Boston College Law School Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School The Alledger Law School Archive 4-13-1995 The Alledger, volume 15, number 08 The Alledger Follow this and additional works at: http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/alledger Part of the Legal Education Commons, and the Legal History, Theory and Process Commons Recommended Citation The Alledger, "The Alledger, volume 15, number 08" (1995). The Alledger. Book 75. http://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/alledger/75 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School Archive at Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alledger by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME XV, NUMBER 8 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOL APRIL 13, 1995 Changing of guard at LSA Cast yotir vote Thursday & Friday elcome to the Election Issue of The Alledger - the last Alledger until the 1995-96 academic year. Voting for Law Student Association positions CoMMENT will be held next week in the snack bar. The positions that will be voted on are LSAPresident, Vice-President, •Jan Treasurer, Secretary and 2L and 3L Representatives. AlllLs and Hasselman 2Ls are encouraged to vote. Please read the candidates' personal ( statements that appear in these pages in order to make your decision criticizes as informed as possible. Republican environmental Candidates' personal statements: policy. •Dave Feldman's farewell. -PAGE2 FROLIC & BANTER • Anthony DePaolo leaves us his best Candidate lor President Candidate lor President Candidate lor Vice-President Top 1O's. Katherine Juliet Anty • Larry Dobrow goes down Fairbanks Kalib Lantberski I did not realize, when I agreed to be one When I was in the fifth grade, my good I am a 2L who has been actively in flames. of the LSA social coordinators this year, friend, Shelly Altman, ran for class presi­ involved with the LSA since arriving at what I was getting into. I envisioned myself dent on the platform that if elected she BC Law. In my first year, I served on the -PAGE4 planning a few parties, putting up Hallow­ would put chocolate milk in all the drink­ Social Committee, heading up the Deco­ een decorations, and posting signs for study ing fountains. While I can't promise such rations Committee for the infamous Hal­ breaks. Soon, however, I discovered that I lofty things (beer in the drinking foun­ loween Bash. This year, as a 2L represen­ BCLS SPORTS had become an "LSA Executive Board tains?) I can promise if elected I will do my tative, I help plan and staff the bar re­ Member" - that I was expected to attend best to implement the ·concerns of BC views and .other social functions. I also • Hockey team weekly meetings, vote on how to allocate Law. Currently I am an LSA 2L represen­ coordinated the Valentine's Day Carna­ LSA's budget, address concerns from both tative. I would like to become your presi­ tion Sale which not only raised spirits thanks the administration and students, serve on dent in order to take an even more active around school, but also raised close to committees which needed student repre­ role in the LSA next year. $200 for the Pine Street Inn Homeless supporters. sentation, hold office hours, and generally As president I promise to be a voice of Shelter. In short, I am an active, energetic be available to help incoming and transfer the BCLS student body. During this past member of the LSA who would very • David students adjust to life at BCLS. I have · year I am pleased to say that many students much like to serve as your Vice President thoroughly enjoyed this experience. have felt comfortable approaching me to next year. I believe the position of Vice Charapp reports Through my role in LSA, I know that I am discuss their views and concerns regard­ President should be entrusted to someone helping to perpetuate the good traditions at ing activities at BCLS. These concerns who has shown a commitment to the LSA on NCAA B.C. law school and also helping to intro­ range from parking problems to sugges­ and to the student body generally. The duce new policies and perspectives. Be­ tions regarding diversity month at LSA Vice President must be approachable, tourney. cause it is such a rewarding experience, I meetings. I have consistently raised such sensitive to the concerns of her fellow have been willing to devote tremendous student concerns and facilitated meaning­ students, and knowledgeable regarding -PAGE7 energy this year to LSA activities and du­ ful discussions in order to work towards the workings of the BC bureaucrapy. Fur­ ties. As President, I would continue to de­ amenable resolutions. ther, she should be someone who contrib­ vote that same level of energy, but I would My work on the LSA Board has given utes to the collegial and supportive atmo­ ALSO also hope· to involve more of the BCLS me the opportunity to serve on various sphere for which BC Law has become community in LSA by working with other committees, as well as to work closely famous. If you know me, you know these LSA Elections · student groups to plan and fund events and with the students, faculty and administra­ are qualities I possess. If you don't know by ensuring that the LSAcommittees, which tion here at BCLS. I will bring my knowl­ me, ask around. I am confident that the -PAGE1,5&6 have not been effectively utilized in the edge and understanding of the BCLS com­ answers you receive will convince you to past, will be involved in working with the munity to my presidency to best serve the vote "Amy Lamberski" for the position administration. interest of all students. · of LSA Vice President. Page 2 • THE ALLEDGER • April13, 1995 Newt's regime threatens resources By Jan Hasselman able to value in dollars our childrens' Regulatory Moratorium: lL Contributor health, an endangered species, or air and (HR450, S219) The EPA has calculated water which doesn't give us cancer. How­ Soon after convening the 1 04th Twenty five years ago this month, that .each I.Q. point lost ever, this is exactly what the legislation Col!_gess, the House of Representatives America witnessed the celebration of the demands. For example, the EPA has cal­ passed HR450, which forbade federal original "Earth Day." This event was a as a result of lead culated that each I.Q. point lost as a result agencies and the executive branch from result of an increasing awareness of in­ poisoning in a child costs of lead poisoning in a child costs society issuing regulations on most subjects. The dustrial society's devastating impact on about $4,500 (the EPA generously throws bill was retroactive, and would wipe from health and habitats . A grassroots citizen society about $4,500. in an additional sum once the I.Q. drops the books all regulations proposed after movement successfully demanded that the Under the proposed below 70). Under the proposed scheme, if Nov. 20, 1994. House leaders ope1;1ly de­ federal government begin imposing re­ it is still economically beneficial for an clared that the bill was designed in part to strictions on the activities of pollu_ters, scheme, if it is still industrial plant to dump lead-filled toxins arrest all government activity under cer­ developers, and resource extraction in­ into a municipal water supply, they would tain laws until Congress had an opportu­ dustries. In the wake of that first Earth economically beneficial be free to do it. Similarly, resource extrac­ nity to rewrite or eliminate those laws Day, the U.S. Congress passed the Endan­ for an industrial plant tion industries would be allowed to de­ later in the term. Among the listed targets gered Species Act, the Clean Air Act, the stroy wilderness areas wherever the value were the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Water Act, and more than two dozen to dump lead-filled toxins of the sought after product - oil, gold, Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the other major legislative initiatives. These into a municipal water timber - was greater than some'one's Occupational Health and Safety Act, and laws laid the foundation of a reasonably monetary valuation of that land remaining the. Community Reinvestment Act. Fu­ effective legal structure designed to safe­ supply, they would be as wilderness. Such an accounting defies ture regulations would be subject to com­ guard consumer health, worker safety and common sense. plex regulatory assessments, which would the environment. free to do it. The inherent bias of this system is that require 1 ,000 new employees (at a cost of As the 25th anniversary of the original costs of regulations· on companies - $220 million) at the EPA alone. earth day approaches, however, these laws sional reforms, this proposal sounds dis­ smokestack filters, taxies regulation, wil­ This mindless disruption of integral face a greater threat than at any time since armingly reasonable. Govemmeot agen­ derness protection - are easily quantifi­ government processes raises serious con­ they were written. Newt Gingrich and his cies cannot propose regulations which able. The benefits, however, which are stitutional concerns. The executive branch, army of angry young dittoheads are vigor­ "cost" more to the regulated entity than usually shared by all of society, are not. under this bill, cannot perform its mandate ously pursuing a legislative agenda that will they supposedly "benefit" society as a Accountants, not biologists, communities, of carrying out what the legislature has completely undemune this strUcture of pro­ whole. However, this sensible sounding or parents, will make the final determina­ passed.
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