Salary Act ANTI-MSII Held Unconstitutional ML BECOME LAW, By the Supreme Court SAYSGUNSON POUR INTO ATLANTA Unanimous Decision Reverses NOW **• feSSSION IN ATLANTA TWO KILLED California Executive Finally the Ruling by Judge Pen- REPRESENT * HWe-TENTHS OF Refuses to Veto Alien Bill AMERICAN v"~ dleton, of Superior Court, TWO INJURED as Requested by President and WrH, Result in Return Over Wilson. to the Old Fee System. ON SEABOARD .'' Over 1,000 Visit NO TREATIES VIOLATED, Here for Great ASSERTS THE GOVERNOR LAW WAS CONTESTED Flagman J. T. Allen Was and Hundreds BY THREE OFFICIALS Crushed to Death at Rice's Johnson Says Calirornia Is • Reach' -City During AS UNCONSTITUTIONAL Station and Engineer R. B. Only Following Action of Morning. Board of County Commis- Brooks, of Freight Engine, Other States and Even of sioners Will Hold a Meet- So Badly Scalded That He the United States. GLAD WELCOME ' TO ALL ing This Morning to Con- Died Before Reaching. At- Sacramento, Cal., May 14.—impress- ing his determination to slgrn the ' TO GREAT sider the Ruling of the lanta Wednesday Night. alien land bill recently passed by the legisature. Governor Hiram "W". John- Supreme Court and to son,' of California, today telegraphed to Secretary of State Bryan a long- Decide on Action. TRAMP PROVES A HERO; explanation of the action taken by the First Big Event of ScjeiSf legislature. The message was . in an- SCALDED WHILE TRYING swer to the requestUelesraphed to the Program Will Be i The law requiring the county offi- governor by Secretary Bryan at the cials of Fulton county to be paid sala- TO HELP THE ENGINEER direction of President Wilson that the "eral Reception Given at ries Instead of fees was held to be un- ibill be vetoed. Governor Jatunon'm MeMnre. Agnes Scott ort Saturday. constitutional by the supreme court of TJhe governor's message follows: the state in a unanimous decision "Hon. William J. Bryan. Secretary of handed down yesterday afternoon. Passenger Train Has Narrow 'State. Washington. D. C.: Tour very Moderators of Two Assem- The case came before the supreme "courteous telegram relating to the court on an appeal made by certain Escape, Being Waved Down alien land bill reached me late Suifday blies Will- Be Elected To- Fulton county officials, wherein a writ night. I take it from our conversa- tions and your request made to me to 1 of mandamus 'required them to make by Farmer Just Before day. withhold executive action until op- s reports in regard to salaries so that Reaching Scene of Wreck. liortunity was accorded for the .pre- they could be paid with salaries in- sentations from the federal govern- i stead ul. with fees. ment, that your message embodies! The Fulton county officials who Passengers Make Up Hand- that it was your wish and the wish • made the appeal were the tax collec- of the president to say to us before tor. A. P. Stewart; the ordinary. John Northern . Assem*y-r~oe'nes B some Purse For Man Who final action. u R. Wilkinson, and the tax receiver. T. "In this response It Is my design 10:30 al m., to Baptist Tabernacle. M. Arxnistead. Had Prevented Another most respectfully to present the situa- , Luckle street near Sprlns. ^witi «et>- The IM-VF Am to Salaries. tion from our standpoint and the vcton by .Retiring Mo'der&lpr ^ 3>r In the legislative acts of 1911, page Mark A., aMtthews, ol,.Seattle. Sec- Wreck. views that actuated our legislature In : 186, It was decreed that certain county passing 'the bill and that Impel me ond session at .2:30. p. :m., IKith a^i- officers, naniins Fulton county among to sanction it. nual ^lecUon. o£l']iew moderator AQ4 others, should be-paid salaries instead "For many years a very graxe prob- other bueineos. " ': r'~~t-''. of fees. The commissioners of roads "I'm nothing ftut a hobo, fellows; get lem, little understood in the east, has and revenues of Fulton county insti- this poor devil out here and let me be " confronted California; a problem the. * SoutherJi.v Afisembly—Convenes at tuted - proceedings against the county Why not get together? were the words that greeted rescuers seriousness by which has been recog- 0:30;;ai 18, -in ;t*ie Nortte':.4,venae officers named to mandamus them to who raced to the scene of a wreck on nized by statesmen In our nation and 6, corneV Peaeh- compel them to file statements of the the Seaboard last night at Rice's Sta- has been viewed with apprehension by i number . of -their employees, with the tion, In whi-ch Flagman J. T. Allen was the people of this state. When the amount of .'their salaries to be expend- crushed to death and Engineer R. B. present constitution of California was ed. -The tax collector, the tax re- Srooks was scalded so that he died adopted, more then thirty years, a^o, .-^EeaMBV-^ajidf^ysj-etct.WAi-^Jf ^-new>^modex*, ^^«» ceiver, and the 'ordinary refused to before reaching Atlanta. It contsiine&'the fpllftwing'declaratto^'. J*^^-:^*^!**-**™^^!!^ mthok- malce the returns, and Judge John R, The rescuers were the- crow ana.-JMHH ' "^ri-fiiSspnee of former* 6*ll<6» ->tf^«i»3&f>1eS!iSe;rs^:^aBli^onroS P,6ipiil5!tQii- heliHthatj .they- should do so. lengens of the night train from Blr-. ble tpjiecome citizens >of^.the, united. ;-iinsBi!i9J..--;w .'"/Jigfj'f.-t'i?;;?: T«e couh^^'onfcers*'named relus_e^J.,to miagham. which w9s flagged before States is declared to be dangerous to make the reports on tJte ground that reaching the wreck by a termer livinor the wejtlibelms of tad'-, state and the the, law placing them. on salaries was nearby. - T ' TJnltad Pjeshy'terlaii; "Assembly— legislature^ sholt alscoiirase tJieli.Mih- Meets Thursday morning "and aft- uaeonstftatlb-nsl. The cade wag ap- •Phe man who declared that he -was a mlBralon by all "means *"lfSM: Its pow- pealed to the supreme court, with the ernoon .at,,,Cehtral Presbyterian: :ramp save his name as R. o. Burns er.' * ,. church, on 'Washington street, op- result as ab'ove stated, and the decis- ind his residence as nowhere. He was ^xeutetn !• Aonte. By DR. THO«»P?JH-I- JACOBS, . ion of the lower court was reversed. scalded on the arms and hands and "Of latn -years oui problem from an- (Dr. Thornwell Jacobs Is editor of-the "V^tro'"^!- Magazine, the organ posite state capttol, with transac- The decision of the supreme court was painfully injured. He had *.»<»- b'lhc-r- angle has become acute, and BELIEVES DORSEY tion of business., at both sessions; will mean that the Fulton county ofS- of southern Presbytertanlsm, and secretaryrot*** board of trustees of Ogle- •Irst to reach the wreck whidi occurred the egltation has been continuous in ne c-ials cannot be placed on salaries, but n a deep cut as the engine and tender the last decade In reference to our thorpe university. He can accurately.be called tn~e-^»* *' of the movement must be paid in fees... raced to the relief of a freight at Pow- agricultural lands, until finally af- BIK Joint Catherine. Defdoton of Much Importance. [identification. Slip Carried by that gives Atlanta the historic impoi;taiice,.of furnishm? * common meeting der Sprinjrs , where an engine had es\v firmative action in an attempted solu- ! r (Convening at 8'p. ms In the Au- The decision of the supreme court en out. tion became 'imperative. This at- ground for four great Presbyterian assemblies. The IdeaSJJ'».f f!! »* advanced ditorium-Armory, 'corner Courtland is of considerable importance to the tempted solution Is found in the ac- Mary Phagan in Her Pock- editorially. In. the .Westminster Mao>^n$S:and-his effectlvV "" "" -* " and Gllmer streets.) public generally, because' in many In- Cause of Wreck tion of our legislature In the passage caused it quickly to., become nation-wide In .popularity. - Dr. Richard Orme Fllnno^pastor stances the cost of, procedure were etbook Causes Theory That of the North Avenue ~ Unexplained. of allan land'bill. In the phraseology dominant Influences In; the church today. He gives •—•'—-" 'mitigated by tile county officials. Un- of this bill. In those whom "it aitects. remarkable gathering.) ',-.'*."•'•'• ^ church, Atlanta, .presld, der a salary system the county officials The cause of the wreck is still unex- In its scope and In its purpose, we be- the Victim Had Been "A Welcome would have been powerless to remit plained and will probably never be lieve we are -within our legal and our known, as both the w%ite men who . At- the costs that followed ta delinquent moral rights and that -we are doing Threatened With Violence. A momentous thing is happening In Atlanta. An Immense denomination lanta, PreBbytS?3E' and. chairman of taxpayers. were on it are dead and ttoe negro fire- only what Is Imperatively demanded of Christiana is entering a new era.. For the first.time In history the highest- committee on entertainment. As some of the county officials did and largest- courts -of the, four great; bodies constituting , the Presbyterian f* Fraternal greetings of eight min- not contest the law and have endeav- Continued on Last Page. church-of-the nation are to meet. in. the7same;city at the same tiinaKlW utes each from: ored 40 operate under a salary system^ Continued on Page Two. Either threatened with death or any one at all acquainted with church history this Is tremendously slgnifl' 'J1fDr. T. S. Clyce. of Sherman. the declsiCfi of the supreme court wiR warned by 'some dread premonition of cant • • ' ' - - •' .
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