rock and brary applied for, and was the Cleveland Clinic and Uni- everyone to enjoy. Blast fireworks display. We had awarded, a $7,500 LSTA grant versity Hospitals for many over 200 district Rotarians and administered by the State Li- various heart complications. guests in attendance. Thanks to brary of Ohio. Routine, right? The Library will add topsoil Our first gift of life recipient, all of those who were able to par- Well, there was a catch – the and three curved benches to Grace Agwacu, was at the Ro- ticipate. What about a tailgate Library had to come up with complete the central garden, tary International Convention party at a Browns game? If some $2,500 of its own money as a with Fairy roses and a magnifi- in Montreal. She is now a very of you want us to put this togeth- local match to make the cent donated Japanese Maple er for the District, let Dave Har- healthy and active young lady $10,000 project complete. tree highlighting the garden. from Uganda. per or myself know. If we would Bulbs will be planted along the do it, we would need to start the With state finances tight, the walkway along with Knockout Grace had her life saving sur- process soon. GO Browns! Library did not have an extra roses. gery 35 years ago when she was set of dimes available to rub Yours in Rotary Service, four years old. She is now an together. The Learning Garden will ambassador for the gift of Life Stew The Library wanted to create a feature ―Square Foot‖ gardens galore. Each Square is four PHOTO Community Learning Garden TRC Jefferson News next door to its building, in an feet on a side and the individ- empty lot owned by the li- ual garden can grow an By John Stevenson what can be accomplished when astounding supply of vegeta- community groups work togeth- brary. The Board of Directors of the Andover Rotary Club bles. There will be at least 20 The Jefferson club recently com- er with local government. of these gardens, boasting pleted a restroom and village came to the rescue and voted flowers, herbs, vegetables and storage facility at the community to donate the entire local ornamentals. playground in cooperation with match needed, all $2,500. several other groups. Funding was provided by the Save Our ―The library could have de- Garden competition for Community Center board, and ployed their personnel and ―Prettiest,‖ ―Most Unusual,‖ labor was donated by masonry, board members out into the ―Most Productive,‖ etc. will be carpentry and graphic arts stu- community to try and pick up sponsored by the Library as dents of the Ashtabula County donations for the match,‖ said well as a program on cooking Joint Vocational School. Sup- Club President, Rich Mole, from your garden in early port was also provided by the himself a Director Emeritus of 2011. Village of Jefferson. The Jeffer- the Library. ―It would have son club designed the building, taken a lot of effort and man- This is not the first large-scale secured the building permits hours on their part.
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