17 KLAMATH-ENGLISH 18 19 KLAMATH-ENGLISH ᵛ ᵛdoqʼ 7-Sv scrape out; pull off, out ʔᵛᵛdoqʼsga : /ʔodaqsga/ scrapes off a long obj. pᵛᵛdoqʼsga : /podaqsga/ pulls off, strips (as pine needles from a branch) pᵛᵛdoˑqʼa : /podoˑqʼa/ pulls out, off (as grass) wᵛdoqʼsga : /wodaqsga/ scrapes out, off, with a long instrument (as fish innards) wᵛdoˑqʼa : /wodoˑqʼa/ scrapes (as fish scales, carrot) wᵛdoˑqsga : /wodoˑqsga/ scrapes off wᵛdoˑqʼYeˑni\̲ ʼa : /wodoˑqYeˑnʼa/ scrapes out the insides re̲ w̲ ᵛdoˑqʼYeˑni\̲ ʼa : /woˑdoˑqYeˑnʼa/ d. scrape out the insides ᵛqičg sne. ᵛqičkʼ 7-Sv scrape off (as something spilled). Also ᵛqičg. See Sec. 334. wᵛqičkʼa : /wiqačkʼa/ scrapes off (something spilled) re̲ w̲ ᵛqičkʼa : /wiwqačkʼa/ d. scrape off wᵛqičgiˑa : /wiqačgiˑya/ scrapes off for someone wᵛqiˑčka : /wiqiˑčka/ scrapes off pl. re̲ w̲ ᵛqiˑčka : /wiwqiˑčka/ d. scrape off ᵛqitʼ 7-Sv scrape off, pull off, scratch off ʔiᵛqiˑtʼa : /ʔiqiˑtʼa/ scratches, scrapes pl. ʔiᵛ qiˑtʼkyamna : /ʔiqiˑtkyamna/ scrapes all around pl. čʼlᵉᵛqitʼsga : /čʼliqatsga/ scratches off with the fingernails čʼlᵉᵛqiˑtʼa : /čliqiˑtʼa/ scratches pl. spiᵛqiˑtʼčnʼa : /spiqiˑtčnʼa/ drags away, leaving a scratch wᵛqiˑtʼa : /wiqiˑtʼa/ peels off, drags away, scrapes off re̲ w̲ ᵛqiˑtʼa : /wiwqiˑtʼa/ d. peel off, scrape off wᵛqiˑtʼdga : /wiqiˑttga/ been scraping off wᵛqiˑtʼtnčʼ̲ na̲ : /wiqiˑttančʼa/ just dragged away, peeled off, scraped off ᵛqoˑt 7-Sv scrape ʔᵛᵛqoˑtYeˑni\̲ ʼa : /ʔoqoˑtYeˑnʼa/ scrapes the inside of a long object re̲ ʔᵛᵛ̲ qoˑtYeˑni\̲ ʼa : /ʔoˑqoˑtYeˑnʼa/ d. scrape inside sgᵛqoˑtYeˑni\̲ ʼa : /sgoqoˑtYeˑnʼa/ scrapes the penis around inside wᵛqoˑtYeˑni\̲ ʼa : /woqoˑtYeˑnʼa/ scrap~s out the inside of with a long instrument 20 KLAMATH DICTIONARY ʼ ʼa 3sr [unknown meaning]. Only in: loby\ʼa : /lopyʼa/ before /gena hoˑt beˑn, lopya dinneˑks./ He went on again, before sundown. /hoˑt sa lopyʼa ʔans gatbambli./ They returned before me. ʼan see yʼeˑnʼ [nonnominative theme formant] ʼas 14sn 2sp 7sp 5sd 11sd 11sa 9sl [objective]. Also ʼs, as, s and a. See Secs. 459, 552, 623, 671, 674, 761 and 831. basdin\ʼas : /basdinʼas/ white man [o] /basdinʼas ʔa hoˑt sleʔa./ He saw the white man. hongyʼass : /honkyʼas/ them (remote) [o] /honkyʼas ʔan sleʔa./ I saw them. man(as : /man(as/ housefly [o] /no$ #a man(as siwga./ I killed the housefly. n"isq\"a$k"s : /n"isq"a$ks/ little girl [o] /ho$t #a n"isq"a$ks LoyLoys s#ewan#a./ He gave sweets to the little girl. wnaga : /wnaga/ son [o] /qoy(a #an honkl"am wnaga./ I recognized his son. "a$k" 6sn 5sa [diminutive]. Also a$, a$k"i, k"a, k"a$, k"i$k", k"yak", and $k". See Secs. 451 and 762. &"asga$y\"a$k" : /&"asga$y"a$k/ little weasel ré% r% (% emtk"a$ni : /(em(emtk"a$ni/ little calm one k"ink"a$ni : /k"ink"a$ni/ a few heks(y$k" : /heks(i$k/ little cane re% p% "a$&"a$k"idk : /p"ap"a$&"a$k"itk/ little blind person sw"inkango$tk"i$k" : /sw"inkango$tk"i$k/ little rocking chair sw"inkango$tk"yak"rr% d% at% : /sw"inkango$tk"yakk"atdat/ in a little rocking chair w"ak"a : /w"ak"a/ little coyote re% w% "ak"a : /w"awk"a/ d. little coyotes "a$s 4sa place(s), in … places. Also a$s and $s. See Sec. 762. doma$s : /doma$s/ in many places /ho$t #a doma$s qma(a./ He searched in many places. na$nok\"a$s : /na$nok"a$s/ everyplace, everywhere /no$ #a na$nok"a$s damnon./ I wander everywhere. /ho$t sa #a na$nok"a$skni$ gepga./ They come from everywhere. 21 KLAMATH-ENGLISH woni$b\"ok"\"a$s : /woni$p"ok"a$s/ on all four sides /woni$p"ok"a$s sa lal&"a./ They built houses on all four sides. "al% 8sv 8sn to be, do what the preceding noun says. Also al% . See Secs. 340 and 453. bk"isalbga% : /pk"isalpga/ considers someone as one’s mother bk"isaldga% : /pk"isaltga/ been to see one’s mother bk"isallgi% : /pk"isallgi/ comes to see one’s mother pe&\"ala% : /pe&l"a/ gets a foot (wooden leg) q"la$)\"ala% : /q"la$&l"a/ picks, gathers blueberries q"la$)aldga% : /q"la$)altga/ been picking blueberries #ik"a$yi\% "s\"als% : /#ik"a$yis#als/ to hang up pl. Usage: /q"ely"ak kyem #ik"a$yis#als./ (He) has no fish to hang up. #il"(s\"als% : /#ilqs#als/ to bury, put down pl. Usage: /q"ely"ak p"as #ilqs#als./ (He) has no food to bury. s#awi$gs\"aldk% : /s#awi$ks#altk/ having become angry (?) /q"ay #a ge$ s#awi$ks#altk./ He isn’t one to get angry. "e$m"i 7sn time of, season of. Also e$m"i. See Sec. 452. ksone$m"i : /ksone$m"i/ haying season qise$m"i : /qise$m"i/ evening time wokse$m"i : /wokse$m"i/ wokas picking season #iwm\"e$m"i : /#iwm"e$m"i/ huckleberry season "e$n" see y"e$n" [nonnominative theme formant] "i$t 7sl [locative:] in, at, on. See Sec. 832. blayt\"i$t : /blayt"i$t/ above /&"ik"as #ans blayt"i$t honkanga./ The bird is flying above me. ge$tant\"i$t : /ge$tant"i$t/ over there /gi$was ge$tant"i$t hi$t/ over there, there on the other side of Crater Lake (Texts, 10.52) (an"i$t\"i$t : /(an"i$t"i$t/ outside /wa& #a gew la&"as (an"i$t"i$t sli&l(atk./ My horse is tied outside the house. "m see #m [possessive] "m"& see #m"& [augmentative] "ok" 3sa [inclusive]. Also ok" and yak. See Sec. 750. la$b\"ok" : /la$p"ok/ both /ho$t #a la$p"ok qnoqs qdol&"a./ He cut off both ropes. ndannok" : /ndannok/ all three /ndannok #a gida &i$ya./ All three live here. ndannok"\"a$s : /ndannok"a$s/ on all three sides 22 KLAMATH DICTIONARY Na$&yak : /Na$&yak/ just one; alone /Na$&yak maqlaqs &el(a./ Just one person sat down. /no$ #a Na$&yak &elwi./ I’m sitting by the fire alone. "o$ 3sr yet, still. See Sec. 921. Only in: dam\"o$ : /dam"o$/ whether yet /ho$t sn"ewe$ts delhi dam"o$ no$qst./ That woman looked in (to see) whether it was cooked yet. /no$ #a hon qbedo$ dam"o$ q"oy (lekst./ I tasted it (to see) whether it was spoiled yet. q"ay\"o$ : /q"ay"o$/ not yet /q"ay"o$ #a no$(a./ (It) isn’t cooked, ripe, yet. /waq dal #i q"ay"o$ qtan&"a?/ Why haven’t you fallen asleep yet? "s see "as [objective] # #! 4S-v to act upon a long obj. See See. 331. #!!doq"sga : /#odaqsga/ scrapes off a long obj. #!!qo$tYe$ni\% "a : /#oqo$tYe$n"a/ scrapes the inside of a long obj. #!aba$tna% : /#aba$ta/ leans a long obj. against; brings a long obj. to shore. (intr. also) #!aba$yi\% "a : /#aba$y"a/ leans a long obj. diagonally against (as a stick against a wall). (intr. also) #!a&"i$k"a : /#a&"i$k"a/ wrings out a long obj. #!adgl : /#atgal/ picks up a long obj. #!ak"a$yi\% "a : /#ak"a$y"a/ hangs up a long obj.; puts a long obj. up high. (intr. also) #!ak"&"wy : /#ak&"wi/ puts a long obj. into a narrow place, corner, pocket. (intr. also) se#!% ak"&"wyalla : /sa#ak&"awyalla/ puts a long obj. into one’s own pocket (instead of giving it back) #!ak"wa : /#ak"wa/ puts a long obj. across. (intr. also) #!ak"w&"na% : /#ak"o$&"a/ just put a long obj. across and went on #!alamna : /#alamna/ puts a long obj. on someone’s back, against a hillside. (intr. also) #!ali$ga : /#ali$ga/ puts a long obj. on the edge of a stream, on the forehead. (intr. also) #!ali$g&"abga% : /#ali$k&"apga/ just put a long obj. on the edge and came away 23 KLAMATH-ENGLISH #! (continued) #!alYn&"% na% : /#alYan&"a/ just left a long obj. on the edge, side #!al"a$l"a : /#al"a$l"a/ puts a long obj. into the fire. (intr. also) #!aptne$(i : /#aptne$(i/ puts a long obj. on top of a full load. (intr. also) #!aqa$yi\% "a : /#aqa$y"a/ puts a long obj. into bushes, into the hair. (intr. also) #!aqa$yi\% "o$la : /#aqa$y"o$la/ picks out a long obj. from among long objs. #!at"a$wi\% "a : /#at"a$w"a/ puts a long obj. in the sunshine. (intr. also) #!at"a$wi\% "ks : /#at"a$wiks/ “Long-Obj.-in-the-Sun-Place” (place name) #!awl : /#awal/ puts a long obj. on top. (intr. also) #!awll"(a : /#awall(a/ puts a long obj. down on top of; runs a canoe aground. (intr. also) #!awlye$ga : /#awalye$ga/ puts a long obj. over. (intr. also) se#!% awlye$ga : /sa$walye$ga/ puts a long obj. over oneself; crosses one’s legs #!aw"a$Ya : /#aw"a$Ya/ leaves a long obj. waiting for someone to come for it. (intr. also) #!aw"i$na : /#aw"i$na/ puts a long obj. among, into mud (intr. also) #!ayah#a : /#ayah#a/ hides a long obj. (intr. also) #!&"ay\"tna% : /#a&"i$ta/ pinches a long obj. between two surfaces. See &"ay\". #!ebga : /#epga/ brings a long obj. #!ebli : /#ebli/ brings a long obj. back hes% #!ebli : /hes#abli/ overturns a long obj. (as one’s canoe) #!eLWna% : /#eLWa/ puts a long obj.
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